Thursday, September 16, 2010

Busy Beaver!

So much has happened that I would love the blog about, but I have been so busy and running around that unless you follow me on facebook or twitter you wouldn't know what was going on. The Census is winding down, I will be laid off a week from tomorrow. I'm not sad about it ending, shoot the paycheck is nice, I'm actually relieved. It's been a long twenty months, but over all I enjoyed it.

A lot of people are asking me what is next. At this point I'm taking it one day at a time. I have, basically, until spring to figure it out (that's when my living arrangement will have to change no matter what) and with my trips that I have planned and paid for it makes it hard to get a job. "Um, yeah, you can hire me, then I'll be gone for a month, and back for a month and then I'm gone again!"

So to make a long post short, I've prayed hard about it and feel God is leading me to take my photography seriously. So I am completely jumping in, with Faith. The website was published this morning, and I'm open for business with sessions set for Sept. 25 and beyond! I am excited and scared all at the same time.

Visit the website here - - more blogging to come, but I think this is enough for now.

I also just joined the Christian group Books for Bloggers, so I'm looking forward to that!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Iditarod Mushers @ Alaska State Fair (Palmer)

Iditarod Champions Lance Mackey, Martin Buser, Dick Mackey, and Mitch Seavey will be on hand with Dee Dee Jonrowe, Ramey Smyth, Dallas Seavey and Hugh Neff

All will be at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer Alaska this Saturday (September 4th), from 1:30 to 5 pm to spend time with Iditarod Race Fans of all ages. This is a great opportunity for you to get up close and personal with these athletes as they share their stories of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. The event takes place at the Borealis Plaza Tent on the green trail at the Alaska State Fair!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Orser-Kim Drama

The figure skating community was rocked when news broke out yesterday that Brian Orser had been fired by his star skater, Yuna Kim. Details are, at best, confusing with several stories popping up depending on which media spin you are reading. Orser's camp & IMG make it out to be all Kim's mother's and agent's decision. Korean press are villifying the once highly praised coach saying he's blowing things out of proportion, that it was a mutual decision, or even that it's his fault. The only one not talking, it seems, is Kim - though she apparently tweeted for a "B" to stop telling the lie. At this time the tweet no longer appears but several bloggers and webzines already glomped onto the quote.

One thing is certain, no one is coming out of this without hurt feelings. Orser's shock and disappointment is evident in all of his interviews, and the twittering earlier from Kim suggests the same on her part. What's also evident is that the diehard Kim fans are frothing at the mouth and are horribly cruel once again. Fans need to calm down, this thing happens all the time. Coaches and skaters get hurt because the decision is so much out of their hands. It is shocking - much in the same way Kwan left Carrol shocking - but it is not the end of the world and there's no reason to villify anyone.

Friday, August 20, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day Four

Day Four: Favorite Book
I think Christians cheat a lot because they think they have to say "The Bible." Certainly, it should be number one for communication with our Heavenly Father, but I think to just call it a book when we know it's much more is misleading. Whenever I try to be 'religious' and answer with the 'christian' answer I go into detail and say my favorite book(s) of the Bible. (Job, Romans, and Revelations for those who are curious.)

However, I enjoy other books as well. I'm not sure I can say I have a favorite book as there are many I've read cover to cover multiple times. There's Winterdance by Gary Paulsen which is probably my favorite book that focusses on the Iditarod. I also like his junior novel The Hatchet, I read that quite often in grade school. Rifles for Watie was the junior novel that got me hooked on the Civil War, and The War With Grandpa pretty much sums up favorite book of childhood. Thank you, Battle of the Books!

I'm a huge fan of autobiographies, Scott Hamilton's Landing it and Kurt Browning's Forcing the Edge were two books I just finished rereading, and Jeff King's Cold Hands, Warm Heart was also great. And don't even get me started on the Star Wars collection I have!

I mainly stick with autobiographies, biographies, and historical fiction (mainly Civil War and Alaskana). And I guess I don't have just one favorite. *shrugs*

Thursday, August 19, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day Three

Day Three: Favorite TV Show
This would probably be M*A*S*H. Yes, it's anti-war, anti-republican, anti-Christianity... or at least modern American "Christianity"... but it's hysterical and it speaks more truth than we all care to admit. The casting was spot on, and even when, mid series, some of the core cast left (Good-bye Ferret Face) we got some fantastic replacements.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

30 Days of Me: Day Two

There are no words, right now, on Senator Stevens Memorial. I am deeply honored to have shared in the memorial. More will follow when I get my thoughts in order. So, for tonight, I will continue the 30 Days of Me.

Day Two: Favorite Movie
This is just as difficult as the favorite song question. However I guess Disney's Sleeping Beauty should get the nod. I've loved that movie longer than I can remember. I don't know why it's my favorite, it's so girly - which I am not - but I love the entire film. It's got a great villain, wonderful music and animation, and it never ceases to crack me up. Merryweather is a fairy I can identify with.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Senator Ted Stevens' Memorial

I have the honor of being part of the some 200 volunteers at teh Anchorage Baptist Temple tomorrow. I went to the meeting tonight and then went out to the street to see the motorcade pull up. I took pictures (202 in total) which I will edit.

Just got the email with a list of the Dignitaries who will be present:
Representing the United States Senate
The Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
The Hon. Daniel Inouye
The Hon. Mitch McConnell
The Hon. Orrin Hatch
The Hon. Thad Cochran
The Hon. Chris Dodd
The Hon. Arlen Specter
The Hon. Kit Bond
The Hon. Bob Bennett
The Hon. Pat Roberts
The Hon. Lisa Murkowski
The Hon. Mark Begich
David Schiappa, Secretary to the Minority
Terrance Gainer, Sergeant at Arms
The Hon. Howard Baker
The Hon. Norm Coleman
The Hon. Alfonse D'Amato
The Hon. Dennis DeConcini
The Hon. Pete Domenici
The Hon. Larry Pressler
The Hon. Fritz Hollings
The Hon. Nancy Kassebaum
The Hon. Mack Mattingly
The Hon. Frank Murkowski
The Hon. John Sununu
Elizabeth Letchworth, United States Secretary for the Majority and Minority, Ret.
Walter Stewart, Secretary of the Senate, Ret.
Representing the United States Armed Forces

General James E. Cartwright, USMC, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
General Norton A. Schwartz, USAF, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force
General Douglas M. Fraser, USAF, Commander, U.S. Southern Command
Lieutenant General Dana T. Atkins, USAF, Commander, Alaskan Command
Lieutenant General Charles H. Jacoby, USA, Director of Strategic Plans and Policy (J5), Joint Staff
Lieutenant General Daniel Darnell, USAF, Deputy Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
Rear Admiral Christopher C. Colvin, USCG, Commander, 17th District, U.S. Coast Guard
Major General Thomas H. Katkus, The Adjutant General for the State of Alaska, Commander of the Alaska National Guard, Commissioner of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Brigadier General Raymond P. Palumbo, Commanding General, U.S. Army Alaska

Due to the vice president being present we are having to dance to the Secret Service's tune (not surprising) it makes ABT look like it's being selective in what's going on but at this point they have no control over who goes where. It's all in the deal of National Security. But it's still really cool that he's hear. Biden was good friends with Stevens, so it's no surprise he's here to pay his respects. He will be speaking, Lisa Murkowski will be reading a poem... and I forgot the rest of the speakers. Prevo, an Arch Bishop and a few others are also speaking.

