Monday, April 4, 2011

Official Street Team Member for What's In The Bible

You might notice on the upper left hand side of my blog I have a banner saying I'm an official street team member for What's In The Bible. It's a new ministry venture that Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer started a year or so ago. It's a Sesame Street method on the Bible, but it doesn't talk down to kids. In fact, adults can learn a thing or two from the series as well. It's in its infancy and so far only 4 of the scheduled 13 DVDs are even available. I found out about it through the grapevine and Phil's personal website. Being a huge fan of Veggie Tales and its creator, I was very excited to see what he was coming up with.

I was not disappointed. I had won a set for Haille and myself on their facebook page, and I am so very happy I found this series. It's adorable, fun, educational, and Biblical. It's a little less funky Veggie version of stories and more of the meat. Basically What's in the Bible is about discovering the meaning of the Bible - the way Phil goes about it is keeping the viewer in suspense of God's exit plan. How God is going to basically save the world. We're going in order of the books of the Bible, so whenever the Jesus factor should be brought in Phil mentions him but says we'll get more into that later on... I can't wait for that to happen!

The fifth DVD is set to come out soon, and with the Sunday school/home school curriculum finally catching up with the videos, they've decided it's time to really get the word out. Apparently even partnering with Focus on the Family they still felt that word of mouth was better than anything else. So I'm pleased to become part of the Street Team family. I am completely behind this project and hope you will at the very least check it out. Friends in the area if you're interested in seeing the first four DVDs email me and I will gladly let you borrow my copies.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Thirty!

Day 30: Favorite Live Action Film

It's gotta be Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. It singlehandedly gave rebirth to the Disney franchise, IMO, as well as Johnny Depps career. It gave me hope for the future of the company I grew up with, and it's killer funny. It's based on a ride, looks like a serious swashbuckling adventure, and is so tongue in cheek. They made pirates sexy, funny, and kept the adventure alive.

The sequels were decent, for sequels, but Black Pearl will always be special. It was fresh, and completely original while still saluting the many Pirate adventures before (and of course the ride). The sequels rely on rehashing the jokes from the first film, but have their moments of brilliance.

So here's to the movie that tributes one of Walt's final works!

*and with that another 30 day meme is finalized. Now what to write about?

Friday, April 1, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-Nine

Day 29: Least Favorite Animated Series

Definitely The Little Mermaid and Aladdin series. Both were just lame. I tried getting into the Aladdin show, but no dice. It didn't help that the Genie's voice was not Robin Williams. And let's face it, anything that is Little Mermaid is gonna go down as wrong in my book.

One last day to go... and then it's back to randomville...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-Eight

Day 28: Favorite Disney Cartoon Show

I grew up in the late 80s early 90s so I got the best Disney had to offer for tv. Ducktales, Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers, Gummy Bears, Tale Spin, Darkwing Duck! The list goes on! It was a fantastic time to be a kid, that's for sure!

My favorite then and now and forever is Ducktales. Maybe it's because it's about Donald's extended family, I don't know, but I loved Ducktales and would never miss them on TV. I had them on tape (and I want them on DVD) and I loved the antics of Huey, Dewey, and Louie and Webbygirl! Launchpad McQuack added to the hysteria and who doesn't love that ol' softy Uncle Scrooge McDuck?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-Seven

Day 27: Favorite Quote

Yeah, like I can pick just one! But I guess this is the best place to tribute one of Disney's greatest Live Action films of all time. The ground breaking Pirates of the Caribbean brought back not only Disney fans, but it also gave rebirth to an actor who hadn't seen a lot of positive feedback in his career - at least, not by the heavy critics - and now Johnny Depp is everywhere.

Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow was epic (now they're running it into the ground, but that's a rant for another day) and his line delivery spot on for a Pirate... and he had me in stitches from the moment he came into the movie until it ended.

My all time favorite of his, though, is:

"Me; I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid."

Monday, March 28, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-Six

Day 26: Saddest Death

I would share a video, but the only one on Youtube apparently has embedding disabled. I finally chose the death of Flynn Rider in Disney's newest classic, Tangled. I cried so hard at the end. I won't ruin the movie past that, but it was such a shock that Disney would allow it that I actually had to talk it out and remind myself that this was Disney and the hero never dies. Never, never, never! Haille wanted to know why I was crying because "the Prince never dies!" Guess the five year old is right. (okay so I totally spoiled the movie, so sue me, it comes out on DVD tomorrow.)

honorable mentions are Mufasa's death in The Lion King and Ray's death in The Princess and the Frog.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-five

Day 25: Favorite Scene from your Favorite Movie

I'm pretty sure I've rambled on enough about Sleeping Beauty, so I'll just share the video and be done with it! ha ha!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-Four

Day 24: Movie that makes you cry

Do Disney Park planning videos count, because those things make me cry like nobody's business!

Actually I think Disney-Pixar's UP takes the prize. Other than Toy Story 3, no film has been able to rip my heart out like that film does. I should've known bad things were coming when in the beginning of the film we meet the Fredricksons and then watch their life unfold until Ellie gets sick and passes away. And then towards the end he lets go of the house. What the heck? GAH! Why not just throw puppies in a river and drown 'em! SO SAD!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is your favorite cartoon character?

Donald Duck!

Ask me anything

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-three

Day 23: Movie that makes you laugh

There are several Disney films I could name, but the first one that came to mind was The Emperor's New Groove. Disney's most sarcastic movie to date! Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good bit of sacarasm (especially if I'm the one getting to dish it out). The weakest part of his film is lack of creativity in the animation. It's simple, it's cartoonish, and there's no depth whatsoever. If it was supposed to be styled by some Incan or Mayan or whatever art, I think Disney missed the mark (I'm also not a fan of the Hercules animation even though we're supposed to believe that it's based in Greek art, which you can KINDA see, but again it's a cop out to make sure they don't need to have depth).

What the movie does have going for it is the vocals and, of course, the humor. David Spade and Eartha Kitt - I am so there!

Erin and I have so many inside jokes with this movie, and the "Yzma, put your hands in the air!" is screamed many times while at Disney on rides. Even the wimpy drops get that line from time to time. Because we're the Dorktwins - and proud of it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-Two

Day 22: Underappreciated Film

I guess I'd say Brother Bear. It's about Inupiat legend - I'm sure incredibly Disney-fied - and it does a great job bridging the many different groups. It has a bit of Alaska (what with the bear river, and of course Sitka, Denali and Kenai), you've got the Canadian moose (not really sure what that's about, eh?), and I'm sure those that are "across the pond" are also well represented.

The animation is pretty spot on, too, for a computer 2d adventure. I love the storyline too. It's so sweet. Yes there's a lot of Native Spiritualism, but even with that I recommend it to families (Christian families can use it as a teach/talking tool afterwards, IMO. To identify where the culture/spiritual beliefs differ from ours).

