Showing posts with label haille rae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haille rae. Show all posts
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Most Proud Moment
Gee I'm having a hard time picking one. I'm not trying to be humble or any such nonsense... I just can't think of anything that I was super proud of myself for.
I think any time I taught Haille Rae something new and she was able to benefit from it would be it. Her teaching her friend/cousin/not sure what she is relationship wise Hailee Elizabeth all about Disneyland was definitely a proud moment for me. So many of the things that I'd told her the year before, she remembered/retained and then passed it on. Hearing her say "Mickey doesn't talk when he meets you because he has to save his voice for his shows and movies," warmed my heart (and kinda embarrassed me that she remembered I told her that).
I am so proud of that kid. It kills me I'm not able to spend more time with her. She's just the most awesome person.
Friday, July 11, 2014
These are a few of my favorite things!
1. Photography. Mainly portrait, sport, and travel photography, but I love being able to document life.
2.Country Music - not the stuff from my grandfather's era, but 80s-today? Oh, yeah. Love me some country music!
3. Pugs - specifically the ones I've been blessed with in my life. I miss my Yuka girl every day. She was my heart, and there will most likely never be another one quite like her. No doubt she's tearing it up at the Rainbow Bridge.
4. My "Niece" Haille Rae. She is such a beautiful young lady. I was so blessed to be added into her family (granted I am related through my aunt but minor detail). I miss her, and wish we were closer so we could hang out like we used to. She's the funniest kid I know, and super smart. I'm so proud of her.
Taken a few years ago, how quickly they (kids and dogs) grow up! |
6. My Best Friend in the entire world - Erin. She is the Joey to my Chandler, the Larry to my Bob, the Dale to my Chip. She's my partner in crime, the one who's always willing to go along with a crazy idea or adventure. She's my sister from another mister (and the daughter my mother never had - my mom's words there, yup, feel the love). I miss her as she's all the way away in Montana, but when we're together we make up for lost time. Here's to another 15 years of friendship! Guess at this point we're stuck together for life!
7. Sled Dogs - I could say the Iditarod, but really it's the sled dogs (and most of the mushers) that I love. Sled dogs are AWESOME.I grew up loving the Iditarod and its stars, and after working for mushers for the last 7 years, I can definitely say it's gotta be one of the most awesome lifestyles. But the dogs... oh, the dogs.
Mitch Seavey's Iditarod Champion dog Pentecost in 2013. |
9. Figure Skating - I love watching it. No, I can't skate. Don't really care to learn, either. The idea is nice, but I have trouble balancing on two feet, I don't need to add blades to them. So I will watch and admire those that can do the most amazing things on those blades.
11. The TV Show Terriers from FX. It was 13 episodes before it was cancelled. It makes me sad that there aren't more (though honestly if it hadn't been cancelled, Michael Raymond-James wouldn't have gone to Once Upon A Time, I'd have never seen Terriers because I'd have not fallen in love with MRJ). It's a good show, entertaining, and MRJ is freaking adorable as Britt Pollack.
12. Broadway Musicals - they can be on stage or in movies. Either way I LOVE them. I love some I haven't even seen, just heard the music. My iPod is filled with showtunes, and I have a movie musical collection. I'm a big time nerd, so this is no surprise either, right?
13. Alone Time - I LOVE being alone. I love the quiet. I love not having to answer to people, talk to people... listen to them eat/chew/talk with their mouths open. Watch what I want to, when I want to, how I want to. Give me my pets, and that's all the interaction I really need. If I need human interaction I can go online.
14. Historical Fiction - I love novels that use real historic events as the basis of their books. Favorite era is the Civil War for that type of reading, but I've been known to read a good Revolution piece, as well. I love reading in general, but when I can put my love for history into an "entertainment" form it's even better.
65 Days till Disneyland!
31 day challenge,
country music,
disney parks,
figure skating,
haille rae,
july challenge,
michael raymond-james,
sled dogs,
steven spielberg,
terriers fx,
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Disneyland 2012: recapping the trip (Part I)
Please forgive me for not doing this sooner. I ended up getting sick on the trip and then it was a long recovery when I got home. And I just wasn't feeling it. Not so much a Disney depression (I didn't get enough DISNEY to be depressed that it's over) as just another one of my "meh" periods. I've also been working most of my time back home so that's my excuse for not getting this thing done quicker.
I drove up to Anchorage the night before I was to fly out. My grandma had a health scare earlier in the week, so I made plans to have a friend take me to the airport. With everything that had happened, my coming into town was forgotten. The night was... long... and I was exhausted for my flight the next morning. (Gma was out of the hospital, but would go back in a day into my trip.)