I'm there from 11:30am to whenever.

Monday, August 16, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day One: Favorite Song

So I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Derek and Amanda George have started it on their blog, and I thought it was a fun idea. It's neat to read their answers and get to know them, so I figured, what the heck let me do it too!

Day One is Favorite Song...
This is always so difficult because there are so many that really speak to me or touch me in some way. So many songs bring back a memory or a feeling, and I revisit often. Some are just funny, and some are perfect for what mood I am in. That's the great thing about the power of music. It's amazing the emotions and memories music provokes. I don't think I feel this way just because I grew up as a band geek - though I'm sure that has something to do with it.

I guess the song that I've been blasting lately would be Darryl Worley's new single "Keep the Change." I love that he has the guts to not only write the song but stand up and sing it. I am hoping to hear him sing it at the Palmer Fair on the 31.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome Home, BJ!

Well, we brought him home last night. I spent the night hanging out and bonding with him while Judy and Gaylord ran errands that had been preplanned. He is settling in extremely well and aside from a small bit of jealousy from the girls he's fitting in with no problems at all. He's gotten the lay of the land fairly well in the 24+ hours he's been here, just a few bumps into things. He's extremely independant, so much so that it's a little dangerous. Stairs are not scary to him and since he can't see we have to keep the door going out to the garage closed, which means Yuka and Cookie can't go in and out as they please until he quiets down. (he likes to wander for a while after we get home).

He's very vocal, and will talk back. He also barks when he's excited. Yuka helped him discover that barking is okay in this house, but he takes advantage of that allowance ha ha! He is a very happy little guy considering everything that's going on with his body right now.

Blood work came back perfectly fine, so that means Thursday of next week he will go in for surgery. It's been decided that the eye needs to come out. It's better to take it out while he's already under for his teeth. Pugs are difficult surgery wise due to their blunt noses. I'm so disappointed that the eye can't be saved, yes I know he can only see shadows, but his eye is so cute. A pug with no eyes just seems creepy to me, but I'm sure his personality will still shine through, though I worry about how he will learn to get around as he seems to still use what little sight he has to his advantage. Still, I trust Dr. Rapp to make the right decision.

I will be so glad to have him come home with a better smelling mouth. If there was ONE complaint I had about this dog it is his breath. The infection is so bad in his little mouth that his breath is just toxic. UGH! So awful. Add to it that I was squished between him and Yuka (who has nasty gas!) all last night and it's amazing I lived. The smell was so bad I swear it was the reason I had a headache!

BJ does well enough with the crate training, he just doesn't like not having that human contact, but it's safer for him I think. He spends the day while we're at work in the kennel and then is free to roam (within reason) when someone is home. Gaylord typically comes home for lunch and so he was able to take BJ out to go potty and then BJ got to hang with the gang while Gaylord ate. But he does protest for a bit when he first goes in. Tonight after we found out he likes toys we decided to put a toy in with him to see if maybe the chewing on something will be comforting to him.

Yes, that's right, BJ likes to play with dog toys! Who knew?! It's obvious he's played with toys in teh past, and loves to play tug with them. Have to be gentle with his sore mouth. It's really boggling that no one is looking for this little guy because he has so much life in him. Aside from his dry eye and his stinky mouth there is nothing wrong with him. The vet and shelter have not heard anything and I still haven't seen a thing online or around the area that suggests a little dog was lost. It warmed my heart to hear him growl and tear into the toy, but it also broke my heart. Is someone missing this little guy terribly? Why was he outside alone for what the Dr. guesses was more than just a night? Why wasn't he better taken care of? It's obvious he was loved at some point in his life, what happened to change it all?

Whether or not we are his forever home or not we're committed to this little guy. Legally he's pretty much ours, but that doesn't mean someone isn't looking for him. It's just so hard to understand. Whenever Yuka is out of my sight for a little while I panic. My biggest fear is her getting lost and not knowing where to go, and me not knowing where she is. I would die inside if something were to happen to her like that. I just don't understand why it's so hard for others to feel that way.
Anyway I'm rambling, but I figured you'd want a little update. Yuka tried playing with him last night, but ignored him tonight until he would bark. Go figure. Cookie is having issues sharing Judy. But over all BJ has pretty much become part of the family. Even Gaylord is hooked (didn't take much time at all lol).

Tomorrow Haille comes to spend the night, let's add yet another element to our madness! LOL

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Arctic Pug Pirate to Make Berth at home with us!

Time's up for the owners, Bubba Jack will be up for adoption as of tomorrow, and we have first rights of refusal meaning... tomorrow evening after work he's coming home!

Tonight we went to PetCo to get essentials, a crate for when we're gone during the day (with his poor eyesight we figure until he gets used to the house it's safest for him to be crate trained), a food dish (it's so cute), and a harness and leash. Cha-ching! But he's worth it (besides Judy paid for it lol).

The report from Dr. Rapp for today was extremely positive. He is not showing any signs of his one eye bothering him like originally thought. He can't see very well if at all with it (probably just shadows if he can) so he will be coming home with eye drops for us to administer (Judy will have to do that because that sort of thing creeps me out lol). He's becoming more active and responsive. Dr. Rapp was more candid with Judy today on the phone and said that they were actually afraid the dog was not going to make it on Monday. He just slept so much.

Dr. Rapp is convinced that he was not just out overnight, but that he'd been through a lot more. He's extremely excited that BJ found his way into our arms and our hearts! He wanted to have BJ a full 72 hours so Judy told him we'd pick him up tomorrow night. I will meet here there after work.

Will definitely give you an update tomorrow. I take Yuka in tomorrow morning for her rabies shots and will update her license and everything. So will get an update on BJ and will share before heading to work at noon.

In other news - I booked my RT airfare for the DisneyLAND trip next year! yay!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Update on "BJ"

Judy called the vet today during lunch to see how our little guy is doing. (Little BIG guy, really, he's definitely bigger than Yuka). She got a glowing report, the meds are working - in what manner we aren't sure, she didn't get specifications - he was a little more active today, and it was completely positive.