Sunday, March 20, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty-one

Day 21: An Overrated Film

Any Disney CGI film before Tangled. Their storylines are horrible, the animation doesn't hold up to dreamworks (Shrek), Pixar (nothing better), or half a dozen other studios who do full out CGI animated movies. I think the only ones they're comparable to are the VeggieTales series, but those at least have short and sweet stories. Not so much - for me - with Meet the Robinsons or Bolt. I want Disney Animation to focus on the medium that grew this company into the monster it is today. 2d animation. Hate to break it to you, but even Tangled would have been just as amazing had they gotten the best 2d animators out there to work on it. Princess and the Frog was lovely (though I like the techonologies of Walt's Day more than doing it all in the computer with scans and what have you).

There's something to be said of the old classics where you can see the "pencil lines" of each character, there's more depth in those films (story and animation) than there are in the newer all done in the computer ones. I don't think Tangled gained anything from being fully CGI. I think the characters would be more life like on 2d form.

But that's just me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

No easy decision.

With the disaster in Japan last week, figure skating has come to a standstill. Not only is one of the sports main supporting counties fighting to regain some sense of normalacy, but the World Figure Skating Championships were set to be held this week in Japan.

Then the earth shook and the waves came and all of that disappeared.

The International Skating Union's (ISU) President, Ottavio Cinquanta, spoke in a press release during the speed skating championships stating that the Figure Skating championships were being postponed out of respect for the Japanese people. When asked when he believed they would resume, he had no answer. Rumors are swirling on the ISU receiving bids from other nations ready to host, to saying dear ol' $peedy (Cinquanta) was pushing the championships until October.

Not many in the skating world can find compassion, empathy or even understanding when it comes to the ISU president, but the man is between a rock and a hard place. Some will critisize that he's even worried about something so trivial when thousands are without homes, without power, and thousands more are dead or missing. Others say that he's trying to come out with as much money as possible in this whole thing. Still others say he is not considering the athletes at all. Everyone, however, are upset that he's taking "so long" to make a decision and share it with the rest of us. But, think of it this way for a moment, he may actually be taking all of these points into consideration in making his decision.

October is the least favorite idea on how to handle the situation. How much recovery will Japan see in that time? Look at the Katrina efforts in the United States, they've built back up a bit, but so many are still in limbo and the government support has all but run out. There are new tragedies to worry about, and Americans are always better to help those across the oceans than across the street. Japanese may be more supportive of their own people, but we're not talking an overstuffed huricane with a broken levy. We're talking about a devastating earthquake followed by a large wall Tsunami. This is not something Brad Pitt and his team can go and convert into charity. This is not something we'll see get fixed in time for the next figure skating season. And we're not even talking about the Nuclear Radiation issue we're seeing now in Japan.

That leaves figure skating with two options: move Worlds to another locale in April or May... or cancel the entire thing. No easy choice for Cinquanta, even if he were better liked by the skating fandom at large. If he moves the event, he risks hurting the Japanese economy, as well as pride. They were so looking forward to the event, figure skating is at its height of popularity with the Japanese Public. Their champions are considered rock stars. Think figure skating in the 90s in the US and multiply it by about a thousand and you've got the interest level of Japan.

Cancel the event altogether and you risk killing the chances of dozens of skaters maximizing their potential. You will have fans in an uproar. The World Championships have only had one previous cancellation. That was in 1961 when the USFSA team was killed in a plane crash on their way to the event. This year marked the 40th anniversary and the USFSA just made their rounds with a new documentary film entitled Rise. The irony has not gone unnoticed by fans, but, again, it's on such a minimal scale compared to what the Japanese suffer at present.

Most of the skaters have voiced their concern for Japan, and the support of its People. They also have been very vocal about hating the current limbo they're all in with no definite plan for what lay ahead. Skaters have let their voice be heard in articles, on facebook, and twitter. There's no question that everyone is getting antsy before making any further plans.

So what is the president of the ISU to do? The decision is supposedly going to be decided on Monday. Fans have a petition going online to get the ISU to do anything but hold Worlds in October. Figure Skaters have also signed. No matter the outcome, some will be upset, others just thankful a decision was made. Still, our hearts and prayers stay with Japan.

(To sign the petition asking the ISU to forget the October option, please visit this page.)

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty

Day 20: Favorite Sequel
We bring you back to our regularly scheduled program now that we're seeing the 39th Iditarod come to a close. The countdown has already started, for me, for Iditarod 40. We're going to make it a long weekend for the start. We're going to do it all. Musher's Banquet, Trail Guard for Ceremonial Start, and then head up to the restart! Very excited and I hope the plans go through.

Anyway, back to the game. Favorite Sequel. Welll, for the most part I hate Disney sequels, I think they're a waste of time and it seems the Disney animation department thinks so too. All it is is a cheap way to make money on unsuspecting parents who just snatch up all things Disney because it seems it required at parenthood. Not that I'm complaining, I think children should discover the brilliance of classic Disney. But the sequels are not classics, they're cheap knock offs of the classics.

Pixar, however, has done an amazing job with their Toy Story sequels, and apparently the next several Pixar releases will also be sequels based on other of their classic films. Pixar is all about the story as well as the animation and it works. I have no doubt that Cars 2 and even Monsters Inc 2 will get teh job done well. (I don't think Monsters needs a sequel - or really prequel - but no one asked me)

Toy Story 3 is probably the most emotional animated film I have ever had to watch. Land Before Time ate me up when I was little, but this movie kills me everytime I watch it. I was BAWLING my eyes out in the theater watching the ending scene. It's horribly real. Pixar has gotten better and better with each film in tugging at the heartstrings. Toy Story 3 nearly put me in therapy after watching it. I've watched it three times, and just watching the clip I shared had me snniffling this morning. Crazy.

So Toy Story 3 is definitely my favorite sequel (yes I know I chose Toy Story 2 as my favorite pixar film).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seventeen Iditarods in the making: John Baker is Champion

Long time Iditarod Veteran John Baker saw his dreams turn to reality when he rode into Nome at 9:46 this morning. He is only the second Native Alaskan musher to win the very Alaskan race (the first was Emmitt Peters in 1975) and is the first Eskimo musher to win. The Kotzebue musher has been a fan and musher favorite for years, and even second place Ramey Smith was heard saying "If I had to lose, I'd want it to be to [John]." He's the every musher, a humble, soft spoken, great guy. Who doesn't want the good guy to win? Not only did Baker defy the odds to win, he shattered Martin Buser's fastest time record.

