Sunday, January 16, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Fourteen

Day 14: Top 5 Dance Teams

1 - Renee Roca & Gorsha Sur, USA. Everything about this team just oozes confidence. I love their classic dance style, and the fact that Gorsha is smokin' hot. Ha ha! I loved their romantic/slow dance type pieces most, they really felt those programs through to their fingertips!

2 - Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto, USA. They definitely made ice dance fun for Americans. I think what drew me into their skating most was they were my age, they looked so much more mature, and they skated to Elvis. Hello, awesomeness right there!

3 - Melissa Gregory & Denis Petukhov, USA. I'm seeing a pattern here, ha ha! I think a lot of this bias comes from the fact that I've met them in person and they are not only very responsive, but they cherish the relationships with their fans. They're hardcore dedicated to the sport, and they are pretty fantastic on the ice. Watching Denis' basic skills on Skating with the Stars this winter really made me realize just how special this team is.

4 - Jayne Torvill & Christopher Dean, Great Britain. I think it's considered sacriledge not to have them on a top five list, and even worse that I put them so low. Oh well. I could gush about them and say everything that is always said about them. But, I don't know. I love their choreography more than their actual skating.

5 - Shae-Lynn Bourne & Victor Kraatz, Canada. The first ice dance team that took my interest competitively. Mainly because I loved watching Victor. River Dance was fun and kicky, and their Hotel California was so smooth...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Thirteen

Day 13: Top 5 Pairs Teams

1 - Ekaterina Gordeeva & Sergei Grinkov, USSR/Russia. The most perfect pair. It's being argued now that there are others that have surpassed this team in greatness - and technically that may be true - but no other team has that type of love story magic.

2 - Jamie Sale & David Pelletier, Canada. After G&G no team captured my imagination until Jamie and David. Theirs was a Western Love Story that has, tragically, dissipated for no good reason. Still, their skating early on was captivating, light and fun. Marred only by a judging scandal turned media hoopla at the Olympics, and subsequently an early retirement to the pro ranks, this team is still something special.

3 - Christine Hough & Doug Ladret, Canada. Tuffy and Doug, I enjoy them more as professionals than their competitive stuff, but still so much fun.

4 - Yuka Sato & Jason Dunjen, Japan/USA. A pair first off the ice, they became a pair on the ice when dabbling on the ice on their "time off" from touring and coaching. Probably one of the most inspiring pairs just for their story. She lights up something in Jason.

5 - Elena Bechke & Denis Petrov, Russia. They are your total Russian pair... she was spunky, he presented her perfectly. I loved their programs to Russian folk music.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Twelve

Day 12: Top 5 Favorite Ladies Skaters

1 - Yuka Sato, Japan. Yes, I named my dog after her. I saw Yuka for the first time in 99 when she came up with Scott's tour to Anchorage. I'd never heard of her, which is surprising considering she is a beloved skater. She was just so CUTE. She was just starting to skate with her hubby at the time and I loved watching their program, but she sparkled like no one else that night. And she's so quiet when skating across the ice. And she's cute as a bug. My dog does NOT take after her namesake (as I'm typing this she's barking and tearing up one of her toys... because she can).

2 - Kristi Yamaguchi, USA. Yama has always said Dorothy Hamill was her idol and she wanted to be her... well, I wanted to be Kristi Yamaguchi. She is the perfect combination of athletics and artistry (especially the longer she was in the professional ranks). She's a great inspiration/role model. And she's hot. lol

3 - Josee Chouinard, Canada. I've loved her since seeing her in Ice Wars. Which means I've liked her longer than I've liked Kurt! Shocking! I had the priviledge of watching her skate in 99 when she came with Scott's tour up to Anchorage. She skated to Rose in the Wind and Prima Donna. Adorable. Absolutely adorable.

4 - Angela Nikodinov, USA. Not surprising that she made my top five considering she is the one who skated my favorite ladies program of all time! She is just so smooth... I wish her nerves held up better under pressure because she's an amazing skater.

5 - Katia Gordeeva, Russia. It goes without saying that Katia is the picture of bravery. After having her world fall in around her after the death of her husband when she was 24 (wow, I'm two years older than she was!) she came back as a single working mother skating in front of millions for the first time by herself. She is an incredible inspiration. And she's gorgeous!

Not shocking - to me - is the fact that I've left Michelle Kwan off the list. There is no denying her contribution to the sport; however, she does absolutely nothing for me. She's like Tiger Woods - technically brilliant, but quite possibly the most boring personality. They both know how good they are, and that bugs me. Not so much that they acknowledge it, but they expect you to as well. I'm sorry, you can win five gazillion titles, if I see nothing special about it I'm not only going to say it - but I am not going to worship at the House of Kwan (or Woods).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Eleven

Day 11: Top 5 Favorite Male Skaters

Now here's something that should be relatively easy.... I hope.