Now we're talking about how this is going to work when he comes home - if he comes home, his owner still may come around and claim him - as far as where and how we will 'crate' him and if he's house broken.

Not a huge amount of info, but anything positive is huge!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bubba Jack the One-Eyed Arctic Pug Pirate

This morning we met one sad little pup out in the street. He was a one eyed black pug who seemed very very lost. Judy discovered him as she was heading out to work and immediately dropped everything and snatched him up. The poor thing was soaked to the bone. We tried calling MaryJo, who is part of the pug rescue group up here, but I apparently only had her home phone saved in my cell phone. No answer and no way to leave a message. So, we called Cornerstone Animal Hospital - which is where we take Cookie and Yuka for everything. They suggested we bring him in and see if he'd been chipped. So after a couple of calls to our offices we were on the road. I had the little guy in my truck (where the photo was taken) and Judy followed in the Saturn as we were both going to have to get to work no matter what was decided.

Once at the clinic we learned that he was not chipped and that they enouraged us to leave him there and they would contact the Animal Shelter. I didn't like that idea, but went along with it as there seemed to be little else we could do. I couldn't get in touch with the pug rescue, and we didn't know enough about the dog to stay home with him with the two dogs at home. So with reassurance from Angela (one of the techs/receptionists) we left him in their capable hands.

Judy was attached from the first second of laying eyes on him - even if he is a pug she just adores that little guy - and we both felt bad for leaving him. Over the course of the day we messaged back and forth and ended up naming him Bubba Jack the One-Eyed Arctic Pirate Pug... or Pug Pirate, depending on who you ask. When we took him to the vet we were calling him Bubba. Then Judy thought later that morning we should name him Jack (as in Jack Sparrow... for the pirate in him) and that's when we took off with the long name. We'll call him BJ for short!

I was also in contact with Mary Jo to see if the shelter or pug rescue had gotten him yet, she hadn't heard anything. She suggested that we give a call to check on him and possibly snatch him up after work. Well, Judy was one step ahead of her and called at 4pm over to the shelter. They didn't have any pugs at all, so she called Cornerstone. They had done a check up on BJ and decided they weren't going to release him to anyone just yet. So, off we both went to the clinic to talk with Dr. Rapp and get an idea of what we were looking at.

According to Dr. Rapp it looks like BJ's one eye is also bad. It's what they call dry eye and at this point he's not sure that the eye is worth keeping. They have some meds for him and drops to try and get any tears at all to come out, and may go from there. His teeth are also in horrible shape and once the antibiotics kick in they're going to look at extracting quite a few. He ate quite a bit today, but spent most of his time sleeping. Dr. Rapp assumes he's feeling pretty lousy due to his teeth and his eye, but expects a different dog to come out once the meds kick in and we get some of the bad stuff out.

Judy then asked him what he was going to do Re: Rescue/Shelter. He said at this point he wanted the dog to stay there at the Clinic. BJ needs some care now, not later, and it's not fair to tax the rescue - we agreed. He said he's willing to keep BJ until the time lapses for the Shelter to find the dog's family - he believes it's three days till release, and he has filed a report with the shelter - and then he says we have the right of first refusal. This was all Judy needed to hear. Obviously we want to make a good fit, so it's not a done deal until he's actually in teh house and we see how he takes to Cookie and Yuka (and vice versa). It's also possible that he will need to have eye surgery to remove his remaining eye. As it stands he can't see through it, and it's giving him more pain than anything else. If it's not able to be saved (which is what they're trying to do now) then they will remove it once they're sure he can make it through surgery. He also will lose the teeth then, it sounds like.

We are totally committed to seeing the best outcome for Bubba Jack. It took a bit of convincing on Judy's part, but Gaylord hasn't said "No." But, really, it's not his decision anyway, we have already made up our minds! Please keep this pug and the situation in your prayers. We want a happy ending for this little guy, no matter what that is.

Sorry the photo isn't better, took it on my camera phone while waiting to go into the clinic. Low light, crappy camera = crappy photo. He's a whole lot cuter in person.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Double Digits Dance!

Erin and I have 98 days until our road trip begins on November 7! I cannot wait. So excited.

And, since our main destination (Walt Disney World's Coronado Springs Resort) had a birthday yesterday I leave you with this video.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Back to the grind.

Obviously mom and I made it home Monday night without incident. The weather was fantastic in Fairbanks when we left, and stayed that way until we hit the MatSu, where we basically drove into a sheet of RAIN. And it stayed that way all the way home.

Overall I loved our trip, the skating was fantastic, the company was - of course - awesome, and mom and I got to unwind. We did a whole lot of nothing and I have no problem doing that. Decided I want to make the trip again at least by next summer. Will definitely do so if certain skaters get to come back (wink, wink) at the same time of year, but then again I don't know if I wouldn't come earlier before the tourist season rush.

I will be giving a full review of our resort this weekend, when I have more down time, right now all I've been doing is work, catching up on sleep and editting my MANY photos, of which I will also share at some point. I will say this about the Wedgewood Resort: I will stay there again and I recommend it to all of my friends. It is great service, great rooms, and it's affordable. I also suggest going on the weekends as they are less crowded/cheaper because that is when they are recooping from the influx of tourists Monday-Thursday. Just a little hint, I'm sure other hotels are similar.

 Nothing else to really report. Still working on photos. Will have to post some eventually. Night, all.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Watch the SUNBURN!

Today was, for the most part, relaxing. We stayed at the resort until 11:30 just chilling, and then headed to The Pump House for a “brunch” buffet. We met up with the Lees and Melissa and Denis and ate outside overlooking the Chena River. The sun was out and warm, and aside from a few pesky bees, it was a fantastic time. We spent two hours just gabbing and enjoying the wonderful weather. Getting to know the Lees better was a treat, and I have to say their kids are a kick. Andrew is just ENERGY all the time, and Grace is such a sweet young lady.

The weather was just fantastic; Warm, sunny, and perfect for giving me a sunburn. Which I am now suffering from because it is mostly on the back of my neck. Sleeping should be interesting tonight. We saw speed boats, float planes, and the famous paddle boat pass by while we chatted. It was just a great way to close out Melissa and Denis’ week and mom and my weekend.

After filling up on all the yummy offerings and saying our goodbyes (so hoping Melissa and Denis get to come back soon!) mom and I headed out to North Pole, AK which is about 11 miles away from Fairbanks (if that). We were on our way to The Santa Claus House, and somehow managed to miss it not once but twice. Don’t ask me how. If there’s one thing about this trip it’s the fact that we can’t navigate worth a darn! Haha! Finally drove into their parking lot – it was HOT outside – and spent a couple of hours wandering around the gift shop before going out and seeing the Reindeer and taking photos of the large Santa’s on the property.