Baker was met by Elders of his community as well as his wife and children. He pulled his wife and daughter into an embrace first off, and his wife sobbed tears of joy. Baker was all business, and almost stoic, as the officials went over his team and his sled checking off the required gear and care. With the signing of his last sheet, Baker was announced as the Iditarod Champion 2011. The Crowd errupted again in cheers (Bruce Lee commented that it was the largest ovation of any musher he could remember). John was a picture of grace and humility as he was pulled in all different directions for pictures, awards, and speeches.

Ramey Smith was second coming in about an hour after Baker's historic win, and is happy he'll get to have a real night's sleep. Hans Gatt came soon after, and Dallas Seavey was fourth. More and more are spilling in, in the fastest run Iditarod to date.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mitch Seavey joins Iditarod Insider team

2004 Iditarod Champion - and former competitor in this year's race - Mitch Seavey has joined up with the Iditarod Insider to finish out this year's race adding his "expert analysis" to an already great team of former racers keeping fans updated throughout the days of the race.

Seavey injured his hand in the Ophir checkpoint and was flown to Anchorage for surgery earlier this week. Race officials had to withdraw the musher from competition. After a successful surgery Mitch flew up in time to see the leaders pull into Unalakleet. Seavey says the top six teams look great, and he's excited to be watching the action.

If you haven't already, I suggest buying into the Iditarod Insider. They have great videos, access to the GPS tracker, and live coverage of the finish.

Swenson's Records Safe For Another Year

John Baker at the Ceremonial Start of Iditarod 39
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Unless a huge shake up happens in the next day and a half - very unlikely - Rick Swenson's records of youngest winner and 5 wins are still his and only his. Kotzebue musher John Baker is solidly in the lead. He's a "hometown hero", and musher/fan favorite. He's plugged away at this moment for years, and quite possibly would have won last year had he not, in his sleep deprived thoughts, believed he'd made a wrong turn on his way to the halfway point of Cripple. (Dallas Seavey was on his tail and passed him and took away the $3,000 in gold nuggets.)

Lance Mackey has all but given up, telling the press that there's no way he's going to hit five. We've heard this whole humilty speech from the Last Chance kennel before, but this time he seems to mean it. Mackey is hovering down in the 6-10th position fighting off Dallas Seavey and Martin Buser for a top ten finish.

Ramey Smyth and Sebastian Schnuelle have been quoted this morning as saying they can't catch, much less keep up, with Baker's team. Though, they're still in the hunt along with Hans Gatt and Hugh Neff - and a surprise, Reddington, Jr.! The race isn't over, but the top six are never won's in the Last Great Race (though they are far from rookies, all have impressive placements in their careers).

Anyone else think Swenson's breathing a huge sigh of relief? Still the most titles and records held. Can Buser's time record be beaten, though?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Team Jamaica scratches in Anvik

Jamaican musher, Newton Marshall, scratched this afternoon in Anvik stating he was concerned for the wellfare of his dogs. Newton had 11 dogs on his team when he scratched and stated that some were showing signs of illness. Marshall is an Iditarod veteran, having finished his first race last year, and has been mentored by Lance Mackey. One of Marshall's biggest boosters is singing legend, Jimmy Buffett. Yes, THAT Jimmy Buffett.
Newton is an Iditarod fan favorite, many citing the Disney movie "Cool Runnings" when speaking about the musher. In fact just last year I was saying Disney needed to make a sequel. Instead of an Olympic Bobsled team, the movie would focus on an Iditarod Sled Dog team. But I digress.

In other race news, John Baker still has a substantial lead heading towards Unalakleet (the checkpoint where Mackey normally makes his gigantic move and takes over the lead). Considering Baker's a favorite of Iditarod experts and followers, this has been an exciting twist into this year's race. It's still anyone's game at this point with at least 8 teams vying for - and able to pull off - a win.

Dallas Seavey and Martin Buser are neck and neck at this point at tenth place. According to the GPS tracker Dallas was set to pass Martin about five minutes ago. This race is anything but boring.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mitch Seavey out of the Iditarod

Mitch Seavey at the Ceremonial Start of
Iditarod 39, March 5, 2011
By now everyone's heard the news as it happened early thursday morning, but Mitch Seavey was taken out of the race by the Race Marshal due to a severe injury to Seavey's right index finger. According to a statement provided by Seavey's family, Mitch was using a "poorly constructed" knife to cut a tie on a bale of straw when it snapped shut cutting his finger at the first knuckle. Seavey was declared withdrawl by Race Marshal Nordman around 4:17am Thursday March 10. As competitive as he is, Seavey wanted to continue racing, but understood and agreed with Nordman - and the vet team that patched him up - that it was in his best interest to withdraw and head to Anchorage for Surgery.

The surgery was successful, and Mitch was able to keep his finger, and, through a lot of PT, should be able to regain some use out of the digit. From the sound of the wound, it sounds like Mitch wouldn't have had enough strength to properly care for his dogs were he allowed to run. It was a good call on Nordman's part, and I'm glad Mitch ultimately agreed with the decision.

Mitch was carrying the ashes of his friend and long time Kennel Manager Scott Hagen's ashes. Hagen passed away just a week before the Iditarod began, and the family has been hit hard with the sudden loss. Mitch passed the ashes off to son (and fellow racer) Dallas Seavey and "told him to get the job done," according to a posting that Danny Seavey - Mitch's eldest - wrote on Facebook late Thursday evening.

Here's hoping Mitch a speedy recovery and that we'll see him out on the trail with his team soon!

In Iditarod news, John Baker is now the leader, just as he planned, on the Yukon. He's taken his 8 hours, and is keeping Hugh Neff about a mile behind him. Mackey is a somewhat distant third, he's down to 9 dogs with the possibility of dropping to 8. Mushers need only 6 to finish in Nome. Dallas Seavey is hovering around 10th (his highest finish was 6th two years ago).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Iditarod 39: Taking Twenty-four

Sunday to now has been non-stop action and surprise in this year's iditarod. Teams that were deemed the strongest quickly fell to the back of the pack, with some favorites to win suggesting they might end up scratching. Mitch Seavey was reportedly planning to scratch on Monday, but thankfully decided against it. He's in Takotna sitting in tenth place and apparently taking his 24 hour layover.

Reader (and blogger) favorite Dallas Seavey is currently in 13th after a slow start. He made a jump several checkpoints back, but hasn't truly caught the leaders yet.

The surprising leader is four time champion Martin Buser. Once again, the Happy Trails Kennel is benefitting from the warmer temps, and hard packed, fast trail. It also helps that Martin's team was far away from the Yukon Quest where, apparently, many teams have picked up a strain of kennel cough which has slowed their teams considerably.

After announcing he was going to push for five, Lance has backed off of that statement saying he'll be lucky to stay top ten this year. He's having issues with his team being lethargic. But, I seem to recall him feeling worried about a sickly team about this time last year. Granted, he didn't drop as many last year as he has here (at the moment he's reading at 12 dogs, but is reportedly planning to drop more by the time he leaves the checkpoint tonight after taking his 24 hour layover).

