
Friday, January 2, 2015

A Snowless New Year for Alaska

Well, I've been pretty whiny the first couple of days of the New Year - I know, so what else is new, right? - mainly due to our lack of winter weather. This has been the most dismal winter I can remember - and last year was pretty pathetic! I am concerned for many reasons, but basically I'm just tired of the dead brown look outside my window. This is not the Alaska I know and love. I want my snow.

I went out this evening hoping for a beautiful sunset, and didn't get much color in the sky. But I had fun with the beach waves anyway. All photos were taken in Kenai on the same beach where I shot photos of the Funny River Forest Fire last summer. You can find these photos as well as other landscape photos of Alaska in my gallery here, you can purchase them should you so desire.

Hoping to get more photos in the coming days, as well as blog more. But mostly, I hope Alaska gets some snow. (And by Alaska I mean South Central Alaska)

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