
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Golden Heart

Well, she did it; Joannie Rochette skated - and skated masterfully - in the ladies' short program last night, just two days after losing her mother suddenly to a heart attack.

One has to wonder just where that sort of strength comes from. Joannie was on the verge of tears as she took the ice for warm up only to have a solid pass. She was once again visibly emotional as her name was announced and the crowd's overwhelming response resonated within the arena. After a few deep breaths she took her position and for two and a half minutes she held the World captive with a magical performance.

If there was a dry eye in the place, the cameras couldn't find it. If there was a commentator or judge or official not pulling for her - you'd never know it. Joannie skated through the pain to a third place, placement and is in a great spot for tomorrow nights final.

But it's not about medals now. It wasn't about medals last night. It was about skating for her mother, the friend and parent she lost so suddenly. It was about healing, it was about getting through the grief. It was a tribute. It was for herself. It was an Olympic Moment that will be remembered forever.

Our hearts are with Joannie Rochette, and her family, as she is giving us hers.

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