1 - it's a tie for first between Scott Hamilton and Kurt Browning. From a strictly skating standpoint, Kurt wins hands down. Kurt is the most brilliant, talented and amazing skater on the planet past and present. His triple axel is GORGEOUS and his artistry sublime. No skater comes close to touching him in all around awesomeness. Scottie gets a nod, though, because he's been my hero since age four. I cannot let him slip to number two, I'd feel like I'm betraying him!
3 - Paul Wylie. He's smooth, he's inspiring, and he's a Man of God. What more could you want? Yeah, he seems to be a one hit wonder, but he's the encourager, and I love hearing him speak. And no one does the spread eagle like he does.
4 - Brian Boitano. Well, Duh. Who doesn't love watching him skate?
5 - Brian Orser. I've seen him skate LIVE... he's amazing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Ten

Day 10: Last competition/show you attended...

I will speak on both, because I can. The last competition I attended was in 2008, the US National Figure Skating Championships held, that year, in St. Paul Minnesota. I met up with my regular gang of crazy girls and we, once again, had a wonderful time. The skating was good, some parts of the competition were nail biters (Johnny vs Evan anyone?), I shocked everyone by booing the scores at the end of the Men's final... we all took interest in several of the soon to be stars in Juniors (The Shibs, for one... and I got the girls hooked on Keegan!)

The last show/gala I was able to attend was the Fairbanks Art Festival Skating exhibition. Melissa and Denis were guest skaters and teachers and the kids of the area did an amazing job with their skating. It was such a joy to be able to see some great skating by the local talent as well as a wonderful performance by Gregory & Petukhov. They made me realize that I missed the feeling of watching figure skating LIVE, and I vowed to make it down to another skating event in the states soon. US Nationals 2012, here I come! (I hope)
I've heard that Fairbanks is not going to have the skating event this summer. Which has me completely bummed out as I was hoping to take the trip back up there this summer, but no such luck. Guess I will just have to reflect back on last summer, then. It's a huge disservice by the head honchos to kill the participation of the skaters. They were terrific.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Nine

Day 9: Feelings on Code of Points

First of all, I apologise for not sticking with this, but the break was needed ha ha.

I am going to probably annoy a lot of people by stating my feelings on the CoP. I have no problem with it. Yes, it's still being tweaked after nearly eight years since it's inception, and yes it's hard to keep up with the numbers and the rule changes and blah blah blah...

But Competitive skating should be sport first and I feel the CoP pushes that more so than 6.0. Yes, corruption still exists, let's not try to kid ourselves one way or the other. As long as there is anonymous judging and personal preference there will be those issues.

Do I think it has killed the artistic side? No, I think those skaters that are on top now would probably be on top with 6.0 with the same sort of program (ie boring). Do I think Patrick Chan would still get bonus points from the judges when he flubs up - yes. These are the same judges we had 8 years ago give or take a few names. It's not all that different, just more numbers and more work to finagle.

This season has been a weird one. The ISU is dancing a very odd tune trying to please the sport aspect while pleasing then many vocal unhappy fans. They are trying to get that balance of artistry and sport. It's seemingly backfiring this season with the quad points as Chan has proven.

Is it a perfect system? No. But, then, no system would be. I think the CoP is the right direction.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Frustrations creeping up...

I had a meltdown last night. Dad picked me up around 8 to go look at a car to replace the Duck Truck. Yes, that's right, the Ford Ranger was considered totalled by the insurance company. I'm still upset about it. That truck was an awesome vehicle. I miss it. Anyway dad found a couple of cars on Craigslist after getting caught by a scammer with a Ford Escape. Hopefully my parents are saved from any true fraud. No money had exchanged hands anyway.

So off we went to check out this Monte Carlo. The one thing I told mom was that I did not want a low to the ground vehicle. This was not understood or relayed to my dad. So I was incredibly disappointed to see how short/small the car was. I took one look at it and thought "oh heck no." Dad was pretty happy with it, but if I can't see over a snowberm I don't want it. I was very adament about that.

I was in a bad mood because work is also not going well. I just feel absolutely stupid every night as I've keyed something wrong just about everynight and everyone stands around waiting for me to finish or - worse - realizes I've made a mistake so they go tell everyone it's going to take a while.

