Thursday, April 26, 2012

Disney?!... AGAIN?!

Oh how every Disney Parks fanatic *loves* to hear the condescending tone when they have friends and family ask this question. We normally answer with an all too perky "Yes! Yes, I am!" or a sarcastic sigh with a short "mm, hmm." It's not like we're flying to the moon, or joining a convent - though you might argue for some Disney is their place of worship. It's amusing to think that people actually think we need to be reminded that there's "More than Disney."

We can all name people who go to Hawaii for just about every vacation, or Lake Tahoe, or Colorado to ski. Yet, while that does not get the "you're going again???" Disney always does. The answer is, simply, yes. The next series of questions and statements follow two themes "why" and expense.
So why is it that some folks and families are die hard disney park goers? The answer relies heavily on what you consider when you think vacation. Sure, expense is a big deal - there are several trips I would take over Disney if I had a bottomless budget to blow - but even before budgetting, what makes a vacation?
For many it's the family factor, what's the most family friendly vacation you can think of? If you asked my dad growing up it was camping in the woods. No distractions from neighbor kids, cable tv, or the original Nintendo. Camping is always considered cheap, but if you begin adding up the fuel it takes to get to the camp spot, the equipment, etc it adds up - the thing that makes it more affordable is how many times you can use the equipment.

Mom's idea of a vacation was wherever she could get away from the life drama that surrounds an everyday life, the housework, and be pampered. This could be a weekend with the ladies at the church or a week away with her sister. As long as she could laugh, and forget about the laundry dad was no doubt ruining while she was away, she was happy.

Me? Disney is my vacation destination of choice. I've converted my family - though they are content still with the cheaper options - by just showing them what I've found to get out of Disney. Yes, it can be crowded, and yes it can be expensive. Family meltdowns can, will and do happen. And, no, Disney is not for everyone.

There. I said it. Disney is not everyone's cup of tea.

Hawaii is not my idea of a good time. I don't swim, I don't like being too hot, and I don't do well with whatever is in the geological make up of volcanic rock (rare skin allergy). Yet so many suggest that if I just try it I'll love it. And maybe I will. But these same people balk at the idea of ever liking Disney. Fine. But don't judge my balking of your destination.

Disney is a place of nostalgia for me. I cannot remember a time where I didn't have disney movies playing constantly. My first movie in the theaters was Disney's Oliver & Company. My generation grew up during the rebirth of Disney's animated films. The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King are still considered some of the best films the company has EVER produced.
We also grew up with the CGI company of Pixar. The story of Andy's Toys, who concluded their Feature Length films two years ago with the Third film, was in many ways our story. We basically grew up with Andy and Molly. So who wouldn't want to visit the toys of Andy's room, or go to Ant Island and meet up with Flik and the other bugs all the while looking up at Rafiki's Tree of Life?

When Walt Disney dreamed of his theme parks - originally Disneyland, but he was unhappy with the layout and thus Disney World was born - he thought of a park that would never become stale. That everyone could come and enjoy and get something out of it. Nostalgia, all the while promoting the new - be it a new Disney film, or some new technology. A place where mom and dad can watch their children gaze in wonder at their surroundings, and where other adults can become children again.

Walt wanted a place where everyone could go and just be. Become part of a story. Forget life realities and remember what's really important. Friends, family, yourself. I've been to the parks on my own, with my best friend, with my high school concert band, with different sets of my family. Each time memories were made. That joy is remembered long after the trip is over.

Yes, this same achievement happens everywhere, but for me - and many others - Disney is the happy place. Yes, there are other places that are cheaper, yes there are other places less crowded, but think of it this way: Perhaps the real reason we need the vacation is to get away from people that think like the naysayers. The "unbelievers"... as Peter Pan might say - the one's who went and grew up. The types that don't get Disney and never will are just one of the many reasons I run to get away at Disney. Disney is not negative. Good conquers evil. True love conquers all.

Everyone lives Happily Ever After.

I'll be going back to Disneyland - Walt's First Park - in just 99 days... and I cannot wait.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April!

Yes I know my theme is still sled dogs and snow and Iditarod. I love it too much to let it go just yet! Besides, I'm working for mushers again, so I'm still in that mindset... I guess? ha ha!

There's not much to report. Work is starting to make sense so I'm pretty happy. It's only going to get busier. Then I have two trips that I have flights paid for, but now I have to start thinking trip planning. Disneyland especially. Going with family, again, but I need to get them to nail down a few things so I can maybe work around meeting up with friends at somepoint. I have some online friends who want me to show off my photography skills while I'm down there and I am excited about that idea!

We do have bad news to report, though. Mom's dog Bo has compressed disks in his spine. For the next two weeks he's going to be doped up big time as we try to get the muscles to relax. Poor guy is really out of it. We're just thankful he isn't sick, but he won't get to rough house or go up and down stairs anymore. He's so frustrated right now because he wants to do things but he can't. Even if he was allowed to move around the drugs keep him so relaxed that he can't move LOL

So, in between work and scrapbooking I also need to start planning. Boy, oh, boy, hopefully I can blog about it all...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dallas Seavey is Iditarod 40's champion

I grew up knowing that Mitch Seavey was a Peninsula musher. An "also ran" when I was growing up, Mitch wouldn't win his title until I was in college. Peninsula mushers were people we cheered for because they were "from the area" but they weren't the big names as far as teh media was concerned.

Then I was a "starving" college student in need of a job. I'd tried working during the school year and let's just say I'm still trying to get over that nightmare. I saw a job posting in Anchorage for "Ididaride" I figured that that was what the Iditarod called their giftshop. I was unaware of the Seavey's long time family business. Come to find out that it was a job for a gift shop of a new show they were planning for Anchorage called Wildride Sled Dog Show. It would later be renamed to Wildride Sled Dog Rodeo.

I vaguely knew who they were, and when I got called for an interview I was told I'd be meeting with Danny and Dallas. Dallas I knew only as one of the Iditarod rookies who was a couple years younger than I was and he finished. Not really enough to feel confident in getting a job with these people. But it was a shot.

I didn't get the job.

I got a different job. They needed someone who could run a sound board. Did I have experience. I'd worked at my church as a multimedia person, so I was in the sound booth but I worked with a computer. Didn't matter. I'd seen one, and I could turn one on. I'd learn the rest on the go. Two weeks before show time I was working 8+ hour days while everyone learned what the heck we were doing.

That job is still my favorite job I've ever had. Not counting my photography, I didn't get much more joy than when I was at the arena. Granted there were times we'd butt heads, and I shed tears over not knowing what I was doing, but I loved it. The people - were more like family - the being outdoors - ok so the threat of electrocution was bad - the puppies! - until they turned pirhana... I was hooked. I'd work for Dallas and Jen for the next four years. The last two years I also worked a full time job for the Federal Government as a receptionist. I'd finish work there and drive down to the Arena to help with the evening shows. The last year I worked, I did it so sparingly that I didn't take a paycheck. I just wanted to stay involved.

My move back to the Peninsula kept me from being a part of the action last year. Earlier this year - try a week before the Iditaod - I took a different job with the Seavey's. I'll be working for Danny now, not Dallas, but it's all pretty much the same. Tonight I got to be a part of Dallas's win.

No, I wasn't in Nome, but while Dallas closed in and then ran into Nome, I "reported" it on their social media. In a small part I felt a part of the whole process. It was an amazing acomplishment for Dallas, and I couldn't be more proud. Dallas and I might have butted heads numerous times while I worked for him, but he has my upmost respect. I've always been pulling for him - even though I promised him I wouldn't so I didn't jinx him - and it doesn't surprise me that he won. I downplayed it because I didn't want it to not come to be, but deep down I was bursting with pride.

Dallas is a worker, he's intelligent, he's personable; a great speaker. Watching him thank the Iditarod sponsors, and his supporters... talking about what got him to the win... he's one of the best choices to be the face of the Iditarod. They've been waiting for him to take it. And take it he did.

I'm delirious, if any of this makes sense I will be surprised... CONGRATULATIONS BUBBA! SO PROUD OF YOU!

