
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Liberty Competition: It's That Time Of Year Already?!?

We're halfway through July and that means figure skating is getting its legs back after a few months of R&R for most of its skaters. The Liberty competition on the East Coast normally marks the start of the season for a lot of the second tiered seniors skaters and up and comers in North America. It's a chance to get their new programs seen by judges and officials and get some feedback as to what needs changing. Some bigger name skaters also show up not to compete but to get feedback on their new routines.

Reports will start flying tomorrow, competitions have already started, and videos won't be far behind. Cannot believe it's already this far into summer.

In blogging news, this is my 99th post. No idea what I will do to celebrate 100 posts. Not that anyone reads this anyway! (if I'm wrong PLEASE comment so I know this is worth it)

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