
Saturday, March 19, 2011

30 Days of Disney: Day Twenty

Day 20: Favorite Sequel
We bring you back to our regularly scheduled program now that we're seeing the 39th Iditarod come to a close. The countdown has already started, for me, for Iditarod 40. We're going to make it a long weekend for the start. We're going to do it all. Musher's Banquet, Trail Guard for Ceremonial Start, and then head up to the restart! Very excited and I hope the plans go through.

Anyway, back to the game. Favorite Sequel. Welll, for the most part I hate Disney sequels, I think they're a waste of time and it seems the Disney animation department thinks so too. All it is is a cheap way to make money on unsuspecting parents who just snatch up all things Disney because it seems it required at parenthood. Not that I'm complaining, I think children should discover the brilliance of classic Disney. But the sequels are not classics, they're cheap knock offs of the classics.

Pixar, however, has done an amazing job with their Toy Story sequels, and apparently the next several Pixar releases will also be sequels based on other of their classic films. Pixar is all about the story as well as the animation and it works. I have no doubt that Cars 2 and even Monsters Inc 2 will get teh job done well. (I don't think Monsters needs a sequel - or really prequel - but no one asked me)

Toy Story 3 is probably the most emotional animated film I have ever had to watch. Land Before Time ate me up when I was little, but this movie kills me everytime I watch it. I was BAWLING my eyes out in the theater watching the ending scene. It's horribly real. Pixar has gotten better and better with each film in tugging at the heartstrings. Toy Story 3 nearly put me in therapy after watching it. I've watched it three times, and just watching the clip I shared had me snniffling this morning. Crazy.

So Toy Story 3 is definitely my favorite sequel (yes I know I chose Toy Story 2 as my favorite pixar film).

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