Monday, January 19, 2015

30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 6: Song that brings fangirl tears to your eyes

This is hard as I don't really do the whole fanvids or anything, but for the longest time I've wanted to see someone use Miranda Lambert's song "Over You" for a Nealfire vid (which it would really be a Swanfire vid, but still). Because really I am sooooooo not over the Character Death... not sure I ever will be.

Once I realized it would work for a Neal Cassidy tribute I can't not think of him when I hear it. I used to be normal, I used to not care about character deaths. Once Upon a Time and Michael Raymond-James ruined my sanity!

This picture breaks my heart every single time.
He should not be off the show. :'(

Alaska's winter weather causing problems farther North

The "other thousand mile sled dog race" known as The Yukon Quest issued a press release today giving a trail update and possible alternate route for part of the race next month. With three weeks until the start, Quest trail officials have reported that the river is unfrozen near Whitehorse.

This winter has seen unseasonably warm temperatures in most of Alaska - causing problems for many of the sport's big races. The Tustumena 200 has postponed their race to Feb 21 in hopes that the Kenai Peninsula would see freezing temps and snow. So far all the Kenai's seen in a dusting of snow and lots of freezing rain. Trails are non existent at this point with many Peninsula mushers heading north for training when not running along the beaches with their four wheelers as a sled.

The Copper Basin 300 ran without a hitch, and no big changes to the route were reportedly made. The Kusko 300 ran mainly on river ice and asked spectators not to park on the river as they'd done in years past. Again, no problems were had by the teams, and Pete Kaiser brought the win back home to Bethel. The Northern Lights 300 is planning to kick off this weekend - with reports of overflow and open water.

With three weeks till show time the Quest is not making any plans to change course at this time. Stating in their press release: "There are still three weeks until the start of the race, and a lot can change. Trail crews are out on both sides of the border and we will have a more comprehensive trail report available next week." Crews are working on alternate routes should conditions worsen.

There are 26 teams ready and waiting for the race, four of which are champions.

And while I'm on the subject of sled dog races and the Northern Lights 300 - GOOD LUCK JODI BAILEY and Dew Claw Kennel! She's an amazing musher and person. I just love her!
Jodi Bailey at the finish of the 2012 Tustumena 200.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 5: Fandom Secret

I don't really know what this means. I don't really have secrets where my fandom is concerned... I mean even when I think I'm keeping a secret someone calls me out.

It's pretty well known I try very hard not to "ship" characters - unless they are for sure a done deal (like "Snowing" on Once Upon A Time. Somehow I don't see Disney allowing the writers to break up Prince Charming and Snow White). I don't ship Emma with Captain Hook (though in Season 2 I saw it coming. Sorry Swanfire, I'm a bad fan of Neal's I know). I didn't ship Oliver with Felicity for the longest time (I always wait to ship someone after they die... case in point Emma and Neal... Tommy and Laurel... ha ha).

Oh, wait, there I said it - I don't ship Swanfire but I do. If I HAD to choose a ship in OUAT for Emma it'd be Emma and Neal. Mainly because that's what Neal wanted - but also because I find JMo and MRJ's chemistry very natural and real. Not just their romantic chemistry - but just in general. They seem to have an ease about them and they were believable in their "we have a history" attitude they brought to the storyline.
And we all thought he wanted to get her drunk. Ha!
 Whereas while JMo and Colin seem to have a great friendship and work well together - I don't feel that they are as believable as an actual couple (and seriously the "Colifer" stuff needs to stop. I'd lose ALL respect for Colin if he was in any way cheating with her-or anyone for that matter). I don't mean to sound offensive, I just feel that what, admittedly, little I've seen from this season (and the season 3 finale) feels awkward. All of the kisses seem very... I don't know... just not... organic? It's more like "okay this is where we're supposed to kiss" and they do. But when you go back and watch "Tallahassee" JMo and MRJ have their moments feel spontaneous and in the moment. Incredibly natural/organic.

