
Monday, January 25, 2010

Change in Plans

I was going to post my final thoughts on Nationals tonight, but have been side tracked thanks to Aaron's blog, "Axels, Loops, and Spins" report on Johnny Weir's latest turn in the media.

This time it's not about what he's said, or what team he supports other than the USA... or even his sexuality. Nope, it's what he's wearing.

In 2006 he got flack for wearing a CCCP jacket. This year, it's fur.

That's right; earthquakes in Haiti, children starving world wide, shoot the fable of global warming all seem to be on most people's top priorities...

but not for those oh so wonderful "Friends of Animals" let the humans starve and suffer, it's the animals that we need to worry about.

Let me preface by saying I am not a sadist who enjoys pulling wings off of butterflies just to see what happens. I appreciate all of God's creation, and do believe they have a purpose on this earth other than for humans to abuse. I don't, however, believe they are sacred to the point of worshipping them or not using them for food and for clothing purposes.

I am a hunter, a fisher, and I love watching the Iditarod. I believe some animals are bred for working, some are bred for food, and some are just around to be pretty. This, in part, comes from my upbringing in Alaska. While I lived in a main town in South Central Alaska, we still lived off the land. Hate to break it to the "bunny hugger" community, but being Vegan in Alaska is five million times harder than anywhere in mainstream America. We can't grow a lot of what we'd need to have a healthy diet, and veggies and fruits do NOT come cheap up here in ANY season. It's bad enough in the big communities, try living out in Rural (or Remote) Alaska where an apple is considered a delacacy most times of the year. We have to live off the land if we're going to survive... when times are hard we can't just go to the supermarket.

Johnny case, you say, is different. It's in the name of fashion. I would agree in that I don't believe in hunting animals just for sport. But if it serves a purpose it can be argued that it's right. No, I know, you say it can't, but it wound't be an argument if it were one sided, now, would it.

Johnny wears fur, I'd argue it's weird for other reasons (mainly his gender plays a part) but it works for the costume he's using. Where do we get off dictating what he wears. Seems to me if we can't tell a person how to live their life sexually, or what job to have, or how many kids to have.... what we wear shouldn't be a freedom that is taken away either. It's a minute problem in a world filled with many more.

And, no, this is not a rant from a "Johnny's Angel" or general fan of the man. I honestly can't say I like the guy. I prefer a different sort of skater. That's just me. But, of all the problems one could have with him, seriously? A tuft of fur is what churns your stomach.

Well, whatever floats your boat.

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