I have to admit, I reluctantly went into the Frozen Musical with my parents on our last day at Disney. I was (and still am) upset that Aladdin was closed to move in the new obsession. Yes, Frozen was an AMAZING film, and the songs are not just annoyingly catchy - they're well written and sung. But I have been Frozen-fatigued for over two years now. They are overrunning the parks. Too much of a good thing and all that.
But, I did want to give this show a chance - even if walking into the theater I was wishing we'd get the improv magic of the Genie. I wanted to see the "new technology" in action and so I went in. I was plesantly surprised for the most part. While I still prefer the Aladdin show, the cast of Frozen is equally talented. The technology is impressive (though I disagree that "every seat is a good one" as most of the technology works best when you're sitting in the center),
Below are some of the bajillion photos I took of the show. This is probably the only time I'll watch the show unless the people I'm traveling with want to see it. It's not one that I'd go to multiple showings of in the same visit (like I did with Aladdin multiple times).
Showing posts with label disney's california adventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disney's california adventure. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
30 Days of Disneyland - Day 17: Favorite Live Show
Day 17 - Favorite Live Action Show
Hands down it's Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular which is found at Disney's Hollywood Studios. It's on par with a Broadway show and is just as entertaining no matter how many times you view it. As I posted a couple of days ago, The Genie character makes or breaks this show - and I've never seen a Genie flop yet. Jafar is also deliciously evil and humorous. They steal the show from Jazzy and Al, that's for sure.
The music is the familiar songs from the movie plus an extra one that was originally for the movie but got canned - I believe it's now in the Broadway version of Aladdin (which is different to the movie and this show at California Adventure). There are rumors going around that this show may not be around much longer - they tried pulling it a couple of years ago but due to the response from fans they reopened. Rumors say that FROZEN may take its place, so I'm hoping to see Aladdin one more time (if it is truly going away, which does make sense what with the Broadway show a hit now and all).
And we're officially under 3 months to go. I spent the majority of my day getting my park admissions bought. Good way to spend the day, but dang I'm poor again! It'll be worth it, though!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
30 Days of Disneyland - Day 14: Favorite Face Character
Day 14 - Favorite Face Character
This is difficult as typically I don't do a lot of characters at Disneyland outside of Character Meals, and I typically go for non face characters when I do that (conversing with face characters is always awkward for me). If we were talking Walt Disney World it'd be easy as I crush hard for a certain Prince Naveen I met back in 2010. But we're talking Disneyland...
So I am going to, once again, cheat a bit and not go with one that you can meet but is no less a FACE CHARACTER. And that is Genie from the Aladdin Show playing at Disney's California Adventure. He is freaking HYSTERICAL in the show (of course he is, right?) and with the little bit of "improv" they allow him each show is just a tad different than the last. The improv is what makes the show so awesome, and the character so loveable.
I've seen the show a handful of times and Genie never disappoints. I really wish you could meet him after the show like you would at a real stage door or something. It'd be AWESOME. But I could see where that would create bottle-necking issues. Plus the poor guy does several shows a day and would be exhausted! But I would love to meet him "in character". They have several genies that rotate, and each one is fantastic in his own right.
So, I cheated, but I'm not sorry. I love love love this character.
92 days to go!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
30 Days of Disneyland - Day 11: Favorite Disney's California Adventure Attraction
Day 11 - Favorite Disney's California Adventure Attraction
I love Grizzly River Run. It's one of the few attractions I not only will go on but that I enjoy. It's very similar to Kali River Rapids, but I think you get wetter? I'm not sure. I also love how close as spectators we can get to watching the people come down the mountain and get soaked (sometimes the audience can get wet, too). The theming is much more fun (there's not a forest fire going on so it smells better), and it's a ride that I can safely say will not make me sick. Unlike the other big ticket attractions/rides in DCA, this is right up my alley.
I got to ride it the first time with Haille Rae in 2011. She wanted to go on the water ride so bad! Every time we watched a video on youtube or on the planning DVD about it she was all "oh yeah, that's the ride!" so it was on our list of must tries. So glad we did. She was a little nervous when we first started down the river, but as we splashed our way around her laughter and squeals were proof she was having a blast. She thought it was hilarious that I was getting soaked (she was not as amused that she did NOT get as wet) because I was complaining that I was going to be cold - I had clothes in the car that I ended up changing into as the sun went down and I was still very wet. It WAS February after all.
Haille still talks about that ride - oddly enough she does not like Splash Mountain, the drop messes with her tummy. I can't wait to ride it again as OMG! I know I'm going to need a lot of water rides to keep me from melting in the September heat (my besties just have to all have summer birthdays. jerks)!
**This video can make you dizzy. But it's the best one I could find (I didn't look hard, though). You've been warned.**
We're at 95 days till we're in SoCal. Very excited to watch the countdown go down down down down... I think I have about 35 days until I can begin to do ADRs, but I'd have to check and make sure. I think I have a basic itinerary mapped out as well... just gotta finalize details. I feel so behind and yet I know I'm on track so I'm in the panic/don't panic faze/rut. Oy!
Saturday, May 31, 2014
To all who come to this Happy Place... Welcome!
