
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Disneyland 2012: Photographic Countdown 4

Yes I've missed the last few days, I've been working hard for the money. And the sun's been out and the weather's been wonderful. I'm trying to get a little color before California or I'm going to burn. Well, I spent too much time outside today and I'm burnt. Go figure.

Today's picture is of one of my favorite details in the park. Above the Disneyland Fire Department is Walt Disney's apartment. It was where Walt and his family would stay when they visted the park. Cast members knew the boss was there when the light was on. After Walt died, the light was kept on as a kind of "Eternal Flame" tribute to Uncle Walt. I always take time to reflect - not as a sign of worship or anything, just out of respect for one of America's greats. 44 days till I get to say "hello, again." To Uncle Walt. I was born several decades too late. LOL!

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