History Rewritten

Around 6pm Alaska time, Dallas Seavey will pull into Nome's Front Street and aim his dogs to pass under the famous Iditarod Burled Arch. He will be be the youngest musher to win, beating Rick Swenson's long standing record, at just age 25.

Seavey has worked for this achievement over the last four years. He's built his kennel, trained his dogs, and worked his strategy for this moment. Whenever tourists asked what his goals were, one of them was to win the Iditarod before age 26. He had a record to beat. This was his year. Just like Lance Mackey in 2007 took his bib number, lucky #13, and said it was a sign that it was his year, Dallas knew this was his. After Mackey's win in 07, folks began saying 13 was a lucky number for Iditarod (Mackey's brother and father won their Iditarod titles with the bib #13). Today is the 13th of March.

Considering Mackey's declaration that he wanted anyone but Dallas Seavey to win due to his feeling that Seavey was cocky and obnoxious, well, one can't help but enjoy the irony.

Dallas will be pulling into Safety in just a few minutes it looks like. Safety is the last checkpoint to Nome. This is where he will don his bib - #34 - and snack his dogs. He will be congratulated, and it's a mere 22 miles more to go. Bells will begin ringing - large bells - church bells - and he will have the first of many moments. He could stop on the trail between there and the finish. Mackey did one year to congratulate his team before the craziness of the finish chute. He may snack his dogs. But he'll be headed to Nome. He'll be headed to family.

Meeting him in Nome will be his paternal grandmother, mother, brothers. More importantly his wife and daughter will be there. They knew he was going to win this year. Jen bought tickets well ahead of time, Annie was already celebrating daddy's new truck. Missing from the celebration: two men still on the trail beaming with pride. Mitch, Dallas's father, has been at that moment. He won in 2004. He was welcomed by his father, Dan, who is at the back of the race pack also missing his grandson's moment. They've been interviewed, they know that this is Dallas' moment. They want to be there, they're torn, they have a job to do, too. But, they get bragging rights none the less.

So an early Congratulations, Dallas! We're all sitting in front of TV and computer screens waiting to watch you finish!

Dallas Seavey could be champion by 7pm AKST Tuesday

He's being declared the winner already by many tonight, but there's still 77 miles to go. Plus 3. He hasn't even hit White Mountain and the manditory 8 hour layover yet. But he's leading. By five to six miles on Aliy, and more on Ramey Smyth.

Yes, that Smyth the one that nearly ran down John Baker last year. The one that, this year, was in the 30s position wise until jumping up to third this evening. The one that tried to catch Dallas and Aliy all afternoon. The one's that still about 12 miles behind. The one that could easily throw off everyone's predicitions.

It's now midnight, and I'm freaking tired. I can't imagine what Dallas and Aliy and rest of the mushers are feeling. I'm sure through the sleep depravation, Mitch and Dan Seavey are both keenly aware that their son and grandson is close to making history. Just about 77+4 miles away from his first Iditarod title. They may be exhausted, but they're proud.

But there's still 77+ miles to go.

Monday, March 12, 2012

No doubt now, only two in to win

Dallas Seavey and Aliy Zirkle are not just front runners, they're clearly the only ones with a solid chance of taking home the big prize. Aaron Burmeister is making a good effort, but it seems there's now too wide a gap between the top two and third.

Dallas breezed through Elim just forty minutes or so ago, taking time to only grab some hay and some food for the dogs, obviously planning to stop on the trail or in the town of Golovin where they do not have a drop bag location. He is still running in first and about three miles ahead of Zirkle. A lead that can be taken away from him if Aliy's team is willing to push that hard.

Report just in from Elim via Tyrell Seavey - Aliy is staying in Elim and Dallas has gone. Aliy may be hoping he pushes hard not know she's stayed and he'll tire his dogs out more than hers will be.

Can Aliy do it?

With Dallas Seavey seemingly firmly in the lead, many have wondered if the race is in fact over for Zirkle. Aliy, for most of the race, determined the pace for the rest of the field, and just two days ago had the world celebrating the idea of the first woman in over twenty years was going to win. Then Dallas Seavey made up a lot of time difference and followed that with taking control of the race in Unalakleet.

Dallas seems to be in complete control. He's a veteran of this race running six of the last eight Iditarods. He's steadily climbed the ranks, he's trained with the best mushers out there, and he's quickly and effectively built up a respectable kennel. Dallas has said all season that he fully intended to win the Iditarod in 2012. Not that it was the goal, but that he would. That's a big statement even for a 25 year old guy. It's been a long while since someone in their early to mid 20s has won. Rick Swenson holds the record of being the youngest at 26. Dallas has been pushing to beat that record since starting his own kennel.

Everything seems to be coming together for Seavey. He's stuck to his schedule for most of this race, only changing it up a bit now that he's on the coast. He's still gaining speed on some of the other front runners, and he's still very much aware of himself when it comes into checkpoints. Maybe he has one up on everyone thanks to his youth (I've actually never seen him exhausted, and he doesn't seem to find time to sleep, he is always moving)! Every analyst and musher along the trail has said this is his race to lose, and he doesn't look to be giving anyone that chance.

Dallas has rested his team more than anyone else here on the Coast, and is still ahead by nearly an hour. The more rest the dogs get at this stage in the game, the more they're likely to keep a faster set pace. The dogs will listen and trust their musher more if they know that he is taking care of them. That's not to say that those resting less are any less caring - far from it - but more rest is NEVER a bad thing. If he can afford to take it, he will. If he needs to take it, he's going to have to so that he can push them to the limit if it's a sprint for the finish - which Dallas has planned for.

Before you start mourning Zirkle's loss, however, reconsider. We still have quite a bit of trail before White Mountain, and there's a small enough gap that this race could still be determined between White Mountain and Nome. Zirkle is just two miles behind Dallas and is keeping the pace. She and her team have been showing signs of tiredness, but her dogs are willing to go with her to the end. While others - like Jeff King and Pat Moon - have had dogs flat quit on them and not move another inch, Zirkle's team keeps going... and going... and going... It looks like that's starting to wear on them, but who knows.

All Aliy has to do is keep within range, and wait for Dallas to make a mistake in judgement or for his team to tire. That is a huge possibility. But her team can tire, too. And there's still Burmeister and Baker to consider. This is the Iditarod. Anything is possible.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Anyone but Dallas. Anyone!!"

From - written by Dallas's older, wiser brother (ha ha!).

""Anyone but Dallas!!! Anyone!!" Lance Mackey reportedly hopes someone else wins, thinking Dallas is "cocky and obnoxious" according to ADN.

As his older brother, fan, and one of his best friends...I completely agree. He's a third child. Anyone who has one knows what I mean. He's a three time state and one time national wrestling champion, and represented the US in international tour...
naments. He's pretty darn good at everything from dog mushing, playing poker, throwing knives, telling stories, running businesses, shooting stuff, and public speaking. He has a beautiful wife and awesome daughter. He owns a home, a business and rental units. He has one of the best dog teams in the world. And he turned 25 last Sunday. I would admit it has gone to his head, but in a good way. Dallas is cocky in a confident way, and obnoxious in a fun way. Anyone who knows him knows what I mean; he's the clown, the joker, the one making everything fun. Sometimes at their expense, usually at his own. It takes a lot of self-confidence to swing for the bleachers. All those guys are some pretty confident dudes.

I don't blame Lance at all. I don't really think he means it in a negative way. Remember my post about the chances and consequences, Lance is having a rough year. All mushers say and do things when they're under stress, when they haven't slept in a week, and their dreams are turning into nightmares, that they normally wouldn't. I'm sure some of them have been related to me.


We've made the coast...

The West Coast of Alaska. You can see Russia from your house... well, okay maybe not. Just in certain places, and none of the front runners are much concerned with scenery. This could be the hardest part of their journey. The West Coast is brutal in cold, there are no trees really and the wind comes right off of the Berring Sea. It's a lot of white, and a lot of wind, and it can be demoralizing... and it's the last third of the way to Nome.

