Showing posts with label fangirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fangirl. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014: A look back at fangirl heart breaking moments

Let me just put full disclosure out there - December has been one big month of sickness. I had the flu two and a half weeks ago (which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. OMG I haven't been THAT violently ill since I was in grade school), and now I've got a massive head cold/sinus thing. Needless to say I'm on over the counter meds that make me loopy. So be forewarned.

2014 was overall a pretty good year. I haven't gone back and reread everything I've written on the blog (wow after March there was a lot of fangirling over one actor... gotta fix that... says the girl who just changed her blog theme to match said actor ha ha). "Real life" got back on track and stayed, for the most part, fairly positive; however, the fandoms I was a part of managed to tear my heart out and stomp on it many times over. So in tribute to those I thought I'd list all the moments that have made me rather the erratic/crazy emotional fangirl that I am. Some of these didn't actually happen in 2014, but I experienced them in 2014 so it counts.

09. Bucky Barnes is the reason I watched Captain America: The First Avenger. I love Sebastian Stan. He was wonderful in Once Upon A Time as Jefferson/The Mad Hatter, and then he left that world for the Marvel world. Can't blame him, I'm sure his paycheck is much larger now, still I missed him on TV. So, even though I'm not a Marvel fan, I sat and watched the first Captain America... and found I actually like the characters (I can't wait for Agent Carter in January!) not just Bucky. Knowing that he was going to be The Winter Soldier, I was excited to see the second movie. Sadly, I didn't realize how angsty it was going to be with it pitting the two besties against each other... and Bucky doesn't even REMEMBER who he is, much less that Steve (aka Captain America) is someone he loves and trusts. O!M!G! Can't handle the feels. I'm very interested to see how his character plays out in the next film. But the feels from Winter Soldier... oy. I'm getting ready to watch it right now, actually. Because I'm a glutton for punishment.
gif by clarklois on tumblr.
08. Tom Keen might have lived, but his relationship (if it really was one) with his wife Lizzie definitely took a nose dive in the first season of The Blacklist. I was devastated to learn that Tom Keen was not who Lizzie thought he was. Not a mild mannered school teacher, not even a Teaching James Bond, but a man who had one mission - her. At the season finale we know that he had been shot in what looked like a fatal way, and that his body was missing. He was presumed dead but all critics, most fans, and Reddington. I didn't think it was that simple (in TV if you don't see a BODY go in the ground it's never final). I was proven right in the second season - but it didn't make my heart any happier. The mid season finale had Tom parting ways not just with Lizzie, but with Reddington (again, I called it! I knew he was working for Red not just Berlin!). I personally think Tom has feelings for Lizzie, it's why Red told him to stay away from her. It's why Tom hitches not only when he needs to kill her, but also hitches when he has to promise to stay out of her life. I really want them to be able to work it out - kinda like the whole Mr and Mrs Smith thing, but I get the feeling the show is pushing for a Lizzie and Ressler pairing. I'll just be happy if we ever get the answer to WHO IS TOM KEEN?!
gif by fuckyeahtheblacklistedits on tumblr.
Well played, Mr. Eggold, well played indeed.
 07. Dallas Seavey's Iditarod win this year should've been - and was - cause for celebration. I've known him for a while now, and couldn't be more proud of his accomplishments. That being said, I was devastated for Aliy Zirkle. She had the faster team that night - she just left the checkpoint of safety too late. That night was insanely confusing. I can't imagine trying to figure it out in the middle of the storm with sleep deprivation. So many conflicting reports being given to the mushers as well as the fans. Jeff King was supposed to win coming in around Midnight. I stayed up to watch - no matter who came in it was going to make history. Jeff would tie Rick Swenson with most wins and become the oldest champion, Aliy would be the first woman since Susan Butcher to win, anyone else that won would not just break the fastest time but they would destroy it.
Aliy Zirkle wipes away a tear at the finish line in Nome.
Photo by Anchorage Daily News photographer.
 06. Terriers - The finale should not have been the thirteenth episode of the series. It was cancelled due to poor ratings - but the poor ratings wasn't due to the bad acting or stupid story (it's a pretty awesome show IMO). It was because of it's weird title (it has nothing to do with terriers or dogs in general), and the lack of promotion. FX didn't really promote the show until it was in major ratings trouble. The show airred in 2010, but I didn't get turned on to it until this year when I needed something other than Once Upon A Time to watch. It stars Donal Logue (currently starring in Gotham) and Michael Raymond-James (True Blood, Once Upon A Time). MRJ is the reason I started watching - and his character is adorable and so loveable. He gets himself into a bit of trouble to end out the series - and in the finale we see him head off to jail. But the show ends with Donal's character telling him he doesn't have to - that they can head to Mexico. The last thing we see is Britt trying to decide what to do. It bugged me, because I wanted him to do what was right, and I was so thankful when I found an article where the show's creator said that Britt chose prison. Whew! So how does this count as a heartbreaking moment? Britt went to jail and the series ended... and I just found out about the show this year! ha ha!
