Best television cast
I may not watch the show anymore, but I still ADORE the cast of Once Upon A Time - past and present. They are just a great group of people, so giving to the fandom (even now that it is insane and full of hate). They seem to genuinely care about each other in almost a family sort of way, supporting each other throughout the year in all of their endeavors and giving shout outs and encouragement.
Sure, the show is corny and sometimes some of them overact to the point of bllllaaaahhhh, but they all fit their characters (seriously can anyone think of anyone better to play any of the characters?!). The men are ridiculously attractive - Captain Hook never looked so good - the women [used to] kick major booty. All seem to have a *wicked* sense of humor when it comes to the ridiculous storylines (and family tree).
They all love what they do, they aren't taking life so seriously. Team 7 reaches out and engages and encourages fans (Gabe Kouth is my favorite on instagram, Michael Coleman is king on Twitter).
I could've gone with Arrow, or MASH, as they definitely round out the top three on my list. But ultimately it's the cast of OUAT that won out - because I can't think of a single cast member I don't like. They're all amazing and perfect for who they play. So... they win.
(and really SDCC in 2013 wins all kinds of everything.)
Showing posts with label ouat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ouat. Show all posts
Monday, July 6, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
30 Days of Television - Day 11
A show that disappointed you
Two years ago I became obsessed with the fairytale based show Once Upon A Time. A year ago I fell out of love with it. I wasn't planning on it, but it happens. Typically happens when a show does a major cast shake up (House MD when Chase, Cameron and Foreman "left" and were sidelined by 13 and crew... or CSI when Warrick and Grissom left... Law & Order SVU when Elliot left, etc.) I am not a fan of change.
However OUAT is weird because the catalyst that did me in was the death of a character I didn't realize I enjoyed as much as I did until after he was gone. We all know where I'm going with this - you can read my lamenting many times over (just look at the tags Neal Cassidy, or OUAT, and you'll see haha). Baelfire was a SIGNIFICANT character in the storyline - not just for Rumpelstiltskin but for the whole lot of characters. He wasn't just a love interest of Emma Swan, he wasn't just a throw away character... until they made him one.
For the fourth season they worked diligently to prove that statement wrong - basically by rewriting or completely negating/forgetting the very GOOD base they set in season 1. We're not just talking Neal Cassidy, we're talking Baelfire, the tragic boy in season 1 who just wanted his father to be good and not evil. Wanted to run away to the land without magic to save his father from himself. The kid who the original curse was created so that Rumple could get to him. THAT character.
The cheesy dialogue, over acting, and even the lack of continuity I was able to handle for two and a half seasons... but then by the end of season 3 it was starting to feel ridiculous. I really did try to muscle through it. After all, I am not a fan of just one character - and really wasn't a fan of Neal until he was gone (seriously the bird thing... gets me every time) - but the more it becomes a soap opera (as if the crappy Neal - Emma - Hook love triangle wasn't stupid enough... now we have Robin - Regina - Marian/Zelena) the less interested I am. Oh, and don't EVEN get me started with how Emma's now The Dark One.
I tried watching a few episodes and couldn't make it through even one. It sucks. I love the cast. The Frozen casting was perfect, looks wise. I just, yeah. The show is a mess. So disappointing.
And, honestly, even if they "fixed it" by somehow bringing Nealfire back? It wouldn't save the show in my mind.
Two years ago I became obsessed with the fairytale based show Once Upon A Time. A year ago I fell out of love with it. I wasn't planning on it, but it happens. Typically happens when a show does a major cast shake up (House MD when Chase, Cameron and Foreman "left" and were sidelined by 13 and crew... or CSI when Warrick and Grissom left... Law & Order SVU when Elliot left, etc.) I am not a fan of change.
However OUAT is weird because the catalyst that did me in was the death of a character I didn't realize I enjoyed as much as I did until after he was gone. We all know where I'm going with this - you can read my lamenting many times over (just look at the tags Neal Cassidy, or OUAT, and you'll see haha). Baelfire was a SIGNIFICANT character in the storyline - not just for Rumpelstiltskin but for the whole lot of characters. He wasn't just a love interest of Emma Swan, he wasn't just a throw away character... until they made him one.
For the fourth season they worked diligently to prove that statement wrong - basically by rewriting or completely negating/forgetting the very GOOD base they set in season 1. We're not just talking Neal Cassidy, we're talking Baelfire, the tragic boy in season 1 who just wanted his father to be good and not evil. Wanted to run away to the land without magic to save his father from himself. The kid who the original curse was created so that Rumple could get to him. THAT character.
The cheesy dialogue, over acting, and even the lack of continuity I was able to handle for two and a half seasons... but then by the end of season 3 it was starting to feel ridiculous. I really did try to muscle through it. After all, I am not a fan of just one character - and really wasn't a fan of Neal until he was gone (seriously the bird thing... gets me every time) - but the more it becomes a soap opera (as if the crappy Neal - Emma - Hook love triangle wasn't stupid enough... now we have Robin - Regina - Marian/Zelena) the less interested I am. Oh, and don't EVEN get me started with how Emma's now The Dark One.
I tried watching a few episodes and couldn't make it through even one. It sucks. I love the cast. The Frozen casting was perfect, looks wise. I just, yeah. The show is a mess. So disappointing.
And, honestly, even if they "fixed it" by somehow bringing Nealfire back? It wouldn't save the show in my mind.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 16: A quote from one of your fandoms that you love
"You know, there's not a ton about my father that I remember that doesn't suck. But he used to tell me that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens, happens by design, and there's nothing we can do about it; forces greater than us conspire to make it happen. Fate, destiny, whatever you wanna called it, the point is... maybe we met for a reason. Maybe something good came from us being together." - Neal Cassidy
I'm just gonna leave this here... and go in a corner and cry. I'll never be over the loss of this character. Never, ever, ever....
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 14: A group from one fandom you’d love to hang out with
Who doesn't want to be a part of Once Upon A Time's "Team 7" (or, more commonly known as the 7 Dwarfs). Either the ones on the show or the cast that plays them. I love their version of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs on Once Upon A Time. And I know I'm not alone, so it's just a given that this is THE GROUP to hang out with.
once upon a time,
snow white,
team 7
Sunday, January 25, 2015
30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 12: Your favorite fanartist or fanfiction writer
I don't read a lot of fanfiction - mainly because when I do it's normally either really good or really bad... and the really good stuff I just sit there and wonder why the tv show of movie its from couldn't "get it right" (like pretty much every AU writing involving Once Upon A Time's Neal Cassidy). However, once in a while someone is just worth following.
And the most awesome someone doesn't write fanfiction, they draw mini comics of some of the most epic superheros... and they focus a lot on Arrow and The Flash from the CW. "Lord Mesa" is extremely talented. I love love LOVE their work.
The art typically gives a comical or emotional look at the series it portrays and in the case of the TV shows, it references the new episodes. The Arrow series is definitely my favorite. After the midseason finale they were really gutpunching the fans with their very emotional prints. I mean THIS ONE in particular had me nearly in the fetal position wanting to hide. I hadn't even THOUGHT about that part of the program until seeing the drawing. And then it was just DANG IT! WHY?! ha ha.
It definitely brightens my day to see the new art tweeted every other day or so. I wish I had the talent.
For fanfiction when I want to hate myself because I'm going to get all emo and angry because things didn't go my fav character's way - there are several tumblrs I go to. I don't have a tumblr, because I'm already online WAY TOO MUCH as it is... and because I really can't stand fandom wars (and I am always the fan of the guy most people hate it seems) so I think it's safer to just troll the blogs of my friends whom I know I can at least trust to be semi decent about how they conduct themselves on social media. And for the life of me I can't find the links, but they're there. I just reread one the other night about the aftermath of Quiet Minds and how Emma was handling it and OMG... why did we never get a scene like that? It's not like JMo couldn't do it, she seems to be able to easily bring real emotion to the whole "Neal is gone" theme.
Oh well, I'm getting loopy and fangirly so I should probably end this here. Ha ha.
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Lord Mesa [dot] com |
The art typically gives a comical or emotional look at the series it portrays and in the case of the TV shows, it references the new episodes. The Arrow series is definitely my favorite. After the midseason finale they were really gutpunching the fans with their very emotional prints. I mean THIS ONE in particular had me nearly in the fetal position wanting to hide. I hadn't even THOUGHT about that part of the program until seeing the drawing. And then it was just DANG IT! WHY?! ha ha.
It definitely brightens my day to see the new art tweeted every other day or so. I wish I had the talent.
For fanfiction when I want to hate myself because I'm going to get all emo and angry because things didn't go my fav character's way - there are several tumblrs I go to. I don't have a tumblr, because I'm already online WAY TOO MUCH as it is... and because I really can't stand fandom wars (and I am always the fan of the guy most people hate it seems) so I think it's safer to just troll the blogs of my friends whom I know I can at least trust to be semi decent about how they conduct themselves on social media. And for the life of me I can't find the links, but they're there. I just reread one the other night about the aftermath of Quiet Minds and how Emma was handling it and OMG... why did we never get a scene like that? It's not like JMo couldn't do it, she seems to be able to easily bring real emotion to the whole "Neal is gone" theme.
Oh well, I'm getting loopy and fangirly so I should probably end this here. Ha ha.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 8 - Fandom you thought you wouldn’t get into but did
I have three of these, most of the shows that I get into they're because I've seen the promos and decided to check them out. These three were shows that I had no desire to watch the first go around even though a lot of my friends were.
All of my Disney friends seemed to be into this show when it started. I thought it looked completely hokey (and honestly it pretty much is), that the acting seemed more geared towards soap stars, and they were going to mess with my fairytales. Didn't care to watch. Then I was stuck in Montana while my dog was being put to sleep thousands of miles away in Alaska and I just needed something to get my mind off of it - so I put on Once Upon A Time. Besides the second season was in full swing and people were talking about how attractive Captain Hook was - and after seeing a few pictures I had to agree. But I wasn't going to jump into the story at the end of a second season. So I had to catch up.
And darn it - the pretty people won me over. The dialogue was horrible, incredibly cheesy (and I'm still not sure if the actors are just committed to the lines/story or if it's more of a Star Wars idea of "we know this is lame so let's just over do it to make it entertaining"). But I loved the twists to the classic tales - especially how Rumpelstiltskin was tied into every single one of them! The fact that they were in the modern world was also intriguing... and I LOVED the story of Rumple and Baelfire... especially when we figured out that Rumple was searching for him still. I wanted to know who Bae was in the "World Without Magic."
I didn't like season 2 as much though I DID love Captain Hook (aka Captain Guyliner). Who know that villain was so sexy?! We also got adult Baelfire in our lives, and all I could think was "why did Emma go for such an average looking guy?!" Ha ha. Boy have I changed my tune! Season 3 would find me falling more in love with Neal Cassidy (aka Adult Baelfire... aka Michael Raymond-James!) only to watch him die three episodes into the return from the winter hiatus. Still not over it, as well all know... and my interest had dropped significantly (one hot pirate is not enough).
I guess I'm kinda like Rumple's actor Robert Carlyle. The story of Rumple and Bae is why I got interested in the show, and without that storyline it's just not as much fun to watch. I wanted to stick with the show, but as the 4th season got closer the less desire I had. I didn't want to watch the nods to MRJ or the Neal character as it would make me sad all over again, and I couldn't get into the corny lines in the promos. I just wasn't feeling it.