I know, I know, I'm incredibly biased because really MRJ could read the phonebook right now and I'd be all fangirly... but I've always felt that while Hook was definitely the more attractive guy - Emma connects better with Neal.

So I *guess* that can be my secret? I kinda feel like Emma in the Echo Cave telling Neal she loved him but she wished he was dead (seriously WHY hasn't she felt guilty for saying that now that he really is gone?!).
I hate hugs, but I LOVE how he hugs. I want an MRJ/Neal hug.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 4: Fandom Crush(es)

The prompt asks for the "first, current, or favorite crush"... I think I'll do all three of those, because I'm a fangirl and a nerd and a dork... ha ha

First Fandom Crush

 Since I included Figure Skating in my list of fandoms earlier this week, I should probably count Scott Hamilton as my first crush. I was four and after seeing him skate live I was hooked. I used to tell people I was going to marry him. He was in his early 30s (late 20s?) and I was four. But I didn't care. He was my hero and I loved him.

gif by dreaming-inpepperland on tumblr.
I don't remember having another crush until I was 8 or 9 when I crushed hard for Han Solo. Harrison Ford was the first actor I really studied their career and wanted to see all of his movies. Han Solo was my hero. I wanted to be Han! ha ha!

Current Fandom Crush
I'm a big fan of "CaptainFire" my two fav
actors on Once Upon A Time!
Ooo, this is hard. I'm not sure if I should say Neal Cassidy (Michael Raymond-James) who I love more than I should (especially since they killed him!)... or if I should choose Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) because, seriously, how can you not crush hard on those gorgeous pirate guyliner eyes?!... or Tommy Merlyn (Colin Donnell) another character who was killed off his show but was so loveable that I'm hoping beyond hope that the theories are true and that he's back on the show.
Seriously Colin Donnell is just so adorable.
So can I just pick all three, because, really... why not?

Favorite Crush

Yup, this is why I fangirl.
Okay so I should've just done Captain Hook and Tommy Merlyn for the last one... but this is definitely my favorite and current crush. Neal Cassidy/Michael Raymond James from Once Upon A Time. Oh. My. Word. I can't even understand WHY this is or HOW it happened, but I truly love the character. I love the complex character, the pain that he has... the guilt. I wish he could've had a happy ending. He deserved one after everything he went through. I mean if Regina can get her happy ending (and, trust me, she will) I don't understand why they thought it was okay that Neal/Baelfire didn't get his. I'm not even saying Emma! I'm saying his son, Henry deserved to have his father. At least to get to know him, have him in his life. Sure Robin Hood and Captain Hook are cool step-dad material... but both Neal and Henry deserved to be in each other's life.

I could rant for days on this subject... and I can gush for an equally long time about the awesomeness that is Michael Raymond-James. He is such a natural and warm actor. He's severely underrated in the fandom as well as in general. I'm not just saying this because I have a weird affection for a character he plays - he's good. Really good. Just like I did as a kid with Harrison Ford, I'm quickly catching up with Michael's career (which is easy, there isn't much he's in/available...sadly)... and EVERYTHING I've seen him in I've been impressed. I may not like his character or the show/movie but I can appreciate what he brings to it. He was by far one of the best (read strongest) actors on Once Upon A Time. I think the only one stronger would be Robert Carlyle. I know that won't be a popular opinion, but I just really find that the natural style that he has lends to him being incredibly believable... and his chemistry with everyone only helps solidify that in my mind.

I'm so excited to see him in a week in Sons of Liberty as Paul Revere. He said back in June when he announced the project that this one felt special and I really really really hope that it IS special and leads to fantastic opportunities. He deserves it. If his character couldn't get a happy ending, then MRJ better.

Will Iditarod happen this year?

Dallas Seavey's sled dogs steer the team
around a corner of the Ceremonial Start.
Anchorage, Alaska // March 2, 2013

That's the question on a lot of people's minds these days. I'm getting asked almost daily on social media and here on the blog. Truth is - I don't know. I'm not an Iditarod Insider (I mean, I do have a subscription, but that's a different type of insider). Like most everyone, I'm at the mercy of media reports as well as tidbits from trail groomers on social media.