Angie picked me up a little early as I just wanted out of the house, and off we went to breakfast. I wasn't feeling well - crying all night due to family drama will do that to a girl - and knew with the way I fly I didn't want to eat too much anyway. So I barely touched my breakfast, but I was glad to get to chat and vent to someone who isn't family! LOL Thank you Angie!
While chatting, Angie mused that I had been having some *interesting* issues while travelling - mainly when it came to TSA. When I went down to Jillian's wedding in July TSA in Anchorage were all upset because my shirt set off all kinds of alarms so they felt me up and tested my hands for bomb powders (because, you know a woman who wears sequins must also build bombs). Angie said that I had apparently taken over where she left off. *Yay*
She was right, I set off the alarm again. This time it was my bra clasp! I wore the same one as the one coming back from my last trip and had no issue. Go figure! I just had to laugh, once again a *great* start to my vacation.The flights down to SoCal were uneventful - though the layover in Seattle was painfully short so I had to take my flying meds late and my tummy never really settled down. Still, I made it none the worse for wear. Best of all Haille came with Judy and Gaylord and Hailee Elizabeth also came.
Haille became my shadow all week. She glomped onto me at the airport and didn't really let go. I loved her attitude the entire week and it made the trip so much fun. I'm sure to brag on her a bit as the trip report goes on. What a difference a year makes! She knew what to expect and knew how to act. It was great. Best part is - she's a Disneylifer! She's already talking about "next time"! ha ha!
After getting my luggage, finding the car, and getting settled into the hotel. I changed into shorts and a tank and we headed out to my favorite non-Disney Anaheim eatery: BUBBAGUMP!
I am not a seafood fan by any stretch of the imagination. Don't ask me why, and yes I know I live in the wrong place if i'm in AK and not a fish fan; it's called irony, deal with it. I am a big fan of the movie Forrest Gump, though, and I LOVE the non-fish foods on their menu. Last year I had the fried chicken, but after a day of airplane food I needed something more substantial, so I tried their ribs. OMG! It was finger lickin' good! I couldn't put it down! I was stuffed afterwards, and super tired. We headed back to the hotel where the girls decided they both wanted to sleep in my room (Haille and I shared a room all week). I didn't sleep much that night...
Next up: The beach and a very goofy dinner!
John Wayne greets travellers at this great airport. Santa Ana Airport - California |
Angie picked me up a little early as I just wanted out of the house, and off we went to breakfast. I wasn't feeling well - crying all night due to family drama will do that to a girl - and knew with the way I fly I didn't want to eat too much anyway. So I barely touched my breakfast, but I was glad to get to chat and vent to someone who isn't family! LOL Thank you Angie!
While chatting, Angie mused that I had been having some *interesting* issues while travelling - mainly when it came to TSA. When I went down to Jillian's wedding in July TSA in Anchorage were all upset because my shirt set off all kinds of alarms so they felt me up and tested my hands for bomb powders (because, you know a woman who wears sequins must also build bombs). Angie said that I had apparently taken over where she left off. *Yay*
She was right, I set off the alarm again. This time it was my bra clasp! I wore the same one as the one coming back from my last trip and had no issue. Go figure! I just had to laugh, once again a *great* start to my vacation.The flights down to SoCal were uneventful - though the layover in Seattle was painfully short so I had to take my flying meds late and my tummy never really settled down. Still, I made it none the worse for wear. Best of all Haille came with Judy and Gaylord and Hailee Elizabeth also came.
Haille took it upon herself to wheel my luggage to the car. |
After getting my luggage, finding the car, and getting settled into the hotel. I changed into shorts and a tank and we headed out to my favorite non-Disney Anaheim eatery: BUBBAGUMP!
With Louie the Shrimp outside Bubba Gump. Ignore the plane hair, please. |
Next up: The beach and a very goofy dinner!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Last weekend in June - just what I needed!
After a not so fantastic Thursday I was sooooooo ready to get out of dodge for a while. I packed up my car for the weekend, left my computer at home, and headed for Anchorage. I planned on spending the night at my gparents and then we were going to head for the Iditaord BBQ for Volunteers and musher sign up on Saturday (blog about that coming later this week).
The drive up was pretty uneventful, and I made good time even with a pitstop in Girdwood where I ran into my friend Paul who was headed down to Kenai for the weekend. Go figure. After we exchanged the "stay away from these sections of anchorage/once you hit the sterling hwy it won't be as crowded" information we took off in either direction.