"Don't give up on me yet."
05. Moira Queen's death led to Oliver's decision to let Slade kill him. What followed was a touching farewell scene between Oliver and Thea - with him not telling her really anything, but the audience knew the meaning behind his words. Of all the relationships on the CW's Arrow, my favorite by far is the sibling relationship of Oliver and Thea Queen. I love big brother-little sister relationships. I'm a sucker for them, and this one is no exception. She adores him, and he loves her move than life. Sure they've had their moments of sibling crap, but for the most part they're loving and supporting and protective of one another. Obviously, Ollie is snapped out of his depression and doesn't end up dying at the end of season 2 (but just wait till the mid season finale of season 3... I won't spoil it but OMG). I started watching Arrow this year after losing interest in Once Upon A Time (well, okay I didn't lose interest until FROZEN took over, but still). And I thought OUaT was bad for my fangirl heart. There's way too much angst for me in Arrow - and yet I can't stop watching because it's so good!
Gif by olicities on tumblr.
04. Barry Allen and his father. Can any man cry as convincingly and heartbreakingly on TV as Grant Gustin? I mean seriously everytime his eyes start to glisten with tears I'm in the fetal position begging for the feels to stop. AND I AM NOT NORMALLY AN OMG FEELS PERSON! But this year has definitely kicked the fangirl part of me into high gear. I've never been such a mess before, but every show I've fallen in love with this year has gotten me, and gotten me GOOD! I'm a sucker for a good father-child relationship, more than I am a good sibling relationship, that bond and connection it just... yeah. And Barry and his Father are such a tragic pair. It's a tortured relationship, not just on their end - but mine! (It's all about me after all.) The Flash, for me, isn't as good as Arrow, but it's Barry's relationship with his father (and with Joe, his guardian) that got me hooked.
Gif by kodaknight on tumblr.
 03. Jim Harbaugh parted ways with the 49ers after the final game of regular season. The Niners had a difficult year of injury and uncertainty, and ended the year 8-8; the most dismal season Harbaugh had in his short 4 years with the team. Still it was a far cry from our seasons of drought where we couldn't even break even in the wins column. Jed York and the rest of management shot themselves in the foot when they refused to back one of the team's BEST coaches. That York is now looking for a coach that can come in and win a Superbowl within his first two years or face being fired just shows how completely moronic management is right now. I just... yeah... I'm heartbroken and pissed about this one.UofMichigan just got itself one heck of a coach. I'm planning to watch college ball next year JUST to see Harbaugh.
Most entertaining coach on the sidelines.
02. Rest in Peace Tommy Merlyn. While his death on the show Arrow was in 2013, I missed out on the first season of Arrow when it aired. As I stated earlier - I started watching Arrow this year. So to catch up I popped onto netflix and watched the first season. I was immediately smitten with Colin Donnell (actor who plays Tommy) and found the character incredibly endearing. My friend who turned me onto the show talked me into watching it to get my mind off of Once Upon A Time and my deep sadness over the loss of a character on that show. But she DIDN'T WARN ME NOT TO FALL FOR TOMMY. As I chatted with her watching the show and growing ever more fond of the entire cast of character, and especially Tommy, not once did she suggest that I not fall for him. She didn't even have to spoil it - just say something like "he's gonna be a big jerk to Oliver later" or something! I was shocked to see the building collapse on Tommy, and my heart ached as Oliver begged Tommy to stay with him, to open his eyes. Colin has been filming in Vancouver for Arrow up until they broke for Christmas - really hoping that the theories are correct and that Tommy will return from the dead.
gif from multiverser on tumblr.
01. Neal Cassidy was killed off of Once Upon A Time this past March. To say I was devastated would be a huge understatement. It was just a few short weeks before that I couldn't care less about Neal and thought he was not good for Emma and couldn't be trusted and was whiny and a host of other things. Something changed the week leading up to the episode that would rock me back on my heels. I rewatched the Neal-centric episodes of season 2 and 3 and came to a better understanding of the character. With the newer perspective I was totally enamored with the character (I missed it the first time, but on repeat viewings I could actually see where MRJ was bringing young Baelfire into his character). I became a huge fan of Michael Raymond-James in the moment of the character's death. It was just so well done, how could I not recognize his talent? I've been bumming around ever since, and haven't watched much of the latest season of OUaT just because I miss the warmth and heart that MRJ brought to the show. If he doesn't become a regular on a TV show (that I would watch) soon I'm going to go crazy.