Up to now Aliy Zirkle has had an unprecidented command of the trail. Commentators, mushers, and fans alike all wondered if she could keep the pace all the way to Nome. Her run from Kaltag to Unalakleet suggested the team was tiring. Most have now turned their attention and bets to Dallas Seavey. Seavey was second into the town of Unalakleet, and is about an hour behind Zirkle. Dallas made comments before the race to family and friends that this was his year. He was going to win.

It's still a long way to Nome, and anything can happen. Burmeister is also within striking distance, and all it takes is a mistake or a slowing team and Aaron could take the prize. There's also King coming up fast. Mitch Seavey's team seems to have slowed with no plans to catch up. Mitch's race apparently ended in Ruby, now he's going to maintain to stay in the top 10.

Right now the top teams that have made their way into the first checkpoint on the Coast are resting. It was a cold night out on the River, and it's time to get a few winks and recharge and regas the batteries - both human and canine.

Can Dallas win? Sure. He's got a great team, he's extremely competitive, and he's within range. But, will he? So many are beginning to count Aliy out, but that's always a dangerous thing to do. How many times did we think King was going to beat Mackey in those four years? Things change, drama happens and anyone can win. I wouldn't be surprised if Baker's team also found their second wind and drove it home.

As for the drama of Mackey trash talking Dallas Seavey - who knows what's that about. Dallas can be cocky and obnoxious, that's a given. He's 25, one of the best at just about everything he sets his mind to, and what's "worse" is he knows it. That being said I've always heard him speak highly of his competitors, including Mackey. I've never been a fan of Lance, though I cannot deny his dogs are amazing. He won four consecutive titles, there's no way you can deny he has the gift. But that's where the admiration ends. That he's decided to pick on Dallas is not the reason, it's his mouth in general. With his whining of not being loved or appreciated by fans or the Iditarod, he completely turned me off. It doesn't surprise me he mouthed off about Dallas, as if Seavey's the reason his dogs crapped out this year.

Dallas has either not been told of the comments, or decided to take the high road and let his dogs' performance do the talking. Either way, in this case, Dallas easily wins. As Danny Seavey, Dallas' older brother, noted this morning on facebook, "Sorry Lance, but if you think Dallas was cocky already, wait till you see him in Nome!" Oh, snap!

Friday, March 9, 2012

How a fan watches the Iditarod

Duane, Dad, Belinda & Tonichelle at the Willow Re-Start
Let's face it, not all of us have the option to ride out by airplane or snow machine or live in an Iditarod checkpoint. We are sitting at home and waiting for any and all information we can get. Growing up, I remember waiting for the updates at the beginning and end of every school day in elementary school. By the time we were in Jr. High and High School interest in the race, for students, was non existant. If you weren't friends with a peninsula musher, chances are you weren't paying attention. Besides, the internet was booming and you could get updates via the site or better still the Anchorage Daily News.

Back when I was in the single digits age wise I remember heading over to the post office after school every day and viewing the "current leader board" that they updated as much as they could. They had to call the COMMS department regularly. That's how it was watched before social media, it was all done with a phone call to the race central folk. Phones, I'm told, rang off the hook twenty four hours a day and the calls were from all over the WORLD. Now all one has to do is click a button.

Each team has a website, or the very least it seems a facebook page. Fans can interact with the handlers/family members/employees of the mushers. Most posting are not on the trail, but are watching from home. However, they've seen these dogs train and they know the mushers. And best of all? They know what they're talking about. You didn't have that in the early days. You had what the Iditarod Insider does now, you had an "expert" talking with newsreporters and hoping everything made sense.

Some of the "excitement" is taken away because we have information instantly (or at least with in 15 minutes or so). Fans are complaining that the current standings take "so long" to post (when in actuallity it is so much FASTER than when I was a kid). We have video within hours of it being captured. We have GPS. It's incredible. It brings a new sort of excitement, and armchair mushers can debate until the wee hours of the morning while they wait for the leaders to come off of mandatory rests before they can BS about something new.

And it's all so accessable.

Does that mean I don't want to be out there on the trail? No, if anything I wish I were there even more! The energy is amazing in a checkpoint, and it's a chance to really see the action unfold. And if you're a photog like me? Well, it's a great chance to get pictures that end up in magazines.

So, while it is frustrating that we don't truly see every SECOND of information as it happens, remember, it used to be SO MUCH LESS than what it is now. And go follow a few musher's social media sites. Especially - Danny Seavey is doing an amazing job with coverage.

It's the Seavey, Zirkle show!

Mitch Seavey leaves Willow Lake on Sunday.
Seavey is currently running in second place.
The 24 hour layovers did wonders for the top teams. Concern that Aliy Zirkle would not bounce back from her schedule seems to have disolved as she has a firm command of the trail at this point. Until a few minutes ago she was the only one headed to Galena with both Seavey's - who have been running 1 and 2 up to Ruby after their 24s - opting to take their mandatory 8 hour rest. Each team must stop for 8 hours in a checkpoint in one of the four Yukon River checkpoints. Zirkle has yet to take hers. Most expect her to rest in Nulato.
Dallas is, however, the one to watch. He posted the fastest run time to Ruby of the top contenders, and his team is looking solid and, the musher says, "spunky." Mitch was not as happy with his team, and sounds to be pretty tired himself. While Mitch was first to the Yukon, it may have come at a price. Mitch will be watching over his shoulder, and will not be surprised to see Dallas catch or even pass him. This is not to count Mitch out, time will tell if his team can kick into a new and unknown gear, he seems to be holding his own as he travels the second section of the Yukon.

Folks are still hoping for one of two historic options: Aliy Zirkle becoming only the third woman to win the Iditarod, or Dallas and Mitch running down front street in the 1-2 position in some order. Should Dallas win he will also become the youngest musher to win - taking that title from Rick Swenson who was 26 when he won his first Iditarod.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Iditarod sized intermission

Aliy Zirkle at the Ceremonial Start of Iditarod 40
Zirkle was first into Takotna last night.
The Iditarod mushers have quickly approached the point in the race where their rest strategies will begin to play out. The leaders last night all made it into Takotna and declared they were taking their mandatory 24 hour layover. For those less familiar with the race, every team must take a 24 hour stop within a checkpoing. In this time the dogs are looked over and cared for and the mushers eat and get a bit of rest themselves. This is also where the clock "restarts" as the 24 hour for those with the beginning bib numbers are required to take 24+.

Aliy Zirkle, who was first into Takotna and won the Spirit of Alaska award in McGrath, is looking at 106 extra minutes to make up for her default lead by being bib number 14 (the 13th musher out of 66). With the difference in time, the first of last night's top five to leave Takotna early tomorrow morning will be 2004 Iditarod Champion Mitch Seavey. Seavey's team is creating a lot of buzz as being one of the best teams he's ever had up to this point. Following a few minutes later will be Seavey's son, Dallas, who's team has impressed everyone who's had the priveledge to watch them.

Earlier today 4-time champion Martin Buser and Buser's son Rohn both blew through Takotna on their way to the next checkpoint of Ophir. Fans are speculating if the Busers will rest together in Ophir or if one or both with go on to Cripple - and $3000 in gold - before taking their 24 hour layover.

This is the day that most Iditarod enthusiasts look forward to so that they too can get some rest, maybe take a shower, and do some overlooked chores around the house.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Zirkle channels her inner Libby Riddles on Iditarod run

Aliy Zirkle turned heads this evening when just nine minutes after running into the Iditarod checkpoint of Rohn, she headed out on her way to the little town of Nikolai. Zirkle will most likely find a place to camp along the trail, away from the hustle and bustle of a busy checkpoint. Zirkle left even with the storm warning coming to the area along the Kuskokwim River, which has many long time fans and media to think back to the race's first lady champion: Libby Riddles.

Still, Zirkle's and Riddles' runs are also drastically different. While Zirkle is taking the chance prior to her 24 hour layover, Riddles did so out on the Alaskan coast just miles away from the finish. Zirkle got out ahead of the storm, Riddles went through it. And Zirkle's storm is a storm warning, Riddles didn't have trail markers to follow because they blew away.