The drive was uneventful until I took one of the curves to find a ton of parked cars in an area you don't normally see a large congregation - there were sheep on the side of the road. So I joined the growing group of parked cars and grabbed the camera and giant lens. I spend at least a half hour shooting photos until the crowd grew to a size that made the older of the two sheep very aggitated. So I moved on and headed to the "big city".
Met up with my friend Angie for dinner at Ling and Louies. We both had their Mongolian Beef and it was super tender and yummy. I want to go again and again and again! After catching up I was off to visit the gparents. Pretty much an uneventful evening that went way too late.
After not getting enough sleep, grandpa asked me to follow him out to Wasilla for the BBQ (as I said, I will blog about that later). A drive that normally takes 40 minutes tops, took close to two hours. We went no more than 40mph on the Glenn Hwy. Not fun.
After the BBQ I headed a little way down the road to Juanita and Haille's where I was going to spend the night. I hadn't seen them since January - very bad, I know - and I was missing the kid something terrible. After getting directions I made a quick drive over and met a giant of a girl! Haille is up to my chest and is only age six! Her first words to me after I commented on her height was "I'm tall enough for EVERYTHING at Disney." Dang it. LOL
We decided to go to the movies that night so off we went, she gave me the wrong directions ("Aunt Toni, I'm SIX, I'm going to make mistakes!") but we finally found the theater. Got our tickets, our soda and popcorn... and she proceeded to spill a full (thankfully small) soda all over the theater stairs. So out we went to get another soda. Back in and sit down. We, of course, saw Brave (review to come later, hopefully), and when the Disney logo came on Haille proudly proclaimed "I've been there." Yes, yes you have.
After the movie it was home for a bit of fun before bed. Sunday we spent at the Park and then DQ before going home. Just spending time with Haille was a joy, even when she put her stinky, sweaty feet in my face, and was a general six year old. She is just so much fun. And so stinkin smart it isn't even funny.
At one point she told me, "You know what, Toni? My gramma spoils me. And my dad spoils me. And my mom spoils me. You need to spoil me more." Gee, thanks kid. LOL
Sunday evening I drove home. Now it's just maintaining until I head down to California for my cousin's wedding next week!
The drive up was pretty uneventful, and I made good time even with a pitstop in Girdwood where I ran into my friend Paul who was headed down to Kenai for the weekend. Go figure. After we exchanged the "stay away from these sections of anchorage/once you hit the sterling hwy it won't be as crowded" information we took off in either direction.
The drive was uneventful until I took one of the curves to find a ton of parked cars in an area you don't normally see a large congregation - there were sheep on the side of the road. So I joined the growing group of parked cars and grabbed the camera and giant lens. I spend at least a half hour shooting photos until the crowd grew to a size that made the older of the two sheep very aggitated. So I moved on and headed to the "big city".
Met up with my friend Angie for dinner at Ling and Louies. We both had their Mongolian Beef and it was super tender and yummy. I want to go again and again and again! After catching up I was off to visit the gparents. Pretty much an uneventful evening that went way too late.
After not getting enough sleep, grandpa asked me to follow him out to Wasilla for the BBQ (as I said, I will blog about that later). A drive that normally takes 40 minutes tops, took close to two hours. We went no more than 40mph on the Glenn Hwy. Not fun.
After the BBQ I headed a little way down the road to Juanita and Haille's where I was going to spend the night. I hadn't seen them since January - very bad, I know - and I was missing the kid something terrible. After getting directions I made a quick drive over and met a giant of a girl! Haille is up to my chest and is only age six! Her first words to me after I commented on her height was "I'm tall enough for EVERYTHING at Disney." Dang it. LOL
We decided to go to the movies that night so off we went, she gave me the wrong directions ("Aunt Toni, I'm SIX, I'm going to make mistakes!") but we finally found the theater. Got our tickets, our soda and popcorn... and she proceeded to spill a full (thankfully small) soda all over the theater stairs. So out we went to get another soda. Back in and sit down. We, of course, saw Brave (review to come later, hopefully), and when the Disney logo came on Haille proudly proclaimed "I've been there." Yes, yes you have.
After the movie it was home for a bit of fun before bed. Sunday we spent at the Park and then DQ before going home. Just spending time with Haille was a joy, even when she put her stinky, sweaty feet in my face, and was a general six year old. She is just so much fun. And so stinkin smart it isn't even funny.
At one point she told me, "You know what, Toni? My gramma spoils me. And my dad spoils me. And my mom spoils me. You need to spoil me more." Gee, thanks kid. LOL
Sunday evening I drove home. Now it's just maintaining until I head down to California for my cousin's wedding next week!
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Haille's not a little girl anymore! *tear* |
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
2 months, 3 weeks, 5 days...