Rick Swenson is likely to see his five time championship record tied by either Buser or Mackey, and it looks like there's very little chance of him increasing his record to six as he suffered a broken collar bone going through the Dalzell Gorge earlier this week. He decided against scratching as, all things considered, he's feeling pretty good. Rick was quoted as saying that as long as he keeps his arm low and doesn't extend it too far out he doesn't feel pain.

Not all of the teams have decided to take their layover in Takotna (a favorite among mushers because of the food - famous for their Iditarod pies and hospitality, who wouldn't want to stay there!) and several have pushed on to Ophir and the halfway point of Iditarod.

We're just minutes away from Martin Buser leaving Takotna (it took me a while to focus on this apparently)! Let the real race begin! Mush on!

(for more updates follow me on twitter! )

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bib Numbers Released

With the "small" number of 62 mushers in this years race, it looks like the bib selection went quicker than in years past. In fact, ITC has already posted the official numbers of each team on the website! I don't recall that happening so fast before. The Iditarod has been in competition with the Yukon Quest for the last few years now for fans/popularity. The ITC has been criticized for not utilizing the media (all forms) correctly. Being traditional and proud of the Iditarod I disagree. They work hard and are doing a fantastic job. The whiners would still complain even if the ITC did everything just like the Quest.

But, I digress.

The bib listing is as follows:
Bib #
Last Name
First Name
3Redington JrRayMWasillaAKUSAVeteran
5MooreAllenMTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
6MarshallNewtonMSt. AnneJAMAICAVeteran
8HoffmanKrisMSteamboat SpringsCOUSARookie
11BuserMartinMBig LakeAKUSAVeteran
15StoreyBobMAuklandNEW ZEALANDRookie
18ZirkleAliyFTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
25ThurstonTomMOak CreekCOUSAVeteran
36HendricksJessicaFTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
41Williams, Jr.MichaelMAkiakAKUSAVeteran
42ClarkeLachlanMBuena VistaCOUSAVeteran
49SwensonRickMTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
52LindnerSonnyMTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
55MaixnerKellyMBig LakeAKUSARookie
57BardonerJamesMSignal MountainTNUSARookie
59SmythCimMBig LakeAKUSAVeteran

30 Days of Disney: Day Nineteen

Day 19: Least Favorite Pixar Film
Bug's Life. Like I said, this is easier than picking my favorite. I don't know what it is about Bug's Life that doesn't appeal to me. It's cute, there are some great lines and scenes, but over all it's just blah. But put me in teh parks and one of the first things I look for is It's Tough to Be a Bug. Go figure.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Eighteen

Day 18: Favorite Pixar Film
Oooo, this is tough. it's easier for me to pick my least favorite. I'd have to go with... well... maybe... I don't know... ummmmmm... Toy Story 2. It's an amazing sequel, and the only reason I don't choose #3, which is the most brilliant of the trilogy, is because it made me cry and I hate that. I don't like the ending because it's so real to life. It's just wrong. I like to escape in a Pixar or Disney film, not be reminded I'm an adult and I have to let go. It is almost an Anti-Disney film! haha!

Toy Story was very much a part of my childhood. I remember watching the first one and loving it, and by the time the second came out I was bursting to see it. Granted they both came out during the Baptist Boycott against Disney, so I didn't see either in theatres, but I did see them when friends would bring them over (hey none of our money went to the Mouse at that time, so it counts.)

Thankfully that boycott is done and over with, and I happily own the entire Pixar collection (and I'm slowly but surely making up for lost time Disney Animation wise).

So for today, Toy Story 2 is my favorite. Tomorrow it will probably be Cars or Up or Finding Nemo... or Monsters Inc... or Wall-E... oy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Seventeen

Day 17: Least Favorite Classic.

I'm not a fan of the Little Mermaid, I love teh music and Prince Eric is a decent prince, but over all I just can't get into teh storyline and find the animation to be.... well... not up to par with the princess movies then or since (though Aladdin has it's moments of shoddy animation as well. Stupid computers).

Mainly, though, I don't like the Princess Ariel. She's a spoiled brat who is defiant in a very wrong way. It's not like her father is some evil stepfather who locks her away, and his concern is very much real. But what do I know. I'm a Daddy's Girl who can't stand disappointing her best friend.

But, as I said, I LOVE the music. Under The Sea, Kiss the Girl, Le Poisons... so much fun!

Monday, February 28, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Sixteen

Day 16: Favorite Classic

If you haven't figured it out by now, well, you haven't been paying attention. From the time I can remember my favorite Disney movie of all time is, of course, Sleeping Beauty. I love everything about the film (except the fact that it forever placed Aurora in a pink dress when she wore BLUE for almost the entire movie) and I always will. Prince Phillip, Maleficent, Merryweather, Aurora will forever be with me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Iditarod 39: Toni's top 10 to watch!

We're a week away from the beginning of the latest Iditarod. Back are some familiar favorites to the race - at least two who said they were going to sit this one out are back - and all are knocking on the door ready to make history. I was originally going to just do a run down of the key players, and that's basically what this will be, but instead of looking at it clinically I will just go with gut feelings and personal opinion. Mainly because now that there are actual mushers reading this blog, well, I just don't feel qualified to make anything more than that. I don't know what I'm talking about, just know my fansense.

1. Mackey. Lance Mackey, to be exact. He's the reigning four time (consecutively at that, a first in Iditarod history) Iditarod champion. He ran last year's race without using his pain killing meds in order to prove a point - that his drug use was not giving him an advantage - I personally felt it also should have sent him a message that he didn't truly need the drugs, but he disagrees. There's been no big press release explaning what he will do this season, but considering the Iditarod was forthcoming last year saying he would not be affected by the new rules, I assume he's taking them with him this time. He's been battling knee problems, after all. Lance had suggested at the end of the race last year that he wasn't going to run this year, but when it came time to sign up last summer, Mackey was among the few who put their name down. Why should he? He's dominated this sport like no other in recent history. The only thing that will keep this team from winning the fifth consecutive title is Mackey's physical health.

2. Hans Gatt was second place last year, and has been knocking on the door for several years. He had a rough time on the Quest (didn't finish) but that might be a good thing going into the Iditarod. His team will have had just a few more days to recoop from their time on the Yukon. It could also hurt because it could be showing the team's weaknesses. With the random weather we've had again this year, who knows what to expect (the Iron Dog race which starts out following the Iditarod Trail had to stop and restart several times due to weather). Hopefully Gatt and his team still have confidence going into the Iditarod and continue their quest for the championship.