So there's my 9 heartbreaks of 2014. More heartbreak to come next year as so many of my favorite football players become free agents and no doubt will leave the 49ers - especially since many of them are upset with how the Harbaugh thing turned out. I hope I'm wrong and that we'll see Gore, Iupati, and Crabtree stay with the team (and that Justin Smith sticks it out another year and does not retire), but I think that's too much to hope for.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sons of Liberty Promo is out! - My Thoughts

Okay there isn't too much to go on.. and the promos/styling of "Men Who Built America" and even "Houdini" were better made... but O!M!G! I am excited. Mainly because, yes, I'm a nerdy fangirl of two of the actors in the series (Michael Raymond-James who plays Paul Revere, and Ryan Eggold who plays Dr. James Warren), and I LOVE history. American Revolution is one of the time periods I'm always curious in as it's mainly - at this point - told as legend and the facts are romanticized. So when MRJ announced his new project last... May?... I was nerding out.

This take that History Channel seems to be taking is an interesting one. We know that the Sons of Liberty were sometimes looked at as more terrorists than revolutionaries (especially by the Brits... which I guess they have every right to call it that way ha ha), but it will be interesting to see the slant the history channel gives us. It definitely sounds like they're going to be more vigilante than most history books make them out to be (including one of the books that MRJ tweeted as being his reading material - yes I went and borrowed it from the library. Remember, I'm a stalker). I think this is the first time I've ever read "The Thug" next to Paul Revere's name (um, can we say typecasting?! just once I think MRJ should play a total straight man prince charming type... something "out of the norm" for him! ha ha!) so I'm even MORE interested to see Michael Raymond-James in this role.

What's also of interest - and possible concern - is that you can hear MRJ/Revere yelling "The British are coming!" in the promo. It's been widely discredited as being his actual words - more likely "The Regulars are coming" was what Revere said that night. If he even shouted out a warning at all. (American Spring, the book I'm reading, suggests that he rode up to homes). He also was not solo in his ride, and the promoshot of apparently Revere's ride has him as a lone rider. But it's a split second shot, so we'll see.

I love teasers but I'd also love to see more! I'm sure I'll get my wish as time goes on (they just wrapped filming a few days ago). December 14 cannot come soon enough!

[[ many thanks to the Michael Raymond-James Fan Page for uploading the promo! ]]

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Movie Review: Road to Paloma

I have a confession, I wouldn't have watched this movie all the way through (or at all) had it not been for the fact that I wanted to see Michael Raymond-James in something other than Once Upon A Time or Terriers. If you're an MRJ fan like me wondering if it's worth it or not, this review will probably be more for you than anything else.

