The story itself is also very well done. There is a lot of humor for little kids and adults alike - all in the clean Christian fun VeggieTales is known and loved for - and the message is pretty clear. "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." (Ephesians 6:1-3 is quoted as the Biblical text for the story) Pinochio, which is what the Veggie movie is based on if you haven't already guessed, teaches the same basic principle - though the fairytale does not get into the Biblical aspect of why it's important. VeggieTales does.
Pistachio takes many creative liberties with the original Fairytale of Pinochio, but over all, it's a great veggietale on a classic story. It's definitely one I am now a proud owner of, and one I recommend to anyone who enjoys a good children's story.
Veggie Tales: Pistachio