
Saturday, December 1, 2012

30 Days of Carolling

Day 1 - Your Favourite Christmas Carol Of All Time
Day 2 - Your Least Favourite Christmas Carol Of All Time
Day 3 - A Christmas Carol You Listen to When Feeling Good
Day 4 - A Christmas Carol You Listen to When Feeling Down
Day 5 - A Christmas Carol That Reminds You of Someone
Day 6 - A Christmas Carol That Reminds You of Somewhere
Day 7 - A Christmas Carol That Reminds You of Your Childhood
Day 8 - A Christmas Carol Where You Know All the Words
Day 9 - A Christmas Carol Where You Always Mess Up the Words
Day 10 - Favourite Christmas Album
Day 11 - Least Favourite or Most Disappointing Christmas Album
Day 12 - A Christmas Carol Sung by Your Favourite Singer (Male)
Day 13 - A Christmas Carol Sung by Your Favourite Singer (Female)
Day 14 - A Christmas Carol as Sung By a Forgotten/Timeless Boy Band of the 1990's or 2000's
Day 15 - A Christmas Carol as Sung By a Forgotten/Timeless Girl Band of the 1990's or 2000's
Day 16 - A Christmas Carol That Best Describes Your Life Right Now
Day 17 - A Christmas Carol You Used to Hate, But Eventually Grew to Appreciate
Day 18 - A Christmas Carol You Used to Love, But Can't Stand Hearing Anymore
Day 19 - Favourite Christmas Carol Performed by a Choir
Day 20 - Favourite Christmas Carol Performed by an Orchestra
Day 21 - A Christmas Carol: Disney Style
Day 22 - A Christmas Carol Used in a Movie
Day 23 - A Christmas Carol Used in a Television Show
Day 24 - A Christmas Carol Used in a Commercial
Day 25 - A Christmas Carol You Would Dance Wildly To
Day 26 - A Christmas Carol You Shouldn't Dance Wildly To
Day 27: A Christmas Carol You Wish Radio Stations Would Play MORE
Day 28 - A Christmas Carol You Wish Radio Stations Would Play LESS
Day 29 - Your Favourite Lyric From a Christmas Carol
Day 30 - A Christmas Carol for a Character from Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"

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