Then we headed back to the hotel and stopped at McDonalds on the way to get us some well needed soft serve ice cream. It was just insanely hot in the truck. We crashed at the room for a couple of hours (mom napped and I edited photos. Can’t wait to have time to edit them and post them!) , and then had dinners over at Gallo’s Mexican restaurant. My stomach is so stuffed it’s not even funny.

Now we’re back in the room. Mom is snoring away and I am watching Law & Order SVU (thinking of you, Heather! It’s not skating without chatting with MelDen and watching Law & Order! BD Wong is hot!). We have to leave in the morning and I am not looking forward to getting back to the real world. I have really enjoyed being away, but I do miss my pug. So that’s something to look forward to!

Gotta pick up a few things from the depot for work up here and then we’ll be on our way! Check out tomorrow morning is at 11am, so I don’t expect us to get moving quickly at all. It’s 9:30, though, so if I want to be well rested for the drive back I better sign off for now.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I've missed watching Melissa and Denis skate.

Mom slept for twelve hours last night. It’s really no surprise as she’d been up since 4 am and even though we didn’t do much but drive, it takes it out of you. We were in bed by seven, and mom CRASHED.

Woke up to not so fantastic weather, it was pouring down rain, but by 10am it was over and done with. We ate at Denny’s (which boasts being the world’s furthest north Denny’s) for breakfast, and then we headed up to what we thought was the ice arena. No such luck, it was the wrong one, so then I just decided to take a gamble and head up college road. Found UAF all on my own (easy to do with all the signs) and made it to see the tail end of the ice dance testing. We got to see Denis take the girls testing through the proper steps. It was like watching Compulsory dances at nationals all over again; thankfully Midnight Blues was not one of the testing pieces. We had the Viennese and Golden Waltzes and the Paso Doble… and one other one that I don’t remember. Seeing Melissa and Denis working with the students got me excited for the show tonight.

After watching the kids go through their testing we headed back to the room to try and make a game plan. Sadly we have NO idea what’s going on that isn’t incredibly touristy – and by that I mean expensive – and the rain had returned. We just decided to suck it up and go for a drive. Then dad called and we spent about 15 minutes in the lobby while mom talked to him on the phone. While we sat in the lobby the rain stopped, we decided to try to find the “real” Fairbanks – which translates to downtown. It was the Golden Days festival and we wanted in on some of the action. It had rained during the parade – and we spent that time in doors at the rink anyway – but now the clouds had parted and the weather was pretty good.

We figure-eighted around until we finally made it to first street where all the action was. Made the mistake of trying to see the rubber ducky races, but they were late in getting started and mom wasn’t feeling well, so we made our way away from the races, only to have not waited long enough and they crossed the finish line not five minutes after we left the river. Go figure. Oh well, there’s always next trip! We toured Treat Street, for a while anyway, and visited the Yukon Quest “headquarters”. It’s pretty much a mini version of the Iditarod Race Headquarters in Wasilla. After walking around a bit more we headed for the truck to freshen up before the ice show.

The show was pretty good, it was all the local talent, and some of the skaters are surprisingly good for not having a solid program up here right now. Some of the older skaters really put on a good show, and every skater brought their game. The highlight, of course, was when Melissa and Denis closed the show with their program. Melissa rocked the jeweled eyes, and they both were just so smooth. I had forgotten just how much I LOVE watching them skate. I didn’t think I had, but I had shivers. Makes me want to go to Nationals or any skating event that much more. So thankful they made it up here, definitely worth the drive!

After the show we met up with them, and I figured we’d chat and then be on our way, but like always that didn’t happen! It was so much more. We did a little catching up and we will be going to brunch/lunch with them and the Lees (big into Fairbanks Skating club) tomorrow (well, today once this is posted). It’s just like old times, I suppose!

Mom DID embarrass me, though, when she met Melissa and Denis because she took one look at Denis told him she loved watching him because he was just “SO CUTE”. I literally tried to die right there. They were really good sports about it though. Gotta love them! And I guess I gotta love mom, too.

After that we grabbed some KFC and came back to the hotel where we are now just watching some TV before going to bed. Will be shutting her down pretty soon. I took pictures tonight and will have to edit them some other time ha ha. Just not into it tonight. Tomorrow after meeting up with MelDen we are planning to head to North Pole and visit Santa Claus House. I am so tempted to yell out “SANTA! I KNOW HIM!” but I won’t. Gonna go see me some reindeer and play tourist. Yup, sounds fun.

So not ready for our trip to be over, but it’s been fun. I’m going to enjoy the next two days, then it’s back to the grindstone.

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

We're here!

Hello From Fairbanks.

I am typing this up on my word document as we do not have wireless in the room, this is an account of our first day. That’s about the only complaint I have with the Wedgewood Bear Lodge. The room is far bigger than I was expecting, and the entire resort is just beautiful. Mom and I ate at the Bear Lounge tonight and the food was FANTASTIC. Mom had the steak and I had a pulled pork sandwich and we both came away full before we were finished. The food was just wow.

The drive up was pretty uneventful, the weather was grey so we didn’t stop to take pictures, will probably do that on the way home as we made a mental note of where to stop. Is it totally touristy of me to get all excited to see Gorilla Fireworks in Houston? There will be pictures on Monday when we come back through because it is just SO COOL.

No sighting of Denali (Mt. McKinley) as the clouds were out, but didn’t expect to see her anyway. Kinda hoping she will be out in full force when we return home, but again, not counting on it.

We did have a few issues finding our hotel just because mom sorta skipped a few directions and so we had to turn around and come back. It’s actually not that far away from the main highway and is one of the first exits. It’s great. We should get our bearings fairly easily.

Tomorrow (or rather later today by the time this gets posted) we are going to hopefully take in some of the test skating in the morning and figure out what we’ll do in between that and the show skating. Hoping to chat with Melissa and Denis somewhere in there as well. Cannot wait, it’s been far too long since I got to chat with them!

Overall I’m having a blast (good thing seeing as how we just got here) and mom seems to be as well. Good thing since yesterday (Friday) she gave us a scare by taking herself to the emergency room thinking she had a heart attack. All tests came back clear so doctors believe it was brought on by stress and the fact that she fell earlier this week and her body’s just now reacting to the pain. We have laughed so much already on this trip it’s been awesome.

More later, for now enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gregory & Petukhov are in Alaska!

This week US Silver Medalist Ice Dancers Melissa Gregory and Denis Petukhov will be hosting a skating seminar in Fairbanks, Alaska. This Saturday they will be the guest stars in the local art festival ice show. And, yes, if anyone is wondering I am not only super excited that they've finally made it up here -but I will be going.

