It's getting to be that time of year again! We have just over a month left before the hardiest dogs along with a special breed of men and women hit the Iditarod Trail in a two week test of strength and determination. The Iditarod is the Last Great Race On Earth for good reason.
I've grown up with the race always being a part of life - no not as a musher or anything like that - but an Alaskan. It's our sport, even if we don't race it, it's OURS. No one else in the world has one quite like it. Some would like to take it away, which makes it all the more beloved by those of us who knows what it really stands for. What it's really all about.
What makes me jump into this mode when it doesn't even come to town until March? I got my first email from the Iditarod Volunteers of the year! I have been asked to help with the sales table at the Iditarod Race Headquarters in Anchorage (Millenium Hotel). So I'm a bit giddy this evening. And I just had to share. I'll go now...
Well, give me a team
And a good lead dog
And a sled that's built so fine!
And let me race
Those miles to Nome,
One thousand forty-nine!
And when I get
Back to my home
Hey, I can tell my tale!
I did, I did, I did
The Iditarod Trail!!
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