
Monday, April 5, 2010


So last week, very late last week, I was informed that there is an opening at the Kenai court for a receptionist type position. I've been debating actually applying for it, but decided tonight that 'what the heck' I can try.

I had researched a bit on where I could live, there were some really nice homes - not apartments - in my price range... in *gulp* Soldotna. Not sure if I could ever live there and love it, but then again there were some REALLY nice places on craigslist. One of them was right on the river, but I am pretty sure it's been snatched up by now.

So yeah, I'm fixing up the ol' resume, got me some updated references. I'm all set to go (and if Mark is reading this - no I haven't talked anyone in the office into breaking the rules and giving me a professional reference) with other requirements. So I should be able to send it off before the April 8th deadline. I hope.

Prayers would be much appreciated in this. It'd be back in Kenai, same amount I make a month now - but with benefits and vacation/sick leave - I'd be in Kenai, it's permanent, and - oh yeah - I'd be in Kenai.

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