Getting ready to start my next 30 days challenge, this one focusing on DISNEYLAND! Seems it's only fitting to do this since in about 106 days I will be on the plane headed for Southern California for a week of Disney and FRIENDS! I haven't blogged much about the trip and I need to get it into gear and get going on it. I AM excited about it, I just haven't felt the inspiration to blog about it... I blame my Once Upon A Time obsession for sidetracking me. (Seriously, still not over it ha ha.)
It's getting close and so the excitement is ramping up. Erin and Wess have gotten their airfare (I did months ago as I used miles and the flights I originally wanted had filled up their miles quota so I had to find another set of flights that worked and I snagged them as soon as I could). I also talked my friend Aimee into going. She and Erin have the same birthday. I "met" Aimee online over 10 years ago when we were both blogging on GreatestJournal (a livejournal like blog site). We'd found each other through our Star Wars fandom, and then realized we had a lot in common. We both loved our pug dogs, loved Star Wars, obsessed over DISNEY... and a friendship was born. We've never met "in real life", but we always talk about meeting - and it's normally a trip to WDW that we assumed would be how we finally made it happen.
Fastforward to Christmas of 2013. Aimee posted on facebook a video of the Wonderful World of Color water and light show at Disney's California Adventure and she was saying how she so wanted to go to DLR but didn't know when it would happen - if it ever would (she lives on the East Coast). I popped on and said she should come with us for her birthday. She thought I was joking. But I said I was serious! We had the room booked and ready to go, all she'd need to do is get airfare and park tickets and she'd be set! It was 10 months away it was doable.
After staying up WAY past my bedtime (which means she TOTALLY skipped hers ha ha) I convinced her to at least THINK about it. A few days later she'd made up her mind, she was going to do it! She has her airfare now, so I say it's official. We are SUPER excited - and she and Erin have become buds online as well... so I think I'll end up being outnumbered here pretty soon! haha!
Anyway, Aimee's been doing a first timer at Disneyland Meme on her FB so I figured I'd do a Disneyland meme on my blog... thankfully this is NOT my first time so I know what to expect and how to get things done! ;)
30 Days of Disneyland!
Day 01: Your Favorite Land
Day 02: Your Favorite Main Street Attraction
Day 03: Your Favorite Fantasyland Attraction
Day 04: Your Favorite Tomorrowland Attraction
Day 05: Your Favorite New Orleans Square Attraction
Day 06: Your Favorite Adventureland Attraction
Day 07: Your Favorite Critter Country Attraction
Day 08: Your Favorite Mickey’s Toontown Attraction
Day 09: Your Favorite Frontierland Attraction
Day 10: Your Favorite Extinct Attraction
Day 11: Your Favorite Disney‘s California Adventure Attraction
Day 12: The Attraction You Gone On Most
Day 13: Your Favorite Piece of Architecture
Day 14: Your Favorite Face Character
Day 15: Your Favorite Atmosphere (Fur) Character
Day 16: Your Favorite Parade
Day 17: Your Favorite Live Show
Day 18: Your Favorite Band/Vocal Group
Day 19: Your Favorite Fireworks Spectacular
Day 20: Your Favorite Restaurant
Day 21: Your Favorite Food or Beverage
Day 22: Your Favorite Shop
Day 23: Your Favorite Thing to Collect
Day 24: Your Favorite Disneyland Memory
Day 25: Your Favorite Picture from the Park
Day 26: Your Favorite Cast Member Costume
Day 27: Your Dream Job
Day 28: Your Favorite Time to Visit
Day 29: Your Favorite Aspect of Disneyland
Day 30: Your Favorite Walt Disney Quote about Disneyland
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Disneyland 2012: Park Hours!!!
![]() |
Rain may be needed for the soil, but it makes everyone and everything very grumpy! |
I've also been watching the touringplans.com app for droid on line wait times. So far Disneyland seems pretty manageable - waittimes for most of the rides are at the most 20 minutes. With Carsland being the new big thing, it's not surprising. What is surprising is that really the wait times at DCA aren't must longer than Disneyland - except in Carsland and Toy Story Mania. I know it's still June, and not the PEAK of PEAK season, but I can still be hopeful.
I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks. I have work to get done, but then there's my cousin's wedding. I went online and ordered a dress for it - it will be cooler than pants for July in the Sierra Mountain region of California - got it from Macy's. It looks really cute, I just hope it fits right. The way my body holds fat I just look like an old frumpy cow. I hate it.
Just a month and a half - ish left till Disney! Wish it'd get here already!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Disneyland 2012: Photographic Countdown 5
We're at 43 days out. Disneyland is toying with my emotions, as they have released the latest set of hours that go up to the day we get into the Anaheim area. Meaning my trips dates SHOULD be next, but I HATE WAITING! I want to get the hours now so I can kinda get a game plan in mind for at least myself. You can bet a blog post will be coming when I finally get my way!
