Monday, November 13, 2017

My experience with Team Seavey

2007 Wildride, retired Iditarod Champions Angus and Zebra
pull Alaskan Malamute rescue Buddy out of the Arena.
Guys, I'm having a hard time remaining silent. For over a month I've watched a friend and former employer go through some pretty crappy things, and for the most part he's handled it with far more grace and dignity than I ever could. But, in the last couple of weeks, a couple of blowhards looking for - I guess - a little more limelight decided to jump on the hate train and come out with some pretty ugly allegations of their own. I won't link to their writings, because I feel that any more hits to their site is exactly what they want... and she who must not be named demanded over two years ago that I not use her name on my blog. So I won't. But if you're reading this blog post, my guess is you know who and what I'm talking about.

I met Dallas Seavey in the spring of 2007. He was starting a new attraction in Downtown Anchorage and was hiring folks to work in his gift shop. I ended up landing a "bigger" role than "just" gift shop girl. I ran the soundboard for his outdoor arena where he and his [then] fiance and a few other mushers showcased the power of the sled dog. I worked for them for four summers straight. It was probably the most fun I have EVER had with a job - and that's including my being a professional photographer. I'm not exaggerating for anyone. You can pretty much ask anyone who knows me - I talk about Wildride, still, after 10 years. I LOVED that job. I LOVED being around dogs and puppies all day. I LOVE the people I got to work with.

After I moved back to the Kenai in 2011, I figured I was done working for the team in any sort of capacity. I didn't even make it up to see the show in its final year, I was so busy trying to make ends meet. It was a very lonely time. I missed being part in some way of a sled dog team. How weird is that? I was never a dog handler. I still can't tell you the more intimate details of training, feeding, etc. But I loved being a part of the bigger picture. It wasn't long, though, before Team Seavey came calling again.

I worked for Mitch Seavey for another three years. Again, not in any dog handling position, but the daily office work that comes with running a touring business as well as social media for an active racing kennel. Again, I had a blast and learned so much and I'll always be grateful. But this was where I became increasingly aware of the ugliness of mushing. Don't think this is going to be a blog post supporting the allegations being lobbied at both Dallas and Mitch, far from it. I'm talking the ugly, untrue, and disgusting thing said by the likes of PeTA and other "Animal Rights" organizations against the Iditarod and the sport itself. One group used to have a "head hunter" list of mushers who needed to be "dealt with". Their photos from the Iditarod Website were placed on wanted posters. It was crazy. But the real kicker was when "fellow mushers" (term used loosely) decided to go after the team that was on top.

My first encounter with Mitch was my first week of work with Dallas back in 2007. That was the year that the Ramy Brooks "incident" happened during Iditarod. The decision had just come down from the Iditarod that Brooks would be banned from the race for 2 years, and following that would have a 3 year probation. As a fan of the sport, I felt the sentence was too light (still do), and for some reason when I met Mitch it was a burning question in my head that I had to ask. What did he think? I woke the bear with that question. Mitch has a way with words. Many find him standoffish with not a lot to say, but I think he just likes to choose his words carefully. One of the many things I admire about Mitch is how he presents himself, and how he speaks. I could listen to him talk shop for hours (which I've been chastised by his wife at different functions where the last thing she wants to hear is more dog talk).

Mitch let it be known than hitting/spanking/beating a dog was the most asinine way to try to get a dog to run. Key word is "try". You cannot beat a dog to run. That was a point he stated repeatedly in his - what felt like eternal - rant. Nothing good comes from losing your temper and taking it out on your team. The dogs' first instinct is to curl up and protect itself by shutting down and hoping it stops. They do  not understand what they are doing "wrong". Sled dogs are out there to have fun. Period. If it isn't fun, they stop. It is a delicate balance of how much you can push and for how long before they pull a Forrest Gump, stop, turn around and say, "I'm pretty tired. I think I'll go home now" in the middle of no where. It's a mantra that Mitch has held on to I'm sure his entire racing career.

It's why his kids and fans sometimes get frustrated with him because he typically plays it a little "too safe" and holds his dogs back and makes the push too late. You don't want the race to ever become a chore for the dogs. When it does, it's not pretty. Most mushers eventually take it in stride and hang their head low knowing they - not the dogs - did something wrong. They forgot for a second about the dogs need to have fun, and they focused on the placement. Or they were just having so much fun themselves going at a nice clip that they didn't see the subtle warning signs.