3. Dallas Seavey just won his first major race EVER. While he's been named as the one to watch for several years, he's just now starting to see major wins (or, rather one major win). Dallas is a third generation musher, and knows his stuff. He broke top ten two years ago with a sixth place finish, and last year placed two spots higher than his Iditarod Champion father. He is competitive, has set his goals high (he wants to break Rick Swenson's record of being the youngest champion, and he has three years to accomplish that). He went into the Yukon Quest as a rookie looking for it to be a training run for the Iditarod and ended up winning the whole thing after freak storms and accidents took out the main players. The question now is, can Dallas' team keep that momentum going into the Iditarod and are they capable of winning both (a feat only Lance Mackey has accomplished), or will they be too tired to be competitive for the last great race on earth?

4. Hugh Neff was supposed to with the Quest, but after losing one of his dogs during the Quest and scratching because of it, one has to wonder if Neff will be mentally ready to go up against another formidable race. Last year, the Iditarod accomplished a feat it's been trying for all along - no deaths on the trail. This should come as a comfort to Neff, but at teh same time - it's not a sure thing that it won't happen again. Will Neff be willing to push his team to be competitive or will he be gun shy?

5. Mitch Seavey won the Iditarod in 2004 and has stayed in the top ten ever since. He saw his son pass him and head into Nome ahead of him last year, and he's seeing quite a few new strategies pass him by. I wouldn't count Mitch out yet, though. He's one of those silent types who, at any moment, could come around and surprise us. But it seems that he relies heavily on sticking to his plan, and having others follow it. That's not to say he won't be in the mix or even win the thing again.

6. Paul Gebhardt has been one of the top contenders in the race for years. I honestly can't remember a time when I haven't heard Gebhardt and the Iditarod. He's one of those gotta pull fors because you really do feel that he should win it at least once. Just because he's a great guy, great musher, his dogs are awesome... But something always gets in the way of victory. Still, he's always one of those teams that strong up to the end, and you cannot count him out.

7. Sebastian Schnuelle was supposedly pulling a Jeff King and retiring after last year. Well, the retirement was short lived. He ran a great Quest, though was fouled up when helping other mushers out of the Yukon River, and gave Dallas a run for his money coming in very close behind Dallas (Dallas' team was just out of the finish line chute when Schnuelle's came in). My mom likes him just because of his hair. Go Figure. With King out of the way I see Schnuelle being the team that challenges Mackey's more than anyone else.

8. Dee Dee Jonrowe has an outside shot at a win. She is all over the map in finishes. She was supposed to take over for Susan Butcher as the next lady champion and it hasn't ever happened. Still, she's tough as nails running the Iditarod shortly after battling (and beating!) breast cancer - though afterwards she said it was too soon to come back. Her mom's been foremost in her mind the last couple of years as she battles her own bout of cancer (recurring). Look for her to be top fifteen, but she might get lucky and finally hold off the big boys.

9. Martin Buser hasn't won an Iditarod in a while, but still holds the record for fastest win. He's dedicated to his dogs first, sport second. Happy dogs are the goal for Martin, and he's a fan favorite because of it. But don't think he isn't competitive, he always manages to stay in the thick of things. Martin just has to be willing to push just a little bit harder. This isn't the 90s anymore, he's gotta be willing to play the game a bit differently now.

10. Rick Swenson is looking to see Mackey tie his record five wins. This might be the year that lights a fire under his butt as his "king of the Iditarod" title is now completely in jeopardy (if it wasn't already surpassed after Mackey's history making win last year). It'd be great to see this long ago champion take a whack at a sixth title, but I'm not sure his team is built for the new generation of racing. It's still a team to watch, though, if for no other reason than history.

So who do YOU think/want to win? Be sure to vote in the poll on my blog! (It's to the left of the blog entries)

What celebrity would you most like to meet in person?

Steven Spielberg. No question there. Other heros I've met, all I've ever done with Spielberg is stick my hands in his handprints outside the Chinese Theatre (which was pretty stinkin cool).

30 Days of Disney: Day Fifteen

Day 15: First Movie

I don't know what the first Disney movie it was that I saw at home, but I remember the first one I saw in theatres. It was in 1988 and Disney's newest feature animated film was Oliver and Company. I became obsessed with it very quickly.

Dodger rocks.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Fourteen

Day 14: Favorite Kiss

True Love's Kiss - Phillip & Aurora. I love how after all he's been through, Phillip races up the stairs to save the beautiful princess and when he reaches the top of the stairs and the side of her bed he stops and just looks at her for a moment before gently kneeling and giving her, her first kiss. It's just a really well animated and touching part of the film.

So sweet, I want a Phillip... and a dragon.

Friday, February 25, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Thirteen

Day 13: Your Least Favorite Song

I'm searching my brain trying to think of one that is my least favorite. There are many that I don't care for, or are annoying, I don't know that I can pick just one... But, I guess the one that has annoyed me lately is the completely unneeded song which was rightfully cut from the film (and then added back in for the blu-ray addition) which was "Human Again" in Beauty and the Beast. It's where the household staff all dream of what it will be like once they all return to their former lives as humans. It's horribly animated, and doesn't fit. Maybe because I grew up without it, and I don't like change, but there was an obvious reason why it was cut from the theatrical release, and I'm glad it was. It's lame.

Another one I don't like is If I Never Knew You - when it's sung by the characters - in Pocahontas. It's a great love song for the credits, but it doesn't go AT ALL within the scene it's from in the film. Again it was cut for the theatrical release, but added in when the film went to DVD a few years ago. LAME.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twelve

Day 12: Favorite Villain song

Well, if Maleficent had a song you know it'd be hers, because she is awesome, but since she doesn't I went with my favorite Disney on Broadway villain, Scar. The character himself is awesome, but the costuming is "to die for". Everything about the Scar character on stage is just perfect, and I love the take on him. He's less wimpy in some ways on stage to the movie counterpart. While still whiney and not as noble or heroic as Mufasa and Simba, he's less... needy in some ways. And he's still that highly intellectual type. Just a great allaround villain.

My favorite villain song, then, is not Be Prepared which is in both the film and on stage, but a song that is from the stage version. The Madness of King Scar which ties in quite a bit of the movie, and adds a more adult element for the reason that Nala leaves the pride to "go for help." Besides, it's just funny.

What language would you like to learn how to speak?

German. It's where my european roots are mainly. But I hear it's pretty difficult.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Eleven

Day 11: Favorite Love Song

So since I chose a love song as my favorite yesterday I will do my second favorite. It's not going to be a shocker, as it's from Sleeping Beauty. It's "Once Upon A Dream" which is where Aurora and Phillip meet as young adults and don't know who the other is. Yet he's the man of her dreams, and he's completely enchanted by the young peasant woman. Or, well, teh woman he presumes is a peasant because she lives in a cottage in the forest. Boy was he wrong.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Ten

Day 10: Favorite Song

Oh dear, this is diffcult, we have many decades and many facets of songs to choose from!