Today's picture is Haille on one of the bazillion rope bridges at the Redwood Creek Adventure Camp. It's a pretty neat little area that was themed for Brother Bear - I think it still does have Brother Bear elements but you also get some Up references. Haille is a daredevil and I am not. To get these pictures I had to get up HIGH. I hate up HIGH. Haille knew this and told me to "suck it up" because she wanted to explore. I did my best and got through the course, but I didn't want to go a second time, breaking her heart. Thankfully her mom came through about that time and took her up again. It's probably some of the best theming and definitely a great place for younger kids to burn off energy after having to stand in line after line for attractions.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Disneyland 2012: Photographic Countdown 3
We're 47 days out, and it's taking forever. This photographic countdown isn't really helping like I thought it would. All I keep thinking is "I wanna be there" when looking and remembering each photograph!
This shot was taken at the finale of the Aladdin The Musical show at Disney's California Adventure. Aladdin is, quite possibly, the best stage show Disney has in any of its parks - and I've seen a few of those. It isn't just a retelling of the movie, but stays very close to it. The music is familiar, with one song made especially for the stage production. Jasmine and Aladdin fly on a magic carpet, over the pyramids and sphinx... and audience! But the real magic of the show comes from the Genie himself. He's just as funny as Robin Williams' animated character, and just as spontaneous. He uses current pop culture in his jokes, and he leaves the audience in stitches.
It's a well done, well acted show, and EVERYONE who visits the park should see it at least once!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Disneyland 2012: Photographic Countdown 2
48 days until we're in Disneyland country. Today's photo is of Grizzly River Run. I spent a day by myself in Disney's California Adventure and made it a photographic tour. I absolutely loved the theming around the park's water ride. So "authentic" in my mind. The ride is a lot of fun as well. Pretty sure more pics of GRR will pop up on this countdown.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Disneyland 2012: Photographic Countdown!
I think one of the big reasons I love going back again and again to the Disney parks is the photographic experience. The rides are fun, and who doesn't love getting a hug from their favorite Disney Character?, but as a photographer it's paradise! It's so clean, and the archetecture as well as lighting and detail is incredible. I can spend a full day in the park and not do any rides and have a blast. I've actually done that at Disneyland, just toured the parks and not do any rides (shows, yes, rides no).
This picture I share today is of Haille's first morning at Disney. We didn't stay on Disney property, we stayed at a Good Neighbor hotel. For Disneyland that means the hotels around the parks that aren't Disney owned but are partnered with. Gaylord's timeshare/vacationclub is partnered with this hotel so he and Judy got a killer rate (we're staying there this time as well). The Peacock Inn & Suites is so comfortable. We got a three bedroom suite last time, hoping for that again.
Haille knew better than to come into my room and wake me (I'm not a morning person), but I think I was just as excited as she was. I felt eyes staring at me, I peeked threw one eye and there she was quietly looking at me. She noticed my eye open and whispered "DISNEY!". She'd been waiting for four years for this day - I had, too, not going to lie - and it was here. Problem was the park didn't open for another three hours. So she crawled into bed with me and we watched Mickey Mouse clubhouse till it was time for her to jump in the tub.
I absolutely LOVE this pic, she was still sleepy, but there was nothing going to keep her from being awake. I can't wait to see this face in August! 49 days to go!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Kids Race Power Wheels to Cars Land
This is a pretty adorable ad for Carsland. I have to admit I'm very excited to see the new land, even though I worry that John Lassetter is trying very hard to become Walt Disney - or make Disney over into a Pixar image. He's a definite improvement from Eisner, but maybe they just need to build a third park for Pixar? I dunno. Carsland does look amazing.
As long as Marvel comics stay OUT of the parks I think I'll be okay.
Disneyland 2012: Final ADR made!
Haille will reunite with her favorite chipmunk at the Storyteller's Cafe on August 9 for breakfast. |
...But, I did. So first thing Monday morning I woke my sunburnt self up and called down to Disney. I did not get Deanna a third time, but Heather was more than able to take care of me. But, as I've stressed so often on my blog, being a day late to the ADR can make getting the time you want difficult. I ran into that problem Monday. We wanted a 10am breakfast, but for our number of people there wasn't room - DANG IT! So I settled for 10:30 (the other time available was way too early to get seven people up, ready, and out the door).
This got me thinking that should we want anymore table service - on a whim - that we may not get it. The best thing to do is go to City Hall and see what food places still have openings (first thing in the morning) and have them book it for us. Still not as spontaneous as some like, but I'd like to know I'm going to eat.
Anyway, we'll be eating at the Storyteller's Cafe Character Breakfast on August 9th. We've never been, but it gets great reviews on all the Disney sites I follow, and it's hosted by Chip and Dale - you can't beat that! It's located inside the Grand Californian Resort - which has it's own entrance into Disney's California Adventure park. I've wanted to visit this resort for a long time, and I finally have an excuse to go! I think I'm more excited for the hotel than I am for the meal!
This will be our final BIG meal that we've planned out. We may still try for a World of Color dining package, but as far as ADR's go, I'm finished with that duty until July.
Now it'll be a long wait till Disney. We have 50 days to go, and I feel the days will somewhat drag on. Thankfully my trip to Northern California next month will break up the wait a bit (it's kinda like the mid way point from here to Disney in countdown. This is when the WoC package will be decided. I may still try for maybe myself and Haille to do it, because I don't want to fight back the crowds and it's one of the things Haille missed last time.