I'm over the top excited, I will be making the some six hour (it will no doubt be longer as this is the first time I'll be driving that road, there's construction, and my mom is coming with so we are going to do some touristy things) trip to Fairbanks with my mother on Friday morning and will be there through the weekend. Will try to blog from up there, but don't know what all I'll be able to get to. There WILL be pictures, though.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Documentary Review - Iditarod 2010: Chasing History

The Iditarod Insider has done it again with their latest documentary on the Last Great Race On Earth. The Emmy Award winning crew bring Iditarod 38 to life as they follow each team all the way to Nome. Many firsts happened during this year's race as well as lasts - each are captured by the cameras.

We follow, of course, Lance Mackey as he runs his way to a fourth straight title (the first musher to do so). We follow Dallas Seavey as he takes hold of destiny and becomes the first of Mitch Seavey's sons to beat his father. We follow Newton Marshall as he becomes the first Jamaican musher to finish the race. And, we follow Jeff King on his final "competitive" journey to Nome.

The Photography is fantastic, and even though you know the outcome before the video even starts you still feel the excitement and tension. These characters are real men and women and dogs running an amazing feat of a race. They are personable, they are blunt, they are entertaining, and they're heroes. Each loving their dogs with more and care than they're given credit for. Their stories are shared thanks to the wonderful direction of Iditarod Insider.

This is a great addition to any sled dog enthusiast's collection, Iditarod fans and dog fans alike will love their copy. You can purchase a copy from the Iditarod directly by clicking here.

Related Items:

Choreographer Sandra Bezic named to Canadian Hall of Fame

The list of new inductees for the Canadian Figure Skating Hall of Fame have been announced, top of the list is skater/choreographer/commentator Sandra Bezic. Bezic is most known for her choreography work - which garnered her an Emmy award in 2003 for Stars On Ice - which landed many skaters on top of World and Olympic Podiums.

Bezic was a three time Canadian Pairs Champion with her brother in the 1970s before retiring and beginning her work as a choreographer. In the 80s she worked some with a young up and coming Canadian men's figure skater, Kurt Browning as well as US and World Champion Brian Boitano. Bezic would be the key to Boitano's Olympic success as she was the lead choreographer of his Olympic Short and Famed Napoleon Long Program.

In 1992, after choreographing Kristi Yamaguchi to Olympic gold, Bezic joined the Stars on Ice team as director and choreographer. She reinvented Scott Hamilton's winning show and SOI saw its greatest success under her watchful eye.

Bezic landed a commentary role with NBC Sports in the 90s as well, voicing many of the professional competitions as NBC did not have rights to many ISU events. She has been critisized for being too down on many skaters, but other fans believe her eye for choreography and the subtlties in a skater's performance. When NBC won the Olympic bid for the 2002 through 2010 Olympic Games, Bezic was kept on the team and they added Scott Hamilton, Dick Button, and Tracy Wilson to the crew. Bezic was alongside Hamilton as they called the controversial 2002 Pairs Competition. Bezic and Hamilton were key in sparking outrage with the results.

Bezic's final year with SOI was in 2003 - the same year she won an emmy for her work with the show - after sharing her disgust with the changes in competitive figure skating. After a brief hiatus from the sport she is still commentating for NBC.

Congratulations, Sandra.

Buntin, Chipeur announce retirements

News broke this week that Canadian pairs skater Craig Buntin and Men's figure skater Vaughn Chipeur have announced their retirements from competitive skating. Craig Buntin, 30, has been on the national and international pairs scene for quite awhile and was on national champion with Valerie Marcoux from 2004-06. In recent years, Buntin skated and competed with Megan Duhamel.

Buntin is enrolled in the MBA program at McGill University, and plans to still be a part of skating though more behind the scenes.

Buntin stated in his press release, "Training, sacrificing, creating, performing and sharing the spotlight with my partners and coaches has meant more to me than anyone could imagine...I am so grateful to have had figure skating in my life and so proud to have represented such an incredible country."

In a statement released today, Vaughn Chipeur is the latest skater to announce his retirement from competitive skating. Chipeur, 25, is a two time Canadian national silver medalist as well as 2010 Olympian. Chipeur was 12th at the 2009 World Championships and 23rd at the Vancouver Winter Games.

Chipeur stated that he will tour through the summer before joining a cruise ship's ice skating cast.
"I want to wish him well in his professional career," Scott Davis, his coach, said, "and will miss those high flying triple axels on a daily basis."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Liberty Competition: It's That Time Of Year Already?!?

We're halfway through July and that means figure skating is getting its legs back after a few months of R&R for most of its skaters. The Liberty competition on the East Coast normally marks the start of the season for a lot of the second tiered seniors skaters and up and comers in North America. It's a chance to get their new programs seen by judges and officials and get some feedback as to what needs changing. Some bigger name skaters also show up not to compete but to get feedback on their new routines.

Reports will start flying tomorrow, competitions have already started, and videos won't be far behind. Cannot believe it's already this far into summer.

In blogging news, this is my 99th post. No idea what I will do to celebrate 100 posts. Not that anyone reads this anyway! (if I'm wrong PLEASE comment so I know this is worth it)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Backstage Wildride Again!

More photos of the real stars of the Wildride Sled Dog Rodeo: The dogs!

This here is Bandit. He's one of the characters of the show and is featured in the arena style races, he was pretty proud of himself on Sunday because he managed to get loose during the show not once but TWICE. It's the great Houdini Dog!

One of my favorite Seavey dogs of all time is the 2004 Champion Lead Dog Zebra. He's such a good boy, so sweet, and he knows how good he is. He's pretty much allowed to do what he wants. He comes out, wags his tail, pretends to pull, and then comes back to the dog lot and gets praised and fed. Oh to have his life. It will be a sad day when he's no longer with the team.

You have to forgive me on this one, I may or may not name this dog correctly, but I'm pretty sure this is Kosher. Sweet dog, but didn't get the spot in the show that Dallas was hoping for (lead dog in training). Oh well, he's a good lookin' boy with a cool name.
Sweet little puppies that will rip your face off, they are in the fiesty stage now at 8 weeks... and they are HUGE for Seavey pups!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yeah, Mon! New Iditarod documentary centers around Jamaican Musher.

Iditarod Veteran, Newton Marshall and the Jamaican Dog Sled Team will be featured in a new one hour documentary "Cool Mushings" this fall the official facebook page announced this morning. Marshall's rookie run was during the 2010 Iditarod where he leased a team of [Lance] Mackey dogs on his quest to Nome.

Newton Marshall runs a team of dogs out of his home in Jamaica, and has sparked a huge fan club after signing up for the Iditarod last year. He's already signed up for Iditarod 39 set to start the first week of March in 2011. Newton's story inspired many world wide, and was the talk of this year's race. His self promotion rivaled that of the professional promotions the big name mushers have. The entire crowd at each stop were chanting "Mush Mon" as Marshall ran his team up the trail.