The story was written and directed by its star Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones), and follows Robert Wolf as he goes on a journey to spread his mother's ashes at a lake of special meaning to the family. Problem is Wolf is a fugitive - he's wanted for murdering the man who raped and beat his mother (ultimately causing her death).

Wolf's mother was attacked on the reservation by a white guy - meaning he would not see tribal justice, he would go through a federal court. Somehow the guy got off, so Wolf took matters into his own hands (towards the end of the film he confesses to his sister, "I'm not sorry for what I've done, I'm sorry for what I've lost.") Wolf's father (Wes Studi) is tribal law enforcement and did not approve of Wolf's actions, but understands them. He does his best to keep the law while protecting his son. The system failed their family, so he's not as trusting of the system as he once was.

The Feds want Wolf, and are unhappy with how the local law enforcement has handled the situation (he is slow to find and apprehend Wolf, and even suggests in several scenes that Justice has been done in his mind). They send one of their best agents, who is a brutal guy, to go after him. And go after him he does, he'll stop at nothing to get his man - including threatening Wolf's family with jail or worse. The local guy tags along giving help where needed, but drags his feet as much as possible.

After meeting with his father on the reservation to tell him of his plans and ask about his mother's ashes, he finds out that his sister is the one who has them. He heads her way, coming across another down on his luck guy (named Cash) and together they make their way. Honestly, I don't understand why Cash is brought along or what his story is (he keeps calling a woman about selling a house but that's never fully explained). I guess Wolf just didn't want to be alone?

There are a few significant scenes as they make their way across country (state?) as well as just some beautiful cinematography of the area. Pretty inspiring photography, actually.

Wolf's sister is married to Wolf's best friend Irish (Michael Raymond-James). While Irish is mentioned many times throughout the film by many of the characters, he isn't in the film until close to the end. This is disappointing for fans of MRJ who are looking to watch this movie for his performance, but at the same time he doesn't disappoint. (Note, as a fangirl, I realize I am biased.) Irish and Eva (Wolf's sister played by Sarah Shahi) are happily settled with a new son when Wolf shows up at their door. Irish is overjoyed in seeing his friend and the scene is genuinely happy. (Seriously, who doesn't want an MRJ hug? I hate hugs and I want one!) Irish introduces Wolf to his "godson" (and nephew) named... Wolf.

Wolf's reunion with his sister is equally happy, but quickly turns serious as they discuss his lack of future. He asks her for their mother's ashes, and while she agrees that scattering them at the lake is what their mother wanted, she isn't ready to give them up. Wolf assures her he only wants to take a little bit - the rest can be scattered on Eva and Irish's property. The two agree, and share an embrace and tears. Meanwhile, the Feds have figured out where Wolf is headed - and where Irish lives. They're quickly making their way to catching up with the fugitive.

After some bro time late into the night, Irish asks Wolf if he's ready. The guys, along with Cash, hop into Irish's truck and he takes them out to the lake. Irish returns to find Eva and baby Wolf inside and they have company. The scene that comes next is intense and horrible. The Feds have found them, and when they don't get the answers they want out of Eva and Irish they arrest Irish, and take Eva out of the house - taking baby Wolf away from her. While holding the child - threatening to take the child away permanently - Agent Williams continues to badger Irish with questions on where he took Wolf.

Michael Raymond-James gives off a very emotional performance as a man who is torn between protecting his son, and protecting his friend and brother. Knowing the Federal Agent has the upper hand and can and will make good on his threat to throw Eva in jail and revoke their parental rights, Irish relents and agrees to show Agent Williams where he took Wolf and Cash. It's a heart breaking scene, and every other word out of MRJ's mouth is pretty foul (and even Agent Williams quips "your daddy has a potty mouth.") It's dark and ugly and both actors are intense in their roles. It's probably one of the better scenes in the film, all things considered.