I think to help with the countdown from Now till Then I will do a photo a day blog of pictures I've taken at Disneyland. What do you think?
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Disneyland 2012: ADR Planning
We will be in Disney a total of 6 days - more than enough time for a Disneyland Resort (DLR) visit. We've decided on two for sure Table Service restaraunts to make Advance Dining Reservations (ADRs). A Table Service restaraunt is the designation for the eateries on Disney properties that are more like your traditional sit down meal resteraunt. Reservations are mostly never required, but during the busier months are definitely suggested. August is Disney's busiest month in their California Parks - made worse this year with the opening of Carsland this June.
After talking with my aunt this weekend, we nailed down three definite things we want to do as a full family. Two are meals, the third is a special thing for the two girls. We may add a third Table Service to our plans, but that can be decided later as it's not a be all end all.
Goofy's is a buffet style eatery. They have a good selection of dinner options, and their deserts all got a big thumbs up from the kid. But watch out for that sneaky pup named Pluto, he will check out your plates. Goofy comes around to make sure his guests are having fun. He will dance with you, and get you seated - complete with napkin on your lap. The characters are always changing as to who will be in the rotation. When we went it was Goofy, Pluto, Minnie, Chip, Dale, Cinderella, and The Fairy Godmother (we're still not sure how the last two fit in). I think the adults are going to be more excited than the kids!
As always, theming is amazing, and the attention to detail is second to none. It's not your typical hair salon. The ladies working the magic are known as "Fairy Godmothers-In-Training" and thier hearts are as big and as giving as the ones who make the Disney Princesses' dreams come true. The big magic is at the revealing portion. They spin the princess in her chair, the birds open the curtains and the princess gets the first look of herself in the magic mirror! This is normally when the grandmas, mothers, aunts, and basically everyone let the waterworks go.
Our final ADR that we have as a definite is a breakfast at Storyteller's Cafe. This is at the Grand Californian. No one in our group has eaten there, but I am excited for it. It's hosted by Chip and Dale, for starters, and I just want to visit the Grand Californian. If I had tons of money to blow, that's where I'd stay when visiting Disneyland. It just looks incredible.
The only other ADR that we might try for is one at Wine Country Trattoria in Disney's California Adventure Park for the World of Color Dinner Package. This would give us tickets to a special viewing area for the most spectacular water show I've ever seen. This is a maybe and won't be decided until just a couple weeks before the trip. It's not a for sure, but I'm hoping for it.
The only other must do, IMO, is non-Disney. I want to go back to BubbaGump. I don't like seafood but I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE all things Forrest Gump. I'm begging to eat there the night I arrive. We'll see if it happens, but if it doesn't I will be a very sad girl!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
2 months, 3 weeks, 5 days...
Partner's Statue - Disneyland 2011 - Photo by Photography by Antonia |
So what to do to tide me over? Well, I've been reliving last year's trip for one. Deciding what to do again, what to do different. Reading blogs, trip reports of others, and just keeping busy (the Seavey job helps greatly in that department!). Now it's time to me to start blogging. This place is once again dull. I'm not wanting to get rid of the Iditarod theme just yet, and I'm debating if I go to a Disney theme yet or maybe wait and after this weeked in Seward working and taking pictures I might get a summer sled dog theme going. I'm not sure.
For now, though, I will blog on the plans as they stand so far. They are very rough to non-existant, but I have the cast of characters ready to play out this fantasy, as well as some for sure extras. Tonight, though, I introduce the faces of our family trip.
We will have a total of seven in our group this time around. Two princesses at the age of six will be the stars of the show. This is a blended family trip of sorts, and I feel like an interloper (only reason I'm going is Haille begged).... Anywho...
The Cast of Characters:
I LIKE FLUFFY! - Stitch & Toni 2009 WDW |
When not going crazy with trip planning, I am a professional photographer, and sometime sled dog fanatic (you won't find me on the back of a sled, but I try to be involved with the sport in supportive roles). I'm also an active figure skating fan, and self proclaimed movie buff. Some of my favorite Disney films include Sleeping Beauty, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mary Poppins, and Tangled. Favorite characters include Donald Duck, Stitch, Jack Sparrow, Maleficent, Merryweather, and Chip.
Haille Rae - Nevada City 2011 |
Haille is the reason I'm coming this year. She asked if I would be coming with her when she goes to Disney, and at the time I wasn't sure. Every phone call after that had her telling me that if I had to come because, "Aunt Toni, you know Disney." It wasn't that I didn't want to go, I just wasn't sure I could swing it with my cousin's wedding in California happening a couple weeks before Haille's trip. When I finally said I would - mainly so that someone could fly back home with the child afterwards - that's when the real party started. All of our phone calls have her reminding me that I am coming with her to Disney. Like I could forget! Ha ha! Haille's favorite characters - as far as I know - are: Mickey Mouse, Belle, Ariel, Pluto, and Dale. Her favorite Disney movies, last time I asked anyway, are: The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeing Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast. When she is Disney'd out and needs a change she enjoys - of all things - The Transformers, Justin Beiber, Hannah Montana, and Taylor Swift (I try not to hold it against her).