Riddles won with her gutsy move, it will be days before we will see if Aliy's strategy pays off, but one look at the tracker shows a host of past winners on her tail. Jeff King and Mitch Seavey are gaining, and at least one - Seavey - also plans to stop before heading into the next checkpoint. And there's still the 24 hour layovers where the clock is basically erased, and it's every team for themself afterwards. And we're not at the half way point of Cripple yet.

Iditarod leaders already into Rainy Pass

Hugh Neff leaves Willow Lake Sunday
Neff currently sits in second place.
Even with the heavy snow levels, the trail has not seemed to slow the leaders of the Last Great Race. Last minute changes to the trail - oh, yeah, the Steps were put back in - and the snow fall from Saturday did not seem to detour or change musher strategy. The top thirty are in Rainy Pass, with a dozen more on the horizon.

Saturday the decision was announced that the dreaded Happy River Steps were being reinstated. Earlier this year they had decided to take a trail that went around the steps to get onto Happy River, but it was determined that with all of the new snow that the trail saw in the last part of February, that the new trail was no longer considered safe for the dogs. some mushers were happy, others were just determined to get through safely.

All those worries seem to be for naught. Most of the veteran mushers are saying the Steps were the easiest/best they've ever seen. It seems the plus side of having the amount of snow that the trail has gotten was good for something, it created a buffer. So far there are no reports of major damage or injury. One crisis seemingly averted this year.

Moose were another worry in the weeks leading up to the race. Reports of mushers training their dogs last month were almost daily about a moose running into the team. Jr. Iditarod first and second place finishers, Conway Seavey and Ben Lyons, tangled with a moose just fifteen miles from the finish line (which is the start of the Iditarod). Zoya Denure's team was attacked and injured the night before the ceremonial start, with one dog - Demon - injured enough that he almost didn't make race day. Demon is sore, but fine, and is running with Denure's team.

Moose were also in several parts of the Ceremonial trail in Anchorage on Saturday. Tudor Crossing had a bull moose come into the trail and laydown. No amount of coaxing by the trail guards could get him to move and it took the Anchorage Police Department's Iditarod Patrol (snowmachines) to convince him to head back into the woods.

There's still plenty of trail, and danger lurks when we all least expect it, but it seems, for now, our worry up to race day was for naught.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Where to watch the Ceremonial Start

I get asked this every year. I don't expect people to read this blog, so I know I will still answer this over and over, but just incase you stumble upon my blog looking for suggestions, here are mine.

First off, Downtown Anchorage. The race starts on Fourth Avenue - and it's well marked and blocked off. I think everyone should experience the madness and chaos at least once in their life, if only to understand why I don't go Downtown if at all possible! Ha ha! There's nothing quite like hearing the mushers be announced, hear the roar of all the dogs barking from all the teams getting so excited to finally be out there ready to RACE. The energy is overwhelming for many. If you're not big on photography or having an up close and personal seat to the teams, then 4th Avenue is great.

Next stop I would suggest is Goose Lake. This is a place that people really make a party for the event. Mushers tend to stop for a moment - especially if their fan groups are there (I think it's run by a group of Buser fans, if I'm not mistaken). There are no barriers, and trail guards let you get really close so long as you do not get in the way of the teams.

Just past Goose Lake is the second largest area of the trail that a lot of people come out for. Tudor Crossing. This is the spot that I am at every year (I trail guard) and it's perfect. It comes down near University Lake (dog walkers, PLEASE do not bring your dogs out to watch, they just get in the way. But if you must play stupid for a couple hours at the very least LEASH YOUR DOGS) and goes under Ambassador tunnel, and over the walking bridge over Tudor. There's a lot of parking. Alaska Air the last few years has given out Hotdogs. It's fun, and again you can get very close to the trail.

The last spot I would suggest is Campbell airstrip. This is where the 11 mile start ends and the dogs are packed back up and the mushers all head for Willow for the ReStart on Sunday. There's a different intensity here. Now the race will really begin. Teams are now locked into their 16 dogs, and it's game day. It's also a fantastic spot to take pictures from.

Where do you like to view the start?

Bib Numbers for Iditarod 40

Bib #Musher NameSexCityStateCountryStatus
2Redington Jr, RayMWasillaAKUSAVeteran
3Lanier, JimMChugiakAKUSAVeteran
4Pinkham, WilliamMGlenwood SpringsCOUSAVeteran
5Thurston, TomMOak CreekCOUSAVeteran
6Bailey, JodiFChatanikaAKUSAVeteran
7Marrs, WadeMWasillaAKUSAVeteran
8Smyth, CimMBig LakeAKUSAVeteran
9Petit, NicolasMGirdwoodAKUSAVeteran
10King, JeffMDenaliAKUSAVeteran
11Baker, JohnMKotzebueAKUSAVeteran
12Maixner, KellyMBig LakeAKUSAVeteran
13Suprenant, MichaelMChugiakAKUSAVeteran
14Zirkle, AliyFTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
15Moon, PatMPark RidgeILUSARookie
16Herbst, TrentMAnchorageAKUSAVeteran
17Jonrowe, DeeDeeFWillowAKUSAVeteran
18Mackey, LanceMFairbanksAKUSAVeteran
19Cooper, TravisMBig LakeAKUSARookie
20Griffin, KelleyFWasillaAKUSAVeteran
21Smyth, RameyMWillowAKUSAVeteran
22Santos, MikeMCantwellAKUSARookie
23Willomitzer, GerryMWhitehorseYT CANADAVeteran
24Ekran, SigridFSparbuNORWAYVeteran
25Gebhardt, PaulMKasilofAKUSAVeteran
26Phillips, MichelleFTagishYT CANADAVeteran
27Neff, HughMTokAKUSAVeteran
28Kaiser, PeterMBethelAKUSAVeteran
29Berkowitz, JakeMBig LakeAKUSAVeteran
30Kinzer, JaimeeFWillowAKUSARookie
31Berington, KristyFKasilofAKUSAVeteran
32Steer, AnjanetteFSheep MountainAKUSARookie
33Berington, AnnaFKasilofAKUSARookie
34Seavey, DallasMWillowAKUSAVeteran
35Seavey, MitchMSewardAKUSAVeteran
36Linton, BruceMKasilofAKUSAVeteran
37Janssen, ScottMAnchorageAKUSAVeteran
38Savidis, JustinMWillowAKUSAVeteran
39Anderson, KenMFairbanksAKUSAVeteran
40Steves, JanFEdmondsWAUSARookie
41Buser, MartinMBig LakeAKUSAVeteran
42Robertia, ColleenFKasilofAKUSAVeteran
43Hendrickson, KarinFWasillaAKUSAVeteran
44Burmeister, AaronMNomeAKUSAVeteran
45Stielstra, EdMMcMillanMIUSAVeteran
46Olson, RyneFTwo RiversAKUSARookie
47Barnum, KirkMGrangevilleIDUSAVeteran
48Debruin, HankMHaliburtonONT CANADARookie
49Chlupach, BobMWillowAKUSAVeteran
50Sass, BrentMFairbanksAKUSARookie
51Williams, Jr., MichaelMAkiakAKUSAVeteran
52Giblin, MattMJuneauAKUSAVeteran
53DeNure, ZoyaFGakonaAKUSAVeteran
54Furtwängler, SilviaFRaulandNORWAYRookie
55Cadzow, JoshMFort YukonAKUSARookie
56Ramstead, KarenFPerryvaleAB CANADAVeteran
57Failor, MattMMansfieldOHUSARookie
58Sousa, GeraldMTalkeetnaAKUSAVeteran
59Lindner, SonnyMTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
60Swenson, RickMTwo RiversAKUSAVeteran
61Perano, CurtMQueenstownNEW ZEALANDRookie
62Buser, RohnMBig LakeAKUSAVeteran
63Peterson, BraxtonMFairbanksAKUSARookie
64Church, Jr, ArtMWillowAKUSAVeteran
65Seavey, DanMSewardAKUSAVeteran
66Clarke, LachlanMBuena VistaCOUSAVeteran
67Redington, RyanMWasillaAKUSAVeteran

66 Mushers are signed up and ready to go. The reason they start at 2 is the Honorary Musher will be #1. Junior Iditarod Champion Conway Seavey will be the first out of the chute during the Ceremonial Start. And, considering it's a big anniversary, how fitting that a Reddington start and end the line up. What a fantastic - coincidental, I'm sure - tribute to the man who was crazy enough to dream up this seemingly impossible dream. May a little bit of Joe be with every mushing team this weekend.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Musher's Banquet opens March Madness #iditarod

While most people hear "March Madness" and think basketball, those in Alaska know it's all about the Iditarod. Tonight will be the Musher's Banquet. This is one of the final fundraisers for the Iditarod, and it is the beginning of the race in many ways. All mushers are in attendance, and fans buy tickets to sit at their favorite's table. They dine on some fantastic vittles, and Hobo Jim entertains.

