Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dallas Seavey first into Rainy Pass

 After allowing Burmeister and Sass pass him on the way to Rohn, Dallas blew through the checkpoint earlier this afternoon after stopping just long enough to check in and grab gear and go. The climb ahead was anyone's guess how things would go, and it's no doubt Dallas had every intention of just going with it and not think too much. His team looked strong coming into the checkpoint and charged down the trail at a strong trot after a brief moment of confusion when Lead Dog North tried to take a different path. 

When coming into the checkpoint his team came in hot. They were strong, still tugging fully on the line. The musher announced he was staying for "a little bit" and asked where to park his team. He's learned that due to the Rainy Pass Lodge ponies stealing hay from the haybale area he would have to wait until someone opened the electric fence. "Wow, all sorts of new obstacles (challenges?) for mushers!" 

When Dallas was asked by Bruce Lee of Iditarod Insider how the climb was Dallas answered with a chuckle, "Steep." He also said his feet were frozen due to there being "a little bit of overflow out there."

Dallas managed to make the run into the checkpoint only about a half hour slower than when he was on the outbound trail. Considering it was a rough climb for most of it, it's impressive that he managed to only slow slightly.

It also looks like Burmeister is doing well with the trail, and should keep in step with Dallas's time at the very least (he ran the Rainy to Rohn trail much faster than Dallas). 

Brent Sass has also started the chase. Should be an exciting night and early morning. 

Time to get that last nap in, folks... we aren't sleeping much from here until the finish tomorrow, whenever it is.

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