And the more I read people getting excited the less I was interested. I'm somewhat more interested in the second half of the season - but even that with some of the "spoilers" we've been given as to who the guest stars are... I'm worried it'll just tick me off. So I'm content to not follow the show - for now - and hope for better things.
And no if they just brought Neal Cassidy back I don't think it'd make it better. As much as I selfishly want MRJ on my screen each week in that role that I love, I'm pretty sure it'd be a bad choice from a writing perspective.
Arrow was another show I just had no desire to watch. I didn't know what it was, honestly, so even though a lot of my friends were talking about it I didn't care to learn about it. Then my friend Aimee kept badgering me to give it a try. That I'd like it. That it was fun. That she wasn't expecting to like it but she loves it. All that good stuff.
So after getting over my OUAT craze and looking for something new I gave in. And I'm SO GLAD I did. Arrow is in no way like OUAT (other than it's fantasy) it's a superhero show - based on The Green Arrow comic series. It has better writing for the most part, the story is completely compelling and all characters are fleshed out and used well. They aren't forgotten when the new storyline comes along - they are all integrated. The creators have a clear vision for the show and how to get there. The cast is strong, and most episodes leave me an emotional wreck (I still blame OUAT/Michael Raymond-James for that. I was sane until "Quiet Minds").
Arrow is quite possibly my favorite series on TV right now (Blacklist comes close but I'm annoyed with their overly long hiatus at the moment).
When promos for Arrow's spin off series "The Flash" started, I was less than eager to watch. I just wasn't expecting it to be as good. Then the casting list emerged and I decided to give it a try just because of who plays Joe West (Jesse Martin - who was one of my favorite actors on Law & Order). The show started off a little rocky - it wasn't as good as Arrow's pilot - but I stuck with it and I'm so glad I did. It's a lot of fun. I really love Grant Gustin in the role of Barry Allen. He is the boy next door, perfect unsuspected hero.
And no one can cry like Grant can.
So there are my three shows that I was NEVER going to watch that I ended up getting hooked on.
All of my Disney friends seemed to be into this show when it started. I thought it looked completely hokey (and honestly it pretty much is), that the acting seemed more geared towards soap stars, and they were going to mess with my fairytales. Didn't care to watch. Then I was stuck in Montana while my dog was being put to sleep thousands of miles away in Alaska and I just needed something to get my mind off of it - so I put on Once Upon A Time. Besides the second season was in full swing and people were talking about how attractive Captain Hook was - and after seeing a few pictures I had to agree. But I wasn't going to jump into the story at the end of a second season. So I had to catch up.
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Seriously Captain Guyliner is everything right with this show. Even if I am a Nealfire fangirl, I can appreciate the beauty that is Colin O'Donoghue. |
I didn't like season 2 as much though I DID love Captain Hook (aka Captain Guyliner). Who know that villain was so sexy?! We also got adult Baelfire in our lives, and all I could think was "why did Emma go for such an average looking guy?!" Ha ha. Boy have I changed my tune! Season 3 would find me falling more in love with Neal Cassidy (aka Adult Baelfire... aka Michael Raymond-James!) only to watch him die three episodes into the return from the winter hiatus. Still not over it, as well all know... and my interest had dropped significantly (one hot pirate is not enough).
I guess I'm kinda like Rumple's actor Robert Carlyle. The story of Rumple and Bae is why I got interested in the show, and without that storyline it's just not as much fun to watch. I wanted to stick with the show, but as the 4th season got closer the less desire I had. I didn't want to watch the nods to MRJ or the Neal character as it would make me sad all over again, and I couldn't get into the corny lines in the promos. I just wasn't feeling it.
And the more I read people getting excited the less I was interested. I'm somewhat more interested in the second half of the season - but even that with some of the "spoilers" we've been given as to who the guest stars are... I'm worried it'll just tick me off. So I'm content to not follow the show - for now - and hope for better things.
And no if they just brought Neal Cassidy back I don't think it'd make it better. As much as I selfishly want MRJ on my screen each week in that role that I love, I'm pretty sure it'd be a bad choice from a writing perspective.
Arrow was another show I just had no desire to watch. I didn't know what it was, honestly, so even though a lot of my friends were talking about it I didn't care to learn about it. Then my friend Aimee kept badgering me to give it a try. That I'd like it. That it was fun. That she wasn't expecting to like it but she loves it. All that good stuff.
So after getting over my OUAT craze and looking for something new I gave in. And I'm SO GLAD I did. Arrow is in no way like OUAT (other than it's fantasy) it's a superhero show - based on The Green Arrow comic series. It has better writing for the most part, the story is completely compelling and all characters are fleshed out and used well. They aren't forgotten when the new storyline comes along - they are all integrated. The creators have a clear vision for the show and how to get there. The cast is strong, and most episodes leave me an emotional wreck (I still blame OUAT/Michael Raymond-James for that. I was sane until "Quiet Minds").
Arrow is quite possibly my favorite series on TV right now (Blacklist comes close but I'm annoyed with their overly long hiatus at the moment).
When promos for Arrow's spin off series "The Flash" started, I was less than eager to watch. I just wasn't expecting it to be as good. Then the casting list emerged and I decided to give it a try just because of who plays Joe West (Jesse Martin - who was one of my favorite actors on Law & Order). The show started off a little rocky - it wasn't as good as Arrow's pilot - but I stuck with it and I'm so glad I did. It's a lot of fun. I really love Grant Gustin in the role of Barry Allen. He is the boy next door, perfect unsuspected hero.
And no one can cry like Grant can.
So there are my three shows that I was NEVER going to watch that I ended up getting hooked on.
30 days of fangirl,
captain hook,
colin o'donoghue,
grant gustin,
jesse martin,
michael raymond-james,
neal cassidy,
robert carlyle,
The Flash
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 7: OTP(s)
Oh dear, I should've read this meme more thoroughly before deciding to participate. I am not someone who ships a whole lot. I mean when it's something like "Snowing" on Once Upon A Time that's one thing - we all know that there's no way Disney'd let Adam and Eddie screw up THAT love story - but I normally don't ship characters until it's well established...
...or I get caught up in a past relationship that they tell that's over by the time the present day of the show happens (Oliver and Laurel in Season 1 of Arrow.... Emma and Neal, though I didn't like them originally)
But I do get on board with a few (and this probably means they're doomed).
For Arrow:
"Olicity" - I fought this hard. But this season I'm starting to really love Felicity and Oliver - I think because it's going at a natural pace... and because Oliver is less of a manwhore this season. It makes him much more likeable and deserving of someone as awesome as Felicity Smoak!
I also love Tommy and Laurel... too bad that didn't end happily. RIP Tommy Merlyn.
For The Flash:
"WestAllen" - Because I love the idea of the best friends being more than that. Because Iris and Barry are adorable. Because, because, because...
BROTP would be Barry and Joe - I ADORE their relationship. The episode that aired tonight gave me a lot of "feels" for this Father-Son like relationship. So I think it counts as a brotp.
For The Blacklist:
"The Keens" - as I said before I know they aren't going to end up together (latest interviews have the creators saying that they don't want to push a dangerous/unhealthy relationship, and I get that but...) but I love Lizzie and Tom together. Even though he was sent to ruin her life (and kill her!) I think he does love her and she does love him. It's a twist on "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"... and if THOSE assassins can make it, why can't the Keens?!
For Reign:
"Frary" is my favorite. I know I'm supposed to like Bash and Mary more, according to the fandom at least, but I like the royal duo. And I hate how the show is writing them into a split. It's lame! DON'T DO IT!
Bash & Kenna - they were thrown into a marriage neither one wanted by a demented king, but they are working through it. I love how Bash made an effort to court his wife and do right by her. Giving up his pining after his brother's wife. I know, it's complicated though.
For Once Upon A Time:
"CaptainFloor" - probably my favorite ship of all time. It was created as a fandom joke, and the show has embraced it. Colin falls better than anyone else on the show (except maybe Michael Raymond-James, who falls just standing still waiting to say his lines!)
BROTP definitely goes to "CaptainFire" aka MRJ and Colin - their characters may have been rivals, and their fans may go for blood when dealing with each other, but the two seem to genuinely care about each other. I love their friendship. Cracks me up! Wish MRJ was still on the show just so we get more BTS photos and vids of the two of them!
...or I get caught up in a past relationship that they tell that's over by the time the present day of the show happens (Oliver and Laurel in Season 1 of Arrow.... Emma and Neal, though I didn't like them originally)
But I do get on board with a few (and this probably means they're doomed).
For Arrow:
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gif by sfelicitysmoak on tumblr |
I also love Tommy and Laurel... too bad that didn't end happily. RIP Tommy Merlyn.
For The Flash:
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gif by weslehgibbons on tumblr |
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gif by greerdanvilles on tumblr |
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gif by fuckyeahtheblacklistedits on tumblr. |
For Reign:
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gif by sfelicitysmoak on tumblr |
Bash & Kenna - they were thrown into a marriage neither one wanted by a demented king, but they are working through it. I love how Bash made an effort to court his wife and do right by her. Giving up his pining after his brother's wife. I know, it's complicated though.
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gif by shadownightfall on tumblr. |
BROTP definitely goes to "CaptainFire" aka MRJ and Colin - their characters may have been rivals, and their fans may go for blood when dealing with each other, but the two seem to genuinely care about each other. I love their friendship. Cracks me up! Wish MRJ was still on the show just so we get more BTS photos and vids of the two of them!
So there, I guess I do have a few ships! WHO KNEW?! ;)
30 days of fangirl,
captain hook,
lizzie keen,
once upon a time,
the blacklist,
The Flash,
tom keen,
Monday, January 19, 2015
30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 6: Song that brings fangirl tears to your eyes
This is hard as I don't really do the whole fanvids or anything, but for the longest time I've wanted to see someone use Miranda Lambert's song "Over You" for a Nealfire vid (which it would really be a Swanfire vid, but still). Because really I am sooooooo not over the Character Death... not sure I ever will be.
Once I realized it would work for a Neal Cassidy tribute I can't not think of him when I hear it. I used to be normal, I used to not care about character deaths. Once Upon a Time and Michael Raymond-James ruined my sanity!
Once I realized it would work for a Neal Cassidy tribute I can't not think of him when I hear it. I used to be normal, I used to not care about character deaths. Once Upon a Time and Michael Raymond-James ruined my sanity!
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This picture breaks my heart every single time. He should not be off the show. :'( |
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
30 Days of Fangirl-ism - Day 1: Favorite all-time fandoms
Oh my, where do I begin. I've been a fangirl of so many movies and TV shows over the years - and many of them have had large fandoms. The first one I was ever a part of was the Star Wars fandom, and while I still love the Original Trilogy, that part of my childhood is all safely tucked away in many boxes. I should really go through it and see if there's anything worth money and part with it. Honestly over that fandom.
But many have stayed with me and new ones are taking its place (it was a big part of my heart, so I've got room!).
So what are the fandoms I'm a part of today? Let me list them and fangirl a bit (after all that's what this 30 day meme is for, right?!).