So I'm going to cheat and pick one from film/tv, one from broadway... and one that is about Disney but isn't Disney.

First off, Erin's find that is pretty much my obsession. It's a tongue and cheek look at Disney World set to be sung like a gospel song. It's hysterical, and must have been written around the time the Southern Baptist Convention decided to boycott all things Disney due to the "gay days" at the parks. I remember that period as being very dark for my world. *Le sigh* but I understand the reasoning behind it. Too bad most Baptists didn't know/hear about it, but it was still effective. Nights of Joy came out of that whole deal, IIRC.

Anyway this is my pick for non-Disney Disney Song. It's entitled "Magic Kingdom In The Sky" and was written and sung by the group known as DaVinci's Notebook.

For Disney on Broadway it's all about The Lion King. My generation's Cats I suppose. I became obsessed with it after the show toured in Anchorage for six weeks. It was mind blowing, jaw dropping amazing! I was in awe and I saw it four times. My bank account suffered but it was SO WORTH IT. If it comes to your area, hock the farm and go. You will NOT be disappointed. It's spectacular and stunning and just wow.
My favorite song is Simba's solo in the second act where he talks to his father in his darkest moment. Where he feels alone and forgotten and so full of guilt. It's a powerful talking scene in the movie, but it's an AMAZING vocal in the show.

My favorite from tv/film was difficult. But I finally went with possibly one of the most romantic songs of all time. It's the love song from Cinderella, "So This Is Love". It's short, sweet, and beautiful. Sums up the romance perfectly. Even if it is a little far fetched that they fell in love at the very sight of each other - and that Cindy is blond enough to totally miss the fact that the dude she's dancing with is the prince.

So there are my top three songs. I was tempted to do one on pixar, but decided I'm too tired to do that tonight. Oh well. Ha ha!

Monday, February 21, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Nine

Day Nine: Favorite Original Character

Well, since I picked Donald as my ultimate favorite character I'll go with my second favorite: Chip. No, not Dale too... just Chip.

Fell in love with Chip when he was in the short lived series of "Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers" which lasted all of two and a half seasons.

Dale is okay and all, but lets face it, Chip is the brains of the operation. What makes it great is that even when he does help make the trouble, he can get himself AND Dale out of it.

Dale, Erin, Me & Chip - Disney's Animal Kingdom 2010

Sunday, February 20, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Eight

Day 8: Favorite Villain

Say it with me: DRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty is forever the baddest Disney Villain. She is freaky evil, scary beyond all reason, and deliciously wicked. She is a rockstar and as bad as they come. And she turns into a dragon. Can't get much better (badder?) than that.

What's even better than the dragon in the movie? The dragon in FANTASMIC! a nighttime spectacular that brings Maleficent's Dragon to life at both the Disneyland and Disney-Hollywood Studios parks. It sends shivers down my spine and I go fangirl whenever she comes out (sadly Murphy did not work when I was in California. I'm depressed about it.)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Seven

Day 7: Favorite Sidekick

Since they don't have a fairies category I guess this is where she'll go. Merryweather is one of the best personalities in an animated movie. She's sarcastic, kinda grumpy for a fairy, and she's right. She's all about blue which also helps. She's more intelligent than her colleagues, but is stuck as the third fairy due to who knows what.

When I was little I wanted Merryweather for my fairy godmother.

Friday, February 18, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Six

Day 6: Favorite Animal

Percy from Disney's Pocahontas. He is Governor Ratcliffe's (the villain) pug. He is tormented by Meeko, Pocahontas' racoon friend. He is pampered, spoiled really, and snotty (a PUG!). He thinks very highly of himself and is quick to a temper tantrum if things don't go his way. He's absolutely ADORABLE.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

California Dreamin'...

So I guess I should blog a little about my trip to California. I apologise in advance if this becomes garbled, incomplete, or otherwise a mess. It's just a few random - possibly vague - thoughts from the trip. Pictures are still being editted and if I think about it later I may share more photos than what I do here, but for now... this is what you get.

The wedding went really well. There was a tad bit of confusion, but for the most part it was good. The two Hailles were so cute as they gripped each other's hand and walked down the aisle. I was worried Haille Rae would stop when the crowd all went "awwwwww" when they got a glimpse of the flower girls but all she did was grip Hailee Elizabeth's hand tighter. They made it down stopped in front of Gaylord and looked up like "okay, now what." I waved them over to their moms and they sat down.

The photography was okay. I wasn't too happy with the rules that teh church gave - but this is a church that has a gay wedding coordinator, no joke, so it was eye opening in lots of ways. I had a lot of stone faced guys to work with, too, so I feel a lot of the posed shots (and there are way too many of those) look more like prison line ups.

Thank God I had the 100-400mm lens because I was standing in the back of the church the entire ceremony. Because when God is invited in (um, WHAT?) the photographer has to stay away. Because God doesn't like photographers (I guess, because that's the only reason I can think of for disallowing it). Apparently photographers are also distracting and noisy. Um, yeah, more so than the kids in the audience, oh, that's right, they had to be quiet or go away too. Whatever. Give me a good ol' Southern Baptist hitchin' and BBQ any day! LOL Lutherans, I tell ya!

Rules aside, Judy looked fab, and it was a happy fun time. The reception was fun. The Hailles spent the entire night on the dance floor. The food was REALLY good.. and I got to see my cousins and aunt and uncle rock it out on the dance floor (and my mom... in her bridesmaid dress... epic). When Billie Jean started playing my mom busted out her Michael Jackson floor moppin moves. Oh dear.

Mom left for home the day after, she needed to be home for Duane's 16th birthday, Jake and Jillian also left that night. I got to spend the next couple of days with my aunt Becca and uncle Rick. I hadn't ever really spent a lot of time with them, especially not as an adult, and I loved my time there. Aunt Becca is so much fun, and Uncle Rick keeps it real. I got to know them in a way I'd never been able to before, and it really put my heart and mind at ease about how the family looks at me. But, those feelings will come at another time in another blog. Let's just say there were a lot of... guarded emotions that are starting to bubble up. Hurt that I didn't realize was as deep as it was has come to teh surface and I'm still fighting to regain control of the emotions.

Needless to say, the foursome of Rick, Becca, Jake and Jillian were a Godsend in so many ways. Even after we made it to Disney.

The day before Disney we took Haille and Juanita on a tour of Nevada City and Grass Valley. I love the old mining town feel of the two, and I took a lot of pictures of my favorite spots. The Mansion at the Empire Mine is my absolute favorite place to photograph. I wish Judy and Gaylord had done some pre-wedding photos there, but alas it was not meant to be. Actually, I kinda wish they'd had the wedding there, too.