Newlyweds @ Disneyland - 2011 |
They moved to Northern California last summer, and Haille and I miss them big time. Haille is going to visit for two weeks this summer, which is how this trip started in the first place. Haille equates California with three things - swimming, Memaw, and Disney. She's getting all three this summer. Haille said that the part she's most looking forward to is, "seeing gramma in a swimsuit."
The Trio: Aana, Brandon & Haile Elizabeth. To make it an even bigger family affair, Gaylord's bringing his granddaughter and her parents to Disney as well. One of the coolest parts of Judy and Gaylord's story is they have granddaugthers that are the same age AND have the same first name. Too weird, right?! The girls met for the first time at the wedding, sharing the duties as flower girls. They became fast friends and the hope and plan is that going to Disney together will give the girls a great experience with Haille Rae being the veteran showing Haile Elizabeth as the newbie how Disney is done. I think Judy and Gaylord are most excited to see how the girls respond to Disney and all it has to offer.
I don't know Haile or her parents too well. I only spent a few hours with her mom Aana, and I don't believe her dad came to the wedding. Haile Elizabeth, though, is a doll. So sweet and funny. She and Haille Rae get along well together. Because their names are the same we're going to have to use their middle names to make sure the right one responds! Ha ha! So, it's not that I don't want to give you insight to the rest of the travelling party, I just don't feel comfortable talking about folks I don't really know - or sharing pictures. Haile Elizabeth may make quite a few of the twitter/instagram photos that will be shared through out the trip as I have a feeling the two girls will be inseperable or close to it.
So there's the cast as it stands so far. Seven Disney travellers with all levels of experience. The next part of the pre-trip report will be the plans as they become available. Not that this is compelling blogging or anything, but it's what I've got going on.
This will probably be the last Disney trip I take with this gang for a while. Next year I am going to WDW with the parents and sib (depending on when he goes to bootcamp he'll go or he won't, it's up to him). The following year I go on a Disney Cruise for an early 30th birthday with the bff - this is the longest I've gone without a trip with Erin, and I'm not happy about it, but I will deal. The next promised trip I've made with Haille is when she's 10, and she will experience the Florida Disney experience for the first time - and that may be the next time this travel party gets together.
Next stop? Adding a little bit of EXTRA magic...
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Disney?!... AGAIN?!

We can all name people who go to Hawaii for just about every vacation, or Lake Tahoe, or Colorado to ski. Yet, while that does not get the "you're going again???" Disney always does. The answer is, simply, yes. The next series of questions and statements follow two themes "why" and expense.
So why is it that some folks and families are die hard disney park goers? The answer relies heavily on what you consider when you think vacation. Sure, expense is a big deal - there are several trips I would take over Disney if I had a bottomless budget to blow - but even before budgetting, what makes a vacation?
Mom's idea of a vacation was wherever she could get away from the life drama that surrounds an everyday life, the housework, and be pampered. This could be a weekend with the ladies at the church or a week away with her sister. As long as she could laugh, and forget about the laundry dad was no doubt ruining while she was away, she was happy.
Me? Disney is my vacation destination of choice. I've converted my family - though they are content still with the cheaper options - by just showing them what I've found to get out of Disney. Yes, it can be crowded, and yes it can be expensive. Family meltdowns can, will and do happen. And, no, Disney is not for everyone.
There. I said it. Disney is not everyone's cup of tea.
Hawaii is not my idea of a good time. I don't swim, I don't like being too hot, and I don't do well with whatever is in the geological make up of volcanic rock (rare skin allergy). Yet so many suggest that if I just try it I'll love it. And maybe I will. But these same people balk at the idea of ever liking Disney. Fine. But don't judge my balking of your destination.
Disney is a place of nostalgia for me. I cannot remember a time where I didn't have disney movies playing constantly. My first movie in the theaters was Disney's Oliver & Company. My generation grew up during the rebirth of Disney's animated films. The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King are still considered some of the best films the company has EVER produced.
We also grew up with the CGI company of Pixar. The story of Andy's Toys, who concluded their Feature Length films two years ago with the Third film, was in many ways our story. We basically grew up with Andy and Molly. So who wouldn't want to visit the toys of Andy's room, or go to Ant Island and meet up with Flik and the other bugs all the while looking up at Rafiki's Tree of Life?
Walt wanted a place where everyone could go and just be. Become part of a story. Forget life realities and remember what's really important. Friends, family, yourself. I've been to the parks on my own, with my best friend, with my high school concert band, with different sets of my family. Each time memories were made. That joy is remembered long after the trip is over.
Yes, this same achievement happens everywhere, but for me - and many others - Disney is the happy place. Yes, there are other places that are cheaper, yes there are other places less crowded, but think of it this way: Perhaps the real reason we need the vacation is to get away from people that think like the naysayers. The "unbelievers"... as Peter Pan might say - the one's who went and grew up. The types that don't get Disney and never will are just one of the many reasons I run to get away at Disney. Disney is not negative. Good conquers evil. True love conquers all.
Everyone lives Happily Ever After.
I'll be going back to Disneyland - Walt's First Park - in just 99 days... and I cannot wait.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
California Dreamin'...