Arrow - I got into this show last spring. I was talked into giving it a try after I lost my sanity over a character death on another show (if you read my blog you know which one I'm talking about). I don't know if that's what triggered the fangirling, but I do know that I was totally sucked into the story. I like a good story with angst, ha ha! Oliver - when not being the playboy with a new girl every two scenes - was and still is an interesting character. Stephen Amell has done a great job of slowly peeling back the layers/walls in what makes the character accessible to those around him. So much is said with a look or action instead of words that it just makes me love the story even more.
But even better than Oliver Queen are the characters that make up his team. The awkwardly brilliant Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett-Rickards), the loyal and morally centered John Diggle (David Ramsey), and the young upstart Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) all bring something to the table that "The Arrow" was severely lacking when he came to Starling City. Plus, the foursome offers a lot of hilarity while dealing with serious villains and problems plaguing their city. Felicity and Diggle are my two most favorite characters on any show right now. Dig keeps Oliver in line - calling him on a lot of his crap - and Felicity reminds Oliver that he's so much more than a vigilante killer. They bring out the best in Oliver, who then passes on the wisdom to his protege Roy.
It's just a really fun way to spend an hour. Entertaining, well done, attractive cast - what's not to love?
The Blacklist - Who doesn't love this show?! It's complex, dark, intelligent... and James Spader as Ray Reddington is funny as all get out. He is so twisted and I LOVE it. I haven't gone so far as don a fedora like most of the fandom... but I am obsessed with this show. And mainly due to Red's sarcasm and the fact that I WANT TO KNOW WHO TOM KEEN IS! Ryan Eggold (who plays Tom Keen) has the most fascinating character on Television right now.
Of all the shows I'm actively following/watching, this one has had the longest hiatus and I HATE IT. I want to know what happens next NOW. I can't get enough.
Disney - Duh! Was this ever a question?! This is probably my ultimate fandom. It encompasses a lot, I know. I love the animated films, most of the live action, the parks, the classic Disney TV shows... Walt Disney is my hero... I secretly believe I'm a Disney princess... Yup. I love Disney. I'm obsessed. Scary obsessed (and I'm not even sorry)!
Figure Skating - probably not what this meme was going for but I have to give a shout out to one of my oldest fandoms. I've loved to watch the sport since the age of four, and after trying my hand it and deciding I'm not up for living on my butt on the ice I can say that I have a huge respect for all those that do live their lives on the ice. Scott Hamilton has been my longest standing idol in any form of sport/celebrity. I followed his career religiously as a child (and if I'm being completely honest I still do). He brought his love of skating to thousands over the years, and it grew my interest and love for the sport.
I haven't paid much attention this year - I do not like the new commentary team we're stuck with - and it feels weird that I don't really know what's going on. I'm hoping my interest with renew itself soon. I feel bad ignoring one of my longest loves.
The Flash - I don't want to say DC comics because I'm not a comic book fan. I'm not really even a superhero fan. I loved Batman growing up... and the XMen... but really I couldn't tell you a thing about them other than what I got from the TV shows and movies. I couldn't care less about the whole comic book world thing - or the idea that the men playing the heroes changed every few editions. Kinda ridiculous really.
The Flash is a spinoff of Arrow - so when they introduced Barry Allen last season on Arrow I had to see what the fuss was all about. It's not as good as Arrow - I like that show above most all others. But The Flash has grown on me. The "Flarrow" crossover were the two best episodes of any show I watch this season. Just fantastic! I hope they do more crossovers, and soon!
49er Football - Yes, it counts. Football counts. And 49er football is the driving force. I've been a Niners fan since birth. I wanted to come out the day of the superbowl in 1985, but mom wouldn't let me because she wanted to watch the game. I'm that dedicated (and so is she). I grew up in the Era of Montana, Rice, and Young. I grew up during the height of the teams success... and I watched as that all went away. Then Harbaugh came into our lives and for a few brief years we had some of that magic back.
We're at a crossroads. And as frustrated and upset as I am over what happened this season - I still believe in my team. Win, lose, or tie... Red and Gold till I die! Who's got it better than us?! NOOOOOOOBODY!
Once Upon A Time - I have to admit I've dropped out of most of this fandom since the season 3 finale. For all my talk last year about how I was going to stick with the show, I never really got over them killing off a certain character... and I really was not into rehashing Frozen. I personally feel the more they get away from their original plan the more convoluted and annoying the show becomes. It's really not just the fact that Neal's gone and "dead is dead" when it comes to him - I liked the show before him, and until they killed him off I didn't really care if he was in the show or not. I'm just annoyed with the continuity issues and the fact that they can't seem to stay with a topic for more than two seconds. They don't flesh out anything.
That being said I am a HUGE fan of the cast of the show (past and present) and it's what keeps me interested. They aren't as active on social media these days (there are conspiracies as to why, but I ignore most of the fan talk), but they're still an amazing team.
Reign - This is the newest fandom I'm a part of. I'm playing catch up (honestly when am I not?!) and I apparently have chosen all the wrong characters to love and my "ship" is the wrong one as well (read the less popular one). Go figure. I do that no matter what fandom it is (Arrow, I was totally into Tommy and Laurel and he died... OUAT I love Neal and can't stand Captain Swan - but didn't ship Swanfire either!... The Flash I ship Iris and Barry... yup I'm just always on the wrong side of things).
Normally I don't like creative license taken with historical works, but as Torrence Coombs (who plays Sebastian on the show) describes it the show is more a "historical fantasy" or "historical fanfiction" and I think that fits. The show has a lot of what hollywood considers "romance" which bogs it down, but the characters are complex enough that it keeps me hooked even when it plays out like an episode of a soap opera (a better acted one but still). I'm glad the show got a third season.
So there we have it - the main fandoms I follow at the moment. I could've gone on with some of the ones I've been a part of in the past, but I'm pretty sure that's a prompt later on in this 30 day meme.
But many have stayed with me and new ones are taking its place (it was a big part of my heart, so I've got room!).
So what are the fandoms I'm a part of today? Let me list them and fangirl a bit (after all that's what this 30 day meme is for, right?!).
Arrow - I got into this show last spring. I was talked into giving it a try after I lost my sanity over a character death on another show (if you read my blog you know which one I'm talking about). I don't know if that's what triggered the fangirling, but I do know that I was totally sucked into the story. I like a good story with angst, ha ha! Oliver - when not being the playboy with a new girl every two scenes - was and still is an interesting character. Stephen Amell has done a great job of slowly peeling back the layers/walls in what makes the character accessible to those around him. So much is said with a look or action instead of words that it just makes me love the story even more.
But even better than Oliver Queen are the characters that make up his team. The awkwardly brilliant Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett-Rickards), the loyal and morally centered John Diggle (David Ramsey), and the young upstart Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) all bring something to the table that "The Arrow" was severely lacking when he came to Starling City. Plus, the foursome offers a lot of hilarity while dealing with serious villains and problems plaguing their city. Felicity and Diggle are my two most favorite characters on any show right now. Dig keeps Oliver in line - calling him on a lot of his crap - and Felicity reminds Oliver that he's so much more than a vigilante killer. They bring out the best in Oliver, who then passes on the wisdom to his protege Roy.
It's just a really fun way to spend an hour. Entertaining, well done, attractive cast - what's not to love?
The Blacklist - Who doesn't love this show?! It's complex, dark, intelligent... and James Spader as Ray Reddington is funny as all get out. He is so twisted and I LOVE it. I haven't gone so far as don a fedora like most of the fandom... but I am obsessed with this show. And mainly due to Red's sarcasm and the fact that I WANT TO KNOW WHO TOM KEEN IS! Ryan Eggold (who plays Tom Keen) has the most fascinating character on Television right now.
Of all the shows I'm actively following/watching, this one has had the longest hiatus and I HATE IT. I want to know what happens next NOW. I can't get enough.
Disney - Duh! Was this ever a question?! This is probably my ultimate fandom. It encompasses a lot, I know. I love the animated films, most of the live action, the parks, the classic Disney TV shows... Walt Disney is my hero... I secretly believe I'm a Disney princess... Yup. I love Disney. I'm obsessed. Scary obsessed (and I'm not even sorry)!
Figure Skating - probably not what this meme was going for but I have to give a shout out to one of my oldest fandoms. I've loved to watch the sport since the age of four, and after trying my hand it and deciding I'm not up for living on my butt on the ice I can say that I have a huge respect for all those that do live their lives on the ice. Scott Hamilton has been my longest standing idol in any form of sport/celebrity. I followed his career religiously as a child (and if I'm being completely honest I still do). He brought his love of skating to thousands over the years, and it grew my interest and love for the sport.
I haven't paid much attention this year - I do not like the new commentary team we're stuck with - and it feels weird that I don't really know what's going on. I'm hoping my interest with renew itself soon. I feel bad ignoring one of my longest loves.
![]() |
gif by onceland on tumblr |
The Flash is a spinoff of Arrow - so when they introduced Barry Allen last season on Arrow I had to see what the fuss was all about. It's not as good as Arrow - I like that show above most all others. But The Flash has grown on me. The "Flarrow" crossover were the two best episodes of any show I watch this season. Just fantastic! I hope they do more crossovers, and soon!
49er Football - Yes, it counts. Football counts. And 49er football is the driving force. I've been a Niners fan since birth. I wanted to come out the day of the superbowl in 1985, but mom wouldn't let me because she wanted to watch the game. I'm that dedicated (and so is she). I grew up in the Era of Montana, Rice, and Young. I grew up during the height of the teams success... and I watched as that all went away. Then Harbaugh came into our lives and for a few brief years we had some of that magic back.
We're at a crossroads. And as frustrated and upset as I am over what happened this season - I still believe in my team. Win, lose, or tie... Red and Gold till I die! Who's got it better than us?! NOOOOOOOBODY!
Once Upon A Time - I have to admit I've dropped out of most of this fandom since the season 3 finale. For all my talk last year about how I was going to stick with the show, I never really got over them killing off a certain character... and I really was not into rehashing Frozen. I personally feel the more they get away from their original plan the more convoluted and annoying the show becomes. It's really not just the fact that Neal's gone and "dead is dead" when it comes to him - I liked the show before him, and until they killed him off I didn't really care if he was in the show or not. I'm just annoyed with the continuity issues and the fact that they can't seem to stay with a topic for more than two seconds. They don't flesh out anything.
That being said I am a HUGE fan of the cast of the show (past and present) and it's what keeps me interested. They aren't as active on social media these days (there are conspiracies as to why, but I ignore most of the fan talk), but they're still an amazing team.
Reign - This is the newest fandom I'm a part of. I'm playing catch up (honestly when am I not?!) and I apparently have chosen all the wrong characters to love and my "ship" is the wrong one as well (read the less popular one). Go figure. I do that no matter what fandom it is (Arrow, I was totally into Tommy and Laurel and he died... OUAT I love Neal and can't stand Captain Swan - but didn't ship Swanfire either!... The Flash I ship Iris and Barry... yup I'm just always on the wrong side of things).
Normally I don't like creative license taken with historical works, but as Torrence Coombs (who plays Sebastian on the show) describes it the show is more a "historical fantasy" or "historical fanfiction" and I think that fits. The show has a lot of what hollywood considers "romance" which bogs it down, but the characters are complex enough that it keeps me hooked even when it plays out like an episode of a soap opera (a better acted one but still). I'm glad the show got a third season.
