
Sunday, June 1, 2014

30 Days of Disneyland - Day 1: Favorite Land

Day 1 - Favorite Land

Disneyland's Main Street U.S.A. is by far my favorite section in the park. I know that seems silly considering it's just shops and ice cream... but I love the atmosphere. I love that it's how you have to enter the park. I love the smells, the lights, the architecture... the fact that Walt walked and lived there... and in some ways still does.

Sure the whole park is Walt's park. It's the one he saw built to "completion" (though he said DLR would never be completed, that it would always be changing), it was the one he visited... the one he dreamed about... and Main Street is where it began... because it was a tribute to his childhood. Where he lived and grew up. Sure it's the "Disney version" of such places, but who wants to live in the real world when you can live in Disney's land?

I love stopping by Walt's apartment to say hello (and goodbye on my way out of the park at the end of the trip). The light is ALWAYS on in memory of the man behind the mouse, behind the magic. I love having breakfast (Mickey Waffle tradition!) at The Carnation Cafe. I love stopping at the Confectionery and watching them make the different candied treats (and the smell, OMG!). The streetmosphere, the trollies, the trains, the music! I CAN'T WAIT!

(Also, I've not seen the Lincoln attraction since I was 5, if I don't get to see it this trip I'm going to have a tantrum. Erin, Aimee, Wess... you've been warned!)

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