Partner's Statue - Disneyland 2011 - Photo by Photography by Antonia |
So what to do to tide me over? Well, I've been reliving last year's trip for one. Deciding what to do again, what to do different. Reading blogs, trip reports of others, and just keeping busy (the Seavey job helps greatly in that department!). Now it's time to me to start blogging. This place is once again dull. I'm not wanting to get rid of the Iditarod theme just yet, and I'm debating if I go to a Disney theme yet or maybe wait and after this weeked in Seward working and taking pictures I might get a summer sled dog theme going. I'm not sure.
For now, though, I will blog on the plans as they stand so far. They are very rough to non-existant, but I have the cast of characters ready to play out this fantasy, as well as some for sure extras. Tonight, though, I introduce the faces of our family trip.
We will have a total of seven in our group this time around. Two princesses at the age of six will be the stars of the show. This is a blended family trip of sorts, and I feel like an interloper (only reason I'm going is Haille begged).... Anywho...
The Cast of Characters:
I LIKE FLUFFY! - Stitch & Toni 2009 WDW |
When not going crazy with trip planning, I am a professional photographer, and sometime sled dog fanatic (you won't find me on the back of a sled, but I try to be involved with the sport in supportive roles). I'm also an active figure skating fan, and self proclaimed movie buff. Some of my favorite Disney films include Sleeping Beauty, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mary Poppins, and Tangled. Favorite characters include Donald Duck, Stitch, Jack Sparrow, Maleficent, Merryweather, and Chip.
Haille Rae - Nevada City 2011 |
Haille is the reason I'm coming this year. She asked if I would be coming with her when she goes to Disney, and at the time I wasn't sure. Every phone call after that had her telling me that if I had to come because, "Aunt Toni, you know Disney." It wasn't that I didn't want to go, I just wasn't sure I could swing it with my cousin's wedding in California happening a couple weeks before Haille's trip. When I finally said I would - mainly so that someone could fly back home with the child afterwards - that's when the real party started. All of our phone calls have her reminding me that I am coming with her to Disney. Like I could forget! Ha ha! Haille's favorite characters - as far as I know - are: Mickey Mouse, Belle, Ariel, Pluto, and Dale. Her favorite Disney movies, last time I asked anyway, are: The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeing Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast. When she is Disney'd out and needs a change she enjoys - of all things - The Transformers, Justin Beiber, Hannah Montana, and Taylor Swift (I try not to hold it against her).
Newlyweds @ Disneyland - 2011 |
They moved to Northern California last summer, and Haille and I miss them big time. Haille is going to visit for two weeks this summer, which is how this trip started in the first place. Haille equates California with three things - swimming, Memaw, and Disney. She's getting all three this summer. Haille said that the part she's most looking forward to is, "seeing gramma in a swimsuit."
The Trio: Aana, Brandon & Haile Elizabeth. To make it an even bigger family affair, Gaylord's bringing his granddaughter and her parents to Disney as well. One of the coolest parts of Judy and Gaylord's story is they have granddaugthers that are the same age AND have the same first name. Too weird, right?! The girls met for the first time at the wedding, sharing the duties as flower girls. They became fast friends and the hope and plan is that going to Disney together will give the girls a great experience with Haille Rae being the veteran showing Haile Elizabeth as the newbie how Disney is done. I think Judy and Gaylord are most excited to see how the girls respond to Disney and all it has to offer.
I don't know Haile or her parents too well. I only spent a few hours with her mom Aana, and I don't believe her dad came to the wedding. Haile Elizabeth, though, is a doll. So sweet and funny. She and Haille Rae get along well together. Because their names are the same we're going to have to use their middle names to make sure the right one responds! Ha ha! So, it's not that I don't want to give you insight to the rest of the travelling party, I just don't feel comfortable talking about folks I don't really know - or sharing pictures. Haile Elizabeth may make quite a few of the twitter/instagram photos that will be shared through out the trip as I have a feeling the two girls will be inseperable or close to it.
So there's the cast as it stands so far. Seven Disney travellers with all levels of experience. The next part of the pre-trip report will be the plans as they become available. Not that this is compelling blogging or anything, but it's what I've got going on.
This will probably be the last Disney trip I take with this gang for a while. Next year I am going to WDW with the parents and sib (depending on when he goes to bootcamp he'll go or he won't, it's up to him). The following year I go on a Disney Cruise for an early 30th birthday with the bff - this is the longest I've gone without a trip with Erin, and I'm not happy about it, but I will deal. The next promised trip I've made with Haille is when she's 10, and she will experience the Florida Disney experience for the first time - and that may be the next time this travel party gets together.
Next stop? Adding a little bit of EXTRA magic...
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