So there we have it - the main fandoms I follow at the moment. I could've gone on with some of the ones I've been a part of in the past, but I'm pretty sure that's a prompt later on in this 30 day meme.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
31 Days of Film - Day 31: The "perfect" film
I reviewed Toy Story 3 when it came out in 2010. I was a mess afterwards. I've only watched it two other times. It's a tear jerking film. And it's PERFECT. It's the closest thing to perfection a film could ever get. And the shocking thing is - it's a sequel.
Both Toy Story sequels improved on the first - not just with technology but with the story itself. Toy Story 2 ripped our hearts out, but Toy Story 3 crushed them. (Yes, that is a Once Upon A Time reference.) Toy Story 3 basically perfected storytelling and CGI animation.
I don't think an animated film should make someone sob for the last 10-15 minutes of a film. I don't think it's right at all. But the ending was perfect (for the movie as well as the trilogy). I know Disney likes to milk their movies to the point of no return (see Frozen) but I really hope the rumors of Toy Story 4 remain rumors. You cannot perfect perfection.
And that concludes the 31 Day Film Challenge! With Disney coming in just two weeks I won't be doing a September challenge. I'm sure I'll find excuses to ramble on, though. (For 18 pages... FRONT AND BACK!)
And then when I get back from Disney there will be pictures... and hopefully a completed trip report (I mean, 5th times the charm, right?!)
Both Toy Story sequels improved on the first - not just with technology but with the story itself. Toy Story 2 ripped our hearts out, but Toy Story 3 crushed them. (Yes, that is a Once Upon A Time reference.) Toy Story 3 basically perfected storytelling and CGI animation.
I don't think an animated film should make someone sob for the last 10-15 minutes of a film. I don't think it's right at all. But the ending was perfect (for the movie as well as the trilogy). I know Disney likes to milk their movies to the point of no return (see Frozen) but I really hope the rumors of Toy Story 4 remain rumors. You cannot perfect perfection.
And that concludes the 31 Day Film Challenge! With Disney coming in just two weeks I won't be doing a September challenge. I'm sure I'll find excuses to ramble on, though. (For 18 pages... FRONT AND BACK!)
And then when I get back from Disney there will be pictures... and hopefully a completed trip report (I mean, 5th times the charm, right?!)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Michael Coleman is awesome (yes another OUAT cast gushfest)
So we all know I adore the cast of ABC/Disney's Once Upon A Time, and I have gushed about them before... the cast is freaking ADORABLE in every sense of the word and they are so awesome to their fans...
but Michael Coleman tweeting me (yet again) tonight takes the cake. I think he just trumped MRJ as being my favorite Michael on OUAT.
He had been sharing new versions of the #Selfie, and so I dared him to create a "Moosie"... and next thing I know I get this tweet.
Michael personifies his character (Happy the Dwarf). He really, really does. I'm forever a fangirl.
but Michael Coleman tweeting me (yet again) tonight takes the cake. I think he just trumped MRJ as being my favorite Michael on OUAT.
He had been sharing new versions of the #Selfie, and so I dared him to create a "Moosie"... and next thing I know I get this tweet.
Michael personifies his character (Happy the Dwarf). He really, really does. I'm forever a fangirl.
michael coleman,
once upon a time,
seven dwarfs,
team 7
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
20 Facts About Me
Day two of the 31 day challenge is to write about 20 facts on myself. This should be boring, eh? But in case anyone was actually interested...
1. I am a huge 49er Football Fan. I have been since pretty much birth (if not before). Both sides of my family are from Northern California (but my parents didn't meet until they were both in Alaska, even though they went to rival high schools), and cheer for the Niners. I was born the day after they won the Super Bowl in 1985 - mom wouldn't go to the hospital that Sunday because she was afraid they wouldn't let her watch the game. I'm a huge fan of Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Colin Kaepernick, Frank Gore, Steve Young, and Coach Harbaugh.
2. I love all things Iditarod and sled dogs, but I won't drive a sled. I've never stood on the back of a sled and told the dogs to "hike up" or "mush" (who says that command anyway?). I have sat in the sled while a friend drove her team of two down the trail, over an embankment and then bailed and let the dogs run me through an open creek. I then walked, soaking wet, back home. We were in Jr. High. I've never wanted to drive a team since. Though growing up I wanted to be the next Libby Riddles/Susan Butcher. I'm perfectly content to support the teams I love and work for the whackadoodle breed of human known as Musher.
3. I've taken TEN trips to a Disney park. 1990, 2006, 2011 and 2012 were to Disneyland in California. 2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2013 were to Walt Disney World in Florida. I can safely say I haven't seen or done it all, but I have done so much and love going back. The trip in September to Disneyland (my fifth!) will most likely be the last trip to Disney for the foreseeable future, and that makes me sad... super sad. But I need to venture out away from my happy place... and I need to build up my savings.
4. I have never been on a date. I've not been asked since high school. It's not that I'm picky, it's just that I have a very... strict? idea of what dating and partnership should be. And, really, in 11 years since high school I haven't been asked. So I'm sure there's something wrong with me. Ha ha. But I'm actually quite content to be single. Until people put their nose where it doesn't belong. Then I am almost to pick some random guy up to shut everyone up and give them something new to gripe about.
5. I have an extra bone in my right foot. Apparently this is pretty common - though most folks have the extra bone in both feet. When my mom worked for a local chiropractor in town (I was eight?) he didn't believe us that it was an actual extra bone. Just one "out of alignment". He felt my foot and determined he was right, so without x-rays he began to try and manipulate it "back into place." It wasn't until I screamed out in pain and kicked him that he pulled back and said "I'll be damned. You're right." And people wonder why I DON'T like people touching me?!
6. Speaking of that - I hate giving random hugs, especially when I'm not the one that gets to initiate it. Like I physically HATE it. I give hugs to close family and friends, but really if I don't go in for a hug... don't assume it's okay. It's not comforting, cute, or friendly. I feel very confined, uncomfortable, and disrespected. It's one thing when the person doesn't know, but those that acknowledge that I dislike them (and then suggest I need to get over it) that's when I really take issue. I'm outspoken, but I'm also unable to really speak my mind in those situations... so I typically take my punishment and then the rest of the day is pretty crappy. Yes, it's that bad. No, I'm not going to change my feelings. It goes much deeper than someone's need to force me to hug.
7. Growing up as an only child I wanted a brother. Originally I wanted to be oldest with a younger brother, as I've grown up I've realized I wanted/needed someone older. This is going to make me seem hateful and uncaring, but the younger brother I was blessed with has caused so much pain and hurt and yeah that I feel very cheated. I really do have a yearning to have a protector, like the older brothers so many of my friends have. In the last year I've never wanted something more. I don't know why, I just really wish I'd had one. Interestingly enough, had my parents been able to adopt the boy that they were in the process of when they found out they were pregnant (and the mother was pulling out of the adoption) I'd have had an older brother (by about 6 months). I'm very thankful for the guys in my life through the years who were older and filled that role for me. Now that they're all away and married perhaps that is why I feel that desire again.
8. I have been obsessed with photography since I was seven years old. A friend from school gave me a point and shoot (film) camera and Panda Bear (it was a combo gift, not sure where he got it but I still have both the camera and the bear) for my birthday. I wore that camera out! My dad taught me the basics of SLR cameras and by the time I was in high school I was being asked to shoot weddings and portraits. I decided that I didn't want to do anything else - except maybe become a film director. I did not go to college for photography, however. I wanted to get into TV/Film direction. So I basically wasted a lot of time and money because I didn't end up with a degree, and I didn't achieve my goals. Mainly because I'm a poor student.
9. I am a HUGE Steven Spielberg fangirl. Like SUPER fan girl. I have a collection of his films (not complete, but we're getting there. I got a late start!), even ones I won't watch (ET because he scares me, and War Horse because it crushed my soul). To me, Spielberg is my generation's Walt Disney. He brought to life dinosaurs, brought us Indiana Jones, and even the supposedly flawed Hook brought about imagination. For all the fun that he brought to our lives, though, he's also brought the important stories of WW1 & WW2 - the horrors of the Holocaust, the tragedies of war as well as the beauty of those souls fighting for what they believe in. I could gush about him and his work all day. SPIELBERG!
10. I love Alaska. I was born and raised here, and Lord willing I will die here. I don't want to live anywhere else (except maybe Cinderella's Castle). I live in Kenai - where I was raised - and you can't convince me there's a better place on Earth.
11. I still love the show FRIENDS. I have just about every episode memorized, and my bff and I are known to have full on conversations using only quotes from the show. I got hooked on it just a few weeks before it ended, and I sat with my bff and hugged her as the finale happened. She was a HUGE fan while it was on the air (still is) and was the one that got me hooked. But she's the one who cried. I made fun of her for getting SO involved with a TV show...
12. And then 10 years later - yeah, it was my turn. If you've followed my blog in the last few months you know where I am going with this. I got hooked on Once Upon A Time last year. It was a great escape for when I lost my beloved pug dog Yuka (while I was away from home visiting my bff, ironically). I was SO excited for the third season of this show. It was going to be dark, it was going to have twists. There were going to be pirates, and mermaids, and Neverland... and then the second half of the season happened and I had fallen in love with a character that, unbeknownst to me, was going to die. I have never been affected by a television show as much as I apparently have with OUAT. I cannot get over them killing off Neal Cassidy. I've never experienced the grief over a character of a tv show like this (I have for movies, so I know it's possible). And I've lost quite a few favorite TV characters over the years. Michael Raymond-James (as I've gushed about before) is a fantastic actor. I'm sorry it took me so long to recognize it, but OUAT will not be the same without him. I cannot WAIT for Sons of Liberty (History Channel, premieres December 14th, yes I will be obsessively watching). Yes, I did have to do this just to mention MRJ. I'm a crazy person.
13. Speaking of Sons of Liberty, I am a huge US History nerd. I like world history, too, but US History gets my attention far more than anything else. Revolutionary War, Civil War, and our involvement in World War 2 are my favorite categories (oh and Lincoln and Washington). I have to give a shout out to my 8th grade US History teacher, Bob Summer, for giving me a love of the subject. Even if my grades didn't always reflect it (I was a huge disappointment for him, I didn't apply myself. My grades did not reflect my capabilities).
14. I used to be really into politics as well, but have become increasingly more jaded. Probably the Alaskan in me. Hard to care about national politics when you know your vote doesn't count and that you have a very non existent voice.
15. I have been a huge fan of figure skating pretty much my entire life. From the time I was nearly four all the way till now I've watched the sport and fangirled over so many of its stars. I believe the years of 1984-2004 was the best era of figure skating (peaking from 1994-2000). It's considered the "Golden Era" of modern skating in the West. Kurt Browning is the ultimate figure skater. We will never see another like him. Medals and titles don't matter (though his four world titles are nothing to sniff at!), he is far superior to anything the sport has produced before or since. I could watch him skate all day. Scott Hamilton is the ultimate showman, but Browning is the real deal.
