Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2015

Midnight on the Kenai in July.

I attended Conway Seavey's Concert in the Park on Saturday night. Show went from 8pm to midnight, and was really good! It's hard to think of the littlest Seavey as all grown up, but he is. If you were in the area and didn't go, you missed out on lovely weather and good entertainment.

But that's not what this post is about. I left around 11:30 (a whole 2 hours after I'd planned to leave as I had to be up early for church on Sunday), and on my way home noticed that the sky was bursting with patterns or light. So I pulled over when I got into Kenai and headed for the bluff to see what the river and inlet looked like.

I was not disappointed.

Even the dipnetter campsites were nice to photograph. It was the first weekend and the run isn't at its strongest, yet, so the beaches aren't as littered... yet. I expect that to change this week.

Anyway, here are my favorites from the other night. Love that midnight light!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Earth Day Sunset Photos

I went out and chased the sunset - not far, just to my normal spot on the Kenai Beach - last night as it was Earth Day and I haven't gotten to get out and shoot for the longest time. Between weather and just not feeling like it, I've been itching to go in the last week.

So off I went. I would've probably gone somewhere new - but with the new dog we have having had a meltdown when mom and dad went to church I didn't want to leave him alone... and they were later than normal getting home.

The sun is setting around 9:45 at night right now, in just another month it'll be closer to midnight. Then in June it won't really set at all! I love this time of year. Well... I love mid-May through September... right now everything looks dead and grey. April in Alaska is not the most picturesque time to visit. But there are still moments that remind you why Alaska is the closest we will ever come to Heaven this side of eternity (yes, I am biased).

It was a quiet night on the beach, we have about a month left until the beach is littered with thousands of people and fish guts during dip netting. I plan on going out and actually getting photos of the insanity that is dipnet season. I HATE that part of summer. I HATE how our beaches become over run and are not taken care of by those that use her shores to get the fish they supposedly need to live on. Not all dipnetters are bad, but there are enough bad eggs in the bunch that I just wish they'd all go away and leave our small community alone. Anchorage should stay in Anchorage.

So here's to the more peaceful scenes of the beach as the insanity of summer looms ever closer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sunrise... Sunset...

Or, rather, Sunset... Sunrise. I forgot to share the sunset pictures I took last night (not all that exciting, colors were missing again) and today I switched it up and took sunrise photos. I was already out and about when the sun came into the sky. These were taken on the beach as well as on the bluff. You'll be able to tell where in the pictures each one was taken.

I'm killing time till the week of my birthday... The Flash comes back on the 20th, Arrow (and my birthday) comes back on the 21st... and then Sons of Liberty (MICHAEL RAYMOND-JAMES!) hits TV on the 25th. I'm going to be one happy fangirling couch potato.

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Snowless New Year for Alaska

Well, I've been pretty whiny the first couple of days of the New Year - I know, so what else is new, right? - mainly due to our lack of winter weather. This has been the most dismal winter I can remember - and last year was pretty pathetic! I am concerned for many reasons, but basically I'm just tired of the dead brown look outside my window. This is not the Alaska I know and love. I want my snow.

I went out this evening hoping for a beautiful sunset, and didn't get much color in the sky. But I had fun with the beach waves anyway. All photos were taken in Kenai on the same beach where I shot photos of the Funny River Forest Fire last summer. You can find these photos as well as other landscape photos of Alaska in my gallery here, you can purchase them should you so desire.

Hoping to get more photos in the coming days, as well as blog more. But mostly, I hope Alaska gets some snow. (And by Alaska I mean South Central Alaska)