Please note: this is what I took away from Mitch's statements over the years, I in no way speak for him.

You can see how my first year working for Dallas & Mitch shaped my outlook on the sport. The Seaveys have been a part of the Iditarod since the beginning. Since before the beginning. Dan Seavey (possibly one of the greatest human beings to ever breathe air) was one of the friends helping Joe Redington get his crazy idea of a race started. He's raced it. He's defended it. He's watched a son and a grandson both win it. Iditarod's a big deal in their family. Their involvement is due to Dan following a childhood dream to Alaska and staying here to see it through.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Hit and Run collision injures dog from Wade Marrs' kennel

Wade Marrs reported today that
one of his dogs was injured during
last night's training run.
"Last night around 8pm, we received the nightmare phone call…" Wade Marrs' post on facebook today begins. Only, this isn't a classic Peanuts comic strip where Snoopy is sitting on his dog house typing "it was a dark and stormy night." No, this is every musher and every dog lover's nightmare. On a training run around 8pm last night, Andrew Nolan - an Iditarod Rookie next year who is running dogs from Wade's kennel - called to report that the team had been hit by a car. The car's driver, reportedly, sped off after tagging the team's lead dogs. 

Thankfully, Nolan and most of the team were unhurt, but lead dog Sockeye wasn't so lucky. Marrs reports the dog has a serious break in her leg which will require expensive surgery. "Xrays determined an oblique displaced fracture, which is good news because it’s a great candidate for successful surgical repair with a plate and pin... It will put her out for the rest of the season, but pending a successful healing she will return to run next year."

This is an increasingly common danger of training teams. With population growth, teams are forced more and more to encounter busy roadways. Last year, Quest Champion and Iditarod Veteran Sebastian Schnuelle's team was hit crossing at a designated sled dog crossing. Two five-year-old dogs were killed, others injured, and Schnuelle's return to the Iditarod ended as he did not have enough conditioned dogs to race. Three years ago, Karin Hendrickson and her team were hit when a car slid off of the Parks Highway and landed on her team. Hendrickson's back was broken, and some of her team were injured, but no loss of life happened though seemingly by miracle. Hendrickson could not run the Iditarod that year, but had a friend and fellow musher Bryan Bears run her team for her (he would end up scratching during the race). 

In both cases, the drivers stayed at the scene, and were understandably shaken and remorseful. Last night's accident, however, appears to be a hit-and-run. Nolan reported to Wade Marrs that the car kept going after hitting the lead dogs. The dogs were illuminated by the lights from the atv, which Nolan reportedly flashed multiple times to warn the driver of the dogs in the road. There is no excuse to EVER leave the scene of ANY accident, especially when a life is involved (2-legged or 4-legged).

Stump Jumpin' Kennel - Wade Marrs' Kennel Name - has set up several ways to help with surgical expenses for lead dog Sockeye.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Dates & Links to major Alaskan Races

I've had this info on the blog for a while on the sidebar, but figured it wouldn't be bad to have a post that folks can link to if they desired.

If I've missed one please let me know. Tolovana and Gin-Gin (which I wouldn't link Gin-Gin after its directors pulled the crap they have anyway) are not running this year, but I believe I have all other major races. Even though Willow 300 is not considered an official qualifier for Iditarod or Quest, they are in the process of becoming one so for now it's on the list.

Knik 200
January 6, 2018
Website / Twitter / Facebook

Copper Basin 300
January 13, 2018
Website / Twitter / Facebook

Kuskokwim 300
January 19, 2018
Website / Twitter / Facebook

Northern Lights 300
January 26, 2018
Website / Facebook

Tustumena 200
January 27, 2018
Website / Twitter / Facebook

Willow 300
February 1, 2018

Yukon Quest
February 3, 2018
Website / Twitter / Facebook

Yukon 300
February 3, 2018
Website / Twitter / Facebook

Iditarod 46
March 3, 2018
Website / Twitter / Facebook

Kobuk 440
April 12, 2018
Website / Facebook

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Jen Seavey Statement/Update

I'm at work, so I cannot blog my thoughts at the moment, but I wanted to share this here, now, while it's still "hot".