16. My first celebrity crush was Tom Selleck as Magnum P.I. when I was a toddler. I would "call" him on the phone and talk to him for hours. I can't stand him now. Go figure. But I've always crushed on older actors. Very few from my age group are in my "best actor/hotties" list (well, that was more true before I started watching Once Upon A Time, most of those guys are my age-ish). I wanted to marry Scott Hamilton (figure skater) when I was four, and I've crushed hard for Harrison Ford, Kurt Browning, and a host of other older guys from the time I was in Jr. High. As I said earlier, I'm crazy.
17. I love tacos. Tacos are my most favorite things EVER. I could eat a mountain of tacos. They are my major weakness. I live for Taco Tuesday/Thursday. I love taco salad when I can't have tacos. Which is any time I have to cook tacos because I refuse to cook with oil over a flame.
18. I am terrified of cooking with oil because I set my parents' kitchen on fire when I was 16. In my defense I was sick and thought I'd put the tea kettle on to boil water to make some hot cider. In my cold med stupor, however, I turned on the wrong burner. It was an electric stove, so there was not flame to indicate that I was boiling the wrong thing. Mom had left a pot of oil on the stove. I walked out of the room for mere seconds and WHOOSH! I've been terrified ever since, though I love to cook.
19. It's just been in the last few years that I've loved to cook. It was out of necessity when I lived on my own, and now I miss not getting to cook more. I love planning my menu, going based on a theme, and making it all come together. I get this from my grandmother as she was the master planner and chef. I wish I'd embraced cooking sooner so that it would've been something we could have enjoyed together, but it makes me feel connected to her even though she's gone now. We'd always enjoyed baking, and now that I have found the love for cooking I have to believe G'Ma is smiling down on me.
20. I am a massive planner when it comes to vacation. I don't go as far as to do the spreadsheets (well, sometimes), but it's how I cope with the wait. This started back when I began working on the family 2007 trip to Disney World. I found a disney travel message board that encouraged this behavior. It's been a lifesaver SO many times, and now I'm kinda obsessed with planning. It's half the fun for me!
So there you have it, 20 facts about me. Probably more than you ever cared to know, but it is what it is... and if you actually read all that you deserve a cookie. Not going to lie. So I'll leave you with this adorable MRJ gif (yes I'm obsessed and I don't even know why. I feel like a stalker! LOL). I really need to rewatch Terriers again. Britt Pollack is too funny.
1. I am a huge 49er Football Fan. I have been since pretty much birth (if not before). Both sides of my family are from Northern California (but my parents didn't meet until they were both in Alaska, even though they went to rival high schools), and cheer for the Niners. I was born the day after they won the Super Bowl in 1985 - mom wouldn't go to the hospital that Sunday because she was afraid they wouldn't let her watch the game. I'm a huge fan of Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Colin Kaepernick, Frank Gore, Steve Young, and Coach Harbaugh.
2. I love all things Iditarod and sled dogs, but I won't drive a sled. I've never stood on the back of a sled and told the dogs to "hike up" or "mush" (who says that command anyway?). I have sat in the sled while a friend drove her team of two down the trail, over an embankment and then bailed and let the dogs run me through an open creek. I then walked, soaking wet, back home. We were in Jr. High. I've never wanted to drive a team since. Though growing up I wanted to be the next Libby Riddles/Susan Butcher. I'm perfectly content to support the teams I love and work for the whackadoodle breed of human known as Musher.
3. I've taken TEN trips to a Disney park. 1990, 2006, 2011 and 2012 were to Disneyland in California. 2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2013 were to Walt Disney World in Florida. I can safely say I haven't seen or done it all, but I have done so much and love going back. The trip in September to Disneyland (my fifth!) will most likely be the last trip to Disney for the foreseeable future, and that makes me sad... super sad. But I need to venture out away from my happy place... and I need to build up my savings.
4. I have never been on a date. I've not been asked since high school. It's not that I'm picky, it's just that I have a very... strict? idea of what dating and partnership should be. And, really, in 11 years since high school I haven't been asked. So I'm sure there's something wrong with me. Ha ha. But I'm actually quite content to be single. Until people put their nose where it doesn't belong. Then I am almost to pick some random guy up to shut everyone up and give them something new to gripe about.
5. I have an extra bone in my right foot. Apparently this is pretty common - though most folks have the extra bone in both feet. When my mom worked for a local chiropractor in town (I was eight?) he didn't believe us that it was an actual extra bone. Just one "out of alignment". He felt my foot and determined he was right, so without x-rays he began to try and manipulate it "back into place." It wasn't until I screamed out in pain and kicked him that he pulled back and said "I'll be damned. You're right." And people wonder why I DON'T like people touching me?!
6. Speaking of that - I hate giving random hugs, especially when I'm not the one that gets to initiate it. Like I physically HATE it. I give hugs to close family and friends, but really if I don't go in for a hug... don't assume it's okay. It's not comforting, cute, or friendly. I feel very confined, uncomfortable, and disrespected. It's one thing when the person doesn't know, but those that acknowledge that I dislike them (and then suggest I need to get over it) that's when I really take issue. I'm outspoken, but I'm also unable to really speak my mind in those situations... so I typically take my punishment and then the rest of the day is pretty crappy. Yes, it's that bad. No, I'm not going to change my feelings. It goes much deeper than someone's need to force me to hug.
7. Growing up as an only child I wanted a brother. Originally I wanted to be oldest with a younger brother, as I've grown up I've realized I wanted/needed someone older. This is going to make me seem hateful and uncaring, but the younger brother I was blessed with has caused so much pain and hurt and yeah that I feel very cheated. I really do have a yearning to have a protector, like the older brothers so many of my friends have. In the last year I've never wanted something more. I don't know why, I just really wish I'd had one. Interestingly enough, had my parents been able to adopt the boy that they were in the process of when they found out they were pregnant (and the mother was pulling out of the adoption) I'd have had an older brother (by about 6 months). I'm very thankful for the guys in my life through the years who were older and filled that role for me. Now that they're all away and married perhaps that is why I feel that desire again.
8. I have been obsessed with photography since I was seven years old. A friend from school gave me a point and shoot (film) camera and Panda Bear (it was a combo gift, not sure where he got it but I still have both the camera and the bear) for my birthday. I wore that camera out! My dad taught me the basics of SLR cameras and by the time I was in high school I was being asked to shoot weddings and portraits. I decided that I didn't want to do anything else - except maybe become a film director. I did not go to college for photography, however. I wanted to get into TV/Film direction. So I basically wasted a lot of time and money because I didn't end up with a degree, and I didn't achieve my goals. Mainly because I'm a poor student.
9. I am a HUGE Steven Spielberg fangirl. Like SUPER fan girl. I have a collection of his films (not complete, but we're getting there. I got a late start!), even ones I won't watch (ET because he scares me, and War Horse because it crushed my soul). To me, Spielberg is my generation's Walt Disney. He brought to life dinosaurs, brought us Indiana Jones, and even the supposedly flawed Hook brought about imagination. For all the fun that he brought to our lives, though, he's also brought the important stories of WW1 & WW2 - the horrors of the Holocaust, the tragedies of war as well as the beauty of those souls fighting for what they believe in. I could gush about him and his work all day. SPIELBERG!
10. I love Alaska. I was born and raised here, and Lord willing I will die here. I don't want to live anywhere else (except maybe Cinderella's Castle). I live in Kenai - where I was raised - and you can't convince me there's a better place on Earth.
11. I still love the show FRIENDS. I have just about every episode memorized, and my bff and I are known to have full on conversations using only quotes from the show. I got hooked on it just a few weeks before it ended, and I sat with my bff and hugged her as the finale happened. She was a HUGE fan while it was on the air (still is) and was the one that got me hooked. But she's the one who cried. I made fun of her for getting SO involved with a TV show...
12. And then 10 years later - yeah, it was my turn. If you've followed my blog in the last few months you know where I am going with this. I got hooked on Once Upon A Time last year. It was a great escape for when I lost my beloved pug dog Yuka (while I was away from home visiting my bff, ironically). I was SO excited for the third season of this show. It was going to be dark, it was going to have twists. There were going to be pirates, and mermaids, and Neverland... and then the second half of the season happened and I had fallen in love with a character that, unbeknownst to me, was going to die. I have never been affected by a television show as much as I apparently have with OUAT. I cannot get over them killing off Neal Cassidy. I've never experienced the grief over a character of a tv show like this (I have for movies, so I know it's possible). And I've lost quite a few favorite TV characters over the years. Michael Raymond-James (as I've gushed about before) is a fantastic actor. I'm sorry it took me so long to recognize it, but OUAT will not be the same without him. I cannot WAIT for Sons of Liberty (History Channel, premieres December 14th, yes I will be obsessively watching). Yes, I did have to do this just to mention MRJ. I'm a crazy person.
13. Speaking of Sons of Liberty, I am a huge US History nerd. I like world history, too, but US History gets my attention far more than anything else. Revolutionary War, Civil War, and our involvement in World War 2 are my favorite categories (oh and Lincoln and Washington). I have to give a shout out to my 8th grade US History teacher, Bob Summer, for giving me a love of the subject. Even if my grades didn't always reflect it (I was a huge disappointment for him, I didn't apply myself. My grades did not reflect my capabilities).
14. I used to be really into politics as well, but have become increasingly more jaded. Probably the Alaskan in me. Hard to care about national politics when you know your vote doesn't count and that you have a very non existent voice.
15. I have been a huge fan of figure skating pretty much my entire life. From the time I was nearly four all the way till now I've watched the sport and fangirled over so many of its stars. I believe the years of 1984-2004 was the best era of figure skating (peaking from 1994-2000). It's considered the "Golden Era" of modern skating in the West. Kurt Browning is the ultimate figure skater. We will never see another like him. Medals and titles don't matter (though his four world titles are nothing to sniff at!), he is far superior to anything the sport has produced before or since. I could watch him skate all day. Scott Hamilton is the ultimate showman, but Browning is the real deal.
16. My first celebrity crush was Tom Selleck as Magnum P.I. when I was a toddler. I would "call" him on the phone and talk to him for hours. I can't stand him now. Go figure. But I've always crushed on older actors. Very few from my age group are in my "best actor/hotties" list (well, that was more true before I started watching Once Upon A Time, most of those guys are my age-ish). I wanted to marry Scott Hamilton (figure skater) when I was four, and I've crushed hard for Harrison Ford, Kurt Browning, and a host of other older guys from the time I was in Jr. High. As I said earlier, I'm crazy.
17. I love tacos. Tacos are my most favorite things EVER. I could eat a mountain of tacos. They are my major weakness. I live for Taco Tuesday/Thursday. I love taco salad when I can't have tacos. Which is any time I have to cook tacos because I refuse to cook with oil over a flame.
18. I am terrified of cooking with oil because I set my parents' kitchen on fire when I was 16. In my defense I was sick and thought I'd put the tea kettle on to boil water to make some hot cider. In my cold med stupor, however, I turned on the wrong burner. It was an electric stove, so there was not flame to indicate that I was boiling the wrong thing. Mom had left a pot of oil on the stove. I walked out of the room for mere seconds and WHOOSH! I've been terrified ever since, though I love to cook.
