
Thursday, January 13, 2011

30 Days of [Figure] Skating: Day Thirteen

Day 13: Top 5 Pairs Teams

1 - Ekaterina Gordeeva & Sergei Grinkov, USSR/Russia. The most perfect pair. It's being argued now that there are others that have surpassed this team in greatness - and technically that may be true - but no other team has that type of love story magic.

2 - Jamie Sale & David Pelletier, Canada. After G&G no team captured my imagination until Jamie and David. Theirs was a Western Love Story that has, tragically, dissipated for no good reason. Still, their skating early on was captivating, light and fun. Marred only by a judging scandal turned media hoopla at the Olympics, and subsequently an early retirement to the pro ranks, this team is still something special.

3 - Christine Hough & Doug Ladret, Canada. Tuffy and Doug, I enjoy them more as professionals than their competitive stuff, but still so much fun.

4 - Yuka Sato & Jason Dunjen, Japan/USA. A pair first off the ice, they became a pair on the ice when dabbling on the ice on their "time off" from touring and coaching. Probably one of the most inspiring pairs just for their story. She lights up something in Jason.

5 - Elena Bechke & Denis Petrov, Russia. They are your total Russian pair... she was spunky, he presented her perfectly. I loved their programs to Russian folk music.

1 comment:

  1. My list :)

    1. Elena Berezhnaya & Anton Sikharulidze
    2. Marie-Claude Savard-Gagnon & Luc Bradet
    3. Elena Bechke & Denis Petrov
    4. Jenni Meno & Todd Sand

    And be prepared here, because i coud NOT decide so here's my mega-tie for fifth place hahaha

    5. Michelle Menzies & Jean-Michel Bombardier
    5. Aliona Savchenko & Robin Szolkowy
    5. Tatiana Volosozhar & Stanislav Morozov
    5. Mandy Woetzel & Ingo Steuer
    5. Jodyne Higgins & Sean Rice
    5. Tuffy Hough & Doug LaDret
    5. Marina Eltsova & Andrei Bushkov

    HA! I totally have seven answers in spot 5 LOL but I really can't decide at all who I prefer!