I have known the Seavey family for over ten years. I know them to be honest, dedicated, caring people - all of them. I know I can sometimes say some things tongue in cheek about Dallas, but that's just because I had some of the best times working for him and for Jen, and that grew into a friendship. That they're having to defend themselves from PETA and other ridiculous "animal rights" groups (read homegrown terrorists) but now from wild and unfounded accusations by two humans I barely feel should be classified as people... it just makes me want to scream. They don't deserve this.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

How it all started

So the other day I came across a ten-year-old tape in my closet, put it in the player and it turns out it was a copy of the very first show we did at the Wildride Sled Dog Show back in May of 2007. I was brand new to Team Seavey, I'd worked maybe a couple of weeks at that point. I'd never been *this close* to an Iditarod champion before (Mitch Seavey still scares me... and he's not really a scary guy lol). A lot of memories (mostly good) were brought up watching this very raw/unrefined version of what would become one of the top tourist attractions in Anchorage, Alaska. Dallas and the rest of the team worked tirelessly to make the show great. We recorded every show and Dallas would study it for hours trying to decide what needed work, what just flat didn't work, and what needed fixing ASAP.

I learned a lot,  not just about mushing, but about work and pride and yeah... I gush. But if you wonder why I stand with Dallas, why I'm a fan, and why I call foul when certain other mushers who shall remain nameless only because their name does not deserve to be mentioned pull crap... this is why.

I put the video on my youtube channel. I didn't ask permission, but I assume since the show is no more, and that this is a 10+ year old video, that I am not breaking any secret rule. You don't see me in the video (I don't think) but any time you hear music, that's me playing DJ... I ran sound for 4 summers, and I loved it.

Small roster so far for the Tustumena 200

Lance Mackey attended the
Iditarod BBQ in June 2016.
Ten names are on the list after the Tustumena 200 opened registration on Friday. Most names are unfamiliar, but 2017's second place team of Nicolas Petit and third place team of Dave Turner will be back, and four-time Iditarod Champion Lance Mackey looks to return to the T200. Mackey withdrew from the 2017 Iditarod due to health and family concerns, and has no plans to run the Iditarod this year.

Lance posted on facebook earlier this year that his kennel was downsizing - partially due to family needs, but also because he could not find reliable handlers - but was not leaving the sport. Throughout the summer Mackey raced cars, which has becoming his #1 passion of late, and shared glimpses into his home life (Mackey became a father to son Atigun in 2016) via social media.

Lance Mackey has run the Tustumena 200 multiple times, but has only taken the title once - in 2008. Mackey started his kennel on the Kenai Peninsula before moving further north and creating the Comeback Kennel (after battling and beating cancer). It's been nearly a decade since Mackey has raced on the Peninsula behind a dog sled.

Nicolas Petit barely lost to 2017's champion Cim Smyth, and no doubt has his sights set on taking the title this season. The bib numbers were drawn Saturday for those that registered Friday, and Petit will be first out of the chute. In a 200 miler, this can be an advantage (unlike the Quest and Iditarod where you don't want to be first but you also do not want to be last either). Petit will no doubt come out will all guns blasting.

Interestingly not on the list is Mitch Seavey. Seavey won the race in 2013 and had high praise for the race. In 2017 he came in fourth after having issues with his team out on the trail (someone *might* have forgotten the first rule of mushing: don't let go). The Tustumena 200 is a good training run for the top teams because of its hilly trail (it runs through the Caribou Hills). There's still a lot of time (and a lot of room on the roster) to sign up, so we may see Mitch Seavey on there soon.

Also off of the roster, but a little less surprising, is Paul Gebhardt. Rumors swirled early this fall when Gebhardt began selling and leasing out his kennel to other mushers - some of them top name mushers. Many believed he was retiring/getting out of mushing, but all of that talk was quashed with Gebhardt's announcement this week that he is battling cancer. His daughter started a gofundme page to help offset costs as Paul and his daughter will travel to Seattle for a stem cell bone marrow transplant in late February. Gebhardt has multiple myeloma, but is reportedly responding incredibly well to treatment. Paul is a fan favorite, and a familiar face on the T200, and will be missed, but it won't be surprising if he doesn't show up to show his fellow mushers support in January.

While the T200's roster is a tad anemic, the Tustumena 100 is already half full with five names on the roster. It could be that with the lackluster start of the Alaskan winter on the peninsula (they finally saw snow stick today) that mushers are waiting to see if there is any real chance of a race before planning to travel to the Kenai. Time will tell.