*Highlight below to see my take on the ending*

Wolf is able to make good and scatter his mother's ashes. Irish does his best to give Wolf enough time, but Agent Williams prods on. Williams asks Schaeffer (local law guy) to bring along a gun, presumably to stop Wolf from running. As they come up on the ridge Irish yells out to Wolf to watch out that they were there. Agent Williams knocks Irish out (hey, at least MRJ doesn't die this time, right?) and orders Schaeffer to take the shot. After a brief argument - during which Wolf begins to run - Schaeffer takes the shot. He doesn't shoot to kill (I think he takes out a leg), but Wolf does not want to be caught. He stabs himself and bleeds out in Cash's arms. And that's the end of the film.

Overall this movie is not a feel good movie. It's well directed from a cinematography standpoint, but in places it's rather slow. The story, while interesting, has a few "squirrel" moments that don't fully get explained and left me with wondering what the heck they went down that path for. My biggest question mark is the character of Cash - I just don't understand the need for him (presumably since he was played by one of the other writers the need came from the guy needing a part in the movie ha ha) and there were parts of his character in scenes that seemed to be significant - but it was never explained why it was significant.

I honestly would not have watched the entire film had it not been for the fact that I wanted to see what MRJ brought to the table. Aside from the scenes with Wes Studi (Wolf's Father), the Irish & Eva scenes had the most heart and were the most "enjoyable" (I can't think of a better word, but not all scenes were enjoyable). Most scenes leading up to the Irish/Eva scenes I think are written to humanize Wolf and show that he's not a bad guy - that he was somehow justified in killing his mother's rapist/murderer.

The movie touches on the Native American community's distrust of the Federal Government. Hey, I get it. The same tensions are here in Alaska with Native Alaskans and the rest of the world/Government (shoot, most Alaskans no matter what their ethnic background share those feelings!)  I also understand first hand how rape is treated in our judicial system, in so many cases it seems they bend over backwards to protect the rapist and ignore the victim. And I, somewhat hypocritically, love a good vigilante story (I'm a big fan of the TV show Arrow, based on the DC comic Green Arrow... and I grew up loving Batman). I think the movie could've focused more on the subject, and been a little less one sided (how/why did the guy get off, for example).

The family scenes/emotions/themes in the film really drive this film. Momoa is a big dude, and has an intimidating look, but his character for all his rough ant tumble qualities seems to have a big heart and it shows in the different scenes with friends and family. As I said earlier - I really loved Wolf's reunion with Irish and Eva. They are the only *warmth* in the whole film (and that's shown not only in the acting but the lighting of the film as well). Not really surprising that MRJ was cast as Irish. He had great chemistry with everyone on screen. Very believable. Actually most everyone in this film was spot on.

Overall from a storytelling/acting/movie perspective I give it a solid 3/5. This is NOT a film for someone looking for a clean dramatic film. There's some nudity/sex... and a LOT of language. I didn't try to keep count of the F-bomb... and they went further than that in their language. It wasn't really needed to get the point across (though in all honesty I don't blame Irish for going nuts in the scene with Agent Williams). But I knew going into the film to expect it (I mean when several actors are fans of being on shows on HBO and FX because they get to curse, an R rated movie for them is a dream! haha).

I actually expected more offensiveness in the movie, and was surprised that it was mainly language that was bothersome. The other stuff that I was expecting was very short or non-existant. So if language is your thing use your best judgement at whether or not to watch - I'd rank it pretty similar to "Book of Eli" content wise... but with a less wholesome/positive message at the end.

For MRJ fans specifically wondering - like I did - if the movie was worth getting/watching/renting. Yes, it is. Not just for Michael's performance (which was far too short) but for the movie itself it's worth it. If you can stomach the language (which I assume most can) then you should get a lot out of the movie. Irish is a great character (and is a typical MRJ role), and Mikey lights up the screen like always. I really really liked his scenes. They come at the end of the movie so you have to be patient but it's worth it. I didn't get emotional in the parts that were supposed to be emotional, but that's because I'm dead inside - not because they weren't well acted.

