
Monday, March 12, 2012

No doubt now, only two in to win

Dallas Seavey and Aliy Zirkle are not just front runners, they're clearly the only ones with a solid chance of taking home the big prize. Aaron Burmeister is making a good effort, but it seems there's now too wide a gap between the top two and third.

Dallas breezed through Elim just forty minutes or so ago, taking time to only grab some hay and some food for the dogs, obviously planning to stop on the trail or in the town of Golovin where they do not have a drop bag location. He is still running in first and about three miles ahead of Zirkle. A lead that can be taken away from him if Aliy's team is willing to push that hard.

Report just in from Elim via Tyrell Seavey - Aliy is staying in Elim and Dallas has gone. Aliy may be hoping he pushes hard not know she's stayed and he'll tire his dogs out more than hers will be.

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