According to the Official Jamaica Sundogs Racing Team website, the film follows Marshall the entire race, and spares nothing. In the trailor we hear Marshall state he wishes to make his family, his friends and his country proud. Later on he wishes he were back in Jamaica [instead of the middle of nowhere Alaska]. Lance Mackey is interviewed along with other mushers and racing supporters.

No date has been released, but you can read about the documentary and catch a sneak peak by visiting their site. Click here.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Weir reinventing his skating, sits out competitive season.

US Figure Skater, Johnny Weir withdrew today from the 2010-2011 competitive season. In a press release put out by Weir with the USFSA and Figure Skaters Online, Weir stated that he was currently working on reinventing himself as a skater and plans to come back after a year or retooling.

"I have decided that I need a year to rest and reinvent myself as an athlete and artist," Weir's statement read. "I say this with the hope of returning as a competitor for the 2011-12 season."

How hard he is actually working on that while making as many public appearances nation wide, one has to wonder, and many fans are arguing that we've seen the last of Weir on the competitive front.

Weir dominated US Men's figure skating from 2004-2006. Hitting a rough patch starting at the 2006 Olympic games, Weir suffered a devastating loss in 2007 at the US National Championships when he faltered and failed to make the World team. It's been a rocky road since then, but he seemed to have turned a corner in the last couple of seasons. Weir fought a good battle at the 2010 US National Championships to win the third spot on the Olympic team. Weir finished sixth in the games and many argued he should have been higher.

Weir withdrew from Worlds feeling he was not up to par to compete, stating that he would work hard and come back strong next season. Since Worlds he has flitted the world enjoying the glitz and glam of his new found fame.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Where would you like to spend your retirement?

Walt Disney World, sadly retirement is so far off.

Ask me anything

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

Four or five days, camping trip. I apologise to my friends, I knew not what I did.

Ask me anything

Harding marries again

allen figure skating superstar Tonya Harding has made the news once again, this time, thankfully, on a positive note. The Columbian and Associated Press reported over the weekend that Harding applied for a Marriage License with a Joseph Jens Price on June 23, and the AP wire stated that as of Saturday the paperwork had been turned in to prove that the wedding/marriage had taken place.

Harding made a name for herself in the early 90s as one of Nancy Kerrigan's main rivals leading up to the 1994 Olympic games, she was the only American lady - at that time - to land a triple axel in competition. Harding found herself in the middle of controversy after her - then - husband attacked Nancy Kerrigan at one of her practice sessions (it was later known as the "Whack Heard Round the World."). While she was not found guilty of having a part in the attack, Harding did take a plea deal for the charges of cover-up. Subsequently the United States Figure Skating Association (USFSA) banned the skater from competition for life.

Harding has had a rough go since her figure skating glory days, between domestic violence reports and a very short second marriage and her short lived (and unsuccessful) boxing career, one can only hope she's finally found her happiness.

Monday, June 28, 2010

ISU-1, Plushenko-0

Sanctions from the ISU (International Skating Union) came down this week on self-awarded Olympic Platinum Medalist, Evgeni Plushenko. After skating in the Vancouver Olympics, Plushenko announced he would not skate at the World Figure Skating championships due to medical reasons. An investigation done by the ISU, however, found that during the championships, Plushenko skated in an ice show without permission from the Russian Skating Federation. This is a breach of ISU rules - that were put in place to ensure the top names would find the incentive to compete there by boosting television and ticket sales.

Fans of the sport and the skater alike have voiced their opinions rather strongly as the news broke this morning, many siding with the ISU. This is not a tale of a new to the scene skater not knowing of some obscure rule, this has been set in place for many years now, and Plushenko has been a fixture on competitive ice for over three Olympic cycles.

While other skaters also took time away from Worlds after the strenuous Olympic season, only Plushenko used a medical reason and then decided to skate in a show in the weeks after competition. He did so without the approval of his federation, almost as if he were thumbing his [rather large] nose at the association that dared to give another man "his" second Olympic title.

Plushenko has 21 days to appeal the ISU's lifetime ban.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Many familiar faces sign up for Iditarod 2011

Yesterday marked the opening of Musher sign-ups for Iditarod 39. Sticking with tradition, mushers gathered at the Volunteer picnic to be first in line to get the covetted early numbers to be first up to the pot for their race numbers at the mushers banquet. Iditarod royalty was out in force with the Seavey's and Mackey's all making appearances. What was most surprising, however, was the fact that several mushers who had  hinted at retirement were there on sign up day to throw their hat into the ring one more time.

Race fixtures Martin Buser, Mitch Seavey and DeeDee Jonrowe are once again running, as well as up and coming stars Dallas Seavey (still in it to become the youngest musher to win, taking the title away from Rick Swenson. We've got three more years to see it happen) and Jamaca's Newton Marshall. The Scottish team will also be represented by one of the two mushers who ran this past Iditarod.

They hinted they weren't sure what the future held for their racing teams, but Lance Mackey and Hugh Neff have decided to put off the retirement decision one more year. And, coming back to the race after saying he was done last year, Sebastian Schnuelle has also added his name to the roster.

The Reddingtons are represented this year, as always, and Gebhardt, Jones, Gatt, Smyth and Zirkle have also signed up. No news from John Baker's camp as to if he is running the race this year or not (he has not spoken previously of hanging it up any time soon) and Karen Ramsted is also missing from the early roster. As announced this past winter, Jeff King is retiring from the Iditarod and it looks to be true as he was not there to sign up. There are still months left to go, so more names should be added. So far, forty-six have signed up.

You can see the list as it stands now on Aily Zirkle's kennel blog, click here.

Friday, June 25, 2010

What would your dream job look like?

It'd be a Television studio/complex where I would shoot and broadcast an all figure skating network.

and in my sparetime I'd be the female version of Steven Spielberg for film.

Ask me anything

Book Review: The Father I Never Had

Christian Singer-Songwriter and Pastor, Joel Engle's song "The Father I Never Had" is now in book form, it's a fleshing out - if you will - of his autobiographical song. Engle leaves no stone untouched in this unguarded accounting of his life and testimony. Gone is the facade that he is a 'perfect Christian' that no doubt comes with the territory of being in the Christian limelight. So rarely are we given a glimpse into the real life of an artist we admire, only to find out that they, too, struggle with their faith.

