
Friday, October 29, 2010

Phaneuf takes lead in Ladies Short

Phanuef celebrates after her short program.
 The ladies opened Skate Canada International this year, and fans were not disappointed. Most ladies came with their game faces on and it was an actual Short Program competition. American new comer Agnes Zawadzki openned the event and proceeded to hold the number one spot until Russia's Ksenia Marakova took the ice. Veterans 2009 US Champion Alissa Czinsy, who has a habit of winning Skate Canada, and Fumie Suguri had issues with their jumps, but Czisny's program components held her up to a fourth place.

Canada's biggest contender going into this season is Cynthia Phaneuf, and she made the statement she's ready and willing to step up and fill the void left by Canadian Champion and Olympic Bronze Medalist Joannie Rochette. A confident, sexy Phaneuf skated with power and experience to hit the top of the standings shocking US commentator (and Olympic Champion) Tara Lipinski who believed the more technically strong Ksenia would hold on to first. It seems experience beat out the newcomers, for now.

The competition is far from over, however, as there is less than a point between each of the top four skaters, and only half a point seperates the two American ladies. Watch out, skating, the ladies have returned.

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