So - where does that leave us as far as knowing if the race will take place? In the 43 years that the Iditarod has been held, they've never had to cancel - and officials aren't looking to change that any time soon.

In interviews with the media last week Race Marshal Mark Nordeman said they were monitoring the trails, and were discussing a Plan B. They had to use trails out of Fairbanks in 2003, and his hope is that IF they can't run from Willow they can follow 2003's route.

Quite simply, no, the Iditarod at this time will not be cancelled. There are options.

Still, it's fun to speculate what those options are. Reports surfaced on facebook in the last couple of days - showing the Yentna River with massive overflow and open water - but with ice bridges that were at least 18 inches thick. Safe enough for teams to cross. As long as weather conditions don't worsen (aka get warmer, and rain) the area is passable.

Less sure are parts of the Yukon River as well as parts on the Bering Sea Coastline. My guess is the Norton Sound will NOT be used to cross from Shaktoolik to Koyuk. River reports around Koyuk haven't been great, and I'm not even sure the sound froze over this winter. The Sound is always dangerous (sea ice can be tricky even in the best winters!) and I can't see them chancing it unless the ice is thick and well set.

The trail looks pretty snowless in photos in the burn area - but reports from the burn and the gorge both say the trail looks better than it did last year. But, this is January. We have a month and a half before it's the same time period as when the mushers saw it last year.

We're just going to have to wait and see... and pray for snow.

Friday, January 16, 2015

30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 3: First Fandom

Ah, Star Wars. I was 8 when dad introduced me to the original trilogy... you know the ORIGINAL original trilogy. No Special Edition existed yet. No stupid prequel trilogy. No Jar Jar Binks... Han Solo shot first... when it was about the story and adventure not CGI.

I LOVED the movies. I was obsessed. I had Star Wars everything - nothing really collectible, we couldn't afford the good stuff, but enough crap that fills half the basement now. I really need to go through that stuff and purge.

I also LOVED the "Expanded Universe" books. Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy especially... The obsession followed me all the way through high school... even with the prequels slowly taking away my love. And the "New Jedi Order" series breaking my heart (Anikan Solo :'( )... and the books following it made me mad (seriously Jacen Solo turning to the dark side? Um, no. Just NO.)

I had a bookshelf filled with nothing but Star Wars books. My binders and folders were Star Wars... all my video games on my first home computer were Star Wars...

Most of my Language Arts papers had something to do with Star Wars.

I wanted to work at Lucasfilms or Lucasarts (if I'd done that I'd be working for Disney now. Oh the irony!)

It's not a fandom I participate in these days. All of my Star Wars memorabilia and books are packed away. But I think I still have the movies pretty much memorized. And Han Solo is still one of my all time favorite anti-heroes.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 2: Current Fandom

I'm actually going to cheat and list two as I'm active in both of these fandoms and I am super excited for them to come back from Hiatus. The first I'll highlight is Arrow. Like I said in yesterday's prompt I got into this fandom because I a friend kept suggesting it, and I needed another show to take my mind off of Once Upon A Time (a fandom I'm less a part of these days but I can't fully let go of yet). OUAT killed off one of its main characters and it affected me in ways I didn't see coming. So I needed to let it go and move on. I moved on to a TV show based on a comic book that I had no knowledge of (and honestly I still don't) and immediately fell in love with the story and the cast of characters.

I love me a good family angst story - and Arrow is full of it. From Oliver Queen's promise to his father that he would right his wrongs, to his reunion with his mother and sister... and of course the Laurel angle. I LOVE Oliver's relationship with his sister Thea. LOVE.IT. Can't get enough of him being a big brother.

And then that first season they had Tommy Merlyn. Oliver's best friend, a new love interest for Laurel. Someone trying to get out from under everyone's shadow. He's completely in the dark about who The Vigilante is - until it's revealed in order to help save Tommy's father. And the bff angst begins. I loved Tommy from the pilot episode all the way through - and still do. But they killed him off in the first season's finale. I had just dealt with the loss of a favorite character on another show, and I lost another one! I have a tendency to pick "the wrong guy"...

