
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

31 Days of Film - Day 5: Movie that reminds you of someone

Another Mel Brooks classic makes the list with day five's prompt. Robin Hood: Men In Tights was a movie I didn't want to like - and for the longest time I didn't. It is my best friend's absolute favorite movie. She knows it backwards, forwards, and upside-down. She knows the choreography to the title song. She was so sad when I said I just couldn't find what she found funny about it.

And then one day I actually sat down and paid attention to it. And I fell in love. It IS Mel Brooks' humor, after all, and the subtle (and not so subtle) parodies of all prior Robin Hood movies are hilarious. I don't know why I didn't like the movie sooner. It leaves me in stitches.

It also makes me really miss Erin. With her being in Montana we don't get to see each other much, and she has a busy life that leaves little time to actually chat these days. I miss my friend. I watched this movie today and thought of her. We have 40 days until our Disney trip and I cannot wait. As excited as I am for Disney and SoCal and VACATION, I'm more excited to see her. It's been over a year. It's overdue. WAY overdue.

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