
Sunday, November 5, 2017

How it all started

So the other day I came across a ten-year-old tape in my closet, put it in the player and it turns out it was a copy of the very first show we did at the Wildride Sled Dog Show back in May of 2007. I was brand new to Team Seavey, I'd worked maybe a couple of weeks at that point. I'd never been *this close* to an Iditarod champion before (Mitch Seavey still scares me... and he's not really a scary guy lol). A lot of memories (mostly good) were brought up watching this very raw/unrefined version of what would become one of the top tourist attractions in Anchorage, Alaska. Dallas and the rest of the team worked tirelessly to make the show great. We recorded every show and Dallas would study it for hours trying to decide what needed work, what just flat didn't work, and what needed fixing ASAP.

I learned a lot,  not just about mushing, but about work and pride and yeah... I gush. But if you wonder why I stand with Dallas, why I'm a fan, and why I call foul when certain other mushers who shall remain nameless only because their name does not deserve to be mentioned pull crap... this is why.

I put the video on my youtube channel. I didn't ask permission, but I assume since the show is no more, and that this is a 10+ year old video, that I am not breaking any secret rule. You don't see me in the video (I don't think) but any time you hear music, that's me playing DJ... I ran sound for 4 summers, and I loved it.


  1. Just came across this. Nice glimpse of a simpler time. Maybe it would be good to also post (with permission) the last show, to see how far Dallas and all progressed in polishing the production. It was excellent training for Dallas--he is far and away the finest speaker about the Iditarod (and many other topics), in any forum. I wish that the Iditarod and the QPet people would realize that and set him to work as the star he is.

    1. If I had a copy of some of the later shows I would. I probably DO have a tape or two but they are in storage. The goal, though, this winter is to go through what I have in storage and consolidate so if I DO come across it, it'll go up.

      Dallas is a very good spokesman for the sport. Much as I love to give him a hard time (it's just so easy) I do respect him a great deal. Iditarod could have done so much more with him and Aliy both while they had their friendly rivalry, much like they did with Susan Butcher and Jeff King back in the 90s. It definitely felt a lot like that to me anyway.

      We'll see what the future holds. I'm still holding out hope that Dallas is going to pull a very late registration to this year's Iditarod. Qrill keeps saying they can't announce "just yet" what he's going to do this season, but it could be a number of things. *sigh*

    2. Wow, that would be amazing, if Dallas did that!
      (Sigh) is right. It's been a long hard road for us fans,too. I wish SO much we could all return to those simpler days on Facebook where we all loved pictures of Annie and we loved Jen's insights and we all felt like a family. Now, we have to be so cautious, and there is so much lingering sorrow over all the damage. But, we fans must try to imitate Dallas and look forward to a new and wonderful future!

    3. He does have a team signed up for the Iditarod, his handler is running. So it may not be Iditarod. He will be running the Beargrease in the Lower 48 though! So that's exciting.

      And yes a lot has changed in the last 3 years for Dallas. Definitely frustrating and sad. He should be at least a five time Champion by now.