So I guess I should blog a little about my trip to California. I apologise in advance if this becomes garbled, incomplete, or otherwise a mess. It's just a few random - possibly vague - thoughts from the trip. Pictures are still being editted and if I think about it later I may share more photos than what I do here, but for now... this is what you get.
The wedding went really well. There was a tad bit of confusion, but for the most part it was good. The two Hailles were so cute as they gripped each other's hand and walked down the aisle. I was worried Haille Rae would stop when the crowd all went "awwwwww" when they got a glimpse of the flower girls but all she did was grip Hailee Elizabeth's hand tighter. They made it down stopped in front of Gaylord and looked up like "okay, now what." I waved them over to their moms and they sat down.
The photography was okay. I wasn't too happy with the rules that teh church gave - but this is a church that has a gay wedding coordinator, no joke, so it was eye opening in lots of ways. I had a lot of stone faced guys to work with, too, so I feel a lot of the posed shots (and there are way too many of those) look more like prison line ups.
Thank God I had the 100-400mm lens because I was standing in the back of the church the entire ceremony. Because when God is invited in (um, WHAT?) the photographer has to stay away. Because God doesn't like photographers (I guess, because that's the only reason I can think of for disallowing it). Apparently photographers are also distracting and noisy. Um, yeah, more so than the kids in the audience, oh, that's right, they had to be quiet or go away too. Whatever. Give me a good ol' Southern Baptist hitchin' and BBQ any day! LOL Lutherans, I tell ya!
Rules aside, Judy looked fab, and it was a happy fun time. The reception was fun. The Hailles spent the entire night on the dance floor. The food was REALLY good.. and I got to see my cousins and aunt and uncle rock it out on the dance floor (and my mom... in her bridesmaid dress... epic). When Billie Jean started playing my mom busted out her Michael Jackson floor moppin moves. Oh dear.
Mom left for home the day after, she needed to be home for Duane's 16th birthday, Jake and Jillian also left that night. I got to spend the next couple of days with my aunt Becca and uncle Rick. I hadn't ever really spent a lot of time with them, especially not as an adult, and I loved my time there. Aunt Becca is so much fun, and Uncle Rick keeps it real. I got to know them in a way I'd never been able to before, and it really put my heart and mind at ease about how the family looks at me. But, those feelings will come at another time in another blog. Let's just say there were a lot of... guarded emotions that are starting to bubble up. Hurt that I didn't realize was as deep as it was has come to teh surface and I'm still fighting to regain control of the emotions.
Needless to say, the foursome of Rick, Becca, Jake and Jillian were a Godsend in so many ways. Even after we made it to Disney.
The day before Disney we took Haille and Juanita on a tour of Nevada City and Grass Valley. I love the old mining town feel of the two, and I took a lot of pictures of my favorite spots. The Mansion at the Empire Mine is my absolute favorite place to photograph. I wish Judy and Gaylord had done some pre-wedding photos there, but alas it was not meant to be. Actually, I kinda wish they'd had the wedding there, too.
The weather was great for walking around, and Haille was surprisingly interested in everything, which was great. I was afraid she'd get bored in a hurry. She loved exploring the Mine, and only got scared when we went down the mine shaft (which they told us they are planning to expand as soon as they can get more funding from somewhere - seeing as how California is broke).
Disney... well... I had a lot of high hopes that were quickly dashed. And it wasn't Uncle Walt's fault. I wish we could have done it differently. Hindsight being what it was. I wish we'd stuck with the plan. I wish we'd taken a break midday like we promised. I wish we'd had more time to do some things, and I wish... well... A dream is a wish your heart makes.
There were magical moments. Seeing Haille the last night dance with Goofy and scratch Pluto's ear is exactly what we had hoped for when we planned the trip. Seeing her dressed up like a princess was magical... and listening to her scream and laugh in delight as we went through teh Matterhorn... and get excited that the same ghost sat with us each time we rode Haunted Mansion was special.
I'd love to take her again. I really would... but I'd want to do it the way I do Disney. With planning. And input. And I don't know.. naps. LOL.
Thank God for my best friend, she helped me through my frustration. We've decided Disneyland is our trip for 2012. Yes, I know I said no more Disney until 2014... but I don't feel that I did Disney right - or at all, even though there are pictures to say otherwise - this last time. I need to go back to Disneyland and really feel the magic and feel Uncle Walt... so August 2012 here we come! (I hope, I gotta get back to nationals that year too).
Jillian came to Disney with us one day - after we, once again, changed plans five hundred times and went to Hollywood for the morning. So we didn't get to do a whole lot with her at Disney, but it was a welcome relief. I love me some cousin time. One of my favorite parts was when we ditched the family and went back to the car so that I could change into dry warm clothes for teh evening. And then we spent a lot of time chatting while we sat holding spots for Fantasmic for the family while they watched the fireworks from the hub.
The next day when everyone went to the beach I met up with my friend Mackenzie at the parks. It was a great day to just get away and we had fun (or, at least I did!). We hit all of the rides I'd missed previously, and then she made sure I saw Aladdin. Which is, by far, the most amazing production I've seen in the parks... aside from Fantasmic in Disney World. It was just wow. Festival of the Lion King at Animal Kingdom comes close, but Aladdin is seamless and reminds me more of Lion King on Broadway in the way they interpret the story.