19. It's just been in the last few years that I've loved to cook. It was out of necessity when I lived on my own, and now I miss not getting to cook more. I love planning my menu, going based on a theme, and making it all come together. I get this from my grandmother as she was the master planner and chef. I wish I'd embraced cooking sooner so that it would've been something we could have enjoyed together, but it makes me feel connected to her even though she's gone now. We'd always enjoyed baking, and now that I have found the love for cooking I have to believe G'Ma is smiling down on me.
20. I am a massive planner when it comes to vacation. I don't go as far as to do the spreadsheets (well, sometimes), but it's how I cope with the wait. This started back when I began working on the family 2007 trip to Disney World. I found a disney travel message board that encouraged this behavior. It's been a lifesaver SO many times, and now I'm kinda obsessed with planning. It's half the fun for me!
So there you have it, 20 facts about me. Probably more than you ever cared to know, but it is what it is... and if you actually read all that you deserve a cookie. Not going to lie. So I'll leave you with this adorable MRJ gif (yes I'm obsessed and I don't even know why. I feel like a stalker! LOL). I really need to rewatch Terriers again. Britt Pollack is too funny.
20 facts,
31 day challenge,
about me,
disney parks,
july challenge,
kurt browning,
michael raymond-james,
neal cassidy,
steven spielberg,
trip planning
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
BOOM! OUAT's Jennifer Morrison Speaks - and fans hopefully listen
Jennifer Morrison - aka Emma Swan in ABC's hit TV Show Once Upon A Time - saw some heated discussion thrown her way earlier today for comments she made about a character on the show. It was in answer to a question about Neal Cassidy (Emma's first true love, played my Michael Raymond-James, who was killed off the show in the second half of the season), and it had Nealfire/Swanfire fans upset.
Fans have been upset for months now with the death of the character - arguing that it happened only to open the door and allow Captain Hook to "win the girl". The creators, writers, and actors have all been "confronted" by fans on twitter demanding answers, demanding Neal be brought back. Certain actors have been vilified for the characters they play, or for what they have or have not said in response to the character death.
The "other side" of the fan wars have been no better, antagonizing and creating rumors. It's gotten ugly. It's gotten bitter. It's definitely made ME wish I hadn't gotten so into the social media version of the fandom (all I wanted to do was follow the actors! what was I thinking?!). As someone who likes both Neal and Hook it's been hard to keep my sanity much less hold my "virtual tongue" on the matter.
Morrison got a lot of heat today with her comments in Monte Carlo saying that Neal and Emma would've had a hard time being the ultimate true love - but that it probably would've happened had he lived. But that Emma would've had a huge hill to climb with the betrayals. It's the multiple of betrayal that had most people at least questioning her statement as most (including me) could only think of one - when he left her at August's request and let her go to jail (nevermind that, that last part was August, not Neal). I was amazed by the hate that was spewed at the actress almost immediately.
Having not been paying attention to her Monte Carlo trip (I normally don't follow the cast around while they go off and do the interview circuit... and I'm really not interested now while I'm still bummed MRJ will not be joining them this year *tear*) I really had no idea what was going on when I logged onto twitter this afternoon. But once I got caught up I had to just roll my eyes. We're taking all of this far too seriously, folks. It's a TV show.
Yes, Neal is a fantastic character. Michael Raymond-James gave such heart and warmth to him that I can't help but really connect with the character (it took time, but OMG... I'm obsessed). But this is not a true life or death situation. This is not the end of the world. MRJ has survived - he's got himself a project that he's excited about (declaring on twitter that "#This1feelsspecial"). And while yes I GET THAT IT IS SAD and FRUSTRATING and something that makes us ANGRY (I have felt all of these emotions more than once since Quiet Minds airred), it is NOT THE TRAVESTY WE'VE MADE IT OUT TO BE.
Was it bad writing - I've contested that it was not the best writing. That it was too soon - too close to the last time Neal "died". However, the way it was written was well done. Neal has been very well respected in the episodes after Quiet Minds as well. This was not to placate the fans - not entirely. It was to give MRJ and Neal the send off he deserved. I hope that this is not the end for him - flashbacks, for me, would be enough if nothing else. Yes, there is a lot of Neal's story that should have been shared. Does it make sense to leave it open ended - this fangirl says no. But others have said that it is. Who am I, as a biased fan, to judge that?
Morrison took to her facebook page to set the record straight, and I'm glad she did. SHE DID NOT OWE ME OR ANYONE an explanation. And while I agree that she probably shouldn't have acknowledged the poor behavior of a few fans, I am glad for my own peace of mind that she did. I have wanted to know how the actors felt about losing MRJ (we've seen some of the "non regular/primary" actors voice their love), and I wanted to know what she meant by the multiple betrayals.
Her explanation is one that I totally understand and get. I typically don't see the "broken" scene where Neal grimaces and then we don't see him again until it's revealed as who he is to the story (first as Emma's lover/the reason she went to jail/Henry's father... and then in a later episode as Baelfire) as a betrayal. But it's obvious that Emma/JMo does. And she knows better than I do. In fact Emma lets him know that it hurt - and that's when he apologizes to her. Saying he wanted to love her, but he was afraid that she'd never forgive him.
Emma will ALWAYS love Neal, always has. But she has to move on for the sake of his memory - she PROMISED him that she would. That it's going too fast is irrelevant - this show moves too fast between emotions and always has. I get that it's icky that she's falling for the guy who at one time was "having relations" with Neal's mother, and I agree. I'm not a CaptainSwan shipper (nor am I a SwanFire shipper, though if I HAD to choose I'd lean more to SwanFire), but I have thought since season 2 that he'd end up being a love interest. In fact in Season 2 I was pulling for Hook, not Neal, to win her heart. It wasn't until we saw Neal fight for Henry and Emma that I started to better like his character.
Ultimately I have to agree with the last part of JMo's statement:
So, thank you, Jen for giving clarification even though you didn't need to. Hopefully as MRJ begins work on Sons of Liberty he will keep us updated on the progress, and production of OUAT will resume and people will calm down and remember - that even though these are wonderful stories... they are just that, stories (sorry, Jefferson). The people playing these parts are not out to get each other, that they are human just as we the fans are. Let's give them some respect, and the benefit of the doubt... and let's all try to get along.
Fans have been upset for months now with the death of the character - arguing that it happened only to open the door and allow Captain Hook to "win the girl". The creators, writers, and actors have all been "confronted" by fans on twitter demanding answers, demanding Neal be brought back. Certain actors have been vilified for the characters they play, or for what they have or have not said in response to the character death.
The "other side" of the fan wars have been no better, antagonizing and creating rumors. It's gotten ugly. It's gotten bitter. It's definitely made ME wish I hadn't gotten so into the social media version of the fandom (all I wanted to do was follow the actors! what was I thinking?!). As someone who likes both Neal and Hook it's been hard to keep my sanity much less hold my "virtual tongue" on the matter.
Morrison got a lot of heat today with her comments in Monte Carlo saying that Neal and Emma would've had a hard time being the ultimate true love - but that it probably would've happened had he lived. But that Emma would've had a huge hill to climb with the betrayals. It's the multiple of betrayal that had most people at least questioning her statement as most (including me) could only think of one - when he left her at August's request and let her go to jail (nevermind that, that last part was August, not Neal). I was amazed by the hate that was spewed at the actress almost immediately.
Having not been paying attention to her Monte Carlo trip (I normally don't follow the cast around while they go off and do the interview circuit... and I'm really not interested now while I'm still bummed MRJ will not be joining them this year *tear*) I really had no idea what was going on when I logged onto twitter this afternoon. But once I got caught up I had to just roll my eyes. We're taking all of this far too seriously, folks. It's a TV show.
Yes, Neal is a fantastic character. Michael Raymond-James gave such heart and warmth to him that I can't help but really connect with the character (it took time, but OMG... I'm obsessed). But this is not a true life or death situation. This is not the end of the world. MRJ has survived - he's got himself a project that he's excited about (declaring on twitter that "#This1feelsspecial"). And while yes I GET THAT IT IS SAD and FRUSTRATING and something that makes us ANGRY (I have felt all of these emotions more than once since Quiet Minds airred), it is NOT THE TRAVESTY WE'VE MADE IT OUT TO BE.
Was it bad writing - I've contested that it was not the best writing. That it was too soon - too close to the last time Neal "died". However, the way it was written was well done. Neal has been very well respected in the episodes after Quiet Minds as well. This was not to placate the fans - not entirely. It was to give MRJ and Neal the send off he deserved. I hope that this is not the end for him - flashbacks, for me, would be enough if nothing else. Yes, there is a lot of Neal's story that should have been shared. Does it make sense to leave it open ended - this fangirl says no. But others have said that it is. Who am I, as a biased fan, to judge that?
Morrison took to her facebook page to set the record straight, and I'm glad she did. SHE DID NOT OWE ME OR ANYONE an explanation. And while I agree that she probably shouldn't have acknowledged the poor behavior of a few fans, I am glad for my own peace of mind that she did. I have wanted to know how the actors felt about losing MRJ (we've seen some of the "non regular/primary" actors voice their love), and I wanted to know what she meant by the multiple betrayals.
Her explanation is one that I totally understand and get. I typically don't see the "broken" scene where Neal grimaces and then we don't see him again until it's revealed as who he is to the story (first as Emma's lover/the reason she went to jail/Henry's father... and then in a later episode as Baelfire) as a betrayal. But it's obvious that Emma/JMo does. And she knows better than I do. In fact Emma lets him know that it hurt - and that's when he apologizes to her. Saying he wanted to love her, but he was afraid that she'd never forgive him.
Emma will ALWAYS love Neal, always has. But she has to move on for the sake of his memory - she PROMISED him that she would. That it's going too fast is irrelevant - this show moves too fast between emotions and always has. I get that it's icky that she's falling for the guy who at one time was "having relations" with Neal's mother, and I agree. I'm not a CaptainSwan shipper (nor am I a SwanFire shipper, though if I HAD to choose I'd lean more to SwanFire), but I have thought since season 2 that he'd end up being a love interest. In fact in Season 2 I was pulling for Hook, not Neal, to win her heart. It wasn't until we saw Neal fight for Henry and Emma that I started to better like his character.
Ultimately I have to agree with the last part of JMo's statement:
"All that being said, I wish Neal was still alive. I love working with Micheal Raymond James, and I believe that he is such a special part of ONCE UPON A TIME. It was a huge loss for me personally and for Emma when his character died." -- Jennifer MorrisonIt sums it up so well... and I've always thought that she was affected by it personally. Her scene with Rumple in the finale where she is crying "I loved him, I wanted to save him. He died a hero, you can't take that away from him," I felt was just too raw and real for her to be acting (I am not a fan of her acting style in general. She normally leaves me cold. But not in that scene).
So, thank you, Jen for giving clarification even though you didn't need to. Hopefully as MRJ begins work on Sons of Liberty he will keep us updated on the progress, and production of OUAT will resume and people will calm down and remember - that even though these are wonderful stories... they are just that, stories (sorry, Jefferson). The people playing these parts are not out to get each other, that they are human just as we the fans are. Let's give them some respect, and the benefit of the doubt... and let's all try to get along.
captain hook,
colin o'donoghue,
emma swan,
jennifer morrison,
michael raymond-james,
neal cassidy,
once upon a time,
Friday, June 6, 2014
Another OUAT cast gush post
Stuff like the posts by Sean Maguire (Robin Hood) today just make me happy. With the fan wars going full bore in this summer hiatus of the show, due to the whole Neal's dead and CaptainSwan is happening now, it can get very frustrating to be a fan and read the hate. A lot of it is typical back and forth between what ship is better (SwanFire, CaptainSwan... SwanQueen... blah), and others are just maddening (rumors of a certain actor being "mistreated" by cast and creators, rumors of same actor causing issues on set which resulted in getting fired, and of course the whole "Captain Hook's character is the poster child for Rape Culture" crap).
