Please forgive me for not doing this sooner. I ended up getting sick on the trip and then it was a long recovery when I got home. And I just wasn't feeling it. Not so much a Disney depression (I didn't get enough DISNEY to be depressed that it's over) as just another one of my "meh" periods. I've also been working most of my time back home so that's my excuse for not getting this thing done quicker.
John Wayne greets travellers at this great airport.
Santa Ana Airport - California |
I drove up to Anchorage the night before I was to fly out. My grandma had a health scare earlier in the week, so I made plans to have a friend take me to the airport. With everything that had happened, my coming into town was forgotten. The night was... long... and I was exhausted for my flight the next morning. (Gma was out of the hospital, but would go back in a day into my trip.)
Angie picked me up a little early as I just wanted out of the house, and off we went to breakfast. I wasn't feeling well - crying all night due to family drama will do that to a girl - and knew with the way I fly I didn't want to eat too much anyway. So I barely touched my breakfast, but I was glad to get to chat and vent to someone who isn't family! LOL Thank you Angie!
While chatting, Angie mused that I had been having some *interesting* issues while travelling - mainly when it came to TSA. When I went down to Jillian's wedding in July TSA in Anchorage were all upset because my shirt set off all kinds of alarms so they felt me up and tested my hands for bomb powders (because, you know a woman who wears sequins must also build bombs). Angie said that I had apparently taken over where she left off. *Yay*
She was right, I set off the alarm again. This time it was my bra clasp! I wore the same one as the one coming back from my last trip and had no issue. Go figure! I just had to laugh, once again a *great* start to my vacation.The flights down to SoCal were uneventful - though the layover in Seattle was painfully short so I had to take my flying meds late and my tummy never really settled down. Still, I made it none the worse for wear. Best of all Haille came with Judy and Gaylord and Hailee Elizabeth also came.
Haille took it upon herself to wheel my luggage to the car. |
Haille became my shadow all week. She glomped onto me at the airport and didn't really let go. I loved her attitude the entire week and it made the trip so much fun. I'm sure to brag on her a bit as the trip report goes on. What a difference a year makes! She knew what to expect and knew how to act. It was great. Best part is - she's a Disneylifer! She's already talking about "next time"! ha ha!
After getting my luggage, finding the car, and getting settled into the hotel. I changed into shorts and a tank and we headed out to my favorite non-Disney Anaheim eatery: BUBBAGUMP!
With Louie the Shrimp outside Bubba Gump.
Ignore the plane hair, please. |
I am not a seafood fan by any stretch of the imagination. Don't ask me why, and yes I know I live in the wrong place if i'm in AK and not a fish fan; it's called irony, deal with it. I am a big fan of the movie Forrest Gump, though, and I LOVE the non-fish foods on their menu. Last year I had the fried chicken, but after a day of airplane food I needed something more substantial, so I tried their ribs. OMG! It was finger lickin' good! I couldn't put it down! I was stuffed afterwards, and super tired. We headed back to the hotel where the girls decided they both wanted to sleep in my room (Haille and I shared a room all week). I didn't sleep much that night...
Next up: The beach and a very goofy dinner!
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