This was also the final day that the family was all in California, so I said good bye to Mackenzie and met up with the fam for dinner at Goofy's Kitchen. The magic finally hit everyone as Haille spent an amazing 2.5 hours hanging with the characters and having a blast. Goofy's Kitchen tops Chef Mickey's in food AND character interaction. Though, the characters are a bit random (we had Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale, Minnie... and Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother. Not sure how that works).
I had the next day all to myself after I moved from the hotel we all stayed at to the Anaheim Plaaza I headed for the park. First stop was the Carnation Cafe (okay, I lied first stop was Donald Duck) where I had my Mickey Waffle. All of a sudden it was DISNEY. I met Oscar who has been there since the park openned. He's the longest working employee Disney has. He autographed my menu and I got my picture with him. LOVED my experience with him. Great guy. Hope to meet him next year.
I spent most of my day taking pictures. I love Disney for that one reason, you can never get enough photographs. I haven't even started editing them all. I spent most of the day at Disneyland, but did pop over to California Adventure to catch another showing of the Aladdin Musical Spectacular. Genie is freaking awesome.
I also took a break and walked over to the Garden Walk and had me some Johnny Rockets. Then it was back to my hotel room where I grabbed my tripod and headed back to the park. I spent the hours before closing taking long exposures of just about everything. Again, haven't even started editing those. Before leaving I did my ritual of going to the partners statue when no one else was there and thanked Uncle Walt. I know, it's totally cheesey, but as I told Haille when she asked who that statue was with Mickey, without Uncle Walt, magic wouldn't exist. He built that park, it was his. I walked in his footsteps, I paid homage to his window... I don't worship the man, but I do admire and look up to him. He inspired this nation, and is one of the last true innovators we've had.
So that's the basic rundown. Pictures will have to come later, I am tired and I have to work in the morning.
The wedding went really well. There was a tad bit of confusion, but for the most part it was good. The two Hailles were so cute as they gripped each other's hand and walked down the aisle. I was worried Haille Rae would stop when the crowd all went "awwwwww" when they got a glimpse of the flower girls but all she did was grip Hailee Elizabeth's hand tighter. They made it down stopped in front of Gaylord and looked up like "okay, now what." I waved them over to their moms and they sat down.
The photography was okay. I wasn't too happy with the rules that teh church gave - but this is a church that has a gay wedding coordinator, no joke, so it was eye opening in lots of ways. I had a lot of stone faced guys to work with, too, so I feel a lot of the posed shots (and there are way too many of those) look more like prison line ups.
Thank God I had the 100-400mm lens because I was standing in the back of the church the entire ceremony. Because when God is invited in (um, WHAT?) the photographer has to stay away. Because God doesn't like photographers (I guess, because that's the only reason I can think of for disallowing it). Apparently photographers are also distracting and noisy. Um, yeah, more so than the kids in the audience, oh, that's right, they had to be quiet or go away too. Whatever. Give me a good ol' Southern Baptist hitchin' and BBQ any day! LOL Lutherans, I tell ya!
Rules aside, Judy looked fab, and it was a happy fun time. The reception was fun. The Hailles spent the entire night on the dance floor. The food was REALLY good.. and I got to see my cousins and aunt and uncle rock it out on the dance floor (and my mom... in her bridesmaid dress... epic). When Billie Jean started playing my mom busted out her Michael Jackson floor moppin moves. Oh dear.
Mom left for home the day after, she needed to be home for Duane's 16th birthday, Jake and Jillian also left that night. I got to spend the next couple of days with my aunt Becca and uncle Rick. I hadn't ever really spent a lot of time with them, especially not as an adult, and I loved my time there. Aunt Becca is so much fun, and Uncle Rick keeps it real. I got to know them in a way I'd never been able to before, and it really put my heart and mind at ease about how the family looks at me. But, those feelings will come at another time in another blog. Let's just say there were a lot of... guarded emotions that are starting to bubble up. Hurt that I didn't realize was as deep as it was has come to teh surface and I'm still fighting to regain control of the emotions.
Needless to say, the foursome of Rick, Becca, Jake and Jillian were a Godsend in so many ways. Even after we made it to Disney.
The day before Disney we took Haille and Juanita on a tour of Nevada City and Grass Valley. I love the old mining town feel of the two, and I took a lot of pictures of my favorite spots. The Mansion at the Empire Mine is my absolute favorite place to photograph. I wish Judy and Gaylord had done some pre-wedding photos there, but alas it was not meant to be. Actually, I kinda wish they'd had the wedding there, too.
The weather was great for walking around, and Haille was surprisingly interested in everything, which was great. I was afraid she'd get bored in a hurry. She loved exploring the Mine, and only got scared when we went down the mine shaft (which they told us they are planning to expand as soon as they can get more funding from somewhere - seeing as how California is broke).
Disney... well... I had a lot of high hopes that were quickly dashed. And it wasn't Uncle Walt's fault. I wish we could have done it differently. Hindsight being what it was. I wish we'd stuck with the plan. I wish we'd taken a break midday like we promised. I wish we'd had more time to do some things, and I wish... well... A dream is a wish your heart makes.
