
Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Nationals Highlight

There were quite a few fantastic moments, but only ONE program/skater keeps calling out for multiple viewings. That is, of course, Ryan Bradley's Long Program.

One of the reasons I went and looked it up on YouTube Tonight was due to my wonderful best friend who has no clue about figure skating other than some of the men are extremely hot (to give you an idea of her knowledge, she asks every year if Tim Goebel is skating in this event or another). Tonight we were talking and one of her final comments while watching the finale of the US Skating Spectacular was that she couldn't figure out WHY I liked skating. That she found it dull.

Well, yeah, when she listed the skaters she'd actually seen I could understand. But, for ever basic skating competitive program, there are is an equal ratio of those that are more than placements and points (though they won't refuse them if they're good!). Ryan Bradley has always been that type of skater.

So, before I sign off for bed, I leave you with this:

The more I watch the more I wish he and Weir'd been reversed. But, what's done is done.

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