I've been wanting to rant about the whole Captain Hook/Colin O'Dognahue hate for a while... but I won't be getting into that fully tonight. This is more the whole "Michael Raymond-James deserved better from his castmates" posts that I've read ever since Quiet Minds. Granted, the actors that are most referred to in those rants are the ones who have only referred to MRJ's character when talking about the scene and haven't come out and said much if anything at all about MRJ except to say they'd miss him. Colin O'Donaghue being the exception when he replied to a tweet early on in the aftermath to something Michael had tweeted about working with Colin.
However, that somewhat changed tonight with Sean and Michael's tweets today. Sean obviously does not fit the mold that folks are trying to force the OUAT cast into. As being these hateful, high schoolesque people who don't care about each other and have cliques. I'm sure any set has their share of cliqueish manners, but the OUAT cast seems to genuinely enjoy each other's company and friendship. And if we're going to take our favorite(s) at their word then who's to say it isn't true?
Sean and Michael obviously had a friendship on and off set. Sean, of course, playing Robin Hood who befriends Neal in the Season 3 premier and ultimately helps Neal get back to Neverland to help save Henry. They had a small scene in Season 3B (basically Hood is glad to see Neal survived the Neverland thing, but is sad to hear that Neal and Emma and Henry were once again separated). Interestingly enough I don't recall watching a lot of interaction between the two on twitter, but I was fairly unaware until very recently of the entertainment to be had watching this cast on Social Media. LOL
Sean is, in a way, replacing Michael on Once come next season (this is more an assumption on my part, but he definitely got MRJ's screen time for 3B). His character is going to find himself in a love triangle similar (if not even more tragic) to what Nealfire-Emma-Hook had. And I've seen a little bit of flareup from the Swanfire side... which is understandable. I've even felt that twinge of... jealousy? against the men who get to keep going on the show... It's me being selfish of course, but I do feel that Neal/MRJ had more to give the show... but it just couldn't happen with the direction the story was going. Rightly, or wrongly (time will tell on that).
But here's the thing. After it all happened fans started making up a lot of crap to somehow justify hating on certain people. The Once Cast was vilified for not "protecting/standing up for" a fellow cast member who was "forced off" the show. Ignoring for now that the actor supposedly "abused" by the powers that be came out and said his peace about it (he understood the decision, was okay with it, and has nothing but love for cast, crew, and creators), fans have basically started seeing conspiracy upon conspiracy as to how awful life was on set for this guy.
Yet we're seeing time and again on social media the cast continue on as they had before Quiet Minds. For someone so "disliked" for whatever reason, he certainly gets a lot of love from the people who supposedly "betrayed" him.
So why is that? Perhaps it's because what happened with the character of Neal and the development of his story happened exactly - or nearly so - as what the actor and creators have said. Perhaps, instead of freaking out on the people who worked with MRJ, fans should just realize that these things happen on television shows. And, let's face it, if you're a fan of MRJ you KNOW it's bound to happen. He either plays a very unlikeable guy, has a tragic storyline (that typically lands him in jail lol), or he dies... or there's a combo of those things.
Hopefully when the new season of Once is upon us, and the miniseries of Sons of Liberty (Michael's new project) airs the emotions of this past season will have passed or at least died down. I keep telling myself that all it will take is Michael getting a new something on TV for me to get over Neal not being on OUAT. I'm less angry about it than most, but I'm no less bummed about his death... and wishing/hoping that he will somehow not be dead ha ha. But, ultimately, I don't vilify anyone for the decision. It's their story and without it I'd never know about some of the awesome actors on there (MRJ being the main one I'm thankful for OUAT for).
I'm rambling so I'll stop ranting for now. I have VBS brain. Hopefully I can get my brain back so I can be more coherent.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Why I love the OUAT Cast - reason 5,823
I love how supportive they are of one another - even after an actor has left the show (though in my heart I really really really hope we have not seen the last of MRJ/Nealfire on Once). Michael Squared (as I've decided to call them lol) are both two of my favorites on and off the show. Great actors.
Just had to get my fangirl moment in there.
Because I haven't *at all* fangirlled today over the news of MRJ's new project... nope, not even a little bit. /lying Okay, I may have interrupted VBS with a not so silent "OMG! *SQUEE!*" when the news hit my twitter feed. Yay for the soonish finally happening and we know what to expect. And GET THIS! He's not going to DIE or have a super tragic storyline... or be a douchey bad guy! OMG! My dream! ha ha!
history channel,
michael coleman,
michael raymond-james,
neal cassidy,
once upon a time,
paul revere,
sons of liberty
Thursday, May 29, 2014
30 Days of OUAT - Day 30: Favorite Season Finale
Day 30 - Favorite Season Finale
I'm going to miss gushing about OUAT every day on here. Though there are other Once themed Memes I could do (I assume there are since I've seen one for Swanfire... maybe there's one that's JUST Neal? That'd be fun ha ha). Still, like all good things, there must be an end - or at least a hiatus (which is a very very very bad word in the world of OUAT).
My favorite Season Finale is still season 1's. Season 1 just had a lot of heart and a good beginning, middle, and end. Season 2 was all over the map and the finale felt more like an epilogue to me. Season 3 had two finales, the mid season, and the 2 hour movie (which was a whole lot of CaptainSwan messing up while SwanFire kept Emma going... which was a nice picture and all... but all it did was make me sad all over again once MRJ's final scene - and most likely final episode - came up. It's all about the tumblers).
Season 1's finale has Emma rushing her son to the hospital after he collapses from taking a bite of the apple turnover that his adoptive mother gave to Emma for her trip home. Emma is willing to leave Storybrooke to once again give Henry his best chance as she believes she's fueling his crazy ideas of everyone being fairytale characters. Henry takes the turnover to prove to her that he's not crazy. It's what finally gets Emma to realize it's all true. She beats the snot out of Regina and then the two of them go to get the thing that will save Henry.
Only Gold steals it from them, and they get a call from the hospital saying they need to come right away. By the time they reach the hospital Henry has died. Emma goes in to say goodbye and gives her son a tearful kiss on his forehead. The "twu love" rainbow airburst breaks forth and Henry awakens... as does the town. Now they know who they are.
And it cliffhangs right at the best part. They've found each other, and Gold has poured his "twu luv" potion into the well that restores all. A purple cloud falls over the town and... then we had to wait for Season 2 (which would open with a mystery man walking through NYC till he gets home and a dove delivers a postcard that says "Storybrooke, Maine" on the front and "Broken" written on the back... it's Neal, and August has kept his promise to let him know when Emma's done her job).
And, that's a wrap. I'm sure I'll be revisiting OUAT on the blog soon... but I think next up is Disneyland related... and hopefully MRJ will finally play nice and break radio silence with his new project. I WANNA KNOW! ha ha...
Only 120ish days till Season 4? I think?
I'm going to miss gushing about OUAT every day on here. Though there are other Once themed Memes I could do (I assume there are since I've seen one for Swanfire... maybe there's one that's JUST Neal? That'd be fun ha ha). Still, like all good things, there must be an end - or at least a hiatus (which is a very very very bad word in the world of OUAT).
My favorite Season Finale is still season 1's. Season 1 just had a lot of heart and a good beginning, middle, and end. Season 2 was all over the map and the finale felt more like an epilogue to me. Season 3 had two finales, the mid season, and the 2 hour movie (which was a whole lot of CaptainSwan messing up while SwanFire kept Emma going... which was a nice picture and all... but all it did was make me sad all over again once MRJ's final scene - and most likely final episode - came up. It's all about the tumblers).
Season 1's finale has Emma rushing her son to the hospital after he collapses from taking a bite of the apple turnover that his adoptive mother gave to Emma for her trip home. Emma is willing to leave Storybrooke to once again give Henry his best chance as she believes she's fueling his crazy ideas of everyone being fairytale characters. Henry takes the turnover to prove to her that he's not crazy. It's what finally gets Emma to realize it's all true. She beats the snot out of Regina and then the two of them go to get the thing that will save Henry.
Only Gold steals it from them, and they get a call from the hospital saying they need to come right away. By the time they reach the hospital Henry has died. Emma goes in to say goodbye and gives her son a tearful kiss on his forehead. The "twu love" rainbow airburst breaks forth and Henry awakens... as does the town. Now they know who they are.
And it cliffhangs right at the best part. They've found each other, and Gold has poured his "twu luv" potion into the well that restores all. A purple cloud falls over the town and... then we had to wait for Season 2 (which would open with a mystery man walking through NYC till he gets home and a dove delivers a postcard that says "Storybrooke, Maine" on the front and "Broken" written on the back... it's Neal, and August has kept his promise to let him know when Emma's done her job).
And, that's a wrap. I'm sure I'll be revisiting OUAT on the blog soon... but I think next up is Disneyland related... and hopefully MRJ will finally play nice and break radio silence with his new project. I WANNA KNOW! ha ha...
Only 120ish days till Season 4? I think?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
30 Days of OUAT - Day 29: Favorite Season Premiere
Day 29 - Favorite Season Premiere
I gotta go with the Pilot episode. It opens SO well, I mean from the intro to Prince Charming racing down the road towards finding his true love to awaken her with true love's kiss. Everything seems so much like what we know of the story... and then all hell breaks loose.
Season 2's premiere was nice, but at the same time the whole "Mystery Man" portion (aka Michael Raymond-James walking through NYC before coming home, losing his ipod, and getting a postcard with the word "broken") was just really annoying. Don't get me wrong, as an MRJ fangirl (now) I love seeing him, but it made NO SENSE! Especially since we don't see him again for several episodes and it just didn't seem to fit within the rest of the story (and I'm STILL not sure it does)!
Season 3's was somewhat of a let down (actually all of 3a feels that way), even though - once again - an MRJ fangirl gets some quality stuff out of the character of Neal (much more so than in Season 2's opener). There was just too much going on with Neal in the EF, Henry with Greg and Tamara finding out who they were taking orders from, and then the rescue party on the Jolly Roger (and all of the secondary characters back in Storybrooke). It was all just too convoluted.
But the Pilot episode had a beginning, middle, end... and a purpose. A real one, not just a "let's get back into this and introduce the new characters" kinda thing. Only thing that'd make it better is having MRJ in it, but we couldn't know who Neal was until Season 2... it wouldn't have fit the storyline... wouldn't have given us enough angst. We needed to work up to finding Baelfire... and besides we wouldn't have August trying to fool Rumple without us not knowing who Bae really was.
I had to get a few fangirl gush moments in, so sue me. Ha ha.