If you've followed Joel Engle's career at all, you know his testimony and his story. Engle's father was never in the picture, and his mother died when he was young. He went to live with his grandparents, until his grandfather passed away, and then he went to a group home - from their God blessed him with an adoptive family as he entered his teen years. He shared this story numerous times over the years at different youth events (I saw him waaaaayyyy back when I was just reaching double digits when he sang at our little church of First Baptist Kenai Alaska for True Love Waits, and then again in my late teens at a Youth Conference in Anchorage, AK.) but that's as far as it went, he never really fleshed it out (other than the horror of finding his mother unconcious on the floor) before he went on to talk about the Grace and the Peace he'd found in God, in the Father he never knew he had.

The book is a fairly quick and easy read, but it holds a lot of power. The reader can definitely tell the writing was no easy task, but that it's also a watershed of emotion for Engle.The honesty within each page, and the pain, helps the reader not just get a better understanding of where Engle is coming from, but in a very real way brings about how Engle views his faith. The reader connects very quickly with Joel, even if their life was seemingly 'easy' with a two parent family and nothing 'horrible' has happened in their life because Joel is open with everything - especially his doubts and faults.

Engle never preaches at the reader, and he never talks down. It's like a long letter to a friend where he's just spilling his guts in a very real and personal way. It's his sharing of his faith, and even with everything that has seemingly gone wrong in his life - and much of it he still doesn't understand why it had to happen that way - you can see God moving in his life. Joel introduces you to a very real God who is more than just a spiritual being that is untouchable. God sustains us in our time of need, He is a very real comfort, and Joel uses his life as an example as to how. Yes, he had tragic moments in life and learned early on that life isn't fair - this is truth, we all have that same realization at some point in different ways. We live in a fallen world where evil does exist in all forms - not because God is not all powerful (He IS all powerful) but because He loves us enough to let us make decisions for ourselves (sometimes the wrong ones, but we typically need to learn the hard way).

This book is a must have, a must read. Share it with kids and adults alike that have had similar experiences with an absent father or even an absent mother. Someone who is struggling with their Faith, someone who needs Faith. Most of all, just let God touch you in some way with this book.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What website do you spend the most time on?

Probably facebook. But outside of that, it's definitely and the forums there.

Ask me anything

Scott Hamilton has surgery.

1984 Olympic Mens Figure Skating Champion Scott Hamilton tweeted from a hospital room today to inform family, friends and fans that he was on his way to ridding his body - finally - of the benign brain tumor that was discovered over five years ago. When it was first discovered, Hamilton had been in remision from testicular cancer and was getting ready to celebrate his final check up when doctors found a mass in his brain. More researched proved it benign, but it was affecting Hamilon's vision and other issues soon arose. Hamilton had tried several treatments to shrink the tumor over the years, but it seems it was finally time for doctors to physically remove it.

Hamilton filmed a recent Biography segement where cameras followed him around as he attempted a short lived comeback to figure skating this season. During the hour long broadcast, Scott shared that his love/desire to skate had been dwindling towards the end of his career and doctors had explained to him that it was probably due to the pressue that the tumor was putting on some of the nerves of the brain. Further in the interview it was revealed that doctors believed Hamilton's tumor had been there since his early childhood and could be the most likely cause for his stunted growth. Skating as much as he did in childhood and adulthood kept the tumor's growth at a snails pace, but as he slowed down with the sport, the growth spread.

Hamilton's twitter page was full of well wishes, as well as an announcement/thank you. Hopefully Scott and his family can keep those of us praying for him at home updated.

See Scott's twitter page by clicking here.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Nagasu snaps back at message board post!

Golden Skate Forum members were surprised and amused this evening when Mirai Nagasu reportedly responded to a member's post stating that her music choices were not mature enough. Nagasu fired back on her Twitter account seemingly trying to prove that her choice were in fact more adult.

This brought up a side of humor from the poster who found the twittering, as well as other members who are avid fans of the skater and the message board in question. It also brought up the fact that skaters are not immune to what is said by the general internet public.

So just where do message boards stand in the world of figure skating. Most fans argue that skaters should understand they are in the public eye and so that anything goes on a board. Being as how I have known skaters, I can see both sides. Yes they are considered celebrities, but to tear someone down just because they have that title seems petty.

In the case of Nagasu vs "Goldenskate lady" the case was just misunderstanding. A fan was wishing for something different than what is to be had. Still, it's understandable that Mirai would be upset that not everyone is jumping on the music selection bandwagon. No doubt she will showcase her talent no matter the music. And the fans, including Goldenskate Lady, will be cheering her on every step of the way.

To view the post that started it all, click here.
To view Mirai's response, click here.

Tell me what you think by commenting on this entry!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wildride Sled Dog Rodeo 2010

It's been requested that I share a little bit on how Wildride is going this year. Please be aware that I am not as in the loop now that I am merely a 'relief' employee, but I can say that it seems to still be following the usual pattern, weekdays are lean, Thursday through Sunday are heavier crowds.

This year they are doing only one show a night, up to two dinners (one before teh show, one after) a night, and Kennel tours doing the day. I don't know much about the Kennel tours, but I think if you're wanting one on one time with the dogs and the mushers that's the best bet, but I would not skip out on the show if at all possible.

I've also tasted the goodies on the menu and I have to say it's pretty good grub. The beef is killer, the chicken is standard, the veggies are crisp and fresh and I'm assured that it's all cooked in a healthy manner. I say who cares about that last part, but it's been pretty much emphasised by our chef that that's the way to go! ha ha!

We have a litter of six pups, five boys and a girl, and they are the sweetest, gentlest pups I've ever seen with this group. That being said they are fiesty with each other. The girl keeps the boys in line, that is for sure!

Show is going well, with Jen due any day now she's not in it this year, and Dallas is preparing to be MIA for a while when the baby actually comes, so we're testing out a semi new cast. But the script is the standard fare with a few slight changes to the cues, but the music is all the same.

This show is still a definite must do for travellers and Alaskans alike and I hope to see a few of our regulars while I'm working!

Now, some pics! (click to enlarge)

And a video or two:

Movie Review: Disney-Pixar's Toy Story 3

The toys that started it all are back in the final chapter of their wild ride. Their owner Andy is all grown up and packing up for college and the core gang is all that's left of the young man's childhood. Memories, photographs must all be packed up and stored in the attic, donated, or thrown away. But what of Woody, Buzz and the rest? This is the question that we're faced with in the beginning moments of Toy Story 3.

Pixar does not disappoint in the third and final installment of the Toy Story series. They were hoping to only have two films, but it was thanks in large part to their original contract with Disney and the threat that if Pixar didn't do it, Disney would, that brought about a long wait for fans to have what we've all been waiting for. The wait was worth it.