You can rent the movie from Netflix if you want to check it out (I would), or it is now on sale on Amazon and in stores. I might look at adding it to my collection.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Michael Coleman is awesome (yes another OUAT cast gushfest)

So we all know I adore the cast of ABC/Disney's Once Upon A Time, and I have gushed about them before... the cast is freaking ADORABLE in every sense of the word and they are so awesome to their fans...

but Michael Coleman tweeting me (yet again) tonight takes the cake. I think he just trumped MRJ as being my favorite Michael on OUAT.

He had been sharing new versions of the #Selfie, and so I dared him to create a "Moosie"... and next thing I know I get this tweet.

Michael personifies his character (Happy the Dwarf). He really, really does. I'm forever a fangirl.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Best thing to happen this year?

 Hmmmm, well... maybe it happened today? When one of my favorite actors retweeted one of my tweets (granted a gush tweet about the tv show he starred in, but still).

It's been a pretty lackluster year, don't judge me. It'll get better come September though! 54 days to go!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

20 Facts About Me

Day two of the 31 day challenge is to write about 20 facts on myself. This should be boring, eh? But in case anyone was actually interested...

1. I am a huge 49er Football Fan. I have been since pretty much birth (if not before). Both sides of my family are from Northern California (but my parents didn't meet until they were both in Alaska, even though they went to rival high schools), and cheer for the Niners. I was born the day after they won the Super Bowl in 1985 - mom wouldn't go to the hospital that Sunday because she was afraid they wouldn't let her watch the game. I'm a huge fan of Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Colin Kaepernick, Frank Gore, Steve Young, and Coach Harbaugh.

2. I love all things Iditarod and sled dogs, but I won't drive a sled. I've never stood on the back of a sled and told the dogs to "hike up" or "mush" (who says that command anyway?). I have sat in the sled while a friend drove her team of two down the trail, over an embankment and then bailed and let the dogs run me through an open creek. I then walked, soaking wet, back home. We were in Jr. High. I've never wanted to drive a team since. Though growing up I wanted to be the next Libby Riddles/Susan Butcher. I'm perfectly content to support the teams I love and work for the whackadoodle breed of human known as Musher.

3. I've taken TEN trips to a Disney park. 1990, 2006, 2011 and 2012 were to Disneyland in California. 2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2013 were to Walt Disney World in Florida. I can safely say I haven't seen or done it all, but I have done so much and love going back. The trip in September to Disneyland (my fifth!) will most likely be the last trip to Disney for the foreseeable future, and that makes me sad... super sad. But I need to venture out away from my happy place... and I need to build up my savings.

4. I have never been on a date. I've not been asked since high school. It's not that I'm picky, it's just that I have a very... strict? idea of what dating and partnership should be. And, really, in 11 years since high school I haven't been asked. So I'm sure there's something wrong with me. Ha ha. But I'm actually quite content to be single. Until people put their nose where it doesn't belong. Then I am almost to pick some random guy up to shut everyone up and give them something new to gripe about.

5. I have an extra bone in my right foot. Apparently this is pretty common - though most folks have the extra bone in both feet. When my mom worked for a local chiropractor in town (I was eight?) he didn't believe us that it was an actual extra bone. Just one "out of alignment". He felt my foot and determined he was right, so without x-rays he began to try and manipulate it "back into place." It wasn't until I screamed out in pain and kicked him that he pulled back and said "I'll be damned. You're right." And people wonder why I DON'T like people touching me?!

6. Speaking of that - I hate giving random hugs, especially when I'm not the one that gets to initiate it. Like I physically HATE it. I give hugs to close family and friends, but really if I don't go in for a hug... don't assume it's okay. It's not comforting, cute, or friendly. I feel very confined, uncomfortable, and disrespected. It's one thing when the person doesn't know, but those that acknowledge that I dislike them (and then suggest I need to get over it) that's when I really take issue. I'm outspoken, but I'm also unable to really speak my mind in those situations... so I typically take my punishment and then the rest of the day is pretty crappy. Yes, it's that bad. No, I'm not going to change my feelings. It goes much deeper than someone's need to force me to hug.