Now it's rumored that with all of the time Colin's spent on set that he can't just be doing a flashback scene or two. That somehow they've brought Tommy back - I HOPE SO! - but even if the rumors are wrong, I will still love each and every episode they bring Tommy back in flashbacks. Because he's awesome.

This whole show is awesome. As I said before - I love John Diggle and Felicity Smoak. My two favorite characters in the series. They are funny, intelligent, and keep Oliver from losing himself.

I can't wait to see what the rest of this season holds - and I can't wait for season 4!

My other current fandom is The Blacklist. Though I don't wear the Fedora and go around worshiping everything about James Spader, I do LOVE this show. Lizzie is complex and a pretty bad-@$$ heroine. She's a strong and intelligent woman who doesn't seem to compromise her integrity though she is playing in a very grey area (and her moral center is skewed this season - I mean did you see what she did with Tom?!) but there's still something right and just about her.

Meanwhile Spader plays the most entertaining character on Television right now with his role of Ray Redington. The man is an enigma. You can't quite figure out what his intentions are. Is he Lizzie's father? What is his connection to her if he isn't - AND WHY ARE HE AND TOM KEEN WORKING TOGETHER?!

Tom Keen, though, is why I watch this show. I loved him as her slightly nerdy, innocent, hubby in the first season and I was DEVASTATED when they began having problems in their marriage due to her job. Then we find out the heartbreaking truth that he was employed to watch her and possibly kill her. I called the season finale where it he was shot and everyone presumed him dead. My family was so sure of it that they mocked me and said "well, there goes another one of Toni's favorites. You're bad luck!" but I was convinced that because we didn't see a body that he was not gone for good.

I also had the idea that Tom was somehow a double agent and not only working for Berlin - aka the man after Redington - but was also somehow working for Red. And now I'm not sure Tom was working for Berlin at all. I'm completely perplexed by the character - even though I can typically guess what is going to happen with him, I still feel as if I know absolutely nothing about him.

Except I do believe he truly cares for Lizzie. Even when he says the hurtful and evil things he does about her only being a mark - there's something in the way he hitches when he says it. Something about the way he doesn't just agree with Red when he's told to leave her alone and stay away from her. Something about how every time they've physically fought and he's won he can't do away with her even though that is what he's been told to do.

I know the show is pushing Lizzie to be with Ressler, and that's probably how it will end up being, but I really have hope for the Keens. If nothing else I just want Tom Keen to be figured out and that he gets to stay alive... so that I can safely say I don't jinx all of my favorites.

So those are my two fandoms that I am very active in...

Sons Of Liberty - 10 days to go!

Yes, I've been obsessively counting down (though in all fairness I'm counting down to nearly a dozen things right now) to the History Channel's Mini-Series about America's "Sons Of Liberty". I'm pretty sure my family is sick of me shouting out the countdown daily, but I don't care. I'm excited.

And I think in some ways they are too - I've been asked to come up with Colonial themed menus for each night that it airs.

Shared by @MRJFanPage on twitter.
I would love to get my hands on one of these! For obvious reasons. I'm kinda fangirl squealing right now. Seriously, though, I'd love to get this poster and frame it... and if there's one of Ryan Eggold as Dr. James Warren I'd like one of those, too, please.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 1: Favorite all-time fandoms

Oh my, where do I begin. I've been a fangirl of so many movies and TV shows over the years - and many of them have had large fandoms. The first one I was ever a part of was the Star Wars fandom, and while I still love the Original Trilogy, that part of my childhood is all safely tucked away in many boxes. I should really go through it and see if there's anything worth money and part with it. Honestly over that fandom.

But many have stayed with me and new ones are taking its place (it was a big part of my heart, so I've got room!).

So what are the fandoms I'm a part of today? Let me list them and fangirl a bit (after all that's what this 30 day meme is for, right?!).