30 days of Once,
august w booth,
captain hook,
emma swan,
henry mills,
michael raymond-james,
neal cassidy,
once upon a time,
prince charming,
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
30 Days of OUAT - Day 28: Best Actor/Character
Day 28 - Best Actor/Character
And no one is shocked, right? Though in all honesty I probably don't even agree with my pick (really for me it's a three way tie between MRJ, Robert Carlyle, and Colin O'Donoghue), but I keep coming back to Michael Raymond-James. I mean if you've followed along with the 30 days of Once so far you know how I feel about his character Neal Cassidy, and if you follow me on Twitter you know I've been quickly catching myself up on his work. (Well, for the most part... the idea of watching his True Blood or Black Snake Moan character terrifies me. LOL!)
I don't want to do a huge gushfest considering I've gushed pretty much non stop all month, but I do want to say that I believe MRJ to be a very underrated actor (at least to the general public). He's more than just a character actor (guy is totally typecast ha ha), he's very skilled at his craft. His style is very laid back and natural on screen and that makes his characters believable. It's his warmth and charm that makes Neal a likeable guy even after all we find out about him (which in the grand scheme of things I don't believe makes him all that bad a person... it's all totally forgivable, which is what Emma does... but I digress).
If you want to see him shine outside of OUAT, I highly recommend Terriers. It was a short lived (not even a full season) show that he was a co-lead on. It's a "buddy drama-edy" about two down on their luck type PI's who end up getting a case that's way bigger than they realize. It was on FX and just didn't get the ratings (I kinda remember the promos for it, but I never watched it when it aired. Wish I had). You can stream it on Netflix (which I do regularly) - it's 13 episodes and well worth the time to take a day and binge watch. If the pilot doesn't catch your attention, keep watching. I wasn't hooked until episode 2 or 3, even with it being MRJ (I'm not a fan of Donal Logue's acting, so it took a while to get over him being co-lead with Michael).
With Neal now dead and gone (with creators Adam and Eddy both repeating the OUAT mantra "Dead is Dead" whenever asked about a possible return for the character) Michael fans are waiting to hear of his next project. He tweeted a while back that after an extended vacation he was back to work on a project he's excited about. He ended the tweet with "Details soonish"... and THIS fan is convinced it's "soonish" and he needs to spill! Especially since he keeps popping up on twitter every few days to share his "pearls of wisdom" (the latest being on washing dishes).
Whatever the project is I really hope it's a good one. Not a couple episodes arc on an established TV show where he ends up dying or some other tragic storyline. I want to see him branch out and play something that we haven't seen much of in his filmography - because judging by his interviews, twitter, and the like... he seems like a fairly happy go lucky kinda guy. So, come on, dude! A little less depression for your fans, please?! ha ha!
Oh, and totally superficial/random/weird point - as a photographer I cannot get over his eyes. They catch light perfectly and make them just stand out and are soooooooo beautiful... and I don't normally say that about dark eyes. But dang.
Oddly enough, however, I don't think Neal is the best character on the show. As much as I'm obsessed over the whole "Quiet Minds" thing, and how much I admire the actor, the character took a while for me to warm up to (not MRJ's fault, the writing didn't make him all that likeable for a long time). No, the best character award most definitely goes to Neal's Papa, Rumpelstiltskin. Robert Carlyle is a sheer genius in this role (and I probably should've given him his due as best actor... but puppy dog eyes won out on that one ha ha).
Seriously this man plays evil to perfection, and he does it in a way that the character is still so sympathetic. Even though he abandoned his son - dropped him down a portal! - and murdered a mute maid because she found out his dagger is what controls him, you still feel for him as he searches for a way to reach Baelfire in the land without magic. You cheer for him when he finds love with Belle (even if the age difference and scales make it kinda creepy), and your heart breaks each time he "loses her"... and then Quiet Minds happens where his son tells him to let go and tells him he loves him with his final breath... and we weep for him. And during his sons funeral, while he's caged and Zelena's prisoner, he feels every painful shovel of dirt burying his son - forever separating them. And you just want his pain to end.
Rumple's relationship with his son is yet another reason why I really really hope that this is truly NOT the end of Nealfire, even though I know it is.
And no one is shocked, right? Though in all honesty I probably don't even agree with my pick (really for me it's a three way tie between MRJ, Robert Carlyle, and Colin O'Donoghue), but I keep coming back to Michael Raymond-James. I mean if you've followed along with the 30 days of Once so far you know how I feel about his character Neal Cassidy, and if you follow me on Twitter you know I've been quickly catching myself up on his work. (Well, for the most part... the idea of watching his True Blood or Black Snake Moan character terrifies me. LOL!)
I don't want to do a huge gushfest considering I've gushed pretty much non stop all month, but I do want to say that I believe MRJ to be a very underrated actor (at least to the general public). He's more than just a character actor (guy is totally typecast ha ha), he's very skilled at his craft. His style is very laid back and natural on screen and that makes his characters believable. It's his warmth and charm that makes Neal a likeable guy even after all we find out about him (which in the grand scheme of things I don't believe makes him all that bad a person... it's all totally forgivable, which is what Emma does... but I digress).
If you want to see him shine outside of OUAT, I highly recommend Terriers. It was a short lived (not even a full season) show that he was a co-lead on. It's a "buddy drama-edy" about two down on their luck type PI's who end up getting a case that's way bigger than they realize. It was on FX and just didn't get the ratings (I kinda remember the promos for it, but I never watched it when it aired. Wish I had). You can stream it on Netflix (which I do regularly) - it's 13 episodes and well worth the time to take a day and binge watch. If the pilot doesn't catch your attention, keep watching. I wasn't hooked until episode 2 or 3, even with it being MRJ (I'm not a fan of Donal Logue's acting, so it took a while to get over him being co-lead with Michael).
With Neal now dead and gone (with creators Adam and Eddy both repeating the OUAT mantra "Dead is Dead" whenever asked about a possible return for the character) Michael fans are waiting to hear of his next project. He tweeted a while back that after an extended vacation he was back to work on a project he's excited about. He ended the tweet with "Details soonish"... and THIS fan is convinced it's "soonish" and he needs to spill! Especially since he keeps popping up on twitter every few days to share his "pearls of wisdom" (the latest being on washing dishes).
Whatever the project is I really hope it's a good one. Not a couple episodes arc on an established TV show where he ends up dying or some other tragic storyline. I want to see him branch out and play something that we haven't seen much of in his filmography - because judging by his interviews, twitter, and the like... he seems like a fairly happy go lucky kinda guy. So, come on, dude! A little less depression for your fans, please?! ha ha!
Oh, and totally superficial/random/weird point - as a photographer I cannot get over his eyes. They catch light perfectly and make them just stand out and are soooooooo beautiful... and I don't normally say that about dark eyes. But dang.
Oddly enough, however, I don't think Neal is the best character on the show. As much as I'm obsessed over the whole "Quiet Minds" thing, and how much I admire the actor, the character took a while for me to warm up to (not MRJ's fault, the writing didn't make him all that likeable for a long time). No, the best character award most definitely goes to Neal's Papa, Rumpelstiltskin. Robert Carlyle is a sheer genius in this role (and I probably should've given him his due as best actor... but puppy dog eyes won out on that one ha ha).
Seriously this man plays evil to perfection, and he does it in a way that the character is still so sympathetic. Even though he abandoned his son - dropped him down a portal! - and murdered a mute maid because she found out his dagger is what controls him, you still feel for him as he searches for a way to reach Baelfire in the land without magic. You cheer for him when he finds love with Belle (even if the age difference and scales make it kinda creepy), and your heart breaks each time he "loses her"... and then Quiet Minds happens where his son tells him to let go and tells him he loves him with his final breath... and we weep for him. And during his sons funeral, while he's caged and Zelena's prisoner, he feels every painful shovel of dirt burying his son - forever separating them. And you just want his pain to end.
Rumple's relationship with his son is yet another reason why I really really hope that this is truly NOT the end of Nealfire, even though I know it is.
Monday, May 26, 2014
30 Days of OUAT - Day 27: Most Shocking Moment
Day 27 - Most Shocking Moment
Pretty sure this one ranks right up there. I had thought for weeks - really since the second half of season 3 began - that Neal was the one who sent Hook to get Emma. I don't know why, but I just thought that either they had both tried to get back to her and Neal had somehow failed to survive the trip (thinking to who could possibly be the character to die that they warned us about), or that he couldn't make it and knew that the Jolly Roger was the only way to get back to the Land Without Magic. Remember, Neal is probably the one who knows best how to travel from realm to realm (other than Jefferson who is a non-factor to the story these days due to the actor not being available).
However, after "Quiet Minds" where we see Neal essentially die in his father's arms (and get absorbed by him... still weirds me out), so I figured I was wrong. Because Neal had no knowledge past the flying monkeys being a signal that the Wicked Witch of the West was around what was going on with the Charmings ("You're acting like that's normal"). He didn't know Zelina had threatened them, or that no one but Emma could defeat her. That is, until "A Curious Thing" airred. There we find Belle and the others going to Rumple for help. He's locked away in his own castle with the madness that having his son in his body/mind keeping him from being controlled by Zelina. Belle asks him how they can defeat the witch and he riddles them with the answer - Emma.
Towards the end of the episode - after Zelina finds out that the Charmings have re-enacted the dark curse to get back to Storybrooke and find a way back to Emma - Zelina comes with a memory potion for Rumple so that he can retain his memories - should he so choose. Rumple contemplates taking it, and just as he puts it to his lips an unseen force throws him back against the wall. He struggles and then that all too familiar and creepy bad CGI melds two faces together - the same two faces as in Quiet Minds. Neal rips through his father's body taking the potion, saying they aren't the ones that need to remember - Emma is. He rips his shirt, writes a message, calls a dove (some say that's proof he's a Prince(ss)) and sends the message to Hook.
Some say this shows him out of character - because he trusts Hook. Neal has only ever not trusted Hook where his father was concerned. Post Neverland, I don't even think he much cared/worried about that. Yes, he saw Hook as a rival for Emma's affection, but even towards the end of that part of the season Neal was willing to "let her go" if that's what made her happy. But NONE of that was what was being done in this scene. It was not his "blessing" for CaptainSwan to happen. Neal knew his fate in that moment (and would've known it in Storybrooke had they had their memories of the year in the EF), he needed to have someone as desperate as he was to get back to Emma get her the message. He knows Hook's capabilities (probably better than most anyone else still alive on the show). He TRUSTED him with the most important task.
Like Neal said in Quiet Minds - he hadn't forgotten all that Hook did for him (yes there was a betrayal, but Neal knows better than anyone the regret of betraying someone you love and care for). Neal did what he had to do. Neal gave up his fears, wants, desires, needs to give Emma the best possible chance she had to save her family. To, once again, come back home. He needed to know that his son and the woman he has always loved would be SAFE. Hook could give him that.
What made this shocking to me - since "I called it" - is the fact that I was RIGHT. And how it was done. As devastating as the story is in this scene... it made me happy. Not just to be right, but that because we got to see MRJ once again. We'd see him one final time in Season 3 - in the season finale. These scenes were wonderful, but ripped open the fangirl wounds all over again. I've "self medicated" by binge watching the short lived Terriers (which they really need to have clips of on Youtube!)... Britt Pollack is Nealfire in the 11 years between leaving Emma and getting found in NYC I just know it! lol
30 days of Once,
captain hook,
michael raymond-james,
neal cassidy,
once upon a time,
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