7. Growing up as an only child I wanted a brother. Originally I wanted to be oldest with a younger brother, as I've grown up I've realized I wanted/needed someone older. This is going to make me seem hateful and uncaring, but the younger brother I was blessed with has caused so much pain and hurt and yeah that I feel very cheated. I really do have a yearning to have a protector, like the older brothers so many of my friends have. In the last year I've never wanted something more. I don't know why, I just really wish I'd had one. Interestingly enough, had my parents been able to adopt the boy that they were in the process of when they found out they were pregnant (and the mother was pulling out of the adoption) I'd have had an older brother (by about 6 months). I'm very thankful for the guys in my life through the years who were older and filled that role for me. Now that they're all away and married perhaps that is why I feel that desire again.

8. I have been obsessed with photography since I was seven years old. A friend from school gave me a point and shoot (film) camera and Panda Bear (it was a combo gift, not sure where he got it but I still have both the camera and the bear) for my birthday. I wore that camera out! My dad taught me the basics of SLR cameras and by the time I was in high school I was being asked to shoot weddings and portraits. I decided that I didn't want to do anything else - except maybe become a film director. I did not go to college for photography, however. I wanted to get into TV/Film direction. So I basically wasted a lot of time and money because I didn't end up with a degree, and I didn't achieve my goals. Mainly because I'm a poor student.

9.  I am a HUGE Steven Spielberg fangirl. Like SUPER fan girl. I have a collection of his films (not complete, but we're getting there. I got a late start!), even ones I won't watch (ET because he scares me, and War Horse because it crushed my soul). To me, Spielberg is my generation's Walt Disney. He brought to life dinosaurs, brought us Indiana Jones, and even the supposedly flawed Hook brought about imagination. For all the fun that he brought to our lives, though, he's also brought the important stories of WW1 & WW2 - the horrors of the Holocaust, the tragedies of war as well as the beauty of those souls fighting for what they believe in. I could gush about him and his work all day. SPIELBERG!

10. I love Alaska. I was born and raised here, and Lord willing I will die here. I don't want to live anywhere else (except maybe Cinderella's Castle). I live in Kenai - where I was raised - and you can't convince me there's a better place on Earth.

11. I still love the show FRIENDS. I have just about every episode memorized, and my bff and I are known to have full on conversations using only quotes from the show. I got hooked on it just a few weeks before it ended, and I sat with my bff and hugged her as the finale happened. She was a HUGE fan while it was on the air (still is) and was the one that got me hooked. But she's the one who cried. I made fun of her for getting SO involved with a TV show...

12. And then 10 years later - yeah, it was my turn. If you've followed my blog in the last few months you know where I am going with this. I got hooked on Once Upon A Time last year. It was a great escape for when I lost my beloved pug dog Yuka (while I was away from home visiting my bff, ironically). I was SO excited for the third season of this show. It was going to be dark, it was going to have twists. There were going to be pirates, and mermaids, and Neverland... and then the second half of the season happened and I had fallen in love with a character that, unbeknownst to me, was going to die. I have never been affected by a television show as much as I apparently have with OUAT. I cannot get over them killing off Neal Cassidy. I've never experienced the grief over a character of a tv show like this (I have for movies, so I know it's possible). And I've lost quite a few favorite TV characters over the years. Michael Raymond-James (as I've gushed about before) is a fantastic actor. I'm sorry it took me so long to recognize it, but OUAT will not be the same without him. I cannot WAIT for Sons of Liberty (History Channel, premieres December 14th, yes I will be obsessively watching). Yes, I did have to do this just to mention MRJ. I'm a crazy person.

13. Speaking of Sons of Liberty, I am a huge US History nerd. I like world history, too, but US History gets my attention far more than anything else. Revolutionary War, Civil War, and our involvement in World War 2 are my favorite categories (oh and Lincoln and Washington). I have to give a shout out to my 8th grade US History teacher, Bob Summer, for giving me a love of the subject. Even if my grades didn't always reflect it (I was a huge disappointment for him, I didn't apply myself. My grades did not reflect my capabilities).

