
Monday, August 16, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day One: Favorite Song

So I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Derek and Amanda George have started it on their blog, and I thought it was a fun idea. It's neat to read their answers and get to know them, so I figured, what the heck let me do it too!

Day One is Favorite Song...
This is always so difficult because there are so many that really speak to me or touch me in some way. So many songs bring back a memory or a feeling, and I revisit often. Some are just funny, and some are perfect for what mood I am in. That's the great thing about the power of music. It's amazing the emotions and memories music provokes. I don't think I feel this way just because I grew up as a band geek - though I'm sure that has something to do with it.

I guess the song that I've been blasting lately would be Darryl Worley's new single "Keep the Change." I love that he has the guts to not only write the song but stand up and sing it. I am hoping to hear him sing it at the Palmer Fair on the 31.

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