Who do you still hope to see on the roster? Who are you excited to see already listed? Comment below and let me know!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Tustumena 200 registration to begin Friday

Nicolas Petit's team placed second at
the 2017 Tustumena 200. January 29, 2017
After an exciting and fast paced finish this past January, the Tustumena 200 is looking ahead to what is hopefully another star studded event full of excitement. One of the last races to open registration, the race will begin taking musher applications on Friday. The T200 will be held the last weekend in January 2018 barring any unforeseen circumstances like bad weather. The 2014, 2015, and 2016 races were all cancelled due to lack of snow and unfrozen rivers making trails impassable.

While "only" a 200 mile race, the Tustumena 200 is known as one of the hardest mid-distance races in Alaska. Run mostly in the caribou hills, mushers often mention how thankful they are that it's only 200 miles. Top teams often sign up for the race to get in some mountain trail training in before the Yukon Quest and Iditarod races. Others are less experienced, but are working on qualifying for the 1,000 mile races.

Most mid-distance races cap their roster at 40 teams, and the T200 follows that guideline. Wait-lists can be long, however one of the advantages of holding registration so late is teams who couldn't get into other races - like the Northern Lights 300 which takes place the same weekend - are more likely to sign up. The T200 is also the only major race run on the Kenai Peninsula, and so a lot of the "Peninsula Mushers" plan on running on their "home turf" each year. Teams like Osmar, Zappa, and Seavey are almost always on the roster.

Returning this year is the shorter Tustumena 100 which traditionally starts before the 200 mile race and finishes the same day, in 2018 it will start after the T200. Teams run to Freddie's Roadhouse and back, with a mandatory layover in the one check point on the race. In more recent runnings, the roster has been light, and last year they did not run the shorter race. Bringing it back this year seems to be a trial run to see if it's worth the planning and preparation. The roster will be capped at 10 names. Junior mushers will be allowed to run at the request of the musher and approval by the board.

A glance at the incomplete list of the Northern Lights 300 does not show any top names in the sport as participating - however the list is unofficial and does not appear on the race's website. We'll know more about participation in the Tusumena 100 and 200 on Friday. Registration fills up within hours.

Registration opens at 8:00am AKST Friday, November 4, 2017. The race begins Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 11:00am AKST in Kasilof, Alaska.

Who do you hope to see on the race's roster? Tell me in the comments below!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

No boycott for most Iditarod teams

Speculation and accusations continue to be lobbied about this weekend by fans and mushers alike over the news of Dallas Seavey's 2017 Iditarod team testing positive for the race banned drug Tramadol. While the majority of people seem to continue to side with the musher, others have taken to use this moment to beat him down. Seavey, for better or worse, is currently in China attending a previously scheduled event. While he's "half way around the world" the battle has raged on.

However, with the drama going into week 3 (if we could the week where Dallas was simply known as Musher X in the story), the media has begun to find other things to focus on. Fans are a little less angry. And the mushers... the mushers...

Well, most of the mushers are not following Dallas's plea for a boycott of the last great race.

This should come as no real surprise. The Iditarod is the top echelon of the sport these mushers throw a lot of money into training. There's no US National Mushing fund teams can get a little help from. They rely on sponsorship from individuals and businesses. Most big sponsors want to see results to make the investment look worthwhile. Top name means the brand is scene more, and is associated with excellence. It's why Dallas Seavey and J.J. Keller are such a good partnership, one that sees Dallas giving motivational speeches nationwide every year. Mitch Seavey has Young Living. Jeff King was the Cabela's musher until Animal Rights activists managed to ruin a good thing there (ironic considering). Red Paw, Eagle, Dr. Tim'ss and other high performance dog foods also have mushers they support. These sponsors want results. You don't get results if you don't run.

It's also "helpful" that the deadline to withdraw from the race and get a full refund passed before the positive drug test came to light. The petition written and signed by many of the Iditarod Finishers Club requested not only that the ITC release the name of the musher whose team tested positive, but also that the refund deadline be postponed until November. We know the ITC gave in to the first request, but have seemingly ignored all other requests by the mushers. We have no more transparency since Monday's release of the musher's name, and the mushers are out $4,000 if they withdraw.

Aside from Dallas Seavey, only two other mushers have withdrawn since the announcement - both citing the ITC's handling of the "doping scandal" as reason behind their pulling out. Laura Neese was first, and while she did not come out in full support of Dallas, she did cite concerns about the ITC's leadership. Jason Mackey announced Thursday that he, too, was dropping out of the race due to being "sick of the politics". Mackey is also charged with third-degree theft after he allegedly took four dog crates that belonged to another musher when he was in Nome, and he never returned them. After allegedly ducking phone calls for months, musher Al Eischens said he had "no choice" but to file a police report. A hearing is set for the first part of November.