The weather was great for walking around, and Haille was surprisingly interested in everything, which was great. I was afraid she'd get bored in a hurry. She loved exploring the Mine, and only got scared when we went down the mine shaft (which they told us they are planning to expand as soon as they can get more funding from somewhere - seeing as how California is broke).

Disney... well... I had a lot of high hopes that were quickly dashed. And it wasn't Uncle Walt's fault. I wish we could have done it differently. Hindsight being what it was. I wish we'd stuck with the plan. I wish we'd taken a break midday like we promised. I wish we'd had more time to do some things, and I wish... well... A dream is a wish your heart makes.

There were magical moments. Seeing Haille the last night dance with Goofy and scratch Pluto's ear is exactly what we had hoped for when we planned the trip. Seeing her dressed up like a princess was magical... and listening to her scream and laugh in delight as we went through teh Matterhorn... and get excited that the same ghost sat with us each time we rode Haunted Mansion was special.

I'd love to take her again. I really would... but I'd want to do it the way I do Disney. With planning. And input. And I don't know.. naps. LOL.

Thank God for my best friend, she helped me through my frustration. We've decided Disneyland is our trip for 2012. Yes, I know I said no more Disney until 2014... but I don't feel that I did Disney right - or at all, even though there are pictures to say otherwise - this last time. I need to go back to Disneyland and really feel the magic and feel Uncle Walt... so August 2012 here we come! (I hope, I gotta get back to nationals that year too).

Jillian came to Disney with us one day - after we, once again, changed plans five hundred times and went to Hollywood for the morning. So we didn't get to do a whole lot with her at Disney, but it was a welcome relief. I love me some cousin time. One of my favorite parts was when we ditched the family and went back to the car so that I could change into dry warm clothes for teh evening. And then we spent a lot of time chatting while we sat holding spots for Fantasmic for the family while they watched the fireworks from the hub.

The next day when everyone went to the beach I met up with my friend Mackenzie at the parks. It was a great day to just get away and we had fun (or, at least I did!). We hit all of the rides I'd missed previously, and then she made sure I saw Aladdin. Which is, by far, the most amazing production I've seen in the parks... aside from Fantasmic in Disney World. It was just wow. Festival of the Lion King at Animal Kingdom comes close, but Aladdin is seamless and reminds me more of Lion King on Broadway in the way they interpret the story.

This was also the final day that the family was all in California, so I said good bye to Mackenzie and met up with the fam for dinner at Goofy's Kitchen. The magic finally hit everyone as Haille spent an amazing 2.5 hours hanging with the characters and having a blast. Goofy's Kitchen tops Chef Mickey's in food AND character interaction. Though, the characters are a bit random (we had Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale, Minnie... and Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother. Not sure how that works).

I had the next day all to myself after I moved from the hotel we all stayed at to the Anaheim Plaaza I headed for the park. First stop was the Carnation Cafe (okay, I lied first stop was Donald Duck) where I had my Mickey Waffle. All of a sudden it was DISNEY. I met Oscar who has been there since the park openned. He's the longest working employee Disney has. He autographed my menu and I got my picture with him. LOVED my experience with him. Great guy. Hope to meet him next year.

I spent most of my day taking pictures. I love Disney for that one reason, you can never get enough photographs. I haven't even started editing them all. I spent most of the day at Disneyland, but did pop over to California Adventure to catch another showing of the Aladdin Musical Spectacular. Genie is freaking awesome.

I also took a break and walked over to the Garden Walk and had me some Johnny Rockets. Then it was back to my hotel room where I grabbed my tripod and headed back to the park. I spent the hours before closing taking long exposures of just about everything. Again, haven't even started editing those. Before leaving I did my ritual of going to the partners statue when no one else was there and thanked Uncle Walt. I know, it's totally cheesey, but as I told Haille when she asked who that statue was with Mickey, without Uncle Walt, magic wouldn't exist. He built that park, it was his. I walked in his footsteps, I paid homage to his window... I don't worship the man, but I do admire and look up to him. He inspired this nation, and is one of the last true innovators we've had.

So that's the basic rundown. Pictures will have to come later, I am tired and I have to work in the morning.

30 Days of Disney: Day Five

Day 5: Favorite Hero

Mufasa. I don't know if it's because he's powerful and yet kind... or just the fact that James Earl Jones lent his voice to the role. Either way I love the character - especially the broadway version! I cry every time he dies and Simba calls out for help. Then scar ruins the moment by blaming the poor little lion cub and telling him to run away.

The speaking from the stars thing, while completely against my beliefs, is probably one of the coolest scenes. Again, especially in the stage version.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Four

Day 4: Favorite Prince

Oh, dear. This is where it goes bad. I LOVE the Disney princes. What girl didn't crush on at least one of them in her childhood. I was and am no different. In fact, I still crush hard on the princes. Especially when I am lucky enough to meet them in the parks and they are just as *charming* in person.

The prince I've loved longest is Prince Phillip. He's a dragon slaying, serenade singing, all around great dancer. He's that boy next door you don't mind bringing to meet your mama. He fights for his princess, which is rare in Disney fables, and he is victorious and has one of the best kiss scenes in Disney history. I've wanted my own Prince Philip for ages.

Recently, though, I've fallen for Disney's newest Prince: Prince Naveen. He's very charismatic in the film, and the character in the parks just sealed the deal. I've become a Naveen stalker! The newer Princess films gives the princes more personality, so we really get to know Naveen through the course of the movie. He's a flirt, a playboy really, and yet he does have a soft side. He's very romantic when he's not trying to be, and through it all he's a good guy.

So I have two favorites. The more modern Naveen and the saintly Phillip. Mmm-mmm Good! ;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Youngest Yukon Quest Champion Crowned Tonight

Youngest musher to FINISH the Iditarod just became the youngest musher to WIN the Yukon Quest Alaska's other long distance insanely intense sled dog race.

Who's the new champion you ask? Dallas Seavey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So excited! But now I need to go to bed, I stayed up way past my bedtime for this, and I don't even get to watch it unfold. Dallas was quoted at the finishline saying "I thought this was just a training run!"

You're just training yourself for how to be a champion! Congrats, Bubba!

30 Days of Disney: Day Three

Day 3: Favorite Heroine

When Pirates of the Caribbean opened in 2003, I was not expecting much. I mean, this was the company that was running their franchise into the ground with stupid half hearted films for the last near decade. The only saving grace Disney had at that point was Pixar, and they were on the verge of losing that company, until they held the Toy Story characters hostage.

Then Jerry Bruckheimer signed up to produce a film based on one of Walt Disney's park rides... Pirates. Who doesn't love pirates? Who'd he hire? Hollywood... "weird" Johnny Depp... Who's career was anything but big money maker. He was an odd duck type actor, in the same sort of vein as Tim Burton, how on earth was he ever going to be able to play a straight on Disney character?

