Cheat sheet for the camera man to identify the skater.
In the US it's all about the Ladies even though lately our ladies haven't really been the most competitive of our team. Doesn't mean the powers that be don't continue to make them the headlining event of a competition (though US Nationals now closes out with Ice Dance). Skate America was buzzing with talk of the Russian Jumping Queens that were sure to show off on the ice. We watched the girls in both practice and warm up attack quad jump after quad jump. A lot of falls. A lot of grumpy looks from Coach Eteri. A lot of hype.
Okay, not too much hype, they delivered. But so did Team USA as best they could without the quads and the triple axel. Japan also delivered and the Russian ladies quickly learned that it's not just about the jumps, because if you don't hit your tech you need to at least have some presentation marks to help hold you up. Not that they wiped the ice - far from it - but there was a glaring difference between the Japanese and US ladies vs Team Russia (though they did have one "mature" lady who does her best to have some semblance of artistry in her programs).
I was excited to see some of the ladies I only ever see on TV, and they all made for some great photos. Just as I have with the other blog posts in today's series (Pairs Short, Mens Short, Short Dance) I'll keep to two photos per lady and you can view the rest in my Skate America photo gallery.
Yi Christy LEUNG - Hong Kong |
Yi Christy LEUNG - Hong Kong |
Veronik MALLET - Canada |
Veronik MALLET - Canada |
Karen CHEN - USA
Karen CHEN - USA
Mako YAMASHITA - Japan |
Mako YAMASHITA - Japan |
Anna SHCHERBAKOVA - Russia |
Anna SHCHERBAKOVA - Russia |
Elizaveta TUKTAMYSHEVA - Russia |
Elizaveta TUKTAMYSHEVA - Russia |
Eunsoo LIM - South Korea |
Eunsoo LIM - South Korea |
Wakaba HIGUCHI - Japan |
Wakaba HIGUCHI - Japan |
Kaori SAKAMOTO - Japan |
Kaori SAKAMOTO - Japan |
Stanislava KONSTANTINOVA - Russia |
Stanislava KONSTANTINOVA - Russia |
Short Program Results
1 Bradie TENNELL USA 75.10
2 Kaori SAKAMOTO JPN 73.25
3 Wakaba HIGUCHI JPN 71.76
5 Elizaveta TUKTAMYSHEVA RUS 67.28
6 Karen CHEN USA 66.03
7 Amber GLENN USA 64.71
8 Eunsoo LIM KOR 63.96
9 Veronik MALLET CAN 56.69
10 Yi Christy LEUNG HKG 54.25
11 Stanislava KONSTANTINOVA RUS 48.27
12 Mako YAMASHITA JPN 46.21
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