More mushers have come out in support of both Dallas AND the ITC - saying now was the time to unify, not divide. This is most likely not what Dallas had in mind when he spoke out against the ITC and their recent decisions. Top names like Aliy Zirkle and Wade Marrs both said that they believed that Dallas was smarter and had more integrity than to knowingly use a banned substance - especially when he knew a drug test would happen at the finish. However, neither one feels the ITC maliciously went after Dallas and that they planned on running Iditarod. Other mushers have spoken in favor of Dallas, but have not spoken one way or the other on the Iditarod, but are still listed on the Iditarod roster.

Only one musher has said their decision is still up in the air - unsurprisingly that musher is Mitch Seavey. While some have shared surprise that Mitch didn't just pull immediately, it'd be remiss to point out that Mitch is deeply connected to the Iditarod in ways his son can't be. Mitch watched his father and the other Iditarod Trail Blazers come together with Joe Redington to get the race off the ground. Can't help but think the loyalty to the race (not the ITC, as Dallas pointed out the ITC is not the Iditarod) weighs heavy on his mind as does his loyalty to his kid.

Dallas' brother Danny made the point in an interview with fellow musher and journalist Blair Braverman that it wouldn't matter if the top 10 mushers all pulled out, and the ITC board were all fired, there would still be an Iditarod. The race is bigger than a few top names. Volunteers and fans and mushers are here to stay.

Also staying put are all of the Iditarod's sponsors. For once, scandal isn't scaring anyone away - for now. Though some have told the media that they are "monitoring the situation" for now, all of their money is staying put. This is good news for the race in general. The Iditarod recently lost a major sponsor in Wells Fargo due to Animal Rights Extremists pressured the bank into stopping sponsorship. Sound familiar? Kinda hard not to think they had a hand in the latest bout of negativity within the race.

There are still questions that the ITC needs to address. Full transparency in sports - especially when it's the health and safety of the sports athletes - is of great importance. The ITC is hoping the attention will die down, but my personal hope is that the mushers continue to push for answers. Not just Dallas shouting with righteous indignation over how they handled this, but the other mushers who deserve to know just what happened. Dogs were drugged, the ITC has no proof their musher did it - are they still investigating? It might make everyone breathe a little easier if they actually seemed to want to find out how the drug got in the dogs system. Right now with their inaction to investigate, it just seems that they still believe Dallas Seavey to be to blame, even when they say they don't believe it to be the case.

We need answers.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

ITC seems unconcerned with who drugged Seavey's dogs

I was forwarded a Facebook message the Iditarod social media representative sent a concerned fan in regards to how the Dallas Seavey case has been handled. That they responded at all is in itself shocking, but that they were willing to admit that they could find not proof of any wrong doing is what most are focusing on.

Screencap of the message sent to a race fan today about Dallas Seavey's
Doping allegations. October 25, 2017
If they could find no proof of Dallas Seavey being the one to administer the drug to his dogs, then that raises a concerning question: "just who did?" This is the issue that Seavey brought up Monday night as news broke that he was Musher X, and again in the many interviews he gave yesterday trying to pressure the Iditarod Trail Committee into releasing their findings. Seavey reiterated how he and others were concerned of the lack of security in the checkpoints when drop bags are delivered, as well as the apparent lack of security in the Nome Dog Lot.

If Dallas is not guilty, then that leads to only 3 main options: 1. another musher/musher's people tampered with Seavey's team/food, 2. An Animal Rights activist group is to blame or 3. It was an honest mistake by a vet/handler/volunteer. All three are plausible, but we will never be sure unless the guilty party breaks their silence. If Dallas Seavey is telling the truth, and he nor his team gave his dogs the drug, then why isn't the ITC concerned? Why are they not investigating this fully? Why not release what they found? Why not release how they came to the conclusion that there's no proof Dallas did it?

If the Board came to the conclusion that there was no wrongdoing by Dallas, and that they believe he did not administer the drug to his dogs, then WHY have they not even ENTERTAINED the idea of sabotage? If they have no proof of wrong doing why sit on the findings so long? Why not produce the evidence that they have? Where are the test results.

