
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

30 Days of Television: Day 18

Favorite Opening Sequence

This is another hard one only because honestly I don't really think any are overly amazing. But, my friends and family can tell you that I used to rock the crap out of the CSI opening. I mean it's "Who Are You" by The Who - how do you NOT rock out to that?! The clips they used were always in time with the music (golf club to the mannequin head, anyone?), though I honestly haven't watched that closely since William Peterson left the show (I rarely watched after that, and I didn't even watch the latest season they finished this year when Nick left! WHAT?!)

I used to sing along with the opening - sad, I know - we've recently started rewatching CSI from the beginning thanks to it being on Hulu... dad wonders why I don't sing. I'm over it... I'm 30, dang it, time to be a little mature... maybe...

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