14. I used to be really into politics as well, but have become increasingly more jaded. Probably the Alaskan in me. Hard to care about national politics when you know your vote doesn't count and that you have a very non existent voice.

15. I have been a huge fan of figure skating pretty much my entire life. From the time I was nearly four all the way till now I've watched the sport and fangirled over so many of its stars. I believe the years of 1984-2004 was the best era of figure skating (peaking from 1994-2000). It's considered the "Golden Era" of modern skating in the West. Kurt Browning is the ultimate figure skater. We will never see another like him. Medals and titles don't matter (though his four world titles are nothing to sniff at!), he is far superior to anything the sport has produced before or since. I could watch him skate all day. Scott Hamilton is the ultimate showman, but Browning is the real deal.

16. My first celebrity crush was Tom Selleck as Magnum P.I. when I was a toddler. I would "call" him on the phone and talk to him for hours. I can't stand him now. Go figure. But I've always crushed on older actors. Very few from my age group are in my "best actor/hotties" list (well, that was more true before I started watching Once Upon A Time, most of those guys are my age-ish). I wanted to marry Scott Hamilton (figure skater) when I was four, and I've crushed hard for Harrison Ford, Kurt Browning, and a host of other older guys from the time I was in Jr. High. As I said earlier, I'm crazy.

17. I love tacos. Tacos are my most favorite things EVER. I could eat a mountain of tacos. They are my major weakness. I live for Taco Tuesday/Thursday. I love taco salad when I can't have tacos. Which is any time I have to cook tacos because I refuse to cook with oil over a flame.

18. I am terrified of cooking with oil because I set my parents' kitchen on fire when I was 16. In my defense I was sick and thought I'd put the tea kettle on to boil water to make some hot cider. In my cold med stupor, however, I turned on the wrong burner. It was an electric stove, so there was not flame to indicate that I was boiling the wrong thing. Mom had left a pot of oil on the stove. I walked out of the room for mere seconds and WHOOSH! I've been terrified ever since, though I love to cook.

19. It's just been in the last few years that I've loved to cook. It was out of necessity when I lived on my own, and now I miss not getting to cook more. I love planning my menu, going based on a theme, and making it all come together. I get this from my grandmother as she was the master planner and chef. I wish I'd embraced cooking sooner so that it would've been something we could have enjoyed together, but it makes me feel connected to her even though she's gone now. We'd always enjoyed baking, and now that I have found the love for cooking I have to believe G'Ma is smiling down on me.

20. I am a massive planner when it comes to vacation. I don't go as far as to do the spreadsheets (well, sometimes), but it's how I cope with the wait. This started back when I began working on the family 2007 trip to Disney World. I found a disney travel message board that encouraged this behavior. It's been a lifesaver SO many times, and now I'm kinda obsessed with planning. It's half the fun for me!

So there you have it, 20 facts about me. Probably more than you ever cared to know, but it is what it is... and if you actually read all that you deserve a cookie. Not going to lie. So I'll leave you with this adorable MRJ gif (yes I'm obsessed and I don't even know why. I feel like a stalker! LOL). I really need to rewatch Terriers again. Britt Pollack is too funny.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why I love the OUAT Cast - reason 5,823

I love how supportive they are of one another - even after an actor has left the show (though in my heart I really really really hope we have not seen the last of MRJ/Nealfire on Once). Michael Squared (as I've decided to call them lol) are both two of my favorites on and off the show. Great actors.

Just had to get my fangirl moment in there.

Because I haven't *at all* fangirlled today over the news of MRJ's new project... nope, not even a little bit. /lying Okay, I may have interrupted VBS with a not so silent "OMG! *SQUEE!*" when the news hit my twitter feed. Yay for the soonish finally happening and we know what to expect. And GET THIS! He's not going to DIE or have a super tragic storyline... or be a douchey bad guy! OMG! My dream! ha ha!