If what Dallas Seavey said about his communication with the ITC, race marshal, and lead Iditarod veterinarian is true, then the drug was administered in Nome. If administered then, then it was after his team was done racing. If he was done racing when the drug was administered then there is no broken rule. The drug, Tramadol, is only banned during the race, it is a legal prescription drug to have for either pain relief for humans or dogs. It is fairly easy to get as anyone can get it with a script from a doctor or vet. If there is no broken rule, the doping allegations are a moot point. If it's a moot point the ONLY concern the ITC should focus on is - if there is no proof that DALLAS or his TEAM fed the dogs the drug then someone else DID. There needed to be a thorough investigation, and by all accounts there wasn't. There were a few phone calls back and forth, with no doubt Dallas going from "how" to "who" and asking for answers.

Instead of answers, Dallas purports that he was thrown under the bus. And judging by how ridiculous this PR nightmare for the Iditarod has become, one is apt to believe him. That the ITC is now more concerned about how the longer this discussion goes the more likely the Iditarod will lose sponsorship money than they are that someone's dogs were drugged without their knowledge is concerning. The ITC seems to be way out in left field, in one sentence they say they believe Dallas, in another they all but call him out as a liar. Which is it?

Stan Hooley went to KTVA for a nearly 40 minute interview where through his double talk said he wants to listen to the concerns of mushers and that they should never have felt they couldn't speak their mind about the race. All actions by the ITC before now would contradict that, as many mushers have said as much in at least the last 2 years since the gag rule came into effect. Hooley wants to see Dallas run this year's Iditarod, Seavey says that won't happen and wants other mushers to follow him out of the race until the ITC sees new leadership. That is unlikely to happen as many teams would be out a great deal of entry fee money as the deadline to withdraw with full refund happened before news of the positive drug test broke. This is yet another slight mushers feel from the ITC.

Hooley said he hoped this would die down and go away, and it very well could with Seavey stuck forever with the questions, but this is Dallas Seavey. He doesn't just lay down and die. This will not just go away.

And it shouldn't go away. Fans, mushers, media, everyone needs to pressure the ITC. First off to release the test results and other evidence ITC used to come to its conclusions. We need actual answers not speculation. Not vague statements. And secondly, since they say Dallas didn't give his dogs the drug, they need to start an investigation into who did. None of this "we're looking at new security measures", FIGURE OUT WHAT WENT WRONG, and make sure it never ever happens again. This time the dogs were drugged with something safe and in the right dose. Next time it could be a far worse result. It's time for the ITC to step up and protect the mushers and the dogs THAT is the true spirit of the race, not lining their pockets.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Mushers show support for one of their own

By now you've read the news: Dallas Seavey's dogs tested positive for a banned substance. The revelation came after over a week of drama between the media, fans, mushers and the Iditarod Trail Committee. The Iditarod Finishers Club created a petition with many mushers, including Seavey's father Mitch, demanding the ITC come clean and name the musher. Many of those that signed are now coming out in support of the 4-time Iditarod Champion.

Once Dallas' name was released, speculation gave way to camps of fans deciding guilt or innocence with the majority siding with Dallas once his 18-minute video statement started circulating. Soon after, mushers chimed in with their thoughts on the matter. The vast majority were supportive of Dallas, saying that the Dallas Seavey they know and compete against know there was not logical reason for him to drug his dogs (especially with a sedative).

Last night three former Iditarod Champions spoke their support on facebook, plus more retired mushers as well as Dallas's current competition. By morning more followed suit with Aliy Zirkle sending an email statement to KTUU saying how she's raced Dallas for 10 years and knows that he did not drug his dogs. Jessie Royer also talked with KTUU saying very much the same thing.

One of the most telling showings of support is Lance Mackey's statement on his facebook page last night.

We all remember when Lance Mackey had his melt down a few Iditarods ago where he was asked who he hoped would win and he had some not so flattering things to say about the one musher he hoped WOULDN'T win (Dallas). Doesn't sound like much has changed, but if even Lance is smelling something rotten it's time to pay attention.

Jeff King also risked breaking the Iditarod's gag rule by speaking out in favor of the younger Seavey.

More statements of support are pouring out. This battle is far from over. Dallas has basically declared war on the current ITC calling for resignations for all members except the one voted in by the mushers themselves (ITC Board Rep, Wade Marrs). Dallas has also suggested mushers withdraw from the Iditarod until the ITC board changes. Until about a half hour ago, no one had joined him in boycotting, but Laura Neese - part of Nature's Kennel - has now followed suit, though not citing Dallas's call to action as the reason.

Iditarod's finally acknowledged Dallas' withdrawl from the race.

Buckle up, friends, it's about to get good.