
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Beads of Courage

I haven't shared on my blog, but if you're following me on social media you may have picked up on the fact that my cousin's daughter is fighting for her life. Baby Ella was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). In her short life she's had multiple surgeries and has spent more time in the hospital than she has at home. She is a fighter, and has the best - most amazing - parents any child could have. It's been hard being so far away unable to do anything but pray (even if prayer is probably the best thing at this point to do). Mom and I have come close to booking flights down a couple of times as it looked like we were going to lose Ella Rae...

...but then Ella pulls through by the grace of God! It's been an incredible roller coaster of emotions, and I'm just the cousin who sees the family once in a blue moon! I can only imagine what my cousin, her husband, and their families are going through.

This past week, though, my cousin's world and mine collided when Ella received a "bead of courage" from the Iditarod Trail. Since 2011, The Iditarod has partnered with Beads of Courage to have mushers, veterinarians, and the teacher on the trail carry beads that are then sent to children nationally who are facing medical hurdles. The beads are collected by the child and used to tell their story of how they've overcome the obstacles thrown in their path. The beads are sent with a card signed by the person who carried it, with a little note of encouragement. Some also carry an extra glass bead that is later auctioned off by the program to fund their work.

This week my cousin sent me two photos with a message saying that she knew I'd probably enjoy knowing about the gift Ella'd gotten this week. Ella got a bead from Iditarod musher Becca Moore from when she ran in 2016 (the last time she's run). Becca is married to Iditarod Veteran Ramey Smyth who is signed up to run again this year. When Becca was carrying Ella's bead she was also carrying something a little more - she was pregnant with their daughter!

I don't know if I'm just wishing it, but I kinda feel like that was God's way of saying that even though "all I'm doing" is praying, that I am with my California family during this fight. It is a special connection that really made me stop and smile. Ella still has a long battle ahead of her, and she's slow and steady and I believe will win this "race". She is Ella strong. Please, if you so believe, pray for little Ella and her mom and dad and big brother Eli. Pray for wisdom and skill for the doctors, wisdom and peace for her family, and strength for baby Ella. Thank you to all who have encouraged and prayed and loved on them.

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