Then the dinner turns serious, there's an auction - which is fun, but also competitive in its own right - and then the headlining event. Mushers come up in the order of sign up to draw a number out of the hat. This will be their final strategy prep. They will say a few words to their supporters and sponsors and the race, they'll take their number, they'll head back to their seat. And then the mind games begin.

Most mushers will tell you that they want to be the middle of the pack, number wise. The earlier you run out of the gate you break trail, tire early, and you have a longer wait when you take your "24 hour rest". With teams leaving the starting line at 2 minute intervals, depending on how many teams there are, the first person out of the gate's 24 hour rest is actually longer than 24. This then starts everyone over and the race can begin. Again, it all comes down to strategy. The mushers have chosen, in their mind, where they will take their 24 weeks ago. Their food drop bags are marked, and their supplies are flown out to the check point a week or so before the race begins.

What's even more competitive are the fans waiting to hear the bib numbers so they can record them. Mind you, the Iditarod does a wonderful job of getting bib numbers out before the night is over, but folks are mad dashing it to find out. Fans and volunteers alike hover around to get the numbers as they're announced. It's exciting, but a little scary with the way some aggressively go to be the first to write down the numbers in their ITC Membership booklet!

No matter where mushers end up, it all comes down to the team running the week of the Iditarod.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The part of my job that is magic...

The social media aspect, and other parts of the job that I will be doing, are nice, don't get me wrong, but the part I will enjoy most is the photography. This is what I love doing, we all know that, but to have it be a big part of this "side job" is fantastic!

Last night I went out and snapped a few pictures of the potential A-team... here are a few of my favorites!

Blogger won't let me post another picture for some reason, so... I guess that's it for tonight.

Working through the Iditarod

It's official. I am working for mushers during the Iditarod (and beyond). Started Monday and it's been a whirlwind. So that's why the blog went silent this week. It was not my intention, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Tomorrow I am going to pack for the Iditarod. We will travel up to Anchorage Friday evening. Trail Guarding for the Ceremonial Start on Saturday, and then we'll head over to the HQ to see what's going on there. Then Sunday we'll head out to Willow for the ReStart. I will meet up with "my" mushers and take pictures, hopefully posting via my mobile phone on their facebook, and then I'll hike out to whereever my family and friends are to watch the teams take off for Nome!

I'm debating whether I want to stay in Anchorage for a while or head back home with the gang after that. I'm tempted to stay up there, but may not have a vehicle, which would make my stay up there rather pointless... decisions, decisions...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Seavey wins Jr. Iditarod after moose attack

Conway Seavey at the finish of the JrT in January.
Seavey just won his first Junior Iditarod title.
Conway Seavey can breathe easy now that the monkey of last year is off his back. Last year Seavey lost what many believed would be his first Jr. Iditarod win when he and another prominent Jr. Musher took the wrong trail just miles from the finish line. This year, Seavey came charging into the Willow Lake finish line with Ben Lyons on his heels in what is being called one of the closest finishes in history of the race.

It almost didn't happen, however, as both Seavey and Lyons - who were nearly neck and neck for the entire race - had a run in with a moose while on the trail this afternoon. Seavey's brother shared the information over facebook, making sure to share that they were shaken up but that teams and mushers were ok. There was concern that Seavey may be disqualified for his contacting his family and not the race marshal - Seavey wanted to let race officials know that the moose was still on the trail and to warn other teams. Mushers are to report to the race officials first, however Seavey reportedly tried to contact officials but no one answered his calls, so he called his father to try to get in touch that way.

Lyons was just twenty feet behind Seavey when the boys crossed the finishline. Lyons also runs with a team of Seavey dogs.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Junior Iditarod sits at the halfway point.

Ben Lyons at the finish of the JrT - Jan 2012
Lyons holds a small lead at the halfway point
of the Junior Iditarod this weekend.
Nine of the ten mushers who started the race this morning have made it into the halfway checkpoint at Yentna Station. Rookie Ben Lyons - who is sponsored, in part, by the Seavey family and is running their dogs - came into Yentna first at 5:51pm AKST. Ben does not have a cusion, however, as Conway Seavey was right on his heels coming in just two minutes later and Bailey Vitello checked in one minute after Conway. Benjamin Harper came in just five minutes after the leader. 

This is not the first time Conway and Ben have been neck and neck from the half way point. In January they were one and two in the JuniorT, with Conway coming into the finish just minutes before Ben. Their banter in the checkpoints then was entertaining to the volunteers, their friendship is evident, but both proved they were equally competitive.

Conway was poised to have a close finish last year with Merissa Osmar, but a wrong turn found both mushers finishing near the back of the pack. Conway told the Junior Iditarod organizers that one of the reasons he wanted to run this year was so that he could redeem himself for the mistake, that there were members of his family making sure he didn't forget it.

Only one team is out on the trail this evening trying to make his way to Yentna. As of 8:40pm Brayson Bruton - a rookie from Willow, Alaska - was at mile 52.75 of the trail, Yentna is mile 75.

Building anticipation for Iditarod 40

As if it wasn't already noticable, as the countdown comes closer to the start of the Iditarod, anticipation grows to an overwhelming high. To keep from going absolutely crazy there are a few ways to keep the excitement up, without the insanity of the upcoming race overtaking you! is a fantastic resource to get up-to-date with the race, as well as relive past races. Rereading their blog posts - and this year they're doing a 40 year retrospective - rewatching Insider videos also keeps one excited. And this weekend we get to get our Jr. Iditarod on with free access to the GPS trackers! Oh, and don't forget Jeff Shultz awesome pics of the day/week. His facebook is also a FANTASTIC way to see the race.

Speaking of Iditarod Insider - every fan of the race should get themselves a copy of their Iditarod Documentary: "Purely Alaskan." With this being the 40th Iditarod, it's the perfect DVD to watch gearing up for the historic event. This goes through most of the history of the founding of the race up to present day (2010). It's a FANTASTIC way to get into the Iditarod mood. After that, watch the DVDs of previous races.

Tweeting with friends and mushers is another great way of getting the anxiousness under control. We chat about what we plan to see, who we're cheering for, who we predict will do well, remembering past races. It's a small fandom, but it's a knowledgeable and FUN and FRIENDLY fandom. How many sports can say that the fans generally get along?!

Reading the blogs, sites, and facebooks from the mushers this time of year is also exciting. Most are good about at least pretending to know what they're doing on the internet, other's have completely embraced it. There are some coming into the digital age kicking and screaming (but that's why they hire no lifers like me who love social media applications).

The easiest way for me, however, after teh Insider videos and DVDs is definitely a few of the great books on the Iditarod and their participants. You can see my top picks here, but there are many others that are just as good.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Junior Iditarod begins tomorrow!

Saturday's race boasts 11 junior mushers on the roster, including three veterans. Last year's surprise winner, Jesse Klejka, is back but will face some fierce competition from Conway Seavey who has some unfinished business after last year's mistake cost him a possible win. Seavey took a wrong turn with another musher last year and ended up coming in farther back in the standings than he was supposed to. Conway's bio on the Jr. Iditarod website about his goal for this year proves he's not taking this race lightly, "This year, if nothing else, I plan to finish the Race without getting lost so the jokers in my family will give me some peace!"
The boys better look out, however, because the other veteran in the mix is Jenny Gregor a musher out of Montana. Jenny came in fifth last year as a rookie, and won rookie of the year. By the looks of things she is a seasoned competitor, and could pose to be quite a challenge this year.