Arrow - I got into this show last spring. I was talked into giving it a try after I lost my sanity over a character death on another show (if you read my blog you know which one I'm talking about). I don't know if that's what triggered the fangirling, but I do know that I was totally sucked into the story. I like a good story with angst, ha ha! Oliver - when not being the playboy with a new girl every two scenes - was and still is an interesting character. Stephen Amell has done a great job of slowly peeling back the layers/walls in what makes the character accessible to those around him. So much is said with a look or action instead of words that it just makes me love the story even more. 

But even better than Oliver Queen are the characters that make up his team. The awkwardly brilliant Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett-Rickards), the loyal and morally centered John Diggle (David Ramsey), and the young upstart Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) all bring something to the table that "The Arrow" was severely lacking when he came to Starling City. Plus, the foursome offers a lot of hilarity while dealing with serious villains and problems plaguing their city. Felicity and Diggle are my two most favorite characters on any show right now. Dig keeps Oliver in line - calling him on a lot of his crap - and Felicity reminds Oliver that he's so much more than a vigilante killer. They bring out the best in Oliver, who then passes on the wisdom to his protege Roy.

It's just a really fun way to spend an hour. Entertaining, well done, attractive cast - what's not to love?

The Blacklist - Who doesn't love this show?! It's complex, dark, intelligent... and James Spader as Ray Reddington is funny as all get out. He is so twisted and I LOVE it. I haven't gone so far as don a fedora like most of the fandom... but I am obsessed with this show. And mainly due to Red's sarcasm and the fact that I WANT TO KNOW WHO TOM KEEN IS! Ryan Eggold (who plays Tom Keen) has the most fascinating character on Television right now.

Of all the shows I'm actively following/watching, this one has had the longest hiatus and I HATE IT. I want to know what happens next NOW. I can't get enough.

Disney - Duh! Was this ever a question?! This is probably my ultimate fandom. It encompasses a lot, I know. I love the animated films, most of the live action, the parks, the classic Disney TV shows... Walt Disney is my hero... I secretly believe I'm a Disney princess... Yup. I love Disney. I'm obsessed. Scary obsessed (and I'm not even sorry)!

Figure Skating - probably not what this meme was going for but I have to give a shout out to one of my oldest fandoms. I've loved to watch the sport since the age of four, and after trying my hand it and deciding I'm not up for living on my butt on the ice I can say that I have a huge respect for all those that do live their lives on the ice. Scott Hamilton has been my longest standing idol in any form of sport/celebrity. I followed his career religiously as a child (and if I'm being completely honest I still do). He brought his love of skating to thousands over the years, and it grew my interest and love for the sport.

I haven't paid much attention this year - I do not like the new commentary team we're stuck with - and it feels weird that I don't really know what's going on. I'm hoping my interest with renew itself soon. I feel bad ignoring one of my longest loves.

gif by onceland on tumblr
The Flash - I don't want to say DC comics because I'm not a comic book fan. I'm not really even a superhero fan. I loved Batman growing up... and the XMen... but really I couldn't tell you a thing about them other than what I got from the TV shows and movies. I couldn't care less about the whole comic book world thing - or the idea that the men playing the heroes changed every few editions. Kinda ridiculous really.

The Flash is a spinoff of Arrow - so when they introduced Barry Allen last season on Arrow I had to see what the fuss was all about. It's not as good as Arrow - I like that show above most all others. But The Flash has grown on me. The "Flarrow" crossover were the two best episodes of any show I watch this season. Just fantastic! I hope they do more crossovers, and soon!

49er Football - Yes, it counts. Football counts. And 49er football is the driving force. I've been a Niners fan since birth. I wanted to come out the day of the superbowl in 1985, but mom wouldn't let me because she wanted to watch the game. I'm that dedicated (and so is she). I grew up in the Era of Montana, Rice, and Young. I grew up during the height of the teams success... and I watched as that all went away. Then Harbaugh came into our lives and for a few brief years we had some of that magic back.

