
Friday, June 22, 2012

Disneyland 2012: Photographic Countdown 5

We're at 43 days out. Disneyland is toying with my emotions, as they have released the latest set of hours that go up to the day we get into the Anaheim area. Meaning my trips dates SHOULD be next, but I HATE WAITING! I want to get the hours now so I can kinda get a game plan in mind for at least myself. You can bet a blog post will be coming when I finally get my way!

Today's picture is Haille on one of the bazillion rope bridges at the Redwood Creek Adventure Camp. It's a pretty neat little area that was themed for Brother Bear - I think it still does have Brother Bear elements but you also get some Up references. Haille is a daredevil and I am not. To get these pictures I had to get up HIGH. I hate up HIGH. Haille knew this and told me to "suck it up" because she wanted to explore. I did my best and got through the course, but I didn't want to go a second time, breaking her heart. Thankfully her mom came through about that time and took her up again. It's probably some of the best theming and definitely a great place for younger kids to burn off energy after having to stand in line after line for attractions.

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