Here's hoping everyone has a great race this weekend! Be sure to follow along on, the GPS tracker is free to all for the Junior Race!

Good luck Peninsula Mushers! Ben Lyons (l), Conway Seavey (r),
and Mattie Cobb (not pictured)!! Bring home a win!

Bring on the Men!

It's true, the Iditarod is dominated by men, aside from a very powerful run by Susan Butcher where she won four titles in the course of five years, the Iditarod has been a "man's game." They're a cast of characters, all of whom have great fanbases spanning the entire globe. Some are grandfather status, others are barely out of college age. There's no standard size or build when it comes to these mushers, it comes down to strategy's and levels of insanity, and 2012 hosts a ton of ready to win competitors.

A short-lived retirement for Jeff King means the "most winningest musher in history" is once again in the hunt for a fifth win. King took last year off, and is running a somewhat smaller kennel this year, but has shown that he is every bit as competitive as ever. He won the Sheep Mountain race earlier this season, and gave the Tustumena 200 champion - Cym Smith - a run for his money (literally). It seems whatever drive was missing at the end of Jeff's career in 2010 is back. If he's not first, he'll be top ten.

2011 was a rough go for Lance Mackey. His team seemed to tire out - due partially to illness - and they just couldn't get into their magic groove that propelled them to four consecutive wins (he placed a dismal - for him - 16th). Mackey will, no doubt, be back with a vengence - especially since King is back. The two have a fierce rivalry, and it makes long time fans excited to see a possible head to head battle again this year. Mackey is a cancer survivor, which propels him to be the very best he can be. If he could beat a disease that was supposed to cancer, -40* temperatures ain't nothin! Of the fourtimers racing in the 40th race, Mackey seems to have the best shot at reclaiming his title and tying Rick Swenson for most wins.

Current Iditarod Champion John Baker had that magic run last year, breaking down barriers and setting records. His quiet confidence, and get the job done attitude makes him one of the most admirable mushers ever to win. Baker has been a fan favorite for decades, and his win was as exciting as any win in history. Baker could very well repeat his win, but it will all have to come together. He's no longer just one of the teams "in the hunt." So many mushers never repeat, but if Baker were to do so he'd break even more barriers and records.

Hugh Neff just won himself a Yukon Quest and is looking to match Lance Mackey in becoming Iditarod Champion in the same year. Neff's energy exceeds his team, and his care for his dogs is exceptional. "The Cat in the Hat" brings some much needed new life into the race, with his enthusiasm. He prefers the Quest, but the Iditarod continues to call. Neff is a mushing rock star.

The youth vote definitely goes to Dallas Seavey. The 2011 Yukon Quest Champion has steadily climbed the rankings in the Iditarod finishing 4th after a seemingly slow start. The youngest musher to ever finish, Seavey's new goal is now to be the youngest musher to win - a record currently held by Rick Swenson, who won his first Iditarod at the age of 26. Seavey has two years left to claim the record, and looks to be ready to do so. Seavey is a third generation Iditarod musher, his grandfather - Dan Seavey - came in third in the very first Iditarod, and his father - Mitch Seavey - won the Iditarod in 2004. Dallas is competitive and very goal minded, a win is completely possible.

Mitch Seavey was having a solid race last year until a freak accident - with a knife severing his finger (nearly cutting it off!) - sidelined his chance for a win. Seavey is back, hoping to finsih what he started last year. Mitch works his strategy religiously, and rarely veers off his plan. He has his race planned down to the minutes, it worked in 2004, it could very well work again. The real question is how his finger will hold up while fighting the cold and other elements during the 10 days on the trail. He's had decent standings all season long, but nothing will put his recovery to the test like the Iditarod.

Ramey Smyth nearly had his dream become reality last year when he came second in the Iditarod. It's said that no one can get a team to kick into a whole other gear at the end of a race like the Smyth boys. Smyth holds records for fastest time from White Mountain to Nome. He's really set the pace for a first win for his team, and this could just be the year. The other guys know to watch out for him.

Martin Buser is another four time Iditarod Champion looking to claim another title. He was well on his way to doing just that last year, but many believe that he set the pace far too early and his team reached burn out before the final stretch. Buser is one of the many characters on the trail, he often sings to his trail as they run down the trail and believes his dogs happiness is more important than where he finishes. He's an adopted Alaskan we're all very proud of. Chances are Buser will be in the thick of things, but has a very outside chance of actually nailing his fifth win down.

Paul Gebhardt has been a mainstay on the Iditarod for years. He hails from Kasilof, Alaska, and he's a fan favorite. Gebhardt has been "so close" many times, and could pull one out of his hat finally. Last season he had to scratch due to illness within the team. They just didn't want to run. Gebhardt is in tune with his team, and knows what it takes.

Cim Smyth beat Jeff King in the Tustumena 200 by just minutes with his team kicking into that magic Smyth Team gear this past January. His team looks strong, and it could be "that other Smyth" that comes out on top. He's just a nice guy that you want to see have that magic moment, ya know?

A very outside chance, but he needs to be on this list, is Rick Swenson. He holds the most wins at #5, and chances are he's feeling the heat with Mackey, Buser, and King all coming up and trying to tie for number of wins. Swenson is one of the oldest competitors out on this year's trail. He's a bit larger than most of the mushers, and he comes from the old school, but he could have one more win in him. Anything is possible!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Watch out, men, the ladies are coming through!

One thing that makes the sport of mushing so fantastic is that it breaks down the gender barrier. There's no "mens" division or "women's" division. It's everyone for themeselves. In the 1980s the women dominated much of the Iditarod with five wins between two women. With nine days to go until the Start of Iditarod 40, it's time to get a preview of what and who to watch for. What better way than "ladies first," right?

The last time a woman won the Iditarod was Susan Butcher's fourth win in 1990. It's been close for a few ladies over the last 22 years, but no one has been first under that burled arch. That could change soon - possibly even this year - with the rise of the latest generation of lady mushers. Each brings new, and sometimes fresh, perspective to training and dog care. This season we've seen them all be incredibly competitive in their middistance races.

Probably most recognisable is DeeDee Jonrowe. She's one of the emotional favorites of the race, being almost always "the bridesmaid". When Butcher retired in the early 90s, the torch was passed to Jonrowe to be the next woman to win. DeeDee has come close many times in her long career, but the win has always eluded her. In 2002, DeeDee's training and racing schedule was sidelined when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She returned to the Iditarod in 2003, just weeks after surgery, and finished an impressive 18th. At age 58, she is one of the most seasoned mushers running in the 2012 race. DeeDee remains the darling of the race, and an inspiration to many. This marks her 30th Iditarod.

If DeeDee isn't the top lady finisher this year, then look for Aliy Zirkle to take that spot. Aliy has been a mainstay on Alaska trails and races for years, and her work is paying off. The family kennel looks to be as strong as it has ever been, and with the help of her husband Allen Moore it's an incredibly maintained and trained team set to take the trail to Nome next week. Zirkle won the Yukon Quest in 2000 - the only woman to do so - and is seemingly everyone's best bet to be an Iditarod Champion someday soon.

Buzz surrounds many ladies, but after her 9th place finish in her rookie year against a very competitive field in the 2012 Yukon Quest, Kristy Berrington is one of the top lady mushers coming into the Iditarod. Kristy and her identical twin sister, Anna, has lived and trained on the Kenai Peninsula for the last four years. 1984 Iditarod Champion Dean Osmar convinced Kristy and Anna to move to Alaska and run dogs. Kristy partnered with Paul Gebhardt the following year and between the two they have over 80 dogs and both are quite competitive on the trail. Anna still runs Osmar's teams, and will be running her rookie Iditarod this year, she will no doubt be one of the race's top rookies this season.

The Kenai Peninsula is beginning to churn out many great lady mushers. Colleen Robertia is a local favorite, but has shown time and again that she can and will be a force to be reckoned with in the coming years. Mushing enthusiasts have predicted her rise to the top in the next few years, and her work ethic has proven that drive time and again. Robertia runs both the Quest and the Iditarod most years, as well as a few middistance races. In a very competitive field for this year's Tustumena 200 she came fourth with a very strong and healthy team (the trail is well groomed, but all up-hill, both ways, in the snow, and the sun, and the cold... you get the picture). Colleen is, no doubt, on the edge of creating Iditarod magic. Could it be this year? We'll see!

