
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Some thoughts to close out day 4 of the Iditarod

 Just some random thoughts as I continue to work through the Insider videos and watch the trackers move ever so slowly (it feels) tonight when I should be sleeping.

I really love seen Aaron Peck sticking it out with the "front runners". I'm hoping he can hang in there, he has yet to take any mandatory rest, but he's not the only one (Brent Sass is currently on his 24 in Iditarod and I assume that's what Peck will do, too). 

Mille's most likely vying for not just a top 10 placement, she could probably come in top 5 and right now looks like the top lady. (And now, I've jinxed her.) 

I was surprised to see that Dallas made a video ahead of the race stating that he was most concerned about the part of the trail he is currently on. Basically, he hasn't seen this part of the trail since 2013 (due to bad weather keeping the race off the trail for several years, and then he took a break from Iditarod). He's not normally one to say anything that hints at unsureness so I just found that interesting. As I type this Dallas is INTO Ophir. It will be interesting to see what he says about the run and if he stays long.

I don't know why but I feel like the Iditarod Champion for 2021 was in Ophir today and was resting. Not counting Dallas who just got there or the three that were running away from Ophir for most of the day. I don't know why, my gut just says this is where it will be chosen somehow. I'm no expert and I'm often wrong.

Part of that feeling comes from ever since Rohn, I've felt like Burmeister's team was incredibly strong (there I go jinxing again). He has said in several interviews now that his dogs just don't seem to want to go as slow as he thinks they should. That sounds very familiar as Mitch Seavey kept saying that about his 2017 team, and he broke all kinds of records with his win that year. I've probably read way too much into Aaron's interviews, but he just seems so at ease and set to running his race and I love to see it. It gives me confidence that his team will be right up there in the end. Burmeister has taken his 8 and is currently on his 24.

I've really enjoyed getting to know the different mushers and the causes they want to bring awareness to. Kaiser and Diehl (and Gunnar Johnson) all running to bring about suicide awareness and prevention. Wade Marrs running as always to bring awareness to Turners Syndrome. Other's I'm forgetting at the moment because I'm starting to fade. It's just nice to see mushers using the Iditarod as a platform for causes important for them.

I don't know what to make of Ryan Redington, I think he may be pushing too hard, too long, too fast. He's doing well to be in Ophir and like Burmeister is working to get his 24 done and has already taken his 8. I don't know that he'll stick to top 10. He's down a few dogs already. We'll have to see.

I love that Pete and Richie are running together. Waiting for either one to make a move, not sure we'll see one until Iditarod.

That's all for tonight. There will be a lot of movement tonight. Wish I could stay up for it all... 

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