
Monday, January 22, 2024

2024 Kuskokwim 300 musher roster

We're nearly to the end of January and mushing fans know what that means! The premiere dog mushing event of the Kuskokwim Delta kicks off Thursday night with a full roster of mushers from all across Alaska. The Kuskokwim 300 is one of the most popular races with mushers seeming to race each other to the sign ups. Because of its location it also holds one of the smaller rosters of just 30 teams - many traveling to the West Coast of Alaska to attend. This year the roster filled up in less than a week, with several names on the wait list. 

As always, change happened from sign up day to the registration deadline, but the Kusko is ready to go with now twenty-three teams all highly competitive. The Kusko knows how to hold a dog race, and as the teams leave two at a time from the starting line and fireworks set off as the teams head off into the night, fans will religiously follow the trackers as the teams travel down the river. Will seven time champion Peter Kaiser rePETE an eighth time, or will the young upstart Raymond Alexie who wins just about every race he enters? With several past champions in the mix it is anyone's guess what will happen.

Bib draw isn't until Thursday, so for now we'll go with the list in order of sign ups. As with all of the musher rosters on the blog, it will be edited to reflect the bib numbers once they become available. Now, onto what you're really here for:

1Joe TaylorMushing MalarkeyWebsiteFacebookInstagram
2Pete KaiserKaiser RacingWebsiteFacebookInstagram
3Josh McNealCrooked Creek KennelWebsiteFacebookInstagram
4Raymond AlexieAlexie Racing KennelFacebook
5Dave TurnerRacing ChaosFacebookInstagram
6John SnyderSnyder's KennelFacebook
7Hunter KeefeRedington's Mush AlaskaWebsiteFacebookInstagram
8Gabe DunhamEvermore AdventuresWebsiteFacebookInstagram
9Father Alexander LarsonLarson Kennel
10Matthew FailorAlaskan AdventuresWebsiteFacebookInstagram
11Jessica KlejkaTailwind KennelWebsiteFacebookInstagram
12Richie DiehlReal Diehl RacingFacebookInstagram
13Riley DycheDark Horse Sled DogsWebsiteFacebookInstagram
14KattiJo DeeterBlack Spruce Dog SleddingWebsiteFacebookInstagram
15Jason PavilaBad River KennelFacebookInstagram
16Bailey VitelloTeam BaileyWebsiteFacebookInstagram
17Dakota SchlosserSled Dog Systems RacingWebsiteFacebookInstagram
18Ryan RedingtonRedington MushingWebsiteFacebook
19Ebbe Winstrup PedersenPedersen Kennel?FacebookInstagram
20Jeff DeeterBlack Spruce Dog SleddingWebsiteFacebookInstagram
21Ramey SmythSmyth Racing TeamFacebook
22Isaac UnderwoodUnderwood Kennels
23Travis BealsTurning Heads KennelWebsiteFacebookInstagram
*Roster updated January 25, 2024 at 7:30pm to reflect final roster with bib numbers.

Who are you excited to cheer for? Who are you adding to your Fantasy Mushing Team? Predictions? Comment below with your thoughts!

If you like what you see and want to support my addiction (I mean HOBBY) of following these races and stalking (I mean cheering on) the mushers, you can buy me a slice of pizza (that really goes to paying for my internet/web expenses).

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