So after I told dad I did not want the car and we had a heated discussion about the car I was going to be seeing on Sunday (about the same size but a buick which always translates into an old fogie car, to me, as well as a boat of a car at that) and I just lost it. I'm just tired of all the crap. If things don't start looking up I'm going to go insane. Thanks to taxes I am not making enough to afford rent, gas and food... I can have two of the three. I still have NO roommate prospects as I'm stuck advertising only through churches because my parents are worried some crazy person is going to come in otherwise...


So I cried in dad's truck while we got gas and then really lost it when it pulled into my driveway. I was just TIRED of it all. I didn't want to be angry at dad - it's not his fault I've screwed this whole thing up by biting off more than I could ever possibly chew - and I didn't want to cry. Dad put his arm around my shoulders and I lost it. So then he sent me inside and parked the truck and came in. I think he was afraid I'd hurt myself LOL. We watched a bit of tv, dad started to fall asleep so I sent him home... besides I still had to work today so I needed to go to bed...

which I didn't get to sleep until 11... and even then it wasn't very fitful, so today I was in a fog.

I came home at lunch to good news. Judy and Gaylord had found a Ford Explorer in my price range and had purchased it. It's a bit older than the Ranger was... but they're convinced it is a good find... so I'm hopeful. Not the dream car, but I will get a Ford Escape someday. That's the dream.

If I survive this nightmare first. Oy.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Eight

Day 8: Favorite Ladies Program

This is so much easier than the men... I'm not a huge fan of ladies skating. I do have my favorites, but as far as picking a favorite program it's simple. It's Angela Nikodinov's (admittedly overused) short program "Just For You". It was the first program for her transformation into the elegant skater she is remembered as. It's still my favorite even after 10 years of "more brilliant" skaters. Brilliant. Sure. Whatever.

The medal doesn't make the skater...

Monday, January 3, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Seven

Day 7: Favorite Men's Program

You really want to hurt me, don't you? How am I supposed to choose just one program? It's pretty close to impossible. The Men's dicipline is my favorite in figure skating, no surprise there, and I have a lot of favorite programs. So I'm going to narrow it down to two, favorite show program and favorite competitive program... at least I hope by the time I'm done I can have one. It'd be easier to just ask for favorite body of work of a figure skater! LOL

I'm still having a hard time deciding, I've had this blog open pretty much since I got home two hours ago and I'm still watching Youtube trying to decide just which program I want to use. It's come down to Kurt Browning, but that just narrows it down to A skater... not a program. I have so many favorites for so many reasons. And just when I think I have decided my heart comes up with another love.

But I think I'm going to go with Serenade to Sonia on this one. Not because it's technically difficult, or mindblowingly artistic (that'd be Nyah and Summertime) but because of the heart in it. It is, after all, a program dedicated to and about his relationship with his (then) new bride. And it's the program that made me fall in love with the Canadian skater whom most of the skating world already loved.

So there, whew, I picked my favorite show program... now to decide on my favorite competitive program... oh dear. This didn't seem to be so difficult. Originally I was going to go with Kurt's 1994 SP to St. Louis Blues (even if it was a disaster in Lillehammer), then I remembered I liked Evan Lysacek's Carmen, and then I wanted to pick Ryan Bradley's 2010 LP, and then I remembered I love several of Alexei Yagudin's programs. So many fantastic programs. And I do enjoy watching Johnny Weir's Otonal program... oy...

Alright I went with Ryan Bradley's 2010 Free Program. I dedicated a whole blog post about it last year, so why not. It's a fantastic program. It's everything I enjoy about the sport - in a COMPETITIVE program! It's just freaking awesome. I cannot wait to see what he does at nationals this year (so glad you've come back, Ryan!)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Six

Day 6: Predict - gold medalists at 2011 Worlds

I am a horrible predictor. Chances are if I name someone as the winner they bomb. I am unlucky. This is not just in figure skating but in mushing and football as well. If I cheer too loudly or have too much faith in even the heavy favorite, they lose. It's so bad that I've had to promise several athletes that I won't cheer for them at all! LOL

But since I have promised to do this stupid 30 day thing I will go ahead and jinx six skaters and ruin their year.

Ladies - Miki Ando, pretty sure she's being set up as the winner. Would love to see Alissa Cizny just have a monster year and take it all, though.

Men - Daisuke Takahashi. Granted he didn't have a good nationals, and he will be defending his world title at home and yadda yadda yadda, but I think he can do it (Kurt Browning's season the year he defended his first World's title was crappy too).

Pairs - Savchenko and Szolkowy. I know most have given this to Pang & Tong, but I'm giving it to the Germans. Because they're awesome.

Dance - Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir will win this thing, if they compete. If not Meryl Davis & Charlie White.