
Saturday, January 7, 2023

Over half the roster scratches on Gunflint Mail Run

Thirteen teams started the twelve-dog class in the Gunflint Mail Run this morning in Northern Minnesota, by days end at least seven of those teams would scratch. The race had to change the race route before the start due to trail concerns, but felt that the trail would hold up for the loop. 

There was talk race day morning that there was concern of open water, but as teams ran their first lap it seemed that the race was going to be a fast one. During the second leg teams were obviously going slower and soon reports came in that there was more open water than previously. Teams began to make the decision to either go through it or scratch.

Teams like Erin Aili, Colleen Wallin, and Gunnar Johnson all had to scratch when they hit the water. Reports from teams that scratched were that it just was not worth the swim. 

With the chaos surrounding multiple scratches, the race has yet to update with official final times and placement, however it looks like Matt Schmidt of Sawtooth Mountain Racing takes home top prize. 

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