Jodi Bailey is probably one of the happiest, sweetest mushers alive, but she is competitive. She makes up half of the Dew Claw Kennel out of Interior Alaska, and no doubt the dogs feed off her energy when running. She is the first rookie [of both races] to ever complete the Yukon Quest and the Iditarod in a single season, which she did last year. It was a huge goal on her part, and she did a fantastic job. The Dew Claw Kennel took a year off from the Yukon Quest this year, but will be running the Iditarod hoping to improve in their standings, and no doubt they will.

Team Norway will once again be represented in the Iditarod, after being MIA last season. Due to high costs of travel with enough gear and dogs to compete, it's understandable that with the smaller reward for doing well hinders teams from coming such a long distance. Sigrid is one of the most recognizable musher from Norway, with her huge smile and enthusiasm. She's also incredibly competitive. Unlike most of the Norweigan mushing teams that come over to Alaska to run, Sigrid learned and trained and ran her first few Iditarods while living in Alaska and going to school at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. It will be exciting to see her run again after her haitus!

Anjannete Steer caused a big stir in the community this year when she won the inaugural Northern Lights 300. Wife of Iditarod Veteran Zack Steer, she's running the A-team in her rookie Iditarod as Zack is taking the year off. Zack has broken the top fifteen in the past, and it looks like the team is in good shape to give Anjannete a great race.

Probably not competitive, but always a joy to see in the race would be the beautiful siberian team led by Karen Ramsted. Siberians make for beautiful postcards, but are hard pressed to be winners of long distance races that take just over a week to complete. Siberians are a little larger than Alaskan huskies, and have thicker fur, they overheat faster and so are a slower team. Still, Karen's enthusiasm for the sport and her dogs make her a fan favorite world-wide. She took a hiatus from the race last year, but is back with her happy Sibes. She's our favorite Canuck!

After a disappointing scrach in last year's Iditarod, Zoya Denure was unsure that she would run the Iditarod, but she couldn't stay away. She has something to prove with a lot of talk going around that she doesn't have what it takes. Zoya and her husband devote time to training and rehabilitating rescued dogs for a life not just in mushing, but an active healthy life not matter where and what they're doing. When she's not racing dogs, speaking or taking folks on sled dog tours, Zoya is a devoted mom to young Jona who is as adorable as all get out. Whether or not she is ever a top competitor Zoya just makes you smile with her updates about her team.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We interrupt this program to bring you real life...

The last few days have been a road map of mixed emotions. Sunday I was contacted by a friend and former employer of a job opportunity he wanted to fit me into. I loved working for this family a few years ago, and have tried to keep in contact, but it was still a daunting offer. It would require me to be in another part of the state for part of the year, and willing to travel. It's involved with the sled dog and mushing community, and I was a "perfect choice" because he considers me a "fanatic. (Okay, I am, but still!)
After having a brief chat through emails, we decided to meet up today (Wednesday) while he was in town to really nail down some of what the job would be and why I was the choice. But from Sunday to now I was panicing. I wanted to give the right answer not only for them but for myself, but I am such an overplanner and overthinker that I was focussing on the unknowns.

It's a job I already do, basically, for free. It's blogging, tweeting and facebooking. I'll also be photographing and taking reservations in the summer (ok and winter too!). So this is not a stretch of the imagination for me to do this job well. It all really settled down to, do I want to have two addresses each summer. And that answer was really know.

However, the meeting today went really well. All of my concerns were addressed, and let's just say I really am not as persuasive but I can definitely be persuaded. We discussed a possible two weeks on two weeks off schedule for the summer, giving me a little more freedom from what I originally thought it would have. Ultimately, it's looking more like two small business partnering together - though I would answer to them as far as their job goes. It's been a long while since I've worked online for an athlete, and this is a whole family of mushers!

There's more to the job than just that, but that's the bulk of it. A lot of working from home most of the year which is FANTASTIC! God really openned a huge door with this one, and I am feeling extremely guilty for not just TRUSTING HIM! (you'd think I'd learn after all these years, but, nope!)

I've sent the email off saying I'll take it. Now it's just to see how it all comes together! I have butterflies of happiness in my tummy tonight! WHEW!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Iditarod FAQ - 2012 Edition - Part 2

To read part 1, click here.

The race has come a long way since Dick Wilmarth won the first Iditarod in 1973 in twenty days (just shy of THREE WEEKS). The race now takes, on average, nine days before the winner is declared. Wilmarth in the inaugural year ran the unknown trail to win his one and only Iditarod, due to controversy (rumors still fly that he cheated somehow) and a lack of desire, Wilmarth never ran another race. Third in that race was Dan Seavey, who will be the only musher from the first race to run in the 40th anniversary race. Dan is the first of a three generation Iditarod racing family, his son Mitch won the Iditarod in 2004, and three out of four of Mitch's sons have run the Iditarod and hold their own records.

Dallas Seavey at the start of Iditard 37.
In 2000, Dan ran in the same race as Mitch and Mitch's oldest, Danny. They made the record for the first 3 generation family to run in the same race. In 2005, Dallas Seavey became the youngest musher to finish the Iditarod, he turned 18 the day before the race (in other words it'll come down to minutes and seconds in order for someone to take that record away from him). In 2011, Dallas won the other long-distance race in Alaska - the Yukon Quest and went on to place fourth in that year's Iditarod. Dallas hopes to beat Rick Swenson's record of youngest musher to win the Iditarod in the next two years.

Rick Swenson became the youngest musher to win the Iditarod at age 26 and would go on to win four more. Swenson is the only five time champion in the forty year history of the race, and continues to run the race and participate in the Iditarod Trail Committee board meetings. He has not given up on winning the all elusive sixth win. Swenson also played a part in Dick Mackey's one second win. In 1978, Mackey and Swenson went head to head into Nome. Both men went all out to get their team to the finishline. Mackey collapsed as his team crossed under the Burled Arch, while Swenson ran his sled under. It was determined by the Race Marshall that Mackey had won because the "nose of the first dog" determined the win. It was not a sled race, it was a dog race.

Dick Mackey also hosts a family with three generations of mushers. Along with Dick two of his sons are also Iditarod Champions. Rick Mackey won in 1983, and younger son Lance Mackey has won an impressive four consecutive wins. Lance is the only musher in history to win four in a row. Lance started his winnings on the Yukon Quest before doing both races in a single year. In 2007, it all came together. Interestingly enough each Mackey won their first Iditarod with the lucky number thirteen for their bib number. Lance Mackey's step-son Cain Carter ran the Iditarod in 2011.

It's not an easy feat, winning the Iditarod (or even running it!), only 19 mushers have ever won. To repeat the feat is even more difficult. It's said there are more people who have successfully climbed mount everest or gone into outer space than there are mushers who were able to finish the race. The Iditarod is the great equilizer. There are no handicaps, there are no "easier courses" for the ladies. Men and Women compete together - one of the few sports that allows this. During the height of the feminist movement in the USA in the 80s, this was especially interesting to those outside of the race. For those running? It was just another day in Alaska.

Susan Butcher with lead dog Granite.
Photo by Jeff Shultz?
The first lady to finish the race was in 1974 when Mary Shields completed her race. It wouldn't be until 1985 until a woman would win. Libby Riddles defied snow storms and nay-sayers when she, surprisingly, was the first to cross the finishline in Nome. However, the next year's winner, Susan Butcher would be the face of mushing women for the sport well into the 90s and 2000s. Butcher is the only woman to win four Iditarods. She changed the sport of mushing by the way she trained and the care of her dogs. She was a fierce rival for Rick Swenson - who was frustrated with the low blows being directed at him for "letting a woman beat him." Through most of Susan Butcher's career the slogan around Alaska was "Alaska: Where men are men, and women win the Iditarod."

