
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Orser-Kim Drama

The figure skating community was rocked when news broke out yesterday that Brian Orser had been fired by his star skater, Yuna Kim. Details are, at best, confusing with several stories popping up depending on which media spin you are reading. Orser's camp & IMG make it out to be all Kim's mother's and agent's decision. Korean press are villifying the once highly praised coach saying he's blowing things out of proportion, that it was a mutual decision, or even that it's his fault. The only one not talking, it seems, is Kim - though she apparently tweeted for a "B" to stop telling the lie. At this time the tweet no longer appears but several bloggers and webzines already glomped onto the quote.

One thing is certain, no one is coming out of this without hurt feelings. Orser's shock and disappointment is evident in all of his interviews, and the twittering earlier from Kim suggests the same on her part. What's also evident is that the diehard Kim fans are frothing at the mouth and are horribly cruel once again. Fans need to calm down, this thing happens all the time. Coaches and skaters get hurt because the decision is so much out of their hands. It is shocking - much in the same way Kwan left Carrol shocking - but it is not the end of the world and there's no reason to villify anyone.

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