Woody and the gang are faced with the cruel fact that all toys must go through: children grow up and move on from their playthings. Over the years the band of toys shrank as they were tossed away, sold, or donated. Even Woody's girl, Bo Peep, has moved on to a new home. All that remains are the classic characters that we've come to know and love (oddly enough the three green aliens were kept). Their one hope to all stay together is if Andy decides to store them in the attic and they will one day again be played with (the hope is that Andy will have children and they will be brought out when that time comes). But, in classic Toy Story style, Mom mistakes the bag of toys (minus Woody, whom Andy has decided to take to college) as a bag of Trash and puts them on the side of the road for pick up. Seeing this, Woody goes to save the day. The toys, after rescuing themselves, believe Andy to no longer care.

The toys run for the box being donated to the daycare, and so begins their adventure. They meet several new characters: Ken (voiced by Michael Keaton) whom we're never quite sure if he's straight, gay... or bisexual. Pixar does its best to keep it family friendly and Ken is definitely attracted to Barbie (and in the end she stays with him), but he's definitely a METROsexual. Basically think Ryan Seacrest as a Ken doll. We also meet Lotso, another toy from the 80s, who is plush and loveable and smells like strawberries... but don't let his exterior fool you. He may seem all soft and cuddly, but deep down he's a heartless and evil mastermind. Think Stinky Pete (Toy Story 2 voiced by Kelsey Grammer) but softer.

[spoilers ahead: highlight to read]

After some hilarity ensues during their escape - Woody, upon entering the daycare, leaves via a kid at the daycare taking him to her house where he relives a few moments of his time with Andy and finds out via another toy that Lotso isn't so loveable and goes to rescue the rest of "Andy's Toys" and vows to take them all back and live in the attic - the toys eventually make it home. Though first they find out the horrors of the garbage dump and nearly are destroyed in a gut wrenching heart in your throught moment. They are reunited with Andy who is still bent on taking Woody to college and leaving the rest in the attic. In the final moments before the box is taken upstairs to be stored, Woody grabs a sharpie and a sticky pad and writes a note ("from mom") to Andy that says he should donate the toys (it's later implied that the note gives him Bonnie's name and address). Andy struggles in the decision as he drives the toys to their new home.

Upon meeting Bonnie he introduces her to the new toys, telling her they meant a lot to him growing up and that she has to promise to always love and take care of them for him and to keep them together. If you don't tear up in this moment of the movie, well, I can't say what exactly that means, but tears were streaming down my face for the rest of the movie. He introduces each toy one by one, and finds Woody at the very bottom. Bonnie recognizes Woody and begins quoting the different sayings that come when you pull Woody's string. Andy once again struggles with letting go, but finally comes to terms that Woody needs to be played with and not just sit on a shelf. He speaks of Woody like an old friend in a hearttouching, tearjerking moment. And then, one last time, he plays with the toys with Bonnie before driving off to start his new life. Woody and the gang watch after him and Woody wishes him a fond farewell (I'm choking up as I write this. It is THAT much of a moment.)

This is a perfect send off to a series of characters that forever changed animated film. To be honest, I do not believe we'd even have the likes of Shrek without first Pixar making a market for this type of film medium with Toy Story. Toy Story is 3d animation's version of Snow White - yes, in a way it'd been done before, but Toy Story made it "okay" to do so and it reached all movie goers, not a select few. The final scene in Toy Story 3, I believe, is a message to those of us who have grown up with the classic Pixar films. It's okay that we've moved on to other things, it's part of life, but we will always have the memories to come back to. We can all still remember watching in the theaters and seeing the toys come to life for the first time. Now we share them with our neices, nephews, young cousins, and kids. It's a new era, and it's time to let go. (Of course, if you're like me, you are also of the Peter Pan mindset so that whole idea is a foreign concept as you will never be "too old" for Toy Story).

All in all, if you don't see this in theaters you will miss out. I paid the extra money and saw it in the new IMAX theater here in town, but you don't need the magic of 3D to appreciate the film. The story - like classic Disney films - is what makes the movie more than just another animated film.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

BIKING to Disney World?

And you thought Erin and my road trip from Seattle down I-5 and across I-40 is a crazy idea. What about this could that's biking to Walt Disney World? What a fantastic idea! I think that should be the next way Erin and I make the trip (could you imagine us doing that? I think we really would kill each other).

Follow their blog, it's an amazing one (I think, anyway).

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Evan Lysacek attends Toy Story 3 Premier

With all of the talk about the Grand Prix 2010-2011 season assignments being announced, and the surprise at some of the names on the list and others left off, it's easy to forget to watch the last cycle's big names and what they may or may not be up to.

Johnny Weir made the Grand Prix assignment list, how he will be able to fit it in with all of his hollywood events remains to be seen, but where was his main rival Evan Lysacek? Apparently Lysacek is also still enjoying the glitz and glam being a newly crowned Olympic Champion brings. After his second place finish on Dancing with the Stars and the end of the Stars on Ice touring season, Evan's been pretty quiet.

Until this evening when he tweeted that he was currently waiting for Toy Story 3 to begin. That's right, while Johnny Weir is weirding it up on many red carpets, Evan is walking a Pixar red carpet to see the world premier of the long overdue Toy Story 3.

Just thought you might want to know what the other MIA American skater is up to. Maybe the movie and music will inspire him and he will jump in the rink again. Evan Lysacek skating as Buzz Lightyear to World gold, hmmm. It could be done.

Speilberg and Dreamworks team with Disney for next film!

It was reported last month - and we somehow missed it here! - that Spielberg has announced his latest project, and it's not the anticipated Lincoln biopic. No, Steven Spielberg's next director's chair will be on the set of Disney's War Horse slated to enter theaters August 2011.

The film is based on a book by Michael Morpurgo and is set during World War 1. This will be somewhat a new subject for Spielberg as he is most known for his World War 2 films (Schindler's List & Saving Private Ryan) both of which won him the Oscar award for best Director. The book is a Children's novel, and was runner up for the Whitbread award in 1982.

The story and horrors of war is seen from a horse's perspective, and has - according to the summary provided by - a strong anti-war message (the horse can understand all languages apparently). If the film rings true with the book - and why wouldn't it, at least in part? - then we can be sure to feel our heartstrings be pulled in classic Spielbergian fashion with the horse's former owner's emotions as he sees his father sell his beloved pony to the army, only to have him captured by the German's, and then finally reunite only to have him wounded.

What is most interesting, though, is that it appears that Disney and Dreamworks are working together on this project. Dreamworks was founded by Spielberg along with David Gaffen and Jeffery Kotzenberg (who had a falling out with Disney) after Schindler's List was released in 1994. DreamWorks Animation has been Disney's main rival in the last 15 years or so, so it become a bit of a surprise to see them working together on the project.

Still, so long as Spielberg keeps his focus and follow through with the project, War Horse is going to - no doubt - be a fantastic movie. It will be interesting to see, in the coming months, how all of these key elements work with each other. Casting has already started, and some picks have been announced.