Susan Butcher took a break from racing at the height of her career in order to raise her family. In the early 2000s Alaska was rocked hard with the news of Susan's dianosis of Leukemia. Susan fought and beat it the first round, but on another check up it was discovered the disease had come back with a vengence. Susan succumed to the illness on August 5, 2006. The next year, she was declared the Iditarod's honorary musher. The first Saturday in March was declared Susan Butcher day in 2008, and Figure Skating Icon and Olympic Champion Dorothy Hamill - long time friend of Butcher's - was on hand to help dedicate the day.
Only a handful of mushers have won the race more than once, with only six teams winning four times or more. Along with Swenson, Butcher and Mackey, are also Jeff King (the world's "winningest musher"), Martin Buser and Doug Swingley. Swingley is the only American from another state to have won the Iditarod. Swingley's popularity dwindled while he was still at his peak due to the fact that he was very unsportsmanlike towards his competitors and even the state of Alaska. He retired after two disappointing races - one where he froze his corneas, and another where his team became ill and did not finish well. He raises horses in his Montana ranch.

The only other "outsider" to win was part of Team Norway. Robert Sorlie is a two time champion, and is much beloved by the Mushing and Alaskan community. Unlike Swingly, Sorlie was gracious to all, and it was a huge effort on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific to help Team Norway travel to Alaska each year. With the economy the way it is, and the purse for the Iditarod much smaller (and the entry fee higher), Team Norway has been missing the last few years. Sorlie has not run a team in several years, but in 2012 Sigrid Ekran will be back to run the dogs.

Interestingly enough, even though the Iditarod is Alaskan in most every sense of the word, only three Native Alaskans have ever won the Iditarod. Two in the early days of the race, and finally in 2011 John Baker became the third to be crowned champion. Baker is also the first Inupiat to win. Baker came in and broke the fastet time record (held by Martin Buser from his win in 2002), the new record to beat is 8 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes, and 39seconds.

Check back for more Iditarod posts soon! Have questions? submit them in a comment on any blogpost or email me!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Iditarod FAQ - 2012 edition - Part 1

It's been a couple years since the last one of these. I still get asked a lot of the basics, but I want to try and make it more concise. To see the original, go here. This is a replay of some of those, but also some new tidbits.

The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race (the official full title of "The Iditarod") began when a group of mushers - led by Joe Reddington, Sr. - decided to "save the sled dog." With the introduction of airplanes and snowmachines/four wheelers to the state of Alaska, the jobs that were originally given to dog teams were going to the newer technologies. Reddington and his band of buddies were concerned that the lifestyle they loved would disappear forever. Reddington worked tirelessly to begin the world's first long distance sled dog race into existance.

DeeDee Jonrowe's dog "Crush" at
the start of the 2012 Tustumena 200.
The Alaskan Sled Dog is a hearty, but small, breed of dog. There are no strict guidelines into what goes into the breed, nor is there a breeding standard. What makes a sled dog a sled dog is their desire and willingness to pull and run with a team. The Alaskan Malamute is the closest we have to a "standard breed" of sled dog. They are related to the Native Sled Dogs that are basically the starting point for all sled dogs. The best way to describe the racing dog today is: mutt. They are typically 50lbs to 60lbs, are incredibly hyper and high strung, and come in all colors. You will never see an Alaskan Husky in the dog shows like Westminster, they aren't always the prettiest of dog, and - again - there is no standard to the breed. People are typically surprised at the smallness of the dogs - hollywood typically uses Malamutes or Siberian Huskies to portray these amazing athletes in film, because they look better. The dogs look like your typical running athlete, they are thin (but incredibly healthy and well fed), and have thinner/shorter coats than their ancestors. Because they are running hard, the extra fur is not desirable - and mushers have to be sure to care for their team with the proper gear (dogs wear dog coats so that when they aren't running in the sub-zero temperatures they retain their heat). They are bred to keep the pack mentality instinct, and they are loyal and trusting of their mushers.

In 1973, Reddington's dream became a reality when the first Iditarod Sled Dog Race was held. It began the first weekend of March, and followed part of the historic Iditarod Trail and had long ago been used by trappers, goldminers and later the mail route (run by sled dogs). The race runs, mainly, along the same trail as the historic teams ran, but does not complete the entire trail. While Anchorage is the start of the race, Mile 0 of the Iditarod trail is actually in Seward, Alaska. To this day, the only Iditarod team to have traveled from Seward to Nome is 2004 Iditarod Champion Mitch Seavey's team when he ran his team from Seward the days before the start of the race in 2001.

In the early years, the race began in Anchorage's Tozier Track and travelled all the way to Nome. However, with the ever growing city's expantion in the late 70s and 80s, the race holds two starts; the Ceremonial Start in Anchorage (from 4th Avenue downtown to the Campbell Airstrip), and the restart at the Iditarod Headquarters in Wasilla. With Wasilla's growth and expansion, however, in the late 90s the restart was relocated to Willow where it starts from currently. Safety of the teams is first priority and with the growing vehicle traffic in the former cities, Willow was the best solution.
In 2003, due to a lack of snow in the South Central region, the race took a drasticly different route. It was the only year that Fairbanks hosted the start of the race. The teams took another historic route before connecting back to the Iditarod Trail. The race followed, basically, for the first and only time the famed Serum Run route to Nome. The Serum Run happened in 1925 when there was a Diptheria epedemic in Nome and the surrounding villages. Due to extreme weather, the newer technologies of transportation were unable to get the medicine the town so desperately needed. Teams of sled dogs planned a relay to get the medicine to Nome. A train transported the medication as far as Nenana where it was taken by dog sled. It took about six days to get to Nome, and the weather was horrendous. The average temperature was forty below zero, and the wind was so strong it was able to knock over dogs and sleds alike!

Leonhard Seppala & his lead dog Togo.
Togo is the official mascot of the Iditarod Race.
Most famous of the Serum Run was Balto and his musher Gunner. They were the ones that led the medicine into Nome. A little less known - but most heroic - of the story was Togo and Leonhard Seppala. Seppala was the most well known musher of his day - think of him as the Jeff King (considered the "Most winningest musher in history") of his day. He understood the urgency and need for the medication when several others thought more of their lives and their dogs. Seppala and his team, led by Togo, made most of the journey when several mushers backed out. About 80 miles out from Nome, Seppala could go no further. He and his team were exhausted. He had Gunner take a second string of dogs into the city with the medicine. Balto and Gunner weren't exactly rookies to the job, but they were virtual unknowns until their historic finish. They would overshadow Togo and Seppala in the history books, but Togo - not Balto - is the official mascot of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Togo and Balto were both stuffed after death. Balto resides at the Smithsonian, while Togo stands proudly at the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Headquarters in Wasilla. (By the way, Togo and Seppala not only ran the medicine towards Nome, they ran the trail to go meet up and get the medicine from the previous musher. Over 200 miles over some of the most difficult terrain.)

The Iditarod Sled Dog Race has two trails along the Yukon River, and alternates each year between the two. The Northern Route is run in the even years, and the Southern Route in the odd years. It's said that of the two, the Southern is more difficult because the wind generally comes at your face. The decision to have seperate courses was to allow more of the interior villages the chance to be featured and celebrate the race. The addition of the Southern route also allowed the race to go through the old gold rush town of Iditarod (now a "ghosttown" where only one structure somewhat remains). Iditarod is an Alaska Native word that means "A Great Distance." Iditarod (and Cripple for the Northern route) marks the halfway point of the race, and the first musher to make it into the checkpoint is rewarded with a plaque and $3000 in gold nuggets.

Because of the nature of the trail, and the fact that most of it is only put in for the purpose of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race (as well as the Iron Dog Snowmachine Race and the Iditarod Bike & Run), mileage differs slightly from race to race. The official mileage is 1,049miles (the 49 is a nod to Alaska's being the 49th state) but is normally closer to 1,200 miles when all is said and done. In 2012 it was decided that a major change to the race will occur. For only the second time, the Happy River Steps - feared by Rookies and intimidating to even the most seasoned veterans - will not be part of the race. A new trail was forged for a project in the area, and since its abandonment earlier this year the Iditarod Race Officials have glomped onto it. The reason cited is for the safety of the mushers and their dogs, which is the races' top priority. This change could be permanent.

Check back soon for part two of the series.