
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mackey takes the lead.

Around lunchtime today, Mackey made his move. Up to this point it was anyone but Mackey leading the pack, concerning some that he may not make it to the finishline in first this year. Mackey's strategy was definitely kept hidden until he made his move just a little over an hour ago.

King led the way into Kaltag where he still sits, while Mackey came up behind and blew through the checkpoint. Both men have taken their manditory 8 hours on the Yukon, so the next time they must stop will be towards the end when they stop for 8 in White Mountain before continuing on to Safety and Nome for a victory.

It's definitely becoming a story of Deja Vu. What will we do without Jeff to challenge Mackey next year?

Neff and Seavey are still sitting in 3rd and 4th respectively. Seavey's team is slowing down a bit compared to the other teams, but it could be the veteran musher's strategy to slow them down and let them haul out a little bit later on in teh trail. Who knows. Seems the only mushers the media focusses on these days is Mackey and King.

Not that I blame them, this rivalry ranks right up there with Butcher and Swenson or Swingley and Buser/King... maybe it even tops it.

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