There were magical moments. Seeing Haille the last night dance with Goofy and scratch Pluto's ear is exactly what we had hoped for when we planned the trip. Seeing her dressed up like a princess was magical... and listening to her scream and laugh in delight as we went through teh Matterhorn... and get excited that the same ghost sat with us each time we rode Haunted Mansion was special.
I'd love to take her again. I really would... but I'd want to do it the way I do Disney. With planning. And input. And I don't know.. naps. LOL.
Thank God for my best friend, she helped me through my frustration. We've decided Disneyland is our trip for 2012. Yes, I know I said no more Disney until 2014... but I don't feel that I did Disney right - or at all, even though there are pictures to say otherwise - this last time. I need to go back to Disneyland and really feel the magic and feel Uncle Walt... so August 2012 here we come! (I hope, I gotta get back to nationals that year too).
Jillian came to Disney with us one day - after we, once again, changed plans five hundred times and went to Hollywood for the morning. So we didn't get to do a whole lot with her at Disney, but it was a welcome relief. I love me some cousin time. One of my favorite parts was when we ditched the family and went back to the car so that I could change into dry warm clothes for teh evening. And then we spent a lot of time chatting while we sat holding spots for Fantasmic for the family while they watched the fireworks from the hub.
The next day when everyone went to the beach I met up with my friend Mackenzie at the parks. It was a great day to just get away and we had fun (or, at least I did!). We hit all of the rides I'd missed previously, and then she made sure I saw Aladdin. Which is, by far, the most amazing production I've seen in the parks... aside from Fantasmic in Disney World. It was just wow. Festival of the Lion King at Animal Kingdom comes close, but Aladdin is seamless and reminds me more of Lion King on Broadway in the way they interpret the story.
This was also the final day that the family was all in California, so I said good bye to Mackenzie and met up with the fam for dinner at Goofy's Kitchen. The magic finally hit everyone as Haille spent an amazing 2.5 hours hanging with the characters and having a blast. Goofy's Kitchen tops Chef Mickey's in food AND character interaction. Though, the characters are a bit random (we had Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale, Minnie... and Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother. Not sure how that works).
I had the next day all to myself after I moved from the hotel we all stayed at to the Anaheim Plaaza I headed for the park. First stop was the Carnation Cafe (okay, I lied first stop was Donald Duck) where I had my Mickey Waffle. All of a sudden it was DISNEY. I met Oscar who has been there since the park openned. He's the longest working employee Disney has. He autographed my menu and I got my picture with him. LOVED my experience with him. Great guy. Hope to meet him next year.
I spent most of my day taking pictures. I love Disney for that one reason, you can never get enough photographs. I haven't even started editing them all. I spent most of the day at Disneyland, but did pop over to California Adventure to catch another showing of the Aladdin Musical Spectacular. Genie is freaking awesome.
I also took a break and walked over to the Garden Walk and had me some Johnny Rockets. Then it was back to my hotel room where I grabbed my tripod and headed back to the park. I spent the hours before closing taking long exposures of just about everything. Again, haven't even started editing those. Before leaving I did my ritual of going to the partners statue when no one else was there and thanked Uncle Walt. I know, it's totally cheesey, but as I told Haille when she asked who that statue was with Mickey, without Uncle Walt, magic wouldn't exist. He built that park, it was his. I walked in his footsteps, I paid homage to his window... I don't worship the man, but I do admire and look up to him. He inspired this nation, and is one of the last true innovators we've had.
So that's the basic rundown. Pictures will have to come later, I am tired and I have to work in the morning.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Where we will be @ Disney!
Since I've been asked by friends and family asking when I will be where, here's teh ONLY things that are scheduled. the rest will be on the fly
Feb. 3 - Ariel's Grotto @ 11:40 (closest to "lunch time" as I could get)
Feb. 4 - Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, Crown Package @ 9:30am
- Birthday Party w/ Pat E. Cake, Plaza Inn @4:15
Feb. 5 - Storyteller's Cafe w/ Chip and Dale & Friends - 9am
Feb. 7 - Goofy's Kitchen @ 6pm
Feb. 3 - Ariel's Grotto @ 11:40 (closest to "lunch time" as I could get)
Feb. 4 - Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, Crown Package @ 9:30am
- Birthday Party w/ Pat E. Cake, Plaza Inn @4:15
Feb. 5 - Storyteller's Cafe w/ Chip and Dale & Friends - 9am
Feb. 7 - Goofy's Kitchen @ 6pm
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Wonderful World Of Color
Disney Parks unveiled their latest nighttime spectacular this week with the Disneyland's California Adventure Park's "World of Color" inspired by the popular primetime television show Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color. Just finished watching the video above, and I cannot wait to see it come February. If there's anything to be negative about, I feel that there's too much Pixar and I'm not sure why they put the Pirates movies in there. It seems out of place from the theme. But it is a big seller, and saved face (as did Pixar) for Disney in the 00s.
This is a much better new addition, in my opinion, than the talking Mickey Mouse from a few weeks ago.
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