Well, he didn't.

But that's not what the prompt was about. But I think you can figure out where I'm going with this. Elizabeth Swann is probably my favorite female Disney character we have to date (topping even Mary Poppins. I know, blasphemy!). I especially like her in the first film. The film itself was a welcome surprise, but each character brought something to the table. Elizabeth was someone I think every girl could relate to. She was part princess (or, well, governor's daughter) and part pirate. She could doll up for any occassion and yet share a drink and a laugh with the guys. I totally identified with her not wanting to just fit into the social norms of the day and marry the first guy who came calling - no matter what life he could afford her.

So here's to the Pirate Princess of the Caribbean, may she always keep Will's heart (if not I know a lot of girls willing to take over for her).

Drink up, me hearties! Yo ho!

Monday, February 14, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Two

Day 2: Favorite Princess

Everyone, say it with me: Princess Aurora. Known best just as Sleeping Beauty, I actually prefer her peasant name of Briar Rose. Aurora is Disney's second princess (Snow White, of course, being the first). I love just about everything in that movie, and the princess is no exception. I love the fact that she doesn't mouth off or run away or defy authority - sure she DREAMS about meeting someone, and she DOES dance with Phillip, but she doesn't go out of her way to break the rules... she's not happy with them, but what can she do?

I'm not sure exactly what it is about her that I love, but I always come back to her even after my mini obsessions with Belle and Jazzy when the movies first came out (actually the only princess I didn't like, and still don't, is Ariel).

So here's to the girl with hair as bright and golden as the sun, and lips the shame the red, red rose...

Princess Aurora outside her Castle, Feb. 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day One

Day 1: Favorite Character

Oh, this is simple enough. From the time I can remember it's always been about Donald Duck. Sure, every little kid that grows up with Disney knows the Mickey Mouse Club Theme (I even taught it to Haille Rae) and so you're immediately brainwashed to believe it's all about the Mouse, but it didn't work that long on me. Part of it may be due to the fact that my mom's youngest brother sounds JUST LIKE HIM when he talks to little kids. Haille kept calling him Uncle Donald Duck the entire week we were at their house for Judy's wedding. He's just way talented in that way.

So it may be genetics, but Donald Duck has always been my favorite. I'm very much like him, too, very quick to anger... very proud... very full of myself... ha ha! After all I have this blog that almost no one reads, right? Why? Because I like talking about myself. Duh. It's all about me... or, in this case, the Duck.

Tonichelle & Donald Duck Disneyland 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Thirty!

Day 30: Why Do You Love Figure Skating?

That's the big question, isn't it? Originally it was because I liked to be entertained. I grew up during the "golden era" of North American figure skating. There were professional competitions and shows just about every weekend on TV (especially after 1994) and with skaters like Scott Hamilton and Kurt Browning and Viktor Petrenko... well... those events were never boring.

In high school I fell in love with competitive figure skating because I loved the on the edge of your seat moments of finding out, after a great night of skating, who would come away with gold. There was a rush.

But really what has always been the reason? The skaters themselves. Like any sports fan I become invested in teh personal stories of the athletes themselves. It started with my obsession with Scott Hamilton, and through him I connected his friends on the ice and learned more about them - normally on my way to learn what they really thought about my favorite skater. In high school I began work on fan sites and official sites and connected with some of the up and coming stars that are now, mostly, professional skaters (insanity!). I was emotionally invested in their competitions, their success, their failures...

It's the human aspect that keeps me tuning in, even when I'm bored to tears with the 5 million Carmens and 20billion swan lakes. It's that part of skating that makes it mroe than just baby ballerinas and jumping beans.

It's the skaters themselves that make skating great.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ask me anything

Who are you cheering for for the Iditarod?

First and foremost Mitch and Dallas Seavey - but don't let them know that! Since I have a knack for jinxing my favorite athletes/teams, I've been forbidden to cheer for them... but I can't help it. Dallas is really on the upswing the last couple of years, and he's been labelled as one of the race's next big stars, so I have a lot of faith in his team and their ability.

I also have a soft spot for John Baker and Martin Buser... Then there's Sebastian Schnuelle, Hans Gatt and Hugh Neff.... yeah I have quite a few I'm cheering for... (Newton and Wattie are fan favorites, and mine!)

But, really, as long as Lance Mackey's team is in the mix I think we know who the champion will be... they're an amazing combination, don't know what he's doing that gets teh wins, but whatever it is, I've no doubt he'll continue that magic.

Ask me anything

New 30 Days after the last one...

The skating one ends tomorrow, so to keep myself blogging I'm going to do this one I just found. 30 Days of Disney! score! (Yeah, you're not excited, so what, it's my blog.)

Here's the run down

Day #1: Your favorite character

Day #2: Your favorite princess

Day #3: Your favorite heroine

Day #4: Your favorite prince

Day #5: Your favorite hero

Day #6: Your favorite animal

Day #7: Your favorite sidekick

Day #8: Your favorite villain

Day #9: Your favorite original character (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etc.)

Day #10: Your favorite song

Day #11: Your favorite love song

Day #12: Your favorite villain song

Day #13: Your least favorite song

Day #14: Your favorite kiss

Day #15: The first movie you saw

Day #16: Your favorite classic

Day #17: Your least favorite classic

Day #18: Your favorite Pixar film

Day #19: Your least favorite Pixar film

Day #20: Favorite sequel

Day #21: An overrated movie

Day #22: An underrated movie

Day #23: A movie that makes you laugh

Day #24: A movie that makes you cry

Day #25: Your favorite scene from your favorite movie

Day #26: Saddest death

Day #27: Your favorite quote

Day #28: Your favorite Disney animated TV series

Day #29: Your least favorite Disney animated TV series

Day #30: Your favorite live action Disney Film

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Twenty-Nine

Day 29: Favorite Skater of All Time

She's back! I will update on the trip eventually.... I hope... but for now I've got two more days of skating meme before Iditarod, work, and photo editting take over my life! LOL

Anyway, back on topic. Favorite skater of all time is going to be Scott Hamilton. Pretty sure I've said that several times throughout the 30 day meme (which has spanned over two months now, but oh well.) Without Scott i'd not have fallen in love with the sport of figure skating. Sure, I put skaters above him - now - in terms of skill and what not, but Scott will always hold that special spot in my heart. He was my hero growing up, and someone I continue to follow and get excited for when he's in the news doing something good. I pray for him, and send him well wishes and support/encouragement, and go totally fan girl when I am in the stands and he's commentating.

I've gushed on him earlier in this little meme thing, so I won't rehash all of that, but for me Scott Hamilton is figure skating. His name is the first that comes to mind when someone begins talking about the sport.