We're at a crossroads. And as frustrated and upset as I am over what happened this season - I still believe in my team. Win, lose, or tie... Red and Gold till I die! Who's got it better than us?! NOOOOOOOBODY!

Once Upon A Time - I have to admit I've dropped out of most of this fandom since the season 3 finale. For all my talk last year about how I was going to stick with the show, I never really got over them killing off a certain character... and I really was not into rehashing Frozen. I personally feel the more they get away from their original plan the more convoluted and annoying the show becomes. It's really not just the fact that Neal's gone and "dead is dead" when it comes to him - I liked the show before him, and until they killed him off I didn't really care if he was in the show or not. I'm just annoyed with the continuity issues and the fact that they can't seem to stay with a topic for more than two seconds. They don't flesh out anything.

That being said I am a HUGE fan of the cast of the show (past and present) and it's what keeps me interested. They aren't as active on social media these days (there are conspiracies as to why, but I ignore most of the fan talk), but they're still an amazing team.

Reign - This is the newest fandom I'm a part of. I'm playing catch up (honestly when am I not?!) and I apparently have chosen all the wrong characters to love and my "ship" is the wrong one as well (read the less popular one). Go figure. I do that no matter what fandom it is (Arrow, I was totally into Tommy and Laurel and he died... OUAT I love Neal and can't stand Captain Swan - but didn't ship Swanfire either!... The Flash I ship Iris and Barry... yup I'm just always on the wrong side of things).

Normally I don't like creative license taken with historical works, but as Torrence Coombs (who plays Sebastian on the show) describes it the show is more a "historical fantasy" or "historical fanfiction" and I think that fits. The show has a lot of what hollywood considers "romance" which bogs it down, but the characters are complex enough that it keeps me hooked even when it plays out like an episode of a soap opera (a better acted one but still). I'm glad the show got a third season.

So there we have it - the main fandoms I follow at the moment. I could've gone on with some of the ones I've been a part of in the past, but I'm pretty sure that's a prompt later on in this 30 day meme.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

30 days of Fangirl-ism

It's mid month, I know, but I'm bored and my blog is empty so... I think I'll start this up this week... and then it'll be close to Iditarod time so we won't have to worry about my blog being empty after this is over.

Not that anyone reads my ramblings anyway. But, like I said, I'm bored, so I'm gonna do it!

Day 11 – The fan art, fan fiction, cover song, cosplay, etc. that you’ve made that you’re most proud of Freebie
Day 12 – Your favorite fanartist or fanfiction writer
Day 13 – The best cosplayers of your fandom that you’ve seen; the ones you consider to be real-life versions of your favorite characters, OTP, etc. Freebie
Day 14 – A group of characters from one of your fandoms you’d love to hang out with for a day
Day 15 –Your favorite collectible/merchandise from your fandom that you most cherish, or one that you wished you owned
Day 16 – A quote from one of your fandoms that you love
Day 17 – Your favorite piece of art, be it original or a fan art, from your favorite fandom
Day 18 – An instance where you turned a friend into a fangirl
Day 19 – A theory (be it legitimate or completely crack) that you have always had about one of your fandoms
Day 20 – A character from a fandom whose clothes, hair, or features you’ve always admired
Day 21 – A moment, character, quote –ANYTHING- from one of your fandoms that had a great impact on your life
Day 22 – How you first got into being a fangirl
Day 23 – The silliest nerd/fangirl argument you’ve ever gotten into with someone
Day 24 – A town, city or village in a fandom of yours that you’ve always wanted to live in
Day 25 – Do you celebrate character birthdays? If so, tell us about the best character b-day party that you’ve ever thrown!
Day 26 – A fandom of yours that you feel is vastly under-appreciated
Day 27 – Your favorite meme concerning one of your fandoms
Day 28 – Do you have a fandom tattoo? If you don’t and want to get one (or hypothetically wanted to get one), what would it be of?
Day 29 – If you plan on having children, would you name one of them after your favorite characters? If so, explain.
Day 30 